Ok i Y" and THE BOYS o:< -n^F MA-RCH -^OTMH SEA." <\ iO' fiNE, V/a5hfhgtO'i, D. C. g ^HE SI KLEGG STORIES were written especially for, and appeared exclusively in, The National Tribune, WASHINGTON, D. C. Equally good stories are continually appear- ing in this paper, which is 25 years old, non- political and unsectarian, and all that a great weekly ought to be. It is instructive, keeping its readers acquainted with the progress of the world, and especially of our own country. It is helpful} a comradeship among its sub- scribers often leads to important, practical assistance of each other. It is entertaining! so filled with good stories that its weekly arrival becomes one of the greatest pleasures in life. Subscribing for it is one of the best investments and the cheapest treat (less than 2 cents a week) that any good, straightforward United States American can indulge in. ♦ ^ ♦ # ^ ^ ♦ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR ONE YEAR $1, iTl rl*! r'i'i rlTi fl*! tI*! flTi tl*! tti fti rtt T'^*^ fl*! tlTi ft*! -f} f'JTi f*^! fl*! ttt it? tti tti itt f'S'i *4» w 'JL' 'J.' '4* ■*• J* 4* *** ■*■ ■*' 4* '■^^^^? ^s? *i?^syvt? fjy^i? s^'^* <♦• V I t'j'^ ttx tl*! tl*! '"fi m SI, "SHORTY" AND THE BOY OS THE MARCH TO THE SEA. ILLUSTRATED WASHINGTON, D. O : THE NATIONAL TRTBUNB 1903. COPYEIGHT, 1902, BY Mcelroy, shoppell <^ Andrews, WASIIIXGTOX, D. C. /yr^> /v1 /V/«i^ PREFACE. Serg't Si Klegg and Corp'l "Shorty," of Co. Q, 200bli Intl., afler their release from Andersonville, spent a time in tlio hospital, and after con- valescing to a certain point were sent home witli their compraiions on sick furlough to regain their health and strength. Si and Shorty went directly to Deacon Klegg's comfortable home on Bean Blossom Creek, in the AVabash Valley, and there, with the abundance of well-cooked, delicious food, ijrepared by Mrs. Klegg's own hands, and all the comforts of a home, they soon became themselves again. Si and Annabel decided to marry before his retui'n. Sliorty was tortured by tlio usual vicissitudes of feeling of a big, strong, bashl'ul man, desperat-ely in love with a saucy, high- spirited girl, whom he feels is so lar above him that he scarcely dares admit, even to himself, how much Jkv loves her. He gets fearfully jealous of the school teacher, and has the usual passages iVom the intoxication of happiness to the gloom of despair. Maria Klegg at last takes matters iii her own hands and lets him have a little substantial encouragement. Tlie wedding of Si and Annabel comes olf, but in the midst of the ceremony arrives an order for hiui and Shorty to go at once to Indianapolis and take charge of a party of recruit;, convalescents, and soldiers return- ing from furlough, and bring them on to the regiment, which is about to start with Sherman on the March to the Sea. All their comijanions rush to jain them, though their furloughs have not expired. They go to Indianapoli>^, to find that communication with Sherman has been appar- ently cut off. The Commandant of the Post tries to retain them for prison guards, but they manage, with the aid of Shad Graham, a young volunteer, who has been in Andersonville with them and has now been detailed to engineering duty as an Acting Lieutenant, to get detailed as part of a detachment which is to take a pontoon train to the front. They are taken to JelF^-rsunviile, Ind. 98125 SI XLEGG AND SHOKTY. CHAPTER I. SHORTY HAS A GO OF OliDERLY DUTY. The news that morning was still more disturbing. There w:is no longer any «ioubt that Hood's whole army had slippi-'d around Sherman, and was now booming noithward, along the line which had hoou fought over the previous Summer, and rt- coveriug the >;round which has been wrest- ed Ironi it by such terrihc hshtini;-. aiu! striking for Chattanooga. MurfreeshDru, IS'ashviUe — possibly Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati, and no one knew where i-lse. Forrest's and Wheeler's cavalry st-iMued to be everywhere, and doing measureless damage to railroads, bridges, deiiots oE !jUI)plics and trains. Tennessee, southern Kentucky and northern Georgia suddenly lt)eoame a ferment of armed rebels, actively bent on mischief. There were reports of the railroads be- ing cut in a score of important places, of garrisons repulsing furious assault.s ur having to yield to them, of detacluuenis being surrouuded, of alarms all along the Tennessee and the Cumberland Uiveis, and of "active prei)aratious for del'eiise" even back on the Ohit). "There seems to be a hcU's mint <^( loh- ols nearly everywhere tiiat we know," said Iki- Deeble dejectedly. "Where in crealion did they all comi^ from. Si".'"' asked Sluuty. in bewildcrme:;!. "I thought that uld Sherman h.id got lliem that wasn't killed oU pretty well cooped up." "He did have 'em cooped up," answered Si, "but a little bunch u' them's Hew the coo[). Vuu know ho\v it is when you're penning shi'eii. Yon get 1(H) o' them in a pen, but 10 get away from yoa, and they make more trouble than the whoU» lot would 've done. I believe iheiu rebi'ls down there's like whi[)-|!Oor-wills, much more noisy than numerous, am! I'd < hauce marching this part o' the litJlith in.jiainiy Volunteer Infantry right down through 'em to hnd Sherman." "But where in the world is Sherman'?" jnquiied Ike Deeble. ""Why ain't he showing somewhere iu ail this ruction T' '"Shermau'll show up somewhere, just when and where the rebels least expect and want him," answered Si, confidently. "He ain't the feller to let all this bobbery go on without his getting in h's licks s )me- where. I half believe he's .iust tirrni'd all this shivaret- loose on purpose, just to get rid of 'em, and give the fellers in the rear something to do taking care :pics^ed the delermina- lu)n of ;ill concerned. "If I cjin manage to steer old Bone.'^fpel .occiu-diiig to the compass, we're all right." s.iid Shad (Jraham. calling Si, Shorty and IJccble into private conference. "The wind that tills Ids sails are ide:!S as to red tape .■iM,,i liis own rank and dignity as Colonel of hhigineers. He's as tetchy on them points as if they were boils, but keep a good. warm, soft poultice on them and we c;in do .anything in reason. He don't seem to care a straw for anything else where they are conceiaied. I don't see how in the' world he ever got married. He must have proi)osed to his girl on i)aner of legu- lalion si/.es. carefully folded three times, :nid briefed and numl)ercd in red ink on the back as to its contents." "Probably makes his wife and childrea stand at attention, with their heels togeth- er, and salute, when they speak to him,"- suggested Si. SI KLEGG AND SHOETY, "Very likely," answered Shad. "The way to get along with him is to never seem to have an idea or opinion of your own — you're only carryiny out his idotis and orders. Here he comes now. Watch me do the trick. When he comes to the regulation 15 paces, come up to attention as stiff as ramrods, and remain so while he's here, and until after he's passed 15 paces. Mind your eye, now. Don't do it a second before he reaches the regulation 15 paeons — that's about that old oyster can there — nor after he's passed that far— that's about that cigar-box lid. Don't say a v.'crd, unless he speaks directly to you, which is not likely, and then chime in with what he says." A])parently none of them looked at the Colonel, but as his foot reached the oyster can all four came to attention as if touched by a spring, and stood there with statue-like rigidity, each right hand, the fingers well-closed, at the side of the cap, with Shad Graham the prescribed one pace in advance of the rest. "Lieutenant," he said frowningly, after acknowledging the salute. "I had to come to you myself, instead of sending for you. I've had to dismiss two of my order- lies, and have the others on different er- rands. Tell that man on the left there to bring his heels together and turn out his toes more." Without turning his head or taking his "respectful gaze" off the Colonel, Shad or- dered gruffly: "Bring your heels together there, you man on the left. Turn your toes out." Shorty's able feet made the required thange of a half-inch or m.ore. "Lieutenant," continued the Colonel, savagely, "do not receive any more ropes, cordage or other supplies from that little Jew, Heidenheimer. Do not permit him to come upon the grounds. Kick him off if he attempts it. Do it without words or mercy. Do not give him any informa- tion as to the work or hold any conversa- tion with him. He had the insufferable insolence to try to slip a $109 bill under my blotter a few minutes ago. Simply outrageous! To me, a Colonel of Engi- neers, of all men! I promptly kicked him out of my office, with the in- formation that if he ever dared to enter again I'd break his circumsized neck. Most infernal impudence I ever heard of! Any- body but a Jew would have more respect for an ollicer of the Engineers. I always suspected and detested him. Rigidly in- spect everything that he has so far fur- nished." "Yes, sir; I know you did, sir," returned Shad. "You gave orders some time ago, yon will recollect, for a most careful in- spection of everything furnished by Hed- enheimcr, and it was done. You v,nll find my reports, Nos. 311 and 312, in obcdieme to orders, of articles rejected, on file in your office. " "Very good, sir," returned the Colonel. *'I will examine and act upon them to day. By the way, as I must have another or- derly, you will order that man on the left to report to my office in an hour for sach duty. I shall be back from breakfast then." -You man on the left," ordered Shad, keeping his eyes straight to the front, "re- port to the Colonel's office in an hour, for orderly duty. Brush up your clothes and have some style about you." "I knew that little Jew was trying to snouge the Government all along." re- marked Shad Graham, after the Colonel had passed his 15 paces onward, and they Avere all able to '"stiiud at ease" once move. "And I didn't make any bones about tell- ing him so. That's what started him up to try and bribe the Colonel. That's where he was a fool. The Colonel didn't know a thing about him before he came in and announced himself." "And he didn't issue the order?" gasped Si. ^ "No; no more'n you did. But he thinks he did now, and never'll get over telling about his shrewdness in circumventing a man who was trying to rob the Govein- mcut. He has to think and talk about himself so much that there isn't room in his head for much else." "I don't want to do no orderly dntv, and especially for such an old turkey-gob- bler as that," grumbled Shorty. "Why, he has his sidewheel down all the time, and I couldn't get along with him a holy minute. My joints are stiff yet from having lo stand at attention so long." "Yes, you can, you will, and you must." said Shad Graham resolutely. "It's great luck getting you up here. We need you there in our business. This is going to Le a mightly lively day for us, and we've got to play our points fine to got off. Every- body's grabbing for all the transportation in sight, and we must be dead sharp or they'll steal it away from us, in spite of Sherman's needs, and we'll get left. You want to clean yourself up as you never did before, get a shave and a fresh collar, button your blouse to the chin, put on a pair of white gloves, and stand there in the office like a basswood man, with no more expression on your face than a gra- ven image, but with your eyes and eais as wide open as a rabbit's. Hustle, now, and get ready. Here, you boys," calling to some negro bootblacks, "put a looking- glass shine on this man's gunboats. Tln-e3 or four tackle them at once, for it's aday's work for one. We'll chip in to pay for it, for it isn't fair to saddle the expense of such a job on any one man." While the industrious boys were empty- ing all their blackiug-boxes, to get enough for a layer over Shorty's liberal expauoO of cowhide. Shad Graham explained: "You see, boys, our special job is to get through to Sherman a whole new pontoon train, 250 feet long, and a lot of uiiscel- ianeous supplies, canvas, anchors, ropes, bolts, hinges, etc., that they need to relit the pontoons they have already. Alto- SHORTY HAS A GO OF ORDERLY DUTY 7 J jrctlier they make a good, fair train load. In spito of all our hurryiuff the thinprs could not be got ready until this morning, but with four such good hustlers as we are to push and drive, and your 100 corn- fed Indianians to do the straight horse- work, wo ought to get the thinus through on schedule time. By rights we ought to have a special train, with get-there orders, and the right-of-way over everybody e!s:\ We would've had this if it hadn't been for this awful funk from Dan to Beershe- ba about Hood's army and a new invasion of the North. He's going to invade the North alHu;t as much as I'm going to run a Sr.iiday school on Wabash avenue in Chicago. But everybody that's got a ho;se or a cou' or a wheelbarrow load of g.iods is scared to death about it, and Governors, Seiuttors, Representatives, and bigwigs generally are keeping the wires hot with alarms and requests, and Commanders of Departments, Districts, garrisons and posts are ordering and begging for can- non, annnuniiion and men to be sent this very day to places which are certain to be attacked before to-morrow morning. I never did see such a muddle of orders in my life. Col. Bonesteel has kept his head so far. but 1 don't know how much longer he will, wiih all these big follows pi ing onto him. !?'horty, you stay up there, right In the Cohtnel's office, if he'll let you, and keep jour eyes peeled for everything that's going on. Slip out and let us know, wheri- ever you can. The telegi'aidi oiieratnr's an old chuui of mine — yon kunw him, loo, Deeble — it's .7ini Steelyard. You keep run of him a little, while I'm looking out for other things." "There's no chance for him to liold on to mo after the rest of you get ready to start, is there ".''' demurred Shorty. "I'd rather drive team, even, than be orderly to that old gobbler." "Don't be alarmed: we'll get you away all right," answered Shad Graliam. "Si, you take half the biiys, and finish loading them balks that you see there on th^ cars. Deeble, you take the other half, and go over to that warehouse, and set them to cai'ryiug out the anchors and cordage they find there, and put them in that brix-car just behind the ones that Si's loading. After you get them well started, set some good man to oversre, and wander up and talk to Steelyard a little. Don't be gone too long, though. I'll go over and seo what oui' chances are for a locomotive." Short\ repovt(Hl to the office in spick- and-span ncalni'ss, just on time, and met the Colfinel entering. "N.ijue, rank and reaiment?" curtly in- qtiired the Colonel, after he had acknowl- edged Shorty's salute, and seated himself at his desk. "Elliott. Chas. D., Corporal, Co. Q, 200tli In.iianny Volunteer Infantry." re- Rlionde tliat f^liair out- side the ddor. and wait till I .-all you."" r "Well, at least I ^xtrVi have to st-nd'ht ■' attention all the jiim'." murmured Shorty, as he sank into the chair. A smirking, smiling Jew slipped 'b'ast ' bin} into the office. J "Gurnel," he remarked oijily. "mein vrendt nut bartner. Misder Ileidenheimpr, ' madf a liddle misdak^ dis morning. He prMu-nt a von de,ndr"t toUar pill, vh-^n ve indeml.t dat id shouldt lie a tree hundret. Si'-. I haf iirought de righd shangf no'.-\-." He displayed three new crisp $100 bilks which he tried to slip under the Colonel's bloning pad. "Oiderly," said the Colonel, without raisiijg his eyes from his wriiir.g. "'i'es, sir," said Shorty, coming to the position of a soldier inside the door. "Throw this creature out of the room." ordered the Colonel, as he crossed a ' t" in his writing, and stopped to study tha effect. "Yes. sir." answered Shorty, nrd t'^o man was whirled through the donr with such velocity that he left his greenbacks jyinsr on thp desk. "Being orderly ain't such slouchy h''s'- ness after all," u)urmured Shorty, as he gave the contractor a parting ki'k. and readjusted his white gloves. "Think I may learn to like the job." "Orderly," called the Colonel. "Yes, sir," said Shortj', stepping inside and saluting. "There are some things that person left," said the Colonel, pointing to Iho bills with his penholder, as if they were nauseous filth. "Remove them from my desk. Find a sheet of paper in that d?sk. AVrite on it, 'Money found. To be used for the sick.' Fold it across the bills, and place it inside one of tho'^e long envelopes which you will direct to Surgeon Jns. Mil- ler, Wilson Hospital.' Got that all'? Well, seal it up. and let me see." He would not even touch the envelope in which the money had been placed, but scanned it in Shorty's hand. "Handwriting crnde, spelling eccentric," he commented, studying the snperscrin- tion through his glasses. "But I guess it will reach its destination. Throw it in the mail-box there. Return to your place." A rough, coarse man, smelling of liquor, came in. "See here. Colonel," he shouted, shaking his fist, "you've ordered me discharged, and I want to tell you right here that you haven't as good a foreman on your whole blamed outfit, and I'm going to have my place back or" — "Orderly," called the Colonel, as he went on writing. "Yes, sir." "Put this man oirt." The ex-foreman gave Shorty a tussle that did his soul good. He had not had such a bout with anyone for many a day, and felt in need of something of the kind 8 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. to keep biui in tune with the world. But the jiian had too much whisky in him to do iiis best, and Shorty, in recognition of his manhood, contented himself with dis- missing him with a sharp shove after he had gotten him fairly on to the sidewalk. •"Say, this isn't a bad job at all," he re- marked pleasantly, as he removed his cot- ton gloves, which had suffered irreparably in the stmggle. '*I'd like to tackle that feller when he's sober. I think he knows how to handle himself. I might do worse than stay right here this Winter if we can't get to Sherman." A fine-looking man wearing a Brigadier- now come to tell you that I must tal.e that." "Impossible, General," broke in the Coionel. "But it is possible, and it must be,'* answered the General, quite as firm in tones as the Colonel. "I have eveiy oth- er engine out, and that is the best one at my command." "But it is not at your command," said the Colonel hotly. "It is at mine." "Pardon me, I believe I have the Presi- dent's direct assignment to this distrlLt, and my first duty is to its defense. I have reliable information of an attempt 'SHORTY EEPORTED IN SPICK-AND-SPAN NEATNESS." General's star entered the room, and Shorty became at once vitally intert sted in his mission, for something presaged that it bore upon the all-important qut^stion of getting the pontoon train away that day. The Colonel rose and stood stifly at at- tention. "I've come to see you personall.y. Colonel," said the General, after the greet- ings had been exchanged, '•because the matter is of the utmost importance. I've had to use every single engine that is at my disposal, except the one which has been assigned to you for your train, which ."was to start south this evening. I have to be made by the rebels to effect a lolg- ment on the river between here and Ev- aus\il]e, and I must send a force at once to repel them. Everything else must give way to this necessity. I hope to have an- other locomotive soon which I can place at your disposal, but this one I must have." "You are very iniperatiTe, sir," said the Colonel sternly. "But the nerds of yoiu- small district must give way to those of the entire army. Gen. Sherman is de- pendent upon the arrival of these pontoon supplies to begin his movement." "Gen. Sherman will simply have to wait SnOKTY HAS A GO OF ORDERLY DUTY. then until we can strai.^hten np things here in the lear. Onr tii«t,dnty is to Ihe country li^ht anmnd rs. It may b? only a. Xqw days, lint ov'Tything- must yield to the pi'^'^^'Ut noccssdy." The Colonel luidud aw if he wa ■; ab^ut to explode, but he restraiiieil himself. His habits oi; military .subordination a.-serled themselves, the more stion.Lvly b:causL' the General was a b'e.:;-nlar himself, and "in the old serviee" had oatrankcd him. "Possibly you forest. " he said with fori-ed ealniness, "that 1 dire-jtly repre ent the r\la.ior-(Jen!ral connnanding the iMili- tary Division of th.e Miss.ss ppi, and that I am aeting imnu'diately vuider his orde, s. which tala; precedence of everything e'se." "Except those of the President of the United States, the Secretary of Vi'.nv and tlie Lieutenant-General Commanding the Armies of the United States," interposed the (ieneral. • "In view of the urgency of the situation the Secretary of War has sent me thi.s order, clothing me with un- usual llo■\^■ers, as you will see by reading it. Everything is placed under my com- mand without reserve, until the emergen y is passed, and I am to be the judge of the emergency." "I shall telegraph to Gen. Sherman that you are preventing my execution of his or- ders."' roared the Colonel. "Yon will lind that difficult until com- munications are restored," said the Gen- eral, with provoking calmness; "and then I should recommend careful thought in framing your dispatch. Y'ou know I have always been quite strenuous that high ofti- cers should set an example to those under them of cheerful subordination and obe- dience, and several court-martials have sustained my views. Good morning, Colo- nel." "Orderly," said the Colonel, trying to speak Willi oflicial calmness, "direct Lieut. Graham to report to me at once." Sliorty sped away with the alarming in- te!li;:ence to Graham. On his return he noticed a large, rather flashily attired civi- lian entering the office. "If that feilcr knowed what was well for him." he com- mented to himself, "he'd keep "away from tin- Colonel at this particular juncture. The Colonel's as savage as a meat-ax, and liable to take it out on the first man he meets. I hope he hain't sent for Shid 1o take it out on him. Who's that f idler go- ing in".' Seems to me I've seen him siime- where. Great .lehosephat. if it ain't o'd Billings, our old Lieutenant-Colonel! I wonder what de'>'ilment he's up to niw'.' "\'\'(>11, he's gniug into the wrong shop, if I don't miss my guess badly." He burr!e;i in, and reported: "Tdeut. Graham will report to you at once, sir, as soon as he can change his clolhcs. He has been Indping tht' men load." He stood stiflly at attention, awaiting the Colonel's reply. "Just like th:s? volunteer offi ers," snorted the Coiuncl. -anno. th. ., ju,.st work along with Ihrir men, ;nid dn'ns much, (jood moming, sir," he (-nil inu'-i!, glancing haughtily at Billings, ;in(l the glossy silk hat which stuck clusely uii the ex- Lieu t en :n It-Cole II el's head. Billings was evidently prospering. He was die.-'sed in a uimv suit of black broad- cloth, with a long-tailed frock coat, a heavy gold chain, with numerous seals and charms d(>pei!dent from it, hung from his vest, ill-iilting, unbuttoned gloves cov- ered his large luinds, and he carried a heavy, silver-headed eane. He looked sttnai and imiioitant, ami Avas evidently iient uviiin (loiiig the overawing act. IXo't getting the ('olnnt'l's invitation to sit down, he dis[icnscd with that formality, but parted his coat-tails and took posses- sion of the chair to the right (jf the Coloncd's desk. This did not improve the temper of the Coloiud, who, with another savage frown at the silk hat, still glued fast to Billings's head, seated himself at his desk, and began busying himself with his papers. "INIy name's Col. Billings," began that worthy, importantly. "What regiment, sir?" snapped the Colonel. "No regiment, now. Formerly of, the 200th Indiana Infantry." "If you're .a Colonel, why do yon come into iny headquarters, without your uni- form ".•'"' the Colonel inquired, irately, but going on signing his papers. "Because I've a right to, and because my business brings me here," said Bill- ings, angrily. "See here, Bonesteel. drop all these military furbelows at once. I won't have them. I'm here as a free American citizen, and representing other American citizens. Drop all your Regu- lar Army frills now. The people's sick of them, and I tell you I won't have them. This is business. I come here to repre- sent two clients of mine, who while in the peaceable pursuit of their business have been insulted, viciously assaulted, and bru- tally battered. Worse than all, they have been rotibed of a large sum of moiu'y. We have ground for several heavy actions against you which yottr shoulder-straps will not protect you from, sir. No, sir, they won't protect yon for a minute, sir. But the matter can be arranged if" — • "Orderly'.'" called the Colonel, not rais- ing his heatl, Init pointing with his pen- holder over his shoulder to Shorty. "Yes, sir." "I'ut this fellow out at once." In all his soldiering Shorty had never received a more Avelcome onler. He made a leap at Billings, and caught him bv the collar. Billings struck at him with his cane, but Shorty snatched this from him and grappled crushingly with him. Bil- lings was no nn\an antagonist in a (^ateh- as-can scullle, but Shorty quickly tripped 10 SI KLEGG AND SHORTr. him. and fell heavily upon him. He then dragged him to the door, threw him out, auA^ kicked him af? he went. "Orderly," said the Colonel, repressing himself to severe official tones, "don't kick him. At least, not after he's on the street. That's the State of Indiana. In- side here is the United States. If you want to bring him back in here — but, uo, I'd let him go. Hand the gentleman his hat. I'm ghid he got it off his head at last^ Orderly. I'd like to make your de- tail'with me permanent." "I rather think I'd like the Engineer service," giinncd Shorty, brushing him- self off, "if this is its general style. Hadn't no idea the biido'c-builders was so lively." CHAPTER II. THE BOYS DECIDE TO GO TO CHATTANOOGA BY BOAT. The news that they were to be deprived of their engine carried dismay to the boys before Shorty could reach them to confiim it, and call Shad Graham to the Colonel's office. Th'jy were too old soldiers not to keep a pretty good run of what was going on at headquarters. Soldiers have their own ways of getting at even the most careful- ly-guarded military secrets, especially Ihose that directly concern them. An idea struck Si, as was always liable at times of an emergency. His was one of those slow-moving minds that work clearest and quickest in moments of great need. "I was talking to one o' the Maumee Muskrats," he interjected quietly to Shad, Deeble and Shorty, as soon as there was an interval in the angry denunciation of their luck, of interfering Generals, and of scared-to-death citizens, which rose from all lips. "They're keeping it quiet as the grave, but I got out o' him that he came do\vn last night from Cincinnati on that boat you see laying out there, with a lot o' special ammunition for held batteries, which they're running through to Sher- man, and which they thiuk'll do great things. They've got it on a steamboat bo- cause it's mighty ticklish stuff, and they don't Vi'ant it banging around on the cars any moi-e'n they can help. That's the rea- son they're laying out there, where there won't be uo danger o' other boats banging into 'em, and they're keeping it dead (luiyt about they're being here, for they don't want any chance for these Knights o' the Golden Circle to get on to them and blow 'em up." " 'Twould be a great opportunity for them sneaking hell-hounds," remarked |3eeble. "You bet it'd be," continued Si. ''They v here, as 1 t'_'ld you, to ^■ee it I eouhln"! run am-oss some hoys that I knew anion.i;- these returnin.;.. from lurlough and ]iick up live or six ,uoo("i ones to help out. It's awfe.l hard -uard duty — so many places to wateh, and you've Kot to watch so sharp every minute. But it'll ho a heap better than pounding over those old railroads, sleeping throe on top of one another, and getting your grub as you can. We'll have bunks to sle.ep in, shelter from the rain, and the lioat's cook throws up a good sijuare meal Ihrce limes a day, with live coH'ee, t'oiideuscd juilk, soft bread and fresh beef, broiled or roast- ed— nary fried. Of course, we have a chance o' being sent up into the clouds any niinule. But if you go on the train the guerrillas may shoot you, or the train run oI'£ the track, and mash you so Uat they'll have to send you home in an en- velope." "That's all right," said Si, dismissing that consideration as unworthy further thought. "AH war's risky Inisiness, and one risk more or less don't matter. If my time comes, it'll come just the same wheth- er I'm on the boat or on the train. Don't you need more'n hve or six men'.'" "Well," answered Jake, "well, we could use 10 to advantage if they were of the right kind. But thev must 'ue all A 1, lir^t- class." "I'll guarantee the men all right, but I have 100 of them that 1 must take to the regiment, and we must take a pontoon ti'ain with us. But you can easily take that on your boat. Even with the pontoon stuff it won't be much uiore'n lialf-loatled. The pontoon's got to go through to Sher- man just as much as the ammunition has. He needs the pontoons worse, if anything, than the ammunition. You ought to take us right along, without any more words. It's the right thing to do, and that's all there is of it." "I see that, clear as you do, and I'd do it in a holy minute. But my Major's an Ordnance Ollicer, and he hates the En- gineers as only a Regular oUicer can. He thinks they're too stuck-up for anything, and that the only really brainy crowd in the army are the Ordnance felloAvs. If it wasn't for them the whole business'd go to sn:ash. All the time they have to pull everybody else back into the way they should 'iri. And he's got it^, in for vour Col. Boaesteel worse'a ji^^'^ody else. Ilim and old Boncf iccl ■'': clawed at one an- oth'^r several liir,-s, and old Bonesleel's genera Jly gr^ ',iie letter of iiim. If they weie oniv vclmitccr otrirerr; th-re wouldn't be th- h'ast trouble in t!e^ world. ^Fhey've !:,ome conL- iu tne cam:* of the 200th indiaii;;. :dade a repoit to that effect. Knev-.' hov.- ti; use their ammunition, too. I watciieo ;heni liirough uiy glass as they wenc up iMihsion Itidge. Didn't tiro a shot till they got up on top, and then came into line a::d nied a solid volley at the rebels. A'e;y pieity thing. Not a shot until urdcis, and then ail at once. Liter- ally swept the icucl line away." "That s the kind of fellei.s we are," grinned lL,i. "W hen we s;!lt 'cm vre hke to do it by the bushel. Gtjua fuither that way." "No levity, sir. It is particulaily out of place in the Ordnance scivice. Tneie's too much lesponsibiiity theie for the least trifling of any kind. AV hat aio jou doing heie, sirV" "I was ordered by my Colonel to go to Indianapolis and bring a detachment on to the legimeiit. But communicaiions were cut off, and I v.'as ordered hy Col. Bone- steel to bring the detachment on here to take his ponioon train through." At the mention of Col. Bouosteel the Major'.s face darkened. "Humph." he snapped, "old Bonestecl got. his ( lampw on you. did heV What in the world did he want of you'.'" "He piobal.ly knew that they were tin- iisually gotxl men. and was anxiotis to have thcni for h.s s;-)ecial work," ventured Jake Dye, anxious to lielji along his plan. "Not Ukely. \Vh;it difference does it make to Bonestecl what kuni of men he has, so long's they are able to lift and puUV An ox or a mule is generally better for his pui poses than a man. No need of any special biains or character among the men of the Engineers, as thoie is in the Ord- nance, where we must have the very best men we can lind. Bonesteel just laid hold Of you just because he tnought somebcdy else wanted you real badly. That's his style. He is always looking out for a chance to l;.e ugly to some one else, and he probably had a spite against the man that v\-anted you. Meanest man in the army for that. Ail the Enginceis are g-v- en to that sort of thing, but he's the ^^•orst of the lot. I never miss a chance to get even v.-ith him. Sergeant Dye, upon fur- ther thought, I believe that we need the whole of these 10:) men." "You were of that opinion, sir. before we left Cincinnati," said Jake Dye, diplo- matically. "You felt certain thr^t we would r.ccd fuMy that number to help the boat and her load past the Muscle Saoais. We were so piessed that you had to come Hway witliout them, hoping that we might ;;et what heb) we needed from some gar- iison hear the IMuscle Shoals." Jake Dye looked the ilajor square in Ijie eye as he said this. lie. like Shad Gra.ham, had cat;ght on to the Itoguiar Army trick of assuming tliat his olliter uas thought ot.t and expressed his own ideas. It was the easiest and surest method of getting his own way. Maj. Crewet, if he had ever known of it, had given little thought to the impediment of the navigation of the Tennessee liiver by tlie ^Muscle Shoals. He was not a student of geogiaphy. His dominant thought was that the rebellion could be put down by the superior ammunition of the Oidnance Bureau, and he gave little attention to anything else. "You weie quite right. Sergeant, to re- mind me of that," lie answered, with a complaisant lelaxation of his ofhcial se- venty. "Yes, 1 had decided that we need- ed fully IC'U men, to prnpeily guard this important caigo. and help us over those shoals. It v.'iil not do to trust to getting help from the ganisons. They may havu all they can attend to, and v.-e do not know wiiat kind of men they may be. V.'e had better not niiSs the oppoitunity of getting I tie right kind of men, when we have it. Besides, it will make old Bonesteel mad as a hornet to take his men away. It'll ]iay him up for the way he has been treat- ing me." "Col. Boncsteel'll be all right, if you'll just take his pontoons along N\-ith you." said Si, l)ubbling o^'cr v.-i'.h pleasure at the )";rospect. "AH he wants is to get thera through at once. You can easily take thcui ou the boat. There isn't such au av.-ftil sight of them." Tliere is where Si lacked .Take Dye's shiewdness. lie made the awful mistake of trying to ad^'ise a iCegular olilcer, as he would have done Col. McGillicuddy or any Other of his own oiHccrs. "Silence, sir," said the Major severely. "When I desire your advice I'll ask it. I'm not here to oblige Col. Bonesteel. Quite the reverse. Let him g;et his pontoons to the front his own way. I have nothing to do with them. My boat is not a freight scow. Sergeant, get your pad, and take this dispatch: " "To tlic Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C: " "Must linve 100 good men to properly guard boat, and help her and cargo over Muscle Shoals. Cannot proceed without them. Find hero a detachment of 2d0th Ind., under — (Sergeant, T.-hat is your name?) under Seigl. rToaJah Klegg, that will just suit inc. Vatwans leinrnir.;: .o the front. Go\e; nmcnt will jcaiu by iheir transciutation. I'iease have vhv' ('om- mauding Cliicer Oi district assign them to I THE EOYS DECiDE TO "GO TO CHATTANOOGA BY EOAT. 13 &T-!o nr.fl liy wii-e, so that I can start at "Ivioutrnant,"- 'f^ald '- t!-.o roio"plj "the t---6ucc. Tmio all-iinpniMaiit. ' Goixml. l.v virtue of or.loi;^ ic-Mwrt .i-om ,: ■ ■ • ■- ■• 'CKEWKT.Major, Ordnance' ^\'a:■h:!l^ :,.ii, ha:; tah( a the i.v -on ii;i!iiy >s -' "Betwixt two stools I'm afraid wo"ll of ('.'iiivii] - nii' (d' my hiconiuluMv. ;;jjd it '- eorae to tiic gaound," said Si doiddluUy, ^\■lll I'liriPloir l-i^ iiui-ossilde for 'yau to ■■■ w-s the :MM.ior walked away. stait tr- day ,,r until some othm- aman^e- •lon busted thmss by breaking; in whrai Ui'-'uts ran l.c made. It is simplv danina- yon had no busdi-.ss," said Jakr. irritably. bio ihr v.ay th.sc fivilians and volunteers *-\( on t you never learn that tho^^a lloga- interfere with the movements of the army. Q I HAVE A nUXDEKD FIKST-CLAS-S MEN, MAJOR," SAID SI. lars think it a guard-house offense for an They defeat everything, and bring the cnlis-" ■■ ■ ■ ■' • - ., h{ ,t.ongu( the 1a......^,. ^.., .,.,,,. Graiia.tn, and see wh I'll meet you over there at your squad in .a littie whjle. Stay aiotuid there, so's I can find yon at once." . t-'had (xrahjiea, as quickly as he could get himself into llio rer;uired neatncr-s for a. visit to licadqaaitcrs, presented himsclr at the Colonel s olfice. ars think it a guard-house offense for an They defeat everything, and bring the ndisted man to know anything that they country to the verge of ruin. Thev would laven't told hun. Keep n jjiidle on th.at ruin it, sir, if it was not for the Regular ongue of yours after this, and let me do Army — the educated soldiers, sir. It is he lalking. Go back now. a-ad lind Shad simply damnable, .sir; simply damnable." at he's been doing. "Is it possible?" answered Shad, with a proper show of indignation. "This means, then, that I shall carry out your former plan of sending thp pontoons forward by water, and look a 'ound for a" boat wliich will take tliem."' "Eh? What's that? Precisely. Pre- cisely," ' said the Colonel, uvakirig a mo- 1« 151 EXEGG AND SHORTY. mentary effort to recall when and where liu hud ever spoken about adopting river transportation. '"If we had the time, it would be the better way" — "Exactly as you said then, Colonel, and it is truer now than then, with all this dis- tnrbance along the railroad. You thought that a good, ciuick boat at this stage of water could run around and clear up the Tennessee to Chattanooga sooner than a train could make it, with all the stops and interferences it would meet." This was a startlingly bold play, for the Colonel's mind had been fixed solely on the railroad. But Shad was nervy and deter- mined. "The old snoozer couldn't more than send me l/ick to my regiment," he explained to the boys afterward, "and that ,was where I wanted to go." "You have probably noticed. Colonel," continued Shad, "that the transport Lo- rena, once under your command, and prob- ably so yet, has just come in from Cin- cinnati, with a light load of ammunition, bound for Chattanooga, by the way of the Tennessee. I made so bold as to think that you might have sent for me to order the pontoons put on her, carrying out your former idea." "Something like that had occurred to me," said the Colonel, after a momnt's pause. "Gen. Sherman must have the pontoons before he can start. Everythmg must bend to that." "The men on the boat say that he must have the ammunition before he can start," suggested Shad. _ , , -, , "Damn their ammunition," exploded the Colonel. "Gen. Sherman's got plenty of ammunition, and of the right sort. It is stored all along his line. This is only some more of the Ordnance Bureau s fancy inventions, that they want him to experiment with, and which will likely kill more of our own men than it does reb- els. The Ordnance Bureau is always pa- rading its wonderful new inventions, but it has not anvthing near so good as the old buck-and-ball we had in the Mexican War. If men want to fight they want Bomething to Idll with, and the good, plain ©Id Brown Bess that men fought real bat- tles with for 200 years can't be beat. Na- poleon couldn't find anything better, and he was something of a soldier. Lieuten- ant, go and find out who is in command of the Lorena. I'll take her, and let them get their ammunition forward ony way they can. Hold on. Take this dispatch for Chief of Engineers, Washington: " 'AH locomotives impressed by General commanding district. Mine taken away. Cannot start train. Must go forward to- dav. Essential to Gen. Sherman. Trans- port Lorena here. Please order her to me. BOXESTEEL, Colonel. " Leaving the telegraph office, after fil- ing the disoatch. Shad went over to the de- tachment, to see how things were going, and found Jake Dye chuckling over the receipt of a telegram informing Maj. Crewet that instructions had been sent the General commanding the District to place the detachment of the 200th Ind. at his disposal. "Well, we have a fine mix-up," mut- tered Shad. "The Lord only knows how this will turn out. The Colonel's as hot now as he can be. I'll have to hurry back and sit on his safety valve." "Here, Shad, take these along with you, for the Colonel," called Jim Steel- yard from the office, as Shad passed. "They'll make the old man boil." The Colonel tore the envelopes open and read. The first was from the Chief of Engineers, and said: "Transport Lorena claimed by Ordnance Bureau for impoit- ant service. Will not give her up. Can't you find another transport"? You must start pontoons today." The other was frcm the General com- manding the District, and read: "Pursuant to iustructicns from the War Department to me, you will turn over the detachment of the 200th Ind. now under your command to Maj. Crewet, of the Ordnance, for special service. I ^^ill re- place the men with others, when you re- quire them." Only lifelong habits of military disci- pline repressed the temper of the answers which the Colonel dictated to Shad. He informed the Chief of Engineers that no other transport was available, and no other means of getting the pontoons for- ward, and that the safety of the army was being jeoparded by the delay. Shad filed these and went over to the detachment again, to find that Maj. Crew- et was protesting against his boat being taken away from him, and the men de- nied. "The Major has just telegraphed," said Jake Dye, "that the safety of the army will be jeoparded by any delay in getting this ammunition forward today." "Well," said Shad, complacently, "I think the thing's come to a crisis now, and it'll turn out all right. The Engi- neers and the Ordnance have locked horns and the matter will be taken straight to the Secretary of War. Oid Ed. Stanton will bring things to a head in a jiffy. The Secretary relies a good deal on the Gen- eral commanding the District, who is an old friend. Geo. Bennett. hi.-alked away to send his "tip" to the General's Chief Clerk, and was gone for an hour or more, while the boys wait- ed in anxious suspense. Then he came walking quickly, with a pleased expres- sion on his face. "It's coiL-.2 out all light," ho said. ' x ve THE TRIP UP THE TENNESSEE DEVELOPS A LITTLE FRACAS. 15 just left the Colonel iu a sl.'ite o[ tol- lapsf, Willi only sti-ength •-ijoii.uli IcLi to oi'dt-T iiR' to prowDwi tu f«iry out ilit- or- ders rroiii \\';i,sh4l2gtoa, which foud soan- Ihiiis like this: •■ •ICmemciicy loo great, tor any clash- iug bet^YL•ea (ieparluieuld. iStop it al uuee, nil lombine for execution of orilers. Place ontoons and detachment of 2Ut>tli Ind. on lanspoit Loreua, undoi' command i«rf anki!i;; oilicci' accompanying boat, aud rocee:! with all liasto to destination. HUie to Maj. Cfcwet. •E. M. StajntOiN, Secretary of War.' " CHAPTER II r. TUE TRIP UP THE TENNESSEE KIVEU DEVELOPS A LITTLE FRACAS. "Now," said Si, willi the m,inni-i- (hat came ovei- biiu \s hni his bi-jicsi thin.^is ■were to \n- done, ••rvery body off with bis coat and roll ii)! his sleeves. Let's ;;ct that stuff off theia cats and on to that boat, and the boat startetl befoie any other or- diTs roiin;. Everybody jump, now, and life]) It lip, until \\'e"ie out o' leach o' headqua Iters." "iJness uoboi]y"s goiny to (Mjiintenuand Secrel;iry Stanton's ordiTs," renia ilsed Sliad (iiaham philosophically, "biit all the same tin." .sooner we're ;i\\ay tioin here the better. Evervbody -rl ' I hi' liveliest liiiid of a move on him.self. l>\e, you ;4o back aboard I Iu.' boat, and alter tlie Ma- jor has bloun (df liis sit'ain bun- hiin over to that drrked !l:ilboat tluTc wlinh is our wharf-boat. You see that its cl.Mr all around it. ^Vi■ keeii it so. lie ran havi." no cxeuse about biiinpin,:,' a.L^ainst Other boats. Then you taki.' (bai-c of iln' loading as the stuff emncs. Si, \ou lake the men over to the cais, and load it on to the wagon.s that I'll send you, and rush it over to the wharf-boat. Ell taki- a little scout ai'ound ami see how tliinus an- work- ing, and be with '.-ou as soon a,> possilih'." Wher:over 100 lieaUhy. sialuait young Indianians get up a full In.-ad of steam for a job on which their luails are set, they can accomplish wonders in an .hour. By that lime they had unloaded the whole of the pontoon stuff from Ihe cars onto the wagons, and tran.sfencd it to the decks of the Lorena. Si distributed Harry .joslyn and Monty Scruggs along the road, where they encouraged tin- loanistcMs to ia[iid work- by aiiiuuited laugiia.;,e, supplenu'nt- ing these willi brickbats when language did not seem to be adequate. Sandy, Pete Skidmore and some of the lighter weights (ilayed i)itch-and-catch in transferring the smaller arli<-les, while Si led the stronger- bodii-d iu a Uerce assault upon the timbers, frames, bales, efudage and aucluns. In an Lour llu'\- did the work that would have been a half-day's task for men working ordinarily. When, glowing with the raiiid exertion and satisfaction al having aenuniilished the work so (luirkly. Si, hat, canteen, hav- ersack and biaukel-roU ui his left haud, his blouse and overcoat thrown over hia left aim, and moppiug his hot face with his right followed the last load on to the boat, he found Maj. Crewet raging over his defeat, and bestowing his wrath on evervthing iu sight, finding l)itter fault with all that was don.-. "Here," hi.' sliiuiled from his position on the front of the cabui derk, "what do you men mean by slamming those he, ivy tim- bt.'is down thai way'.'' Think llii.> boat's made of roek or of iron'.'' Uon'i yon know we'\e got a load of amimiriiti'')H '.•' Lay tliose things down as easy as if iheri' was a peri.-nssioii shell under theiu. as i here is. Seig'i l)ve, wh;il's the matter with vou'.' Why ar(^ you allowing that'.' Lay Iheui tlown easy. I tell you." 'I'he result of this order was seveial maslied hngers, at which the .Majm- railed: •'Of coiiise. vou clnnisv lonis, voii v.ill hurt v.uirselves. Wonder that von't siami around and muse yoiirselves. Serg't Lj\v, where are your eyes'.' .Kee^) tiiose meu jii'j\ing. Don't |>ile tU'j^c ."uchois Ibere <•« the f'^uecastle. Don't you see the tioat's down too much by the head already'.'' i'icli them all up and carry them back on to the fantail. Here, you're getting entirely too many of those timbers on the larboard side. The boat's listing. Pick them up and carry them over to the starboard. Too much noise and confusion down there. Serg't Dye, you must have more order." Just then his eye fell on Si. "Serg't Klegg, I am amay.ed at you, sir," he shmited. "What are you doing in that guise, sir'.' Put ou your blouse at once, sir, and button it up. Don't you know your iiosition as a non-commissioned otlicer'lx'tter than that, sir".'" Si choked down enough lieat to have easily moved the Loreua's engines, and obediently [Hit on his blouse and butloued it up to the cliiu. "Now," said the Jiajor, "never again let me see you aiipear cm this boat beforo your men half-naked, like that. <^lo w;ish your hands, and clean the dirt off your clothes and shoes, and hereafter show a [)rop(u- soldierly nciitnoss. It is disgrace- lul fur u uou-commissioncd otiiecr to be in 16 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. such a state as you ai-e. Remember, sir, that you are now in the Ordnance service, the best branch of the service, the flpwer ot the array, sir, u'here we do not tolerate tliip ^jacivness and slovenliness of other branches. " From the standpoint "of the Colonel's door Shorty had watched the scene of in- tense activity with keen regret that he had no share in it, and distressing fear that he might be prevented from going with the boj's, and their boat pull olf without him. He had his things placed convenient, and was meditating snatching them up and making a rush for the boat, if no other way appeared. Shad Graham appeared. "For the Lord's sake, Shad," pleaded Shorty, in a . low voice, so as not to reach the Colonel's ears, "you ain't going to leave me behind, are you'/" ••No, no; you're all right," Shad assured him. "We'll get you off somehow." '•I presume, Lieutenant,'' said the Colo- nel, as Shad entered and saluted in severe- ly correct fashion, •"that that upstart of an Ordnance fellovv^ will be so cut by the Sec- retary's order that he will leave the boat to the command of his subordinate, whom ypu will rank, and therefore the Engineers will have charge of the boat, as they prop- erly .should. It is true that you are but an acting Lieutenant, but that should make no difference with them. An officer of Engineers always outranks any other officer of the same grade. I always insist upon a Sergeant of Engineers outranking a volunteer Lieutenant. As for these Ord- nance fellows, they are only mechanics, at best, and really should not have commis- sions. You will command the boat. I wish I had someone of higher rank to send, but you'll do. Insist upon your position." ••But, Colonel," interposed Shad, who was determined that Maj. Crewet should not command the boat, "have you changed your mind about going in command? You know how important it will be to have an officer of the highest ability and experi- ence, especially since all this ammunition is going on the same boat." •'I knoAV it. I know it. ' But I cannot leave my post here. I have no one to leave in charge except my clerks. I am going to rely upon you to get the boat through quickly and safely." '•But, Colonel, Secretary Stanton ex- pects you to take command. His order plainly indicates that." "O, old Stanton always wants me to do everything that is at all difficult or respon- sible," answered the Colonel, with a visible swelling of the breast. ••He happens to know a good deal of what I have done, and I'll give him credit of having a lawyer- like ability for recognizing the kind of men he has to deal with. He occasionally abuses the Engineer Corps, like the rest of them, but he knows that they can be de- pended on. But I'm not going, even if Stanton does want me. I know where I ought to be and what I ought to do qtiito as well as he does. I'll send you. He can't whip me around the country as he pleases." "But, Colonel," ventured Shad desper- ately, ••Maj. Crewet thinks that he is to go in command. He is commanding now. He will soon cast off, and be gone. He is playing that this is an Ordnance expedi- tion, and the Engineers are merely hia helpers and servants. You just ought to see the way he is carrying on. There, you can see him on the boat now, giving his orders." This was all that was necessary. The Colonel's face flamed with anger. "He's taken command, has he'.-' He's giving or- ders to my men, is he? The powder-miller, the cartridge-maker, the upstart. Thinks because he's risen from Lieutenant to Ma- jor in two years that he's something won- derful. Never commanded 100 men before in his life. Never commanded anything. I'll show him. Orderly, go to my hotel and tell my man to pack my things in a traveling bag, and come at once to the boat with them. Lieutenant, you will stay here in charge of the office." This was a startler for Shad, who was as determined as anybody to get to the front. His face was blank for an instant, but he ventured no expostulation. He took the tirst opportunity to say quietly to Shorty: "You'll find my things in there all packed up, near yours. Bring them down to the boat with you, but keep them out of sight of the Colonel." Maj. Crewet was still blistering every- body in sight with stinging condemnation, when he happened to look up from a vol- ley directed at Si to see Col. Bonesteel step on to the gangplank, followed by his servant with his luggage and Shorty and Shad, the latter having come down under pretense of receiving final instructions. The sight took away the ^Major's breath, and he looked open-mouthed at the de- pressing spectacle. '•Maj. Crewet," said the Colonel, in his most impressive tones, "I'm astonished at you, sir. It's strictly against the Regula- tions, sir, for you to speak that way to a non-commissioned officer before his men. And to one of my men, too, sir. I'll not permit it, sir. Not for an instant, sir. Where I command such things are not al- lowed. Nor any of this confounded con- fusion and disorder. You are evidently not used to the command of men, sir. Lieut. Graham, take command of the deck there, and get rid of that horrible disorder at once. Is everything aboard?" A capacious wink appeared in Shad's eye, directed at Si, Shorty and Jake Dye, but they kept their faces like wood, while the other men grinned openly. "Is everything aboard. Sergeant?" de- manded Shad, in severely official tones, of Si. THE TRIP U? THE TEMNE'?^^EE D^^V if,K01?£ A lATrLE FRACAS. 17 "Every ihirT 'n aboard, sir," ans-^ered Si, ?.iilxiy ^■aiuulJy Shad. ■•i'Jwrj thing is uL)oard, sir," rr>mmuni- crittd SLad, tuniiag and sahuing llie Colo- nel. "Very sood," answered tlie Colonel. "Cast oil' the lines at once, and give the order to stait. We have not a moment to lose. You can arrange matters while we are under way. thirst thing, the boat is horribly out ot trim. Shows the lack of an Engineer's eye and education. (He said this loud enough to make sure that the Major would liear.) She can't possibly make any speed in this shape, and may wreck herself. Very dangerous, indeed, to attempt to run her this way. Bring those anchors back there forward, and shift those heavy timbers from starboard to port, and get her on an even keel." "Serg't Klegg," commanded Shad, in a voice of official harshness, '"set 20 men to work carrying those anchors forward on to the forecastle. Set 20 more to shifting tho.sc timbers to the other side. Set 20 more to i)i!e up that small stnif neatly. Kind some brooms, and sweep the decks fioiu tlie hurricane down." ••\ery good, sir," said Si. saluting. "\'ery good men, those of yours, Lieu- tenant," said the Colonel, noting the alac- rity with which they set about their tasks. "Very competent and willing. Not the men to be banged about and abused by every inexperienced bureaucrat that hap- pens to come along." This last was apparently sotto voce, but quite loud enough for the Major to hear. "Orderly," continued the Colonel, sharp- ly- "Yes, sir," said Shorty, saluting, "Have my things taken up to the large state-room on the larboard side, further end, that they call the bridal chamber, and put in there. Have Julius arrange the room for me, dusting it out, putting fresh sheets on the bed, plenty of fresh towels, and so on." This roused the Major to the first speech since the Colonel had come aboard. "Ex- cuse me. Colonel," he said, with icy hauteur, "but that is my room. 1 selected it when I first came aboard, and when the boat was assigned to me." The Colonel adjusted his glasses, and looked at the Major with a stare that tried to express astonishment that "a mere Ord- nance fellow" should presume to have rights or privileges that conflicted with an Engineer's wishes. "Major," he remarked frostily, "in the number of things in the Army Regulations which seem unfamiliar to you, you seem to have specially over- looked that paragraph which gives the commanding officer absolute right to the best and most commodious quarters, and rather makes it obligatory upon him to oc- cupy them. I recommend that you look this matter up. I must have the quarters I have designated, and also those rooms immediately adjoining, for the accommoda- tion of my rAaS, Lieut. Grahfim, ?org't Klegg and my Orderly here, with wliorn I must be in constant communication. Y'ou will promptly have removed any property belonging to you to other roomn which you may select toward the forward end of the cabin." His back being toward the Colonel, Shad Graham was able to furnish Si and Shorty with a wink that approached a comical leer, but as they faced the Colonel they had to maintain a wooden immobility of countenance. "But, Colonel," protested the Major, "I certainly have some rights. I was special- ly assigned to this boat, or rather the boat was assigned to me, and I was put in com- mand of her for a special duty. I cannot be displaced even by your ranking me." "If you will refer to the telegraphic or- der from the Secretary of War, a copy of which was furnished you, you will discover that the command of the boat and the ex- pedition was expressly given to the senior officer, which I happen to be. You will therefore proceed to. carry out my instruc- tions." "You are making a wholly unwarranted stretch of your authority, sir," said the Major, shaking with rage. "As an Engi- neer officer you are specially prohibited from exercising command over troops." "Hump, fine argument that, for an Ord- nance fellow to make," snorted the Colo- nel. "How dare you, who are only one of the artificers — yes, sir, mere artificers — presume to exercise authority that you claim is not given to the most highly-edu- cated branch of the service"? But this dis- cussion before the men is highly improper, I notify you, sir, that I am in command, and that you must govern yourself accord- ingly." "1 shall report this to the Bureau," said the Major, prudently repressing his ire under the outward calm of official com- munication. "As you please," said the Colonel, calm- ly, turning to walk about the boat. "Y'ou will find a telegraph office at the head of the canal on the other side, but as the canal seems clear at present, I doubt if we can stop long enough for you to send a message." Under Si's and Shad's common-sense methods, which the men could perfectly understand, the boat was speedily put to rights, cleaned from hurricane to boiler deck, and, trim upon her keel, she went through the locks with no delay, and was speeding down the broad "Lower Ohio" as fast as her powerful engines could drive her. The Colonel presently made a tour of inspection, followed at the proper distance by Shad Graham, and he by Si, and was kind enough to express his official satis- faction with everything. Their work well done, their end accom- plished, and cheery over the swift pace *J\tir boat was making, the boys settled 18 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. themselves down to gossip over the sitna- liou, and enjoy the jileasiiro of a deliglit- l"ul lido on a pleasant day down "the beau- tiful Ohio." The Ohio below Lou is v ill i; dilTcis mark- edly from its appearance from 1'itt.slmr.s; to the ••Falls City." 'i'he hill« iluou^^h which the broad, placid, silvery cuncut winds its way in long, gra would illustrate his favorite ideas on the subject, to the general advancement of military science. He meditated eagerly over these things in the spacious accom- modations of the "Bridal Chamber." and began till,' fcirinulatiou of a routine of mar- velous couj|ile-\ity and iron exaclni-ss and rigidity. luasn!ueli as he, was .upon the water, he would combine what he kiiew of naval discipline Avith that he fancied should be the rule in the army. '■Having many more than a company of men," he ruminated, "I can pi-opeily con- sliliile a battalion, which, with the mo- ti\i,' jiower (jf the boat, and her valuable stoies. will make a lilting rommand foi- a Colonel. i>ieut. Graham shall be my Ex- ecutive Ollicer, this Indiana Sergeant, who seems to be an intelligent, sensible soldier, shall conunund the right company, tin? Ohio Sergeant, who is with Ciewer, shall command the left company, and my Orderly, who seems to be ;i model sol- dier, shall be my Adjutant. Maj. (Jrewet, if he behaves himself, and accepts tlio sit- naliun, shall be the second in command. II! he does not I shall put him in arrest. I'd rath(;r ho would do something lo war- rant that. It would greatly simplify iho situation. Now. I must arrange the i-ou- tine of duties — no, I shall leave my Execu- tive Ofhcer to do that, subject lo my ap- proval— and the hours for meals, etc. As the <;ommanf!er of the v lo coustiliile a non- commissioned oflicers' mess tor the smok- ing-cabiu, forward. Heavens, wIliI's th« meaning of that distuibancHV (.)rdeily! Desii'e Lieut, (iraham to come to me im- mediately." The disturbance had been caused by tho boat's cook coming to the outside of the kitchen, pounding on the Ihin, resonant boards with a long iron sjioon, and shout- ing "Grub pile," after the manner of steamboat cooks notifying the deck hands that their meal was ready. The hungry youngsters made a noisy rush in response. Shad Gi-aham explained this to the Colonel, when he obeyed his summons. "Exceedingly unmilitary! Disi-epnral)lo to the last degree," snorted the Colonel. "Not to be tolerated for an instant on one of the Government's vesseds. Lieutenant, you will see that it is stopped, and the meal calls properly beaten by the drum- mer." "But we have neither drummer nor drum, Colonel." "Then you will have them sounded by the bugle." "But we have neither bugle nor bugl(>r." "Shameful, sir. Why did you allow the boat to leave without these neccss.-uy ad- junct sV" "NVe have not had any drums or bugles in the ICngineers. (^ilonel, and this is but a detachment of men, without regular or- THE TEIP UP TEE TENNESSEE DEVELOPS A LITTLE FRACAS. 19 gnniznticn, and so not provided with mu- sicians." ••Ti:0 bad. Very well, then. Yon will hevcal'ter have the Captains of companies quietly notified when meals are ready, and diiect them to fall their men in and march them ti> the place in an orderly manner. But f:it dorrn here, Lieutenant, and assist me in preparing regular orders for gov- ernment of the vessel during our expedi- tion." Alter dinner Si improved the time by getting his men together and beginning the presence of the enemy, vrhere this would be of the highest importance. The Colonel found such a world of im- portant detail that he wanted to incorpor- ate into his perfect system that he ker.t Shad with him all afternoon and far into the night elaborating his orders. Shad on- ly got occasional opportunities to get out and mingle with the boys v/hen he was ar- ranging the momentous matters of the messes. The Colonel dined by himself in solemn state, in full uniform, in the ladie.s' cabin, at G p. m., with Shorty standing "PUT ON YOUS COAT AT ONCE, SIR, AND BUTTON IT UP. ardiious vsT'k of licking them into shape for the re,^ient. It was his first oppor- tunity. "With his own squad acting as nou-commis; ioned ofacers he began teach- ing them how to stond, to face and to move. Then he found out through Jake Dye that the-i-e were 100 stands of nrask- ets on the hoa+, which had been turned in on some previous trip, and remained un- caJIed-tor. Ke got these out and is.nied them, dividing the men up into squads, under IMonty, Gid, Harry, Sandy, Alf Ru.->e'l, Pete, and some veterans return- ing from furlough, who industriously taught them the manual of arms; to all of which the recruits took readily, ff-^-^ling that they were going directly into the stiffly at attention in absolute neatness of uniform, clean-shaved, white collar and gloves, and shoes carefully shined. Maj. Crewet, who remained most of the time sulking in his room, dined with Shad Graham in the middle cabin, at 3 p. m., while Si, Jake Dye and Shorty had their dinner at 1 o'clock in the forward cabin. "I'm glad I aint no higher in rank," remarked Shorty, "for 1 o'clock's just the very last minute I can wait for my din- ner. I suppose that when the Colonel's a Major-General he won't dine until next davr." The Colonel was still working on his orders when they reached Paducnh the next afternoon, and taking on another pi- 20 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY, lot, turned up into the winding Tennessee. "Enyf;," said Shad to Si and Jake Dye, after he had carried out the Colonel's or- deiis to constitute two companies, "now that we are in the Tennessee we're liable to have a little hullabaloo any minute. Belter i.ssue about 10 rounds to each man. and haAc them ready to use. Keep your men out of sight as much as possible, for I want to work a little twist on these guerrillas. They're signaling this boat al- ready, and sending messengers . across these big bends ahead of us. Don't show any more men than you can help, and none of them with muskets. Let's make them believe that this is ji^st^a common trans- port without a guiird.^*" By the next morning they were some distance up the Tennessee, and Shad Gra- ham took his position on the front of the hurricane deck, and was scanning the south bank of the river attentively. He had caught occasional glimpses of gallop- ing horsemen who seemed to be carrying messages. The Colonel was seeking re- laxation from his arduous intellectual la- bor on his orders, by a vigorous constitu- tional up and down the starboard side of the deck. The Major was doing the same on the larboard side. Si and Jake I've had their men crouching behind the tiva- bers and frames piled up amidships, and Harry Joslyn was lounging around tiie capstan on the forecastle, ready to cn^.i- municate any orders to them from Shad. "Shorty," said Shad loud enough fur the pilot to hear, "get your gun, and stand there, where you can keep your eye on that pilot. Shoot him at ouce, if you catch him making anything like a signal to anybody ashore. Shoot him if he don't obey my orders." "All right, sir," said Shorty with alac- rity, picking up his gun, which he had Btowed handy. "What order is that you are giving, Lieutenant?" said the Colonel, stopping his walk, pricking up his ears, and com- ing over toward Shad. "Merely some precautionary directions," Shad started to say, but he was inter- rupted by a shot from the bank, and a bullet whistled so close to the Colonel's head that it seemed to brush his hair. "Some fool's hred too soon," muttered Shad. "I declare, I believe that fellow actual- ly fired at me," ejaculated the Colonel, with an air as if a distinction had been done him. "He certainly did. Colonel," ansv/ered Shad, "and came mighty near hitting you, too." The Colonel's face flushed with pleas- ure. Here was an adventure. He was actually under fire, and had narrowly es- caped. He inflated his chest and as.sumorl a Napoleonic attitude on the farthest point of the hurricane deck, as if challenging another shot. Net to be outdone, '-'.la Major came up on the other side of tln^ deck, folded his arms and stood sternly gaiiing out upon the bank. i. "Harry," said Shad quietly, "tell'Gi and Jake to load and be ready." "Lieutenant," admonished the Colonel, "be more military. That is uqt the tino;)- er way to give orderi;.^ Never call any- body by hiw first name." ^ ' ' j '' , ',' The boat had turned a' high? '".sVuirp point, and was running into tho deep', wa- ter, close to sh'jre, by a curving bluff, with a little ;:.heif of level ground at it.s foot. "Come to, there! Come to, or we'll blo-\v you out of the water," canie in a loud voivf from the woods, and they sa-.v just ahead of them a shining brass can- non, with the cannoneers standing about, and nvav them a company of dismouuced horsemen v.ith guns leveled. "Pilot, put her nose square into the bank there, just belov,' that cannon," com- manded Shad. "Harry, tell Si and T:ike to make the rush the second the b:)al's nose strikes. Pilot, keep the engines 40- ing, and let the current swing her side against the liunk." "And lie damned sure you do," add.-d Shoity, cocking his gun and covering tlie pilot. The instant the boat's prow jarred against the bank there was a might;- lu-li, Si leading, which went over the.boaL's quarter and up the Dank so tunuiltuonsly that the astounded rebtls could only tire a nervous volley, and rush for tlioir liors'^ ;. The cannon did not go olT at all. It \\'ns uu aliandoned one, whi; h the gr.orrill.is had picked up and used for "demonstra- tion." Gaining the top of the bluff the boys poured a volley after the flying rebels which kilkd three, wounded a number more, and brought down several horses. ""\'ery well done, Lieutenant," exclaim- ed the Colonel as soon as he could recover his breath, after his run up the bank after the boys — a more rapid move- ment than he had made for years. "Yon have executed my orders admirably and won a complete victory. And you, too, Serg't Klegg, and Corp'l Elliott. I shall mention you all in my report of this handsome little affair." "You have done very well, indeed, Serg't Dye," said the ISLajor, who had sonu>thing of the L-ame diflicnlty in recov- ering his breath. "I shall take great pleasure in commending you to the De- partment for the manner ia wiiich you ex- ecuted my oideia," THE BOYS GET UP THE EIVER AS FAR AS MUSCLE SHOALS. 21 CHAPTER IV. AFTER sor.iE :\roRE excit:::g experiences the boys get up the river AS FAR AS MUSCLE SHOALS. The Colonel uow had the additional in- tcllettuai la Dor imposea upon huu of piu- punny a lepoit oi iLio -aiiaii, ' the oaiy battio he had been oui^agea iii duiiu- tn.; war — the only action in vv'iiicu he had couimuuded. This wa^ liuiinethiny in whun he was goiug down to hiscory, and he couid not be too caieful in preparing' the lecoid. tie becanie so engios.iod in this that he was only Msibie at liieal-iime and ^^■hon taking his constitutional, and theii woio a preoccupied air, tnat tor- bade the intiufcion upon niiu or any such unin.po.tant matters as the conduct of tha boat, and CShad and the boj's were left moie enurciy 10 iHeir own devices than ever. The Major was also deeply absorbed in inauing nis report of the maiter, which ^.•ouid khow up cicdiiabiy the Ordnance Bureau s share of the exploit. ■•i-ieuteuant," saia the iJuioael, when Shad had made his appeaiance, in re- sponse to a sunmions tmough Shorty; "you followed my (iireciions, to gather uj) the aims lelt upon the ground or the engagement'.''" ■■les, sir. We brought them aboard, to look over. We shall soon have them ready tor yuur inspection, sir, and an order from you to thio\v overboaid such as are not serviceable to us.' "Quire light. Lieutenant. But you will not destroy any of them. I desire to re- tain all of them as tiophies of the vic- tory. You vi'ill caveiu.iy count all of them, and specify each kind, for incor- poration in my leport. How many men do you estimate there v-.-ere or' the enemy V" "O, ICU or such a matter," said ynad indifferently. "1 guessed that probably two or three of these guerrilla bauds had come together, to raid the boat. There are usually from 25 to 5U men in those bands. .Just w.^utever the leaders can gather up at the time, in hopes of plun- uer. Ihey didn t exiiect to hnd more than '^b men on the boar, and them convales- cent.i and (.^i-^-ifoiinasrer's men. They thought tsvv) or three to one would cer- tainly be enough." Tile Cohinei s brov.' darkened. "Lieu- tcnant," he said, sia'erely, "'your esiimate is entirely too knv, and you will have to modify it. 1 surveyed them coolly and caiefully, as they stood on the bank, v.ith all their guns pointing at me — the conr- raanding otiicer. 'ihey plainly identihcd me as tue commandiiig ohicer. and expect- ed to get the boat by intimidating or kill- ing me. But I would have died right there lather than to have yielded. There was certainly bbO of them, out i deriod them all. les, sir, 1 dencu iheni to pour ine concentrated hre of tht-ir ofU guns and their cannon into niy breast. i dehed mem, sir." '"You certainly did, sir," replied Shad, diplomatically, '•and probably there were moie than i said. You ceitainly acted ^■ery gallantly, and your hrmness saved the boat and us. Yon were at the very front when the hrst shot was fired, and the last. I lememlier that you went up the bank ahead of me. And you directed the last shot tired, v\-hich brought down a horse oil vv-hich one of them was trying to escape." ■"You saw that, did you? I am very glad you did," said the Colonel, mucii elated. "I am very glad, indeed, that you were a witness. And it was only the in- stantaneous and impetuous rush of my men that disorganized their aim, and saved my life. It was a very well-planned and executed hght. Nothing better in the his- tory of the war. And yet they say that llngineeis have no talent for commanding troops under fire. And that Ordnance of- ficer, he had to come up, too, after it was all over. Wnat business had he there? His place was back on the boat, with his beloved ammunition. He should have stayed back cu the boat and looked out for it, while the rest of us were fighting. That was his place as second in command and Ordnance cthcer. I've a notion to put him under arrest for misconduct. xind that cannon? That proves that there must have been at least a regiment there. No small party would have had a piece of artillery v.ith them. Y'cu brought it aboard, 1 presume?" "Yes, sir. But I was expecting your orders to throw it overboard. I don't think it is any account. It's a condemned piece that the guerrillas have jiickcd up some^vhere, and have been hauling around for bluff. You notice there was no iirnber- chost v.-ith it. Best thing's to pilch it overboard, in some deep [larc of the river." "Not under any circumstances, sir," said the Colonel, severely. "On the con- trary, you will take the best care of it. I want to send it and these arms to "Wash- ington as trophies for iiie Engir.eer Corps. It is not every day that the Engineer Ciorps captures cannon and small arms frijiii till- (■neuiy in a regular e;:gagement. 1 am going to send thew all to Wash' TfTfT -TTTT O'T TT"! "^VO-l 22 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. ington, properly labeled, to be put on ex- hibition." "Very good, sir," said Sliad, saluliiig and retiring. "Serg't Dye," said tlie Major, emerging from his state-room, a little later, pen in hand, "I want yon to take particular eare of that six-pounder, and those sniall-arms. They belong to the Ordnance Bureau. It is not often that the Ordnance can show cannon and muskets captured by it from the enemy in battle. I want to send them to Washington, properly labeled, to be put on exhibition as trophies of the Ordnance Bureau." "Very good, sir," said Jake Dye, salut- ing. "-■*_ "Blast the old trumpery," said the boys, consulting together on the deck. "Vt'hat do we want it around here cluttering up everything for? It ought to be all in the bottom of the river." As they were approaching Johnsonville, Tenn., a man rose up on a point and waved a red and then a white handker- chief. "That's a Union scout," said the pilot. "He's got something very important to communicate, and wants to be taken aboard." "Sure of that?" inquired Shad. '"Aint one of your friends, is heV" "Yes, he's likely one of my friends and a Union scout, too," answered the pilot, angrily. "You'd better take him aboard." "All right," said Shad. "Put her in, Harry; tell Si and Jake to fall the men in and have them ready." The scout, who was worn and weary with hard travel, remarked sententiously: "Git me over to Johnsonville quick as you kin. Then you'd better turn around and skip back as fast as your injines'll push you. The whole country down there's full o' Forrest's men, and they're booming up here this way as fast as their hosses'll bring 'em. There'll be a circus 'round here in a little while sich as yon never seed in all your born days. Belter turn tail and skip out, if you know Avhat's good for you." "Guess we'll go ahead, all the same," said Shad, as he went to report the news to the Colonel. "Act on your best judgment, LieutT'n- ant," said the Colonel, looking up from his paper. "I shall have to rely on you until I get this report finished." xis they neared Johnsonville there came abundant signs to verify the scout's pro- phecy. When the rolling country could be seen in the distance it was covered With swarms of horsemen. The news be- came known to the JNlajor, and disturbed him greatly. He came out on the hurri- cane roof and studied the country through his glass. "It's sheer madness to go up ther(\" he said nervously to Shad Grahani. "I can- not consent to have tiii:; valuable ca go of ammunition run such risk of capture. If Ihe rebels should get hold 'of it they would cleslruy our arm v. Ai e must turn back." "My orders are to go ahead," Shad re- plied, "and i'ni going ahead, until they're changed. A litlle Inuuh of cavalry don't bother me. ^^'e can get away, 'from them ail i-i-ht. It yuull look back, Major, you'll see about as many ,hehind us as.iu front." '' "When in doulit in the? army," inter- jected Si, who had come on the, hurri- cane deck to take a view of the situation, "it's always best to go ahead. Lot's fire up and push on. If them fellers git too troifliit^sunie we can land and run 'em back." "Jake." said Shorty, "I thought you said this way was so quiet and peace- able? All the comforts of home? No guerrillas, nor nothing to torment us." "It's only a bunch of cavalry," re- marked Jake, with an infantryman's cus- tomary low opinion of the mounted ser- vice. If we keep on going we'll soon get by them." "They're planting a battery over there," said the Major, nervously. "They seem to've not only planted it, but it's took root anoleonic attitude dii the ex- treme forward position. "Col. Bonesteel," said the Major, ap- proaching him formally, "I protest against proceeding any farther with this import- ant cargo. I insist that we turu around and retreat." "My Executive Ofiicer has his orders," said the Colonel loftily, with a wave of his hand toward Shad. "Si," Shad called down, "Jake says there's some fat pine down in the hold. Have those darkies bring it up and feed it under the boilers." A transport which had been fired into up the river came flying downward, whistling a shrill alarm. "I shall immediately prepare a written protest against your course, v.hich is ab- solutely against my advice," shouted the ISIajor. "i\Iaj. Crewet, retire to your room tm- der arrest." commanded the Colonel. *"! will not have you deniorali:;iug my men in this v,ay. I shall inefer charges against you." "You ^hall not order me from the deck when in at lion. I shall hold you person- ally responsible if you do," ans.veicJ THE BOYS GET UP THE RIVER AS FAR AS MUSCLE SHOALS. 23 SI LIFTED HIM ALOARD BY SHEER STRENGTH. the Major, folding his arms and taking his rositlon on the front of the deck. "I^cniain, then, till the end of the ac- tioi\" said the Colonel, mollified by the Major's sb.oAv of spirit. ■ "But if yon say another di:;conraj,'ing vrord- you must leave the dock.-' In the meanwhile the ■ uproar bade to- v/nrd .fnhu.-.oirville had become terviiic. Other reliel battoiies had gr.llnped up close to the bank and b(\irmi a furious sheiT.ng of the f'oet of ti'ansports and the immense -waiohir.ses on the opprrite side. Geveval of there v.ere sorn mi llames. at v.-hich the icbels cheered wiluly a::d the boys became dcspeiately escited. To merely rtm away, without a chance to shoot back, ^ was not to anybody's taste, not even the .t, Major's. "[^ '"Shad," called Si. from the cross-trees'' f of the jack-staff, whither he had climbed to get a better view, "see thise relu'ls.j. running down to tha.t point, just ah:'ad?'.i'; They Avant lo give us a biisterei'. See,' ^ they're getting into pontoon b nts t) come?,^ out and take us nlti-r tli.' ynVwy. Can't' Ave lun up close to il-.e:;! a re-ular old 2(i; th bMiai: it'll do the mo;u g-o.IV ' "I guess so," answoird S'lnd. "Filot ho\A-"s the ( hannel nloi'i:.- Ih-.'ic".'' "I'Lunj in clobc to the Lauk there," aa- ^ive them f I io 24 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. swered the hclmrmnn, who had been act- ing of kite iu siK-h a nianncr as to win everybody's confidence. "Deep water's abont 20 rod from the bank. They know that we've got to lun in there. That's the reason they're making for that placi'." "All right, Si," Shad called down. "Get a good ready, and soak it to them just before we swing out for the point." "Lieutenant," admonished the Colonel, "I must again forbid you to. address your men by their given names, and, more particularly, to allow them to address you so familiaily. It is grossly unmilitary and must not be repeated." "All right, Colonel; I forgot." Si and Jake Dye quickly arranged their plan of cani'.'aign. Their men had al- ready loaded, and wor*?, iWtnjidiHg behind the pile of pontoon '.jtr.lT amidship. At the sigiial they v/cie to rush out onto the guards, !Sis sriuad forv.aid, Jake's on the after, and dehver tlvir fiie in the face of the rebels. Shoity and Shad weie to give the signal by tiling iiist at the two men whom they should pick out as the rebel leaderr:. They had a double object in this. By shooting doAvn the leaders they would malx- a Hurry among the reb- els 'which would di.stiact their ann, prob- ably save the Color.cl, ]Major ar.d pilot, and give the boys below time to line up on the guaids and deliver their lire most elt'octively. In the meanwhile Harry, Monty, Sandy and Pete were carrying out a scheme of Vhich they had great hopes. They had been examining the cannon Avith great interest ever since it was brought aboard. They found that it was still loaded, but they did not know with what. Harry gut a charge of canister and a friction primer from Jake Dye. . "Don't matter what's in it already," he explained to the boys. "If it's canister anorner dose of canister will only make it more binding. If it's shot or shell, canis- tei- will go along with it just as avcU." So they rammed the canister home Avith a capstan bar, and Sandy Baker picked around the vent until he Avas sui'e that he had got down to the powder, and inserted the piimer. They ran the gun out on the larboard guaids, amidships, to where they could rush it forward at the eriti- (Tal moment to the bow and let drive. Sandy was to hold the trail and pull the lanyard, while Monty, Harry and Pete were to run the gun forward and point it, when liarry Avas to give the command to lire. ••ni take the felloAV that's lining his men up Avith his SAA-ord there by the young sycamore." said Shad, raising his gun, as the boat pushed forAvard to with- in good rifle range. "All right," ansAvei-od Shorty. "I'll take that feller that's Avalking along that drift log getting his men behind it. You fire first and 111 f oiler." la a second Shad's gun cracked, and the rebel officer dropped his .sword, clutched at his side, and staggered bach- Avard. Some of his men sprang U> catch him. • Good," murmured Shorty; "uoav let me make 'em huddle aiTiund the other fellel-." His bullet caught the rebel in his thigh and made a commotion among his men, when Si's and Jake's companies manned, file guards and delivered voUeys. one after the other. As Jake's company fired 8andy pulled the lanyau! and the gun bellowed. It probal.ily had a lerriflc effect on the rebels, but its immediate effect .on thosQ. on the boat Avas lo'i startling to 'dlloAv >h'i4 to be closely studied. Harry .Jiad -'not thought of the jackstaff in his hasty aim- ing, and it AAas cut olf as if by a knife. Nor had the boys thought of the recoil from the heavy charge. This took the gun overboard, and Sandy Baker Avith it. The Major paled Avith the thought that his ammunition Avas exploding, and started to rush doAvn to see. 'xhe Colonel, Avithout altering his Napoleon-at-St. Helena pose, cast an inquiring glan.co at Shad, as to Avhat part this event Avas playing in his program, liarry had presence of mind enough to throAv a rope to Sandy, which he caught, and then Si, rushing OA-er to that side to see Avhat had happened, lay doAvn on the deck, caught Sandy by the collar, and lifted him aboard by sheer strength. 'ihe lebels Avere replying by a sputter of shots, Avhich did no damage, except to the woodAA'ork of the boat, as she sAA-ept ahead, and turned to them her big, rapidiy splashing Avheel, and Avas soon out of gun- shot. "I declare," said the Colonel, looking at the fearful glare, Avhich made the coun- try for miles around aAvfully lurid, "it certainly looks as if they Avere burning up everything in Johnsonville. It is the most frightful conflagration I ever wit- nessed, and would seem to compare with that of MoscoAV. The authorities at Wash- ington cannot give m» too much credit for having so successfully extricated my com- mand without loss from that disaster. I must go doAvn and incorporate this inci- dent in my report." Si and Jake occupied themselves in rig- ging up a ncAV jackstaff, for the pilot to steer by. "Say, Jake," called Shorty, "what's that you told us about going with you to have a nice, restful, pleasant time?" "We haven't had nothing so very un- pleasant, so far, have we'/" Jake answered Avith asperity. "You want a featherbed in a bomb-proof, I expect?" For the next 90 or 100 miles they had leisure to think the matter over, and con- gratulate themseh'es over escaping the great disaster at Johnsonville, where For- rest had actually captured two gunboats and live transports and burned an immense quantity of supplies. They sped past the old buttleiieid «»£ &kilab aud the other THE BOYS GET UP THE RIVER AS FAR AS MUSCLE SHOALS. 25 points of interest two years before, witli- out a sight of another rebel, and beaau to hope that their troubles were virtually over, and their road open to Chattanooga and Sherman, lint as they neared Flor- ente, Ala., the rebels began to be in evi- dence again along the southern shore, and when they reached that place tliey found the greatest perturbation with the news that Hood's whole army was gathered south of the Tennessee River, between there and Decatur, and that terrible things were to be expected any hour. Everyone with whom they spoke — river men, sol- diers ancl citizens — strongly dissuaded them from going any farther, and the Colonel, who suspended his report long enough to listen to the news which Shad reported to him, at length went up tov.-n for consultation with the commanding of- ficer. "The situation seems to be this," said Shad, calling Si, Shorty and Jake Dye into a council of war with him, after the Colonel had gone. "Hood's slipped away from Sherman with his whole army and cut down around through Alabama, aim- ing at Na.shvil!e, to drav,- Sherman back after him and make another Bragg-and- Buell race for the Ohio River. Hood's got his whole army — 50,000 or 00,000 men — out here between this place and Deca- tur, trying to get across the Tennessee River at these Muscle Shoals, and rush Nashville. Sherman's sent Pap Thomas back with the Fourth and Twenty-third Corps, what troops he can pick up along the railroad, and what Vv-iH be sent him from the North, to head Hood oft", and leave Sherman free to attend to the other job that he has in mind. Sherman's hold- ing the road from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and may be planning to come in on Hood's rear while Thomas is bluffing him in front. That looks like good sense. Above Deca- tur the river is clear to Chattanooga, and if ^^•e could once get to Decatur we'd be all right, and have a nice, easy run the rest of the way. But between here and Decatur are 20 miles of these jNIuscle Shoals, which they say no boat can get through at this stage of water, even one as light as ours. Even if we could make it, they say we're likely to run into the rebels working their way across the river with pontoons, and wading; they're likely to bo on some of the islands with artil- lery and do no end of things to us. The whole stretch of the Shoals is lonely and gloomy, with lots of timber and bi'ush in which the rebels can hide and ambush us." The boys thought it over for a minute or two silently, and then Si spoke quietly and firmly: "The orders came straight from Col. McGillicuddy to me and Shorty to join the regiment with these men. Them was Col. McGillicuddy's plain orders, and they- go as long as there is the slightest earthly chance of obeying them. Col. McGillicud- dy's orders lay over everything else, so far as Pm concerned. I'll obey anybody- else's as long's they point in the same di- lection. When they take a different chute then I go Col. McGillicuddy's way. I'll go on this boat as far as it'll take me, and then chance it for the rest o' the way. If she stops, turns back, is burnt, blowed up or sunk I'll take to the woods and march to Chattanoogy, if I can't get onto the railroad, and I'll take every man that can walk with me. That's my little speech." "You hear the mellow trill of his ba- zoo," said Shorty. "He's the boss of this outfit. He talks for all of us." "Pm with you. Si," said Jake Dye. "I'm sick of this Ordnance lay-out. I've only stuck to it because it promised a chance to get to my regiment. My boys are the same way. They all belong with Sher- man. We'll jump the job the minute there's no show of getting through to the •Old Man.' " "\Vell, boys," said Shad, "I'm with you till Gabriel toots his horn. But the way is to stick to this boat and do our duty as we set out to do. Sherman needs these pontoons, and needs them bad; probably needs them worse than he does us. Vv'e'U get along all the better by playing fair all around. We're in chaige of this cargo, and we'll come out all the better by hang- ing on to it and the boat. She's brought us through so far in great shape, and we can't improve on sticking to her. We must get these pontoons through if there's a chance. We can't go back; that's sure. AVe see what has happened at Johnson- ville. We can't stay here. It may be Johnsonviile over again here any hour. That leaves. us only one thing to do — go straight ahead. They say that we can't get up over the Muscle Shoals at this stage of water. I don't believe it. This boat only draws 10 inches, and I believe we've got a pilot that can fmd that much water somewhere on the shoals. He's a good, true Union man, and we've found out that we can trust him." "Since you put it that way," said the pilot, who had come up and overheard, "I'll take you through, or leave the boat's bones to bleach on the rocks. It'll take a lot of hard work, and there's never been a boat of this size taken up the rapids at this stage of water, but I can take the Lorena if any man living can. I'm aa East Tennossean. and just as good a Union man as over lived, and I'd like to show you that you aint a mite more in earnest for the Union than I am. I'll start the minute you say." "We're all ready," said Shorty. "Jake Dye promised easy times and plenty to eat, if we'd only go with him. and we're going to hold him to his promise. So long as you don't interfere with those' privileges go ahead." "We must wait for the Colonel to come back and hear what he says," said Shad. 26 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. CHAPTER V. THE BOYS HAVE THEIR FIRST DIFFICULTIES IN NAVIGATING MUSCLE SHOALS. The Muscle Shoals (more properly "Mussel Shoals," Irom the iinmeuse quan- tities ol; these fresh-water bivalves I'ound there) are a ^yond('rl'ully interesting and picturesque part of the wild and varied scenery of the Cumbei'tiifld- Mountains. In the terrific convulsions ' by which this world was formed the Tennessee River had a strenuous struggle to carry to the sea the mighty flood of waters it had gath- ered in East Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina. It broke a sharp, nar- row gateway through the wall of the Cumberlands at Chattanooga, whereof Lookout Mountain rises as one gate-post, straight and sheer, 1,200 feet above the surface of the water. The river then meandered southwestward, as if to lind the Ciulf of Mexico, but another towering Light turned it back northward, to find a more vulnerable mountain, struggle sav- agely with its walls of limestone and flint, finally conquer a passage, and then flow unobstructed through rolling plains to the Ohio River, 260 miles away. jNlus- cle Shoals is the battleground of that gi- gantic paleozoic conflict betwe(>n the mighty forces of the Flood and the Rock, and is strewn with the wrecks of the fight. Rather, they are the stout-hearted survivors of the partial victory gained by the Flood, innunu-rable ages ago, who stood fast when their line was forced, and the weaker ones swept away. Sullen, in- domitable pillars of rock, and flinty-faced, frowning blufl's, through centuries like grains of sand, they have stood there, un- conquerable, immovable, even, though every few months the River has gathered its forces and angrily assaulted them with all its power. F)Ut against their obduracy the River spends its wrath in vain, and when its floods subside, it I'esigns itself again to wandering hither and yon, by a hundred tortuous channels by such ways as the Rocks have grudgingly conceded to it. For oO miles the great Tennesse wanders thus through a maze of rucks, islands and bluffs, over reefs, shoals .-iiid bars, sometimes spreading out to a v.-idth of five miles, in order to get through, and rarely less than a mile in breadth. Sduie of the islands and bluffs are coveii-d with heavy growths of timber, some with thick- ets of brush; some are piled with drift- wood, many are bare, naked, sullen rocks. Too rugged and forbidding for settlement, the country on either side of the river Stretches away for miles in an unbroken tangle of forest and thicket, with here and there a poverty-smitten settler, most like- ly a refugee from justice, or a runaway negro, who in a shack hardly more ar- tistic than the lair of the catamounts, lives there with his she-wolf-like wife and their brood of lean-limbed, quick-eyed young barbarians, subsisting mainly on the wild fruits and "varmints," and the myriads of wild ducks and geese gathered there to feed upon the inexhaustible sup- ply of mussels. The Government has spent about $.5,- 000,000 in reducing this obstacle to the free navigation of the 800 miles of splen- did waterway of the great Tennessee River. The Colonel came back faster than his usual dignified march. "Pull out, Lieu- tenant," he said to Shad, "and go some- where. There are entirely too many Ma- jor-Generals around here, and they're reaching for everything in sight. I don't know how many of them are preparing orders for me. We must leave here at once." The Colonel was apparently quite in- different to the directiiui taken so long as he got away from under the control of a superior in rank. "Col. Roncsteel," demanded the Major, coming up (he had also been up town con- sulting), "I demand to know where you are going to take this boat." "I\Iy Executive Otlicer has his orders, sir," resjjonded the Colonel, becoming very military, and with a dignified wave of his hand toward Shad Graham. "F>ut, sir, I have the right to be in- formed of your intentions. I have a re- sponsibility to the Ordnance Bureau for the most valuable part of the cargo, if nfit for the bo.-'.ii..;icli. ■'A pile uf wo;-k can he done in a few minutes Ij.v 12.J Si'.ch men as we have," answered Shad. '"Atid every ton wo cau get off will be that inucii help." "Very well, then," the Colonel answered in a v.hisper. "Get oft" all you can, bat have the boat ready to start the instant I give the word. Maj. Crewet," he cou- tiniied aloud, "you have ray permission to remove all the ammunition you can be- fore I have to-stait. I see signs indicat- ing that the rebels are attempting ro bring up a battery on the opposite bank. (It was some wagon loads of refugees coming across the hill in the distant hori- zon, upon which the Colonel fixed his eyes.) I do not propose to have this boat caught as were those transports at John- sonville. I shall start with a very brief warning the moment I think the' danger is inimineut. You cau remove ail the am- munition you wish in that time." "Serg't Dye," commanded the Major, "pe.t your whole force to work removing that ammunition from the boat to the wharf. Work as rapidly as you can at that. You can store it and protect it af- terward until the ofllcer here receipts for it. You have your men bring their things ashore, to remain with the ammunition. "Say, Shad, play fair, now," whisoered Jake Dye, as ho passed by to execute the order. "Don't you leave v.ithout us." "You're ail right; I'll look out for you," Shad assured him. "You go dov.ui with your men into the hold to pass the stuff up. Si and Shorty will attend to lauding it.'^'^ The Colonel took his position on the front of the hurricane deck, and was ap- parently studying the southern bank with the deepest interest. In reality he was watching the road to headquarters with anxiety. Shad uotihed the pilot and en- gineer to have everything in instant readi- ness, Sandy Baker and Pete Skidmore Vv'cre stationed on the wharf at the posts to which were attached the boat's fore and aft Hues, respectively, to throw them off when they got the word, and run aboard the boat. Monty was stationed by the cleat forward to ease off the line when he got the word, so that Sandy could throw it off the post, and Harry was to do the same v.ith the after line. The rest worked with feverish energy getting the heavy ammunition boxes up and out on to the wharf. The Major stood on the wharf and watched them with astonishment. He had never before seen so much work done in so short a time by that number of men, and somehow he got the idea that they were doing this because animated 'oy a desire to get away from the boat and the arrogant Colonel, and remain with him. He actually grew pleasant toward them, and bestowed some compliments. Some tons had beeu shift- ed ashore and scattered about the wharf. wiiC'U the Colonel's eye caught sight of a staff ofUcer coming at a shar;) trot. That was enough. He raised his glass to study the southern horizou, and command- ed, in a low tone: "Cast off aud start at once. Lieuten- ant." "Attention, there," ordered Shad, M-iih- out raising his voice. "Ease off on the lines, fore and aft." "Ease off it is, sir," answered Monty, who had grown very nautical in his short experience on the boat. "Ashore, there,"' commanded Shad. "Cast off those lines, forward and aft." "Cast off it is, sir," answered Sandy and Pete, throwing the loops free of the posts, aud running aboard, followed by all the men on the wharf. "Go ahead, as fast as you can, Mr. Pi- lot," ordered Shad. _ The Major had been so intent in scru- tinizing some of the boxes which had come up out of the hold that he had not noticed the proceedings until the rush aboard attracted his attention, and he looked up to see the boat swinging out from the wharf. He called out: "Col. Bonesteel, just v.-ait a few miuutes longer. They'll have the whole load off them." "Very sorry, INIajor, I cannot comply," answered the Colonel; "that battery is deploying, and liable to fire at any instant. Better get your ammuuitiou under cover as quickly as possible. In the meanwhile I have the honor of bidding you good- day." "Come back here, men," shouted the Major to his detachment. "You are not to go with the boat. You are to stay 28 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. here. Serg't Dye, bring your men ashore at once." "Serg't Dye is in the hold and can't hear you, Major," said Shorty very po- Jitely, "and if he could I don't see how he could obey, as his legs aint GO feet long." The Aid trotted down to the wharf and waved a kn}:o white envelope toward the departing boat. But Col. Boonsteel kept his eyes fixed ou the opposite bank, and if expecting the refugee wagons to unlimber and belch out a storm of shells, while the Lorena's rapidly-whirling stern- wheel tiuug up a cloud of spray in seem- ing dehauce and derision of Headquarters, Aids, Ordnance Oflicers, and everything not pertaining directly to the Engineer Corps. -v,% :! "We probably \Von'.t have no trouble till we g( I tu Bainbridge's T'erry," said the pilot. "The river ovim- there to the right /is too rocky and s\vaiiipy for the rebels to ' get through. But it narrows down at the ferry to less'n a mile wide, with fairly deep water, .ind there's a road leading up from the .south. It's the closest call we're likely to have till we get near the head o' the Shoals, for we can dodge around among the rocks Ihe rt^st of the way, and avoid 'em. But if they've got to the fer- ry, with cannon, they're liable to make it warm for us. " 'Twon't be the first time, though, that I've had to run by a battery on tlie bank. Better let the boys rest, and eat their dinners, and be ready." "All right," answered Si. "If the reb- el cavalry know what's good for 'em they'll let tht; 200th Injianny carefully alonc!. We're like, a ■ rattlesnake — seen best a good piece off and' asleep." And he went down to sui)ciinlend the dinner. "1 caught sight through a rift in the trees of a good deal of dust raising off away down theri;," remarked Shorty, as he stood on the bow guards, with a liber- al supply of bread and meat in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, and stud- ied the; country toward the south. "Some- body's going to the election. That's sure. Whether it's our men falling back, or them coming on is an interesting ques- tion that'll come up later. It don't really matter, though. Jake Dye promised us an ea.sy, pleasant trip, with all the com- forts of a home, and we're going to hold him 1o his bargain." , "The way them geese is flying up," added Si, pointing with his cup of coft'ee to disturbed flocks of birds, "shows that there's a lot o' men piling in from that direction. Boys, finish your dinner as quick as you can, load and stand ready." The boat ran to the left of the long, curving island, just above Florence, and approached the ferry. They saw a long- limbed, gaunt man, with a beard like a wisp of hay, sitting on a rock ou the right, fishing. "Shall I shoot him. Sergeant?" inquired Harry Joslyn, who was w-rought up to the fighting pitch. "lie's a bushwhacker. If he ain't bushwhacking now he has been and will be again. It'll save bOth$:fi to get rid of him uo\s'." '- ' • "No, no," calle-d. down the pilo'c. "Don't harm him. That's Jim Bainbridge, ^iiat used to run the ferry, afore the war. He's all right. That is. he ain't bad. He don't care no more for Union or Secesh than he does for them wild ducks affcr geese.- iS'ot as much, for he can eat the; dUcks fend geese, and that'-s -a gr'^dt pint with Jim. He's too ednsarned lazy to care tor any- thing in this world but laying around, eat- ing and sleeping. He can -sleep right along, all day and all; night, lay around on the flat of his back the rest o' the time, and eat more'n a boss Avhiie he's doing it. Never see such a man. Rebels put him in their army, but was glad to get shet of him in less'n a month. His disease is ketching, and soon the hull riji- ment was down with it. He simply wouldn't do nothing, in' spite o' them, but lay 'round, eat and sleep, and he'd give it to tUe men tliej- set over him so that they wouldn't do nothing else. He wuz wuss'n the measles in a neighborhood, and he spiled the rijiment so that it Avas never worth much afterward. But I'm going to take him aboard. He knows the Shoals better'n any man alive. Hello, Jim; how- dy'.>" "Howdy yerself, Zeke, an' see how you like hit," answered the fisherman, lookiug up lazily, with a piece of corn-dodger iu one hand and a chunk of meat iu the other. "Air yo' travelin' or jist goin' a piece?" "Bound for Chattanoogy," answered Ezokiel ?ilartin. "Bound fur Chattanoogy," chuckled .Tim. "Yo're liound fur Richmond, V'ir- ginny, an' Libljy Prisan, if they don't hang yo' as soon as they lay hands on yo', fur stccrin' a Yank-eo boat." "That so?"' inquired the pilot; with an air of mild interest. "Any rebels 'round here'.'" "Hell's mint of 'em over thar," an- swered Jim, with a nod of his head south- ward. "Thicker'n fiddlers in the brim- stone lake. Hood's hull army's betwixt here an' Decatur. 'Bout a million of 'em." "So"/" queried the pilot, softly. _ "But they're all laying over toward Leighton and Town Creek, ain't they? None nigh the river?" "Thar's whar yo're as much mistaken as if yo'd done burnt yer shirt. Ole Steve Lee's out thar at Leighton, but he's hump- in' his critter companies up toward the Ferry au' they're likely to be thar any liiinnit." "Well, you'd better come aboard, Jim, and get out o' their way." "Nary a time. Perch's bitin' too well to leave jist now. Fust good perch fish- ing I've had this Fall. AVuz bitin' fine afore yo' done come along with yer ole boat an' riled up the water. Go 'long now an' let the water fjuiet down." "Jim, if you'll come aboard and go up THE BOYS HAVE THEIE FIRST DIFFICULTIES IN NAVIGATION*. 29 as far as Decatur, I'll give you all the gnib you can lay to and a two-bushel bag- full to take home." •'Don't keer fur no more grub." an- swered the fisherman indifferently, read- justing his pole, which the waves of the steamboat had disturbed. "Kather fish. Don't want no more grub. Killed a shoat er of its predecessors. Jim made a mo- tion as if to rise, but then settled back .and said decisively: "No, I reckon not. Like ter have the salt, but kin git along without hit. If I git hit they'll only use hit up an' then want more. Things taste most as good without salt. Can't leave these perch fur no salt. Rather fish." •THEY SAW A LONG-LIMBED, GAUNT MAN, FISHING. yesterday in the riffles. Don't like wheat bread, nohov/. Tangles up in my giz- zard." •".Jim, if you'll come along you shall have all the whisky you want to drink." This seemed to stir more emotion than the previous offer. The fisherman debated it for an instant, and then answered: *"No; I calkerlate not. Got a jugfuU o' old peach yesterday. Don't like yer kind o' likker, nohow. Got ter drink a kag o' hit ter feel hit at all. Now. the fust dram o' that thar peach ketches hold o' yer throat, an' seems ter tear yer lights right out. Nu; b'lieve I won't go. Rather fish." ••Jim, if you'll come along I'll give j'ou a heaping peck of salt." This stirred up more emotion than eith- "Jim." said the pilot, desperately, "if you'll come along I'll give you a hat-fuU of genuine Yankee coffee to take to your old woman." The fisherman rose up suddenly. "A hat full o' coffeeV My hat full".' This hat full?" he inquired, pulling off his ca- pacious old white wool head-covering and holding it up. -Yes; I'll fill that hat up to the top of the band with real Yankee coffee." "I'll go," said the fisherman, flinging back into the water the fish he had caught. "Come in to that rock thar, an' le'me git aboard." •'Come right up here into the pilot-house with me, Jim." ••No; that's too fur ter cJimb, an' I hate 30 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. ter have glass 'round me. Can't git my breath. I'll set out ou the hariicane roof." "Serg't Klegg," continued the pilot, •'will you have the cook send up all that was left from your dinner, together with a big pot of .strong ootlceV Corporal El- liott, will you go into my room and tind a bottle of whisky there, under my pillow, and give it to Mr. Bainbridge?" "No; don't keer fur no whisky now, thankee, if yo're done gwine ter give me a fillin' o' coffee. I'm jist husting fur as much coffee as I kin drink. No likker. thankee; want all my room fur coilee. Tell that cook ter make it good an' strong — strong enough ter bear up an aig." "You shall have it just your way, Mr. Bainbridge," said Si. "\'ery glad to have you with us." ' A spurt of firing was heard in the direc- tion of the Ferry. "Great Jehosephat, they've got there," remarked Shorty, bringing his cartridge- bo.x to the front and picking up his Spring- field. "Keep amidships, behind the timbers, boys, and wait for orders," called but Si. "Say," yelled a picket from the north- ern shore, "you can't go up there. The other side is full of rebels. Turn that boat around and go back." Just then a roar broke out down the river in front of Florence. "Jlear that?" Shorty shouted derisively at the picket. "Can't you mention some place else for us to go? Hovv'd it do to climb a tree?" "1 declare." muttered Shad to Si. listen- i ing to the shelling the rebels were giving Florence, "those icaily were batteries, in- stead of refugee wagons, that the Colonel , was looking at. He knows more than I thought he did." "My prompt action in leaving enabled ^ us to escape that bombardment," said the •. Colonel, from his pose on the front uf the deck, whither he had come at the first . shot. "I trust that Maj. Crewet is enjoy - f ing himself." i The firing up the river became a sharp t skirmish, as the Union cavairy resisted the attempts of the rebels to cross. A. - rebel battery took position on a piece of : high hill a half-mile back of the ford, and 3 began throwing shells across at the Union cavalry. Si and Shad glanced at the pilot. , who was driving calmly on, co see what t effect this was having on him. ^ "That's all right," he said, noticing 1 their (juestioning glances, but keei)ing his . eyes fixed on the river ahead. "Tliere's only a narrow clear space at the Ferrv. ■J and after the cannon fires one shot we'Vl £ be past before it can fire another, it";! be ^ be the musketry that'll hurt. Keep vov.r £ men under cover. Better make 'em' lay down. I'm going to run close into the I'Muk as we pass, ihat's always saf-ost. Bothers their aim, and the nearer v.e are the quicker we'll be by. All of you lay down." "Lay down, boys! Everybody lay down," shouted Si. "Everybody get be- hind something, and don't shoot till you;re sure of your man. Then let him have it below the belt." He set the example liy kneeling dmvn behind the capstan and Jayiug his gun aeross it. From that i)Osition he could command a vie\A- of all amund a:^ \Veil as his boys, crouching' behind c,ni|s Of rope, anchors, and ^^•hatt■^■er iiruuiised i^^helter. Shorty lay Hat on the cabin dech, with his gun poked through the railing, ready lo fire as soon as it bore on something'. "Lay down, Jim; lay down fiat on the deck," shouted (he pilot, as the b.oat rushed ou and nearcd the 'firing whirU was becoming momentarily h<'avier. • The fisherman, wiio was industriously devour- ing the store sent ui) from the cook-house, was wandering about the deck perple.Kcd- ly, with the coffee-itot in his hand. "I'm looking fur some kivver fur this here coffee-pot," .lim explained. "Hit's the best coffee I over drunk, an' I'm moutily afeared hit'll git hit. O, thar's the [dace." Ills eyes lighted on the big brass hell, swinging on the fore part of the deck. He shuliled forward, turned up the, bell, slipped the precious coffee-pot under its broad mouth, and turned it down again. "Thar," he said, with a grunt of satis- faction, "no Yankee could've thought of a cuter trick than that. Thar's a double hand's thickness o' brass on every side o' that coffee-pot. No bullet'll ever go through that thar." The trees below the ferry masked the approach of the boat from the rebels on the bank, until she shot out almost in their faces. The Union troops on the op- posite side held their tire, and sent up rousing cheers for her gallant crew. She v,as going as fast as her engines would send her along, and so wild was the fire of the surprised rebels that the duly seri- ous injury it did was to the boat's light woodwork, which' was pievced. sjilit and splintered in a hundred places. Sad to say, one startled rebel had fired his gun almost perpcnc'icuhuly. The bullet went through the light boards of the hurricane deck directly under the treasured coffee- pot, tore a hole in its bottom, struck the inside of the bell a ringing blow, rebound- ing, wrecked the pot still further, and rolled it out on the deck. Jim Bainbridge saw this and raged. He snatched up a gun leaning agaiiist the side of the pilot- house, and running aft tired over the wheel with sure aim into the crowd of rebels back at the Ferry. "Dod rot yer stinking hides," he yelled, shaking his fist as he saw a man fall, "I'll larn yo' hounds how ter spile a po' man's cofleo what hain't had none fur months. Why can't yo' let folks alone what ain't aoiii' nothin' tor yo'?" As the Lorena gained the cover of a lit- tle wooded island above the Ferry, on which there were no rebels, the men on her saw at a little distance ahead the rob- THE BOYS HAVE THEIR FIRST DIFFICULTIES IN NAVIGATION. els actively laying a pontoon which they were to suddenly shove out under the cov- er of the trees, and before the Union troops ,conId take niensures against it have it across the river and a crossing secured. There was but little current through the islands there and the conditious' -were favorable to the work. 'T'd lilce to butt that thing and smash it info Hinders," said the pilot, ringing a slowing bell, lu give him time to think. •'Yo' kin do hit, Zcke; yo' kin do hit,'" drawled Jim, still raging over the loss of his coffee. "Thar's good two foot o' wa- ter 'round Possum Head, thar at their cen- ter. Hit "em a good welt thar, and smasli through 'em. Then put ycr whec'l hard a- starboard, bring her head 'roun' ter lar- board, comin' back inter the main chaii- nel, shoving that string <»' bridge out afore yo", an' lettin" 'em Iloat down stream whar the Yankee scrimmage! s'll 'tend ter 'em.'" "That's .iust what I'll do." answered the pilot, ringing a fast bell, and heading straight for the center of the long line of pontoon. ?i, Shorty, Jake Dye and the rest yelled deli.uht(dly,' -when they saw the pilot's in- tention, and began liring on the rebels on the landside of the bridge. The steamboat smashed through the bridge like a bull throagh garden palings, and turning quickly shoved the section on the larboard, about l(.iO yards in length, with the men on it, out into the main channel, down which it would float, close to the Union skirmishers. "Dod-rot yo'; spile a po' man's coffee, will yo'V" yelled Jim Bainbridge, running along the "deck and throwing everything he could find at the men on the pontoons. "Hain't had a sup o' coffee fur months, an' then yo'ns spile hit all. I'd like ter wruig every one o' yer stinkin' necks." The Lorena had scarcely straightened up to resume her course in the main chan- nel v.hen a lebel cannon barked viciously from a tow-head up above, and a shell whistled across the hurricane deck. "They've worked a gun out there to cov- er the landing of the pontoon," remarked Shad Graham. "So it apiiears," answered the pilot. "But how in the world did they ever get it across there".'' I suppose we'll have to run by it." "Tell yo' what ter do, Zeke," mumbled Jim Bainbridge, his mouth full of food and in his hand a fresh tin-cup of coffee, which Si had secured for him. "Whirl ter the left, and cut 'i-ound behind that island thar. You'll find plenty o' water thar, but the suck's powerful. But she's runnin' light, an' I reckon her injines kin make hit." Before the gun could fire again the agile Lorena had been put behind the shelter of the island. But she encountered one of those "sucks" for which the Tennessee Eiver is noted. The water poured through the narrow channel with a velocity and pov.-er against which the Lorena's engines struggled in vain. Fat pine knots were shoved into her furnaces, and the weight on the safety-valve brrtught out \'i tlie end. Her boilers were straining .-uiil the loud "cough" of the steam as it left her escape- pipes spoke of her distressful labor to the whole country around. Thu lebels quick- ly noticed this, and began working their way over the shoals and islands to get at her. "There's only one thing to do, ' said the pilot to Shad. "Let a man tal-ic a line overboard and carry it up the bnnk lo that big whil.-cak on tlie point. Tluii we'll warji her with the (•apst:iu."' "That spells my name,' said Shorty, running down onto the boiler dec];, and seizing" the end of the long cable coiled there. The pilot yawed the boat a little, so as to bring her into stiller v.-ater, be- hind the shelter of a large rock. "Jake Dye promised us a quiet, pleas- ant ti-ip, with all the comforts of a home," continued Shorty, as he iuniped off into the cold water, up above his waist, "and I'm going to hold him to his bargain." He clambered up on the rocks, and ran along them to the white-oak, around which he fastered the line. Si had in the mean- while got the cajistan in readiness, with himself and his sti-ongest men at the bars, and the rest pulling on the line as it left the drum. So they "walked" the Lorena up through the suck to where her own en- gines would again suffice to Ct'.rry her for- ward. They stood out on the deck, as she speeded away, and yelled all manner of de risinn and contumely at the disappointed reliels. who were clambering over the rocks and wading through the shallows to got at hly. leveled at everything rebel, from Jeff Davis downw;ird. "Guess that's the last o' them." said Si complacently. "Theie wasn't many of tlii'in, and they're probably the right ilauk of their army." "Looks that way," Shorty agreed, and turned to continue the drying of his wet clothes on the side of the boilers. Si and Jake Dye busied themselves with the men in getting the decks cleared up and swept. Jim Bainbridge found a warm place where the chimneys came through the hurricanf deck, bent his tall form around the sheet- iron stack, and slept the sleep of content- ment and a full stomach. Shad (iraham occupied himself in look- ing carefully over the boat, to provide for any future contingency. The wood-pile gave him .some concern. They had not taken on any wood at Florence, and the recent drafts upon it had greatly reduced its volume. "If we can see a fence anywhere in this wilderness," remarked Shorty, notic- ing his regretful look, "we'll land and taku it aboard. j\le and Si and the rest catj soon chop it up into lengths." "Trouble is that they don't have any fences in this part of the country. Tlifs(> crackers are too dumbed lazy to evt-n Uuild comfortable cabins, let alone fences." The boat struck dully but heavily, and slopped with a suddenness that wrenched all her timbers and shook every one on boa 1(1. Her engines kept working, (hough, and her wheel revolving, without pushing her forwaid. "Confound it," exclaimed Shad, in a tone of great annoyance, "we've run onto a bar." "(jrosh. Zeke," exclaimed Jim Bain- bridge, "I meant ter've told yo' that the current settin' 'round that big new snag up thar has made a bar acrost the chan- nel here." "I've found it out." said the pilot grim- ly. "Lieutenant, you'll have to get your men to the capstan and spar her over." All Western steamboats go prepared for just such emergencies as these, which are liable at any moment. On either side the bow rises a derrick-like contrivance, to which is rigged a stiff pile, having its low- er end shod with iron. This drops down into the water, a rope runs through a pul- ley-block down to the capstan, and by working this the boat is lifted and pushed over the bar. The spar was quickly rigged, with Si, Shorty and the strongest men at the cap- stan bars, and the Lorena began "walk- ing" u]) the river again. Contrary to their Impcs. however, instead of being a narrow bar, this jiroved to be a long ;.ho;!l. This had (le(eivc«i the sharp eyes of the );;lot. A narrow, hiiih bar makes a ii[iple which MORE TEOUBLOUS NAVIGATION OF MUSCLE SHOALS. S3 quickly betrays its presence, \AhiIe .1 coii- liuuouH shouliug of u few, inches may mulie no si.Lcn. ' Tlic spurt of vi.sjorons effort wliicli tlio boys t!u\-vi- into their lint attuclv upon the capstan Ijecanio a severe continuous strain upon the last atom of their strength, as the si;ai's Avere time after time liltinl and t;eL forward, and tlie shjw walk aroumi ilie capstan repeated, to drag the boat forward a few feet. "(Jreat Jehosephat, ain't there no end to tliis blamed bar," groaned Shorty, as he Nviped his perspiring face, while wait- ing for the tackle to be rearranged. "It seems to be as big as the Bar of Judgment that the preachers are always talking about." Monty and Harry were stationed out- side of the jackstalf, prodding out as far as they could reach with poles, trying to discover some show of the water deepen- ing, vriihout success. "If it wasn't fo!" the looks of the thing I'd ratlu'r walk, as the stage passenger said, who had to carry a rail up hill to pry the co;ii;h up, and then walk down behind and ];ull on a rope to keep the thing from running to snuish." This from Si, as he stopped for a brief rest A\hile Shad worked out a kink in the sheaves. "When I build a boat to run on the Ten- nessee," volunteered Sandy Baker, "I'm going to put rollers on her bottom or wag- on-wheels on the side to run on where it is only a little wet." "Ccnne, boys, at her again," called out Si cheerily. "We'll get her through next time. This ain't nothing to working a stone-boat over a plowed field. I've had to do that. At her again. All hands to the capstan. Now. strong and steady!" After straining their mus( les until they seemed cracking, they succeeded in pulling the boat forward aliout a rod, but Monty's and Harry's poles showed no signs of deeiiening water. "Jake Dye, this is the pleasant, easy trip you promised us, with all the comtorrs of a home." yelled Shorty, a little more ver.gefnly than he had spoken before. "b, rats! Save your breath. for heaving and tugging. You'll need it all," snorted Jake Dye, in weariness and anger." "O, Aunt Jeminia'r, plaster; The moie yon tiled to pull it off, The more it stuck the faster, ' sang Monty Scruggs. "I'hcese thai, ?,i(iuty. or I'll chuck you overboard." said Harry, irritably. "This is no time for your bianu-d (imitations." A gun was hred from a little island half- a-niiie ahead, and a bullet sang over the deck. "Hello," said Si, stopping, wiping his face, and scrutini:^ing the island. "W'hu's that'.'' S.lonty get his gun and lay for tliis other feller. Harry, try to get that feller nt'xt tinu'. Come, boys, one more graial walk around tor deep water and Chattynoogy." Their hands were beeoming blistered, and their muscles aching, but they iilanted their feet firmly on the deck at exvvy step, and pushed with all their might, heaving the boat forTivard another rod. The bushwhackers lired again, and thi-, time there was a third gun. Harry and Monty fired, but the distance was so great that their shots were probably as inef- fectual as those of the rebels. "That shooting's like the croaking of buzzards," said Si irritably. "It means that they've found something, and are calling up the others. The buzzards want to feast off this boat. How's the water there, Pete?" "No deeper," answered Pete. "That's Tennessee all over," grumbled Si. "Ahvays too dumbed much water or too little. Never saw such a country. Come, boys, choose .vour partners for an- other walk-around. SVe must get this boat out of here before any more rebels show up." "They're showing up faster n v,-e re get- ting out," Shorty remarked grimly, as oth- er shots came from the little islands, to the right and rear, and not only Harry and Monty, but others of Ih- smaller boys, became pretty busy in iciilying te them. Jim Bainbridge sfjpped eating and stud- ied attentively the island from which- the first shot had come, and others were fol- lowing as fast as the man there could re- load. "Dod burn his wuthless hide, ef that hain't old Hoss Bullock up thar. I reckoned that hit war somebody what knowed the Shoals monty well, ter work around that-a-way. Durn his picter, I done tole him I'd kill him if he ever conie back into this country arter he hickoried me down thar in the camps 'kase I wouldn't work. I done tole him then he'd better never let me lay eyes on him agin. Now he's done come light back niter the country, jist ter sass me, an' show that he don't keer iiolhiu' fer me. Seemed ter me 34 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. I knowcd the man when I fust cotch sight of him. Iliou when I seed his red board, lilce a.shocuiake top, I wuz sartiu'. Hits him or me lur hit, now." He wallicd down stairs to Harry, and said: '"Sonny, le' me have your gun. I kin fetch that feller. Yo' go back to yo' pole. Yo'll strike deep water purty soon." "Here, take my gun," said Si. "I won't need it while I'm busy here." "No; I want this boy's. I've bin watch- in' hit, an' know jist how hit carries." "Let him have your gun, Harry," said Si. Jim took up Harry's well-cared-for riiJe, and looked it over approvingly, and out toward his enemy. "Hit's an owdashious long shot," he muttered. "Howsumever, 1 don't want ter fetch him fer awhile yit; anyway, I want him ter know who's arter him. I'll give him one nov*- ter inform him that hit ain't a boy that's a-shootin'." He fired, and the man with a beard the color of a sumach-tuft seemed so aston- ished by the close aim that he stepped out from behind his tree, placed his hand over his eyes, and took a good look at the men on the boat. "I thought that'd 'stonish him," chuck- led Jim, reloading his gun. "That's bet- ter .shootin' than he's bin doin', an' he's naturally curu's ter know who's doin' hit. He'll iiud out when we git up furder." JNIeanwhile the firing was becoming much heavier from the right and rear, and from his position on the hurricane deck Shad Graham could see the rebels swarm- ing up, wading through the shallower channels, clambering over the rocks, dodg- ing around the masses of driftwood, and getting where their shots were beginning to take effect. Two of the men at the capstan dropped with bullets through theii- shoulders. "Lieutenant," said the Colonel, speak- ing for the first time, and with his nose in the air, as if the enemy gave off a dis- agreeable effluvia, "are not those people getting objectionably near?" "They are, indeed, sir," answered Sh.ad, saluting. "We must try to get rid of them." He called down: "Jake — I mean Serg't Dye, form your men on the starboard guards and load. Go ahead with your work, Si — that is, S^ng't Klegg. I'll land and push them scoundrels back." Si looked up rebelliously. "They're my men," he started to say. "It's my busi- ness to lead them when they go into a fight." But Shad bad not waited for reply. He whipped quickly down the stairs to where Jake Dye was forming the hoys. "Are you all loaded?" he called out. "All right. Don't anybody fire till I give the order. Overboard, everybody." He set the example by jumping off into the water and wading ashore, followed in- stantly by the GO forming Jake Dye'a company. Harry. Monty, Alf, Gid, Sandy and Pete gazed for a moment in wonder- ment that" Si and Shorty weie not lead- ing the movement, and then yielding to their impulse jumped into the water and fol!ov,ed the others, while Si and Shorty and the others struggled on with the cap- stan. Shnd pushed forward befoi'e his men through the cedars to the other side of the island. Cautiously looking through the brush, he saw the rebels making their way i-apidly to a high sandbar separated from \^ here he was by several rods of shallow water. They were evidently gath- ering there for a rush across to the island and then upon the boat. He passed the woid back for those behind to come up quietly without shaking the brush and get under cover at the edge. As he glanced around he noticed the Colonel standing stiff and precise in the brush, at the regu- lation 30 paces interval in rear of the fir- ing-line. "All ready now, boys," Shad sent a whisper along the line. "Take good aim, fire low, and we'll give "em a blizzard that'll make 'cm let us alone. Ready, aim, fire I" The whole crowd of rebels seemed to go down before the in;tantaucous blast that poured out of the bushes. Si's crowd, laboring at the capstan, an- swered the volley with a joyfuJ tjhout, uud inspired by the sound, raced around Avith the bars. The boat slid along more easily, and finally shot forward quickly, her Avheel giving the shoal a disdainful kick as she glided off. The movement was so sudden and unexpected that the capstan "laced," and Si and the rest tumlilcd in a heap over one another upon the deck. "Come aboard, Siunl,' shouted the pi'.ot. "We're off." "Run for the boat, boys," called out Shad. "Lieutenant, Lieutenant," admonished the CoLsnel. "That isn't the way to re- tire before the enemy. Form your men, sir, and retii'e in an orderly manner." Shad swore a little under his bi'eath at the Colonel's formality, which involved so much delay, but quickly formed the boys into some sort of line, and walked delib- erately back, the Colonel stalking solemnly hi.s proper 30 paces in the rear. ^ "Dumb it. Shad, why don't you hurry?" Si called out impatiently. "It's aAvful hard to hold the boat here." "Seig't Klepg," said the Colonel, se- verelj', as he regained the deck, "the man- ner in which you just addressed your su- perior officer is simply intolerable. I can- not deal with the offense )iow as it de- serves, but I shall retum to it in the fu- ture. See that you do not aggravate it by any repetition." Undisturbed by the occurrences below the red-bearded man had kept up an ex- change of shots with Jim Bainhridge, who excited and puzzled him by planting his MOKE TBOUBLOUS NAVIGATION OF IMUSCLE SHOALS. 35 'YES, HIT'S ME : JEEMS BAINBKIDGE, O' BAINBEIDGE'S FERRY." bullets all around and very close to him v,-ithout actually hitting him. It vras clear to him tluit ho had cncountorod some un- usual antagonist, Avho was worthy of his best efforts. Ho wanted to fall back when his "comrades below were driven, but lin- gered to dispose of this audacious fellow. "Slow down, Zeke," Jim called to the pilot, "and run iu close to the island thar. ^'o'il lind good live foot o' water all along thar." .lim left Ills station by the .iackstaff, and stood ui) on the front of the liurricane de.k. "Hullo, Hoss Bullock," he shouted, as the boat came within a couple hundred yards of the island, "lo' 'bominable pole- cat, did yo' know who wuz a-shootin' at yo'V" "Wuz that yo', yo lazy, lousy, thievin' runnygade — yo' pizen, wuthless po' white trash," shouted Bullock, angrily, coming out from behind the stunted and flood- mangled sycamore and shaking his fist at Bainbridge. "Yes, hit's me, Jeems Bainbridge, o' Bainbridge's Ferry, yer betters, and the gent yo' hickoried down thar by Gadsden. s^' SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. I dhr.o tolo yo' I'd have yoi- wood-pc-ckor sculp lei- that sourc day, an' I've d.jiie come iPi' hit, yo' fox-faced vaimiat." "1 didn't ^'ive yo half v.hat yo d<:>.sarvr-d, yo" jll-bogclten hound." yelled Bu;iu>.k. "'I never oiler let ^o.' got a-vvay alive, ar.d I won't next time I' — "Stop your jawing, Jim." said the pihit, "and ;.,et down lo busines.-;. 1 can t hold th^ boat here all day." "I conid've shot yo' Ion.',' ago," yelled Jim, 1',: ii'ging his gun to his face like a flash. "Bnt atore I done hit I M-auted yo' ter knov,- who hit v,-uz. Take that thar thron.i-h yer pnnkin head." Both uuii hied almost nt the same in- stant. BalloJ-: sank dov,-n. apparently with a bullet through hia he;:d. The dus't Lew from the side of Jim's ragged butter nut coat, and he wbukd half louna as he fell. •"This private dueling is strictly out of order in war," said the Colonel severely, as 'ho came upon the deck, after exchang- ing his soaked boots and pantaloons for dry ones. "It is not war, but individual murder. It should not have been permit- ted had I l)een piesent. Let us have no male of it." "Ket(h you bad. Jim'?" asked the pilot. "No; i leckon not," replied Bainbridge, feeling his ;-ido. "Only raked a little meat often my rib.<^. He wuz quicker'n I reck- oned. But it was his last shot, and he hustled a little ter make hit." "Do you suppose, Jim, that we've got shut of "em all now'?" inquired the pilot, riiiging the bell for more steam. "I misdoubt if yo' have. 'Paruntly thar's other men among 'em that know the Shoals, from the way they 'uns is workin' 'round. See them bushes shakin' on that island at the head o' the bend? Thar's a passel o' they 'uns got in thar." Even Si's and Shorty's keen eyes had not seen what Jim had detected. "That means trouble," said the pilot. "They can get a rake right on us." "Dodge 'em by goin' sharp to larboard, and cuttin' in behind that island thar. Yo'll find plenty o' water thar. Hit's nar- rer, but deep and swift." When the rebels in the brush saw the boat turn away they rushed out and ex- pressed their chagrin in a spiteful volley, no shot from which came within a half- mile of the Lorena. "You want to give your guns a little hunch when you shoot," Shorty yelled de- risively. '"Your bullets dou't get over the taw-liue." The chute of the river into which they had turned was as narrow as a canal, and ran like a mill-race. The Lorena strug- gled slov.-ly up it, and her wood-pile di- minished at a rate that made Shad, Si and Shoity .>;an it nervously. Jim Bainbridge's wound had not affect- ed his appetite, but he suddenly stopped a tin-cup of coflee on its way to his mouth, aad his ears seemed to point forward like a horse's when his suspicions are aroused. "Somebody's rhopnin' un thar a-^ierc. What does hit mean'?" ho asked. "I don't h(>a'.- any chopping," answered the pilot, listeniijg ns well as he could between the ■"coughs" of the escape-pipes. "They s.'-.U.nly air," aHirmcd .Tim. "Thar's more'n one — sovcial. Yo' kin tell the different liiks. They're choppiu' som-3- thing green aiMi solid — a trre." "You're righr. ,)iin." said the pilot, a few minutes later, as They came nearer. "^Vhat does it mean';" "This fhute swings over toward the other shore up thar by the head o' Cop- perhead Island," said Jim reflectively, tfy- ing to reason out the probabilities. ■"Th(«y- 'uns uiay've cut acrost the bend, and then make they'uns's way over the shallers to'd Copi)eihead, and're now choppin' do%\-n ti-ees to clear away for a cannon, or ter make a bridge. Ilello, who's they- 'uns'/" He saw a num.ber of rebels doing some- thing on top of a large bare rock that overhung the chute on the right hand. 1'hey ran down behind the rock, as the boat approached. "They have poles and pries in their hands," said the pilot, after spooking down through the pipe to the engineer to give her ('vvry ounce of steam he had. "I think they are trying to pry that rock down on us. But they're too late." Shad, Shorty and Si snatched up their guns to lire on the rebels, but the^' were too well under cover of the rock, and as the boat passed they tlung heavy stones down on the deck, which crushed through the light planking. "Jake Dye's quiet, pleasant trip, with all the comforts of a home, is becoming ploasanter and quieter, and more homelike every minute." remarked Shorty. As the boat passed up out of musket- shot the boys were surprised to see the lebels swarm up on the rock again and be- gin working with their pries. The rock at length yielded to their efforts, rocked a little, and then toppled down into the stream with a sounding splash. "What in the world does that mean?" asked Si. "We aint going back. There's no use stopping up the road after we've passed." "That's what it means," said Shad Gra- ham, as the boat turned a point and gave a view of a stretch ahead. There they saw a group of axmenrun away from a tall tulip-tree, three feet through at the ground, which was toppling to its fall. It came down Avith a crash, falling straight across the chute, and barring the Lorena's progress. "They've got us in a trap which they think we can't get out of." The woods rang with the exultant shouts of the rebels, and several bullets sang around as the rebels ran for and se- cured their guns. The scene was too much even for the statuesque composure which the Colonel MOKE TKOUELQUS NAVIGATION- OF M.USCLE SHOAL:-. Z7 ^nrl^PO fnr maintained.. For th^ first time lic'tiiriifd n tronb'fi!, wond'Tin.^,' louk upon rfjhad.as it' I'rchn^ lli.;t tliis v,as t\w mucii I'pr llie irs^iurccH I'f iiis sulMMiiinr.to. . A;; u.'U,.;;, in lUl;Il!^_■ut.^ it s.ipicMK' dan- gw, t^ib, tuuia.uc 10S.L', a:i(l his luind acted \yitii.a c;ui. kjuss -in (;xa;t [i;;>iioitiou to ;t-h«. dc'«! vraroufss of tlu' oir.ergone.v. '"■l!,oa(l, Lo.v^s" lie slmutinl, ■"and run bnek; tliere to tlie ;-.tpn\ ready to jump olVaU it swill's',-; agin, the IkiuIc. ,, Shad.. I'll go aishoie and drive them tellers baek. ami gi^'e.you -t-imo to think.. 'I lie soDiier 1 do it, tlio bettor, tor the i'CAVor there'll lie. Shad, you'd lietter take- i^ix or eight of .tiie :beL-;t Lhoi)].oia and charge that log, \vhilo I'm holding them back. "Monty, Hnrrj-, Gid, Alt', Sandy and Pete, you stay aboard, and gathoi- up every light thing you can lind, and make piles ai-ound on each of the docks. Then stand liy them with matches, ready to light, if you see we're whipped. Monty, you lake the hurricane dock, v, here you can see, and give the word. Don't take any chances. If it looks at all like we're being whii)pGd start the iiics. The rebels mnstn't have this Itoat, no m^atter what happens. Come on, boys." He ran back to the stern and jumped ashore, deploying his men as they rcacliod him, in a long skirmish; line, to sweep across the little island. ■.; They aet up a yell of deflanco as. they pushed forward, firing at will at every rebel they could see.- With a veteran's shrewdness. Si had realized that comparatively fe\y rebels had reached the island, and they were hoping to- hold the boat fast until the others could come up. . The thing to do was to imme- diately clear them out and .get possession of the other side of the island, wherever that might be, and hold it, so that no more could come over. He and Shorty,; therefore, rushed the boys forward at all as rapidly as they could, and soon came to the water on the •other side, through which, the rebels they were pursuing were making their way. There they saw a liat, rock reef, per- haps 400 yards wide, over which the water ran in rather sluggish current, at depths varying from 10" inches to two feet. . The reef was covered with a INIid- ■^snmmer -s'ume, . which made it very slip- pery, and the escaping rebels would fre- • qne'iitly f'^H headlong, and roll over in the water. Besides, there v/ere many deep holes, into which they would sink up above their vraists, and ilounder around l^efore tJiey couid get out. The rebels . were swarming up on the opposite side, -.but the dihieulties thcir_ comra.des Avere having in getting away did not encourage thonr to advance in front of the strong force Si Avas developing. They seemed to be v.'aiting. either for more to come up, or for some formation f(U- an advance. ' ■'■We can hold them, y.hoiiy," said Si, -' T.'ith quicii decision, as he diopuscd his boys under cover,, and instructed them to lire ilelilierately and witli careful aiih, at 'the uroups across the: reef, su as to retard their fi.rmatinu, and diUiini.-h the (inyices of an immediaie rush. He presentl^-,"saw that this would r.ot take pbice, and leav- ing Shorty in charge, hurried back acrosjS ' tlie isl.-ind' ti> see what Sliail wa,s doing. Willi leady n-sinu-(es Shad had swung the bt.al':-, kt';;d aer.'s;; the chute, lamling his axnicn "ii the (ii>'e":^ite . bank, where thev \-/r:e .-il la'cking llic ,t;iant trunk at its sm;iiir.,t (i-!in!(ler. N'v iiik' they were do- in- ihis lu' v.-as rig,:;iiig the boat's cable about that eiMl. sc' that as soou ^is they cut t!u-eu;_-h the buat would swing , her weidit on llie leg and drag the end around unt'd it fell into the chute and would be disposed of. . . "Guess vou v.-on'.t have to burn the boat, bovs,'" said Si to r^ionty and the rest, as his eyes rested satisliedly on .Shad's preparations. "Three of you'll be enough, anyway. Harry, you, r^ionty and Sandy can come Avith me. Alf, Gid and Pete Aviil stay on the boat to sot the tires, it nccessaiy." • He wanted to hurry back, because tlie firinf was increasing in a way that he did not 'like. When he got back he Avas startled to see ho v.- the rebels liad in- creased. '\Vorsc than all, some bold di- recting officer had come up, <^nd assumed charge. He was advancing a heavy !;kir- mish line into the reef, and ma.-.smg u.p the other men as they arrived. '"That's likely their Celune!," said Shor- ty, "and he means busiii(>.-".-.." "Can't you fetch him'.' ' imiuircd ten "That's' Avhat I've bin trying to do, but I'm so shaky from tugging at that cap- stan that I can't shoot for sour apples." Si clanced back, and saw Col. Bone- steel s'tanding stithy on a rock in full view from the other side. . ' "Better get under cover quick, Colonel. They'll get you," he called out:. "Attend to your oavu business, Serg t Klegg," ansAvered the Colonel sternly. "When I desire your advice I'll ask it." Si had enough else to engross his at- tention, Avithout giving further "thought to the Colonel. The rebel skirmish: line be- "■an sloAvly Avorking a(a-oss the reef, the ni'-n running and splashing from the cover oi' one rock to anotluu', Avhile companies deployed along the other shore aided them by hring across over their heads. Shorty Avas takins nervous, shaky shots at the rebel Colonel, Avithout sueces-^. Si listened anxiously to the chopping behind. It was -■oing on as rapidly as eight excited men, relieving one anotlier every two minutes, could do it, and Si's trained ear could tell hovr deen they Avere getting into thc^ log. "Scem"s as if I never knoAved such sIoav work," he muttered, "and on that soft poplar, too." The rebels soon got a fair line fully 100 yards into the reef, and their^ shots were coming distressfully near. Si had 38 SI KLEGG AXD SHORTY. already seen one of his recruits, a fresh- faced, willing young giant, sink vrith a bullet through his brain, and several v.'ounded had crawled back to the boat. Shorty showed signs of being rattled by his failure to bring down the rebel Colonel. Au exclamation came from Col. Eone- steel, and he caught his left arm with iiis hand. "Colonel's got a wad at last," Si thought grimly. "May learn him some- thing. He's little loss, though." The rebels pushed on, and some of Si's boys began to show disheartenmeut at not being able to step them. "Monty, run back to the boat, and put all the turpentine and camphene you can find on them piles o' kindling," said Si. "Harry, see that rebel Colonel over there? Try to bring him down. Thafll do more to stop these fellers than anything else." Harry, who had just reloaded, took careful aim at the rebel Colonel and fired. The Colonel staggered back, but saved himself from falling. Si led in a cheer at this success, to encourage his men. The chopping ceased, to Si's great re- lief. "They've got the log off, boys," he Bhouted. "We'll be all right. Just hold 'em five minutes longer." But the rebels did not propose to be held, and began rushing across the reef. Just thcu came two welcome blasts on the whistle, announcing that the way was clear, and to come back. "Jake Dye, take the men to the left o' that white oak," shouted Si; "break back for the boat as hard as you can, and form on the upper deck, with guns load- ed, to cover us. You men to the right Bland ready for two laiautes. Put it into 'em as lively as you can, and be ready to run back. Steady, now." Si waited until he thought Jake Dye's detach^ncnt had gained the boat, and then shouted, "llun; everybody run!" Ho and Shoity waited until they saw the rcHt started, and then turned and sprang back. "Sergeant," said the Colonel, in a voice of thunder, as they came up to where he was standing rigidly, still grasping his wounded arm. "Stop that unseemly flight. Halt your men and retire them deliberately." "O, don't be a dumbed Stonghton bot- tle." said Si angrily, "Get out o' here, while you can." He and Shorty rushed on, but turned in a few steps and looked back, to see the Colonel digniCedly wheel and pace leis- urely after them. A squad of rebels had gotten across the reef, and in an instant more would have shot the Colonel, or taken him prisoner. "Condemn that chunk o' military bass- wood," said Si, as he and Shorty rushed back, fired their rifles full in the face of the advancing rebels, and then siezing the Colonel by the shoulders rushed him back, with little ceremony, on to the boat, which was only waiting for him to come aboard. Jake Dye's men, from the upper guards of the boat, opened a lire on the advanc- ing rebels, which checked them from a too rapid advance, until the boat got out of reach. "Another chapter of Jake Dye's pleas- ant rest, and the comforts of a home," shouted Shorty, as the boat steamed out into the broad river. AT LAST THROUGH MUSCLE SHOALS. CHAPTER VII. THE LORE>TA AT LAST GETS THROUGH THE I\IUSCLE SHOALS. "I had to be" dragged, from the field of battle," niuriiHU-ed Col. Bonesteel to Shad as he passed him. "I Avish you would pie- pare a report to me of all these operatiuus, and including that fact, together with the one that, though I was severely wounded, early m the engagement, I did not retire from the field nor relinquish comnmnd, and that I was the last man to reach the boat." "N'ery good, sir," answered yhad, salut- ing. "If it hadn't been for the disgrace of having an othcer captured he wouldn't 've come aboard at all," remarked Shorty, hot- ly. "I'd like to have him learu some sense in Libby Prison.''' "Come, now. Shorty," admonished Si, ''the Colonel isn't so bad. lie has his lit- tle peculiarities, tint he might be much worse. He's sUuk on Isimself and the Engineers, Ijut hr's -ni tlie sand to back up his stuck-uiu'dni'ss, A\hich is a good deal. And then lir dou'i Injther us much, which is a heap, lie lets us have our owu way, and what more could you askV" "That's true. Si," echoed kShad. "There's a whole lot of man in the Cohuud, when you get through his West I'ointisni." "AVell, I guess we can all stand him till we get to Chattyuoogy,'' replied Shorty. The Colonel reappeared. He had takeu off his uniform coat, and thrown his over- coat over his shoulders. His shirt-sleeve appeared soaked with blood. "I find 1 am worse hurt than I thought," he said very quietly, almost apologetically. "I'm bleed- ing quite profusely. Lieutenant, in the absence of a Surgeon I must ask you to do a little surgical duty. Take these cords and wrap them tightly around my arm, above and below the wound, to stop the How of blood temporarily." "Why, Colonel," exclaimed Shad, after a moment's examination, "you are hurt far worse than I dreamed. Come, go up to your room, and let me wash and dress your wound. I know considerable about the first things to do in these cases, and I can fix you up to do until we get to Chat- tanooga and find a Surgeon." "No," said the Colonel, with quiet firm- ness, quite different from his usu;d pomp- ous dignity. "It has reminded me^uat I must have several men hurt much worse than I am, and I should look after them before attending to myself. Do as I tell you, so that I can go and look after them." !Si. Shorty and the rest could only look at each other in open-mouthed astonish- ment, at the unexpected phase of the Colo- nel's character. The Colonel passed on back to where the wounded had been made as comfort- able as possible in the deck-hands' bertha behind the boiler. Alf. Russell, whose knowledge of sur- gery, slight as it was, exceeded that of any of the others, had been put in charge of the "hospital," and was alternately. swelling with importance as he thought of his position, and displayed his skill in cleansing, stanching the blood and bandag- ing the slighter cases, and trembling with anxiety as to what ho should do in the more serious ones. Four of the six gathered there yielded readily to his limited skill, but the fifth was groaning in agony over a dislocated shoulder, and beads of sweat stood out ou Alf's brow as he fumbled over the man, and tried one vain expedient after another to lessen the pain. "Here, my man," said the Colonel gen- tly, and it was the first time that Shorty had ever heard him say "my man" with- out internal anger. "I think I can relieve you. I have seen oases like that before. One of you catch hold of him and hold him firmly. Now, Corporal, grasp his arm there, and pull strongly but steadily in this direction." Shorty did as ordered, the man yelled, but the bone slipped back into its socket, to his intense relief. "Now, Acting Hospital Steward," said the Colonel, with a return of his old man- ner, "put bandages annind to hold hia shoulder in placi', and keep them wet to check the inilammation. Use hot water frequently. That is all that can be done." One look at the sixth case showed that he was past all surgery. The best Sur- geon in the army would have been as fee- ble before him as young, inexperienced Alf. He- had been shot through the breast, and was dying from loss of blood that could not juid would not be stanched. He was a recruit, brave and enthusiastic to rashness, who had not heeded Si's injunc- tions to keep under cover. "ISIy poor boy," said the Colonel, pity- ingly, "you are dying." The hoy nodded his head in affirmation. Then his eyes brightened. "But we stood 'em off, and saved the boat all the same," he whispered. "Indeed we did," answered the, Colonel. "Men, you must make this man more com- fortable. There is entirely too much draft and too much mutioii of the boat here. Carry him up into the cabin, and put him in one of those forward rooms by 40 61 KLEGG AND SHORTY. the smokestacks, which are warm. Find some bedclothes in the other rooms and pnt on him. until he has enough to keep him comfortably warm." "Colonel, he's bleeding so that he'll spoil everything," Alf ventured to suggest. "Do as I tell you," roared the Colonel. "Damn the bedclothes. Suppose he dues spoil them. The whole of them are not worth one minute of comfort for a man dying for his country. Do at once as I tell you." "Queer how some pork biles," muttered Si, in the Wabash vernacular, when the Colonel had passed up-stairs, to see that his orders were strictly carried out. He was followed by Alf, to dress his own wound, after this was done. "I never dreamed that was in him." "The Colonel's a man all the way through," said Shorty, with an oath. "Let him just put on all the frills he wants to. They become him. I like a man to put on frills. Just let me hear any snoozer cheep a word against him." "How much further have we got to go before we get out o' these infernal shoals?" asked Si, looking apprehensively forward to where the river broadened out, and the clear water was again broken by rocks, towheads and islands. "About 10 miles." answered Shad. "And the pilot and Jim Bainbridge says that the part up there around the mouth of Elk Kiver is the worst of all." "More cake-walkiug around the capstan, I suppose," groaned Shorty, looking at the blisters on his large hands from the pre- vious hard work with the "spars." "I feel that I could give points to a horse in a bark-mill." "What I'm worried about is wood." said Shad Graham. "We are getting down to where our last sti-^S is in sight, and there's no telling where «-,e'll get any more. The pilot says that all the woodyards are on the other side, where the population seems much more numerous than kind and hos- pitable." "Might take on a load of that drift-wood over there," suggested Jake Dye. "Wouldn't make steam in Tophet," said Shad contemptuously. "Too water-soaked. Takes drift-wood two years to dry out, and this gets another soakine: fi-om the floods every six months. You could hardly burn it in" a blast furnace." "Ain't no steam, neither, such as we want," added. Si. looking at the v.-oods, "in green timbev, even if we had time to stop and fell some trees. Green pine'll hiss and spit all day, without getting up heat enough to boil a tea-kettle. I've tried it too often." "Well, we've got to do something, and that soon," said Shad. "We haven't wood enough to run her more than a couple of miles farther." "Well, if we can't do any better," sug- gested Jake Dye, "we can land the boat on the other side and burn her, and foot ♦it across the country to Sherman." "I'd hate like smoke to haul down that flag before the rebels, after licking 'em so far," said Si, "and I'll give 'em one more awful big rassle before I'll get my own consent to do it." "Before we burn her," suggested Shorty, "let's burn all her upper works to make steam. Mebbe we can get to. somewhere where we can find some wood." "That would bo like eating soup with a knitting-needle."' answered Shad. "Most of her planks ain't more'n half-inch, and have no more heat in thcni than a shingle. It'd be like feeding a blast furnace with brush. You couldn't poke it in as fast as it'd burn up." "There's some purty solid wood around," returned Shorty. "Them gang-planks, capstan-bars, spar? and beams '11 make a hot five. We migbl even burn up the pon- toon;;." "If there's a wood-pile near on the other side," suggested Si, "let's land her theio, and take our cliances driving the rebels back, while the wood's loaded. I'll take the job o' standing 'em off rather'n give up the boat." "AVell, we've got to make up our minds to something in.side the next quarter of an hour," answered Shad, after another sur- vey of the wood pile. "She's eating up wood like pie in this swift current." A dugout suddenly shot out from the moulh of a little creek on the right or south shore. Tlieie Avas a man in it, who was paddling hard and skilfully, though hs crouched low to avoid the shots sent after him from men lurking in the bushes. "That's one of our scouts," the pilot called down. "He's trying to make the boat." Everyone ran to that side of the boat to see what was happening. The Lorena careened, her rudder lost control, and she ran her nose, into a sand-bar, at which the pilot and many ethers swore savagely. "Come, boys," called out Shad Graham, starting to unshackle the spar, "pay for your uncontroDable curiosity by taking a Cakewalk around the capstan." "It comes high, but you would have it," added Shorty, picking up a capstan bar, and putting in the socket. "Evervbody with a v,-ill now. Let us see what kind o' beef they grow out in Injianny." Then began a toilsome strain to pry and pull the Lorena over the bar. In the meanwhile the man in the canoe, though the number of men shooting at him in- creased, reached the boat and came aboard. Si pulled his canoe up on the deck. "Let it go," said the scout. "I dnn't want it any more. You can set mo ou the other side, and that's all I want." "Dcn't know about setting you on the other side," answered Si grimij-, "till we get out of here. "Moreover, it's made of Avood, and wood's what we want more'n anything else, just now, even if it hain't more'n a water-.^osfes^ poplar dugout." AT LAST THROUGH MUSCLE SHOALS. 41 "Fm j;;-!-i Proston, ono of Sherman's r-o- crt't s(.'i \ ii (• nu'i!," ihe scout oxiilaiiiccl ti) Shad. ■■Sheiiuau senl me out I'mm Kius':-;- tou to kvv.[) track of Hood's main army, but, I got tans'led 'ip with them, and hayefi't been able to get awisy before. I went v.ith Lee's Corps, lieeause I had to. many arquniuiaucts in Stewart's and Cheatham's Corps, and you know acquaint- ance's ari' th(^ most (bingerous thing a spy can have. Sd I gof tlirowed clear over here, and have liccn waiting a chalice to get across the livei-. I've ijeen watching your boat all the way from Florence. I could see your Hag above the trees, and 'vo been waiting for you to come near. Say, you ought to pull that flag down. It gives your movements away tn the rebels, ami they're swarming thicker'n pig tracks in a barnyard all 'round here." "The flag stays up as long as we do," said Shad, decisively, "though I don't kno\y as we need to hang it so high as to signal the rebels all over northern Alabama." "Let her tly just where she is. Shad," said Si. "Mebbe if we'd thought about it when wo started out we wouldn't 've swung it so high, but now that she's ui) there let her stay. Don't lower her an inch. We'll take whatever comes, and if we can't stand it we'll lump it." After some further conversation the scout said: "Fm awful glad to know you've got the pontoon supplies al)oard. I happen to know that Sherman's awfully anxious to get them, and is in fact waiting for them. I know that there's been a good deal of telegraphing along the rail- road for them. Sherman's Chief Engineer was awfully afraid they'd be cut off some- where or burned up in some wreck, lie sent my partner, Bill lluckle, up over the road to hunt them up." "Well, we'll get them through if it is in the cards." "All right," returned the scout. "1 hope you will, but it looks now as if the cards was stacked against you. Too bad, for Sherman needs that pontoon stuff awful- ly." Si broke off the conversation to help the men straining at the capstan bars to get the Lorena off the bars. "Dumb her, she sticks to that" sandbank like a mortgage to an Lidiana farm," grumbled Si, in the intervals of yelling to the boys to push their best. "I believe she has roots that grow down into the mud," commenled Shorty, paus- ing after a strenuous effort to take in about a hogshead full of air, to replace what he had violently expended. "I believe she's an old hen that wants to set," remarked ■Monty, "and thinks that a sandbank's her nest." There was need of their utmost efforts, for not only was her wood rapidly disap- liearing, Init \vhile they were tiigging .at the spars, they couhl see the i-elicls jiass- ing to the islands ahead, and announcing their progress to their friends, by shots from time to time, at the boat. "r:\y. Zckc,' called out a voice from a little wn.Mled i:.hni(l that lay dii-ectly ahead. "Thars no use d" ^n'nns woi Iving so maut- ily ihar. Yo'uns's done l.ol.hed, like A lly in niobisses. Y're a pilot, and o.tt'r know hit. Y're on the F.lue Water l)ar— le t ; :;nd, br.t blue clay, that'll hold yo' like ghie." "Hello, that thar's Sinoot Jinkius a-hoi- lerin'." saiil .Tim Bainbridae. with sudden interest. "The whole Shoals crowd seems to'\e come home ter roost, jesi hue the crows an' wild geese. Smoot's the iiext orneriest man ter Hoss Bullock on the Shoals. But he's right about the blue clay." "Of course he's right," answered the pi- lot, gloomily. "Didn't I know it all the time'.'" ■".lest let yer men rest," continued j\lr. Snioot .linkins. "Fm gittin' riady ter take 'em an' yer boat in. Fm loadiu' men enough on f1atl)oats back hyah ter eat yo'uns up. Ef yo' show tight, we'un.s'll be along presently. Just let yer men rest. They "uns needn't bother 'bout yer boat any more. She's mine. Fll look out fer her an' yo'uns, too." "I can see them through the brush ei.- ing onto the flatboats back there." '•:.- claimed .Take Dye. "Let's set fire to toe iioat and .iump her. We can get away ia these pontoons." "'Wait a few minutes," said Si. "I ..e- lieve that the hair of the dog's good tor his bite. We stove this boat on to this mud bar by all running to one side. Let'-: gcr her off by running to the other side." lie formed the boys all on the starboaid side, and at the command they i-ush"d tumultously over to the larboard. The ef- fect was immediately perceptible. "Say. that's the ticket," called down llie pilot. "You started her then. Do it again." They repeated their maneuver tlnee times, and could feel the boat loosening every time. At their fourth rush her iiot- tom let go of the tenacious blue mud, and she liegan floating backward, just as ri'Jt) or 400 rebels came around the islands in flatboats, joboats, rafts, in skiffs and ca- noes, and whatever else would float and carry them. They yelled fiercely, and tlie boys yelled back defiance. Every stick of the Lorena's wood had gone into her fur- naces, and she had not steam enough left to stem the current. "Well, wo can at least float as fast as they can," said Shad. "Jake, get your men up on the cabin deck, and sharpshoo! at those fellows in canoes and. skiffs, lo keep them from coming too close." Si and Shorty attacked with axes Ihe gangways and other bits of solid tinibe;.' that could be readily spared, and got them into shape to put in the furnaces. The steam ran up, the Lorena gathered headway and started back upstream, to the great terror of the rebels. Those in skills and canoes made frantic haste to paddle out of the way into shallow water, 42 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. Mlipie she could not re.icli thom. The l:irj:est tiatboat was reached and crtished ii+fo, most of the men jumping into the water to save themselves while the boys 'liW'd at those in the more distant boats. "Don't go any further up. Zeke," warned Jim. "Thar's a nest o' them just they saw a cabin and a small clearing. The cabin was one of the usual log-pens, cov- ered Avith split oak and chestnut cl:iv>- boards. held in place by poles and stdnes. Near it was a smallei- pen, used as a corn- el ib, meat-house and 5cneial depository. The dealing was suuouuded by a rude "SHE BEGAN FLOATING JUST AS 3no OR 400 REBELS CAME AROUND THE ISLAND. ahead. Turn while yo' got steam, an' scoot over ter the t'other side o' that island. They can't reach yo' thar." Having finished up the heavier timbers handy, Si and the rest were engaged in tearing off the side planking and shoving it under the boilers. But it was light and of little heating power, disappearing al- most as fust as they could push' it in. Still, they continued to make headway, and ;)resently came around a point upon which fence, made of logs, stumps and limbs tak- en from the drift-wood. "Tiiat's Smoo.t .linkins's place." re- mnrkt-d Jim Bainbridge. '"The feller that's .Tfrer us so hot and heavy. He hain't been livine- in hit, though, scnce he jiucd the army.'' "There's wood for ub," said Si and Shoity in the same breath. "'Land the boat. Shad." i'uitunately the water was deep enough AT LAST THROUGH MUSCLE SHOALS. 43 ,to lot tho Lorena come squaroly up against 'lu; liaiik. Jake Dyt". with 10 uu'ii, i-; ■"■■— ■ ' ^lln lllu WDnds tM rnvcl- tl ,U-p,n tiL.U) SI ,,txo rrst in dov,-n the 1 ai!(l iiiitliuildin:;- and cav- rH'd- uii' niaioiiais ut \vlin.h it \va.s Ijuilt. (he nide tables and ^dOlds which served as tia-ru.itnn\- and alsr. ihe fence ai'ennd llie iaiden-L)aieii ciearin- n\i to the Imat. As they were elearui.L'; the' sjiot uf the last i-huuk tlnit 'w(iuld Imrn lliey heard tlu^ vuiVe 0)1' Sniuut Jinkin.s fiom the next ishind. . "'FMre (-;..d. Yanks,. I allers knnwed v,,' v,-uy. tln> all-Hrede.st tiiieves tliat ever lived, but I neviT dreamed tlnit yc'ims 'd done steal a nuin's house an' i;yai'dL'n liylit al'oro his own eyes. Don't iei' iiiarcy's sake, take away the only home I got ler my oie woman anV ehlllen." "We'll leave you the ground. You ought to be mighty glad o' that, you old buzzard of a guerrilla. It's more'n you deserve," Shorty shoutt^d l)aek, as tfiev all canic' aboard, and the Lorena,, ^vith a full head of sic'am, sijotl up the river. "Well." rennirked i-li. looking gleefully over the line stocic of fuel, "wt' eouklu't 've done much better at a I'egular -woodyard! It's all g( for our rations. JJut ik.isis a iiev,- trick in stealing, to carry off a man's lioiise and barn, furniture and fcncws at one swipe. The war's a gri'at thing. By the time it ends I, expect we'll kiiow how to just lake a man's (puvrter-section riglit from under him, and put it inside our own fe)u-es. I wou't let au <,'.d soldier settle ■within 10 miles of me. I'll have to chain u\y aiirde-trees down and rivet my well to the Chinese Walk" "You needn't look, out for tlu> other fel- lers. Si. The other fellcrs'jl have to look out for you, from the v\ay you'v*.' devel- oped from the innocent Sunday-school stdiolar that I first knowed," remarked Shorty. "Pilot, land on the north side, at the first good stopping-place," aaid the scout, "ami liut me ashore.'' "Why, Jim," said Shad in surprise, "conn- right along with us. We're going to Chattanooga, and we'll get you there oasier'n than any other way." "No," answered the scout dreamily. "I like a moderate amount of excitement and adventure :is well as any other man. But 1 thiiik I'll lead a calmer life, and have more time for nu-ditation, to make my way on foot through the rebels to the railroad, and then chance the gui'rillas on to Chat- tanooga. I lil;e yoti fcllei-s, but you are rather tumultuous for sti-iidy comii;iny. The rebels up there cm tlie Elk TUvcr Shonls are thir-kcr'n liees 'rouml a sugar hogshead, and you'll never gi't this boat thicuigh in the Almighty's world." "So long, Jim. The rebels will have to do a better .iob of stopping than they've put up yet to get away with us," said Si as a good-by when the scout jumped ashore. A great shout ir,g and yelling greeted their ears as they came around the point to r.aml)'s k'oii V. They saw the river full of men and h-jrsi-s. Some of the men were wading and leading their horsc^s, senile were ■h(:ion't shoot at the fellers in the w-aler, boys, 'that's agin the game laws. Shoot at them on the bank." The i.ilot whistled a shrill blast of rage and thi'eati-ning, and ringing for the en- gineer to give her all the steam, he had. (lashed through the narrow open space (jf the b'erry. The boys on the lioat liangecl away rapidly at the rebels (^n either shore, and the latter leplied with vastly more noise than damage. Looking back the boys could see the reb- els and their horses struggling with the great ^^■aves throv.'n up by the Loreua's wheel in the narrow river. " Black night was now coming on, with every promise of a heavy rain. The boys grew apprehensive, ^^^udd they not have to slop'.'' How could the ])ilot see to run? "We'll go right aht-ad," said the pilot to Shad. "I'd rather run in the night than in the day. Less danger. Go down aud put ()Ut all the lights, and hang blankets, up ill front of the furnaces, so the tires won't show, and Ave'll take the main chan- nel and run right by them, whatever they've got. I've been afraid they've bat- teries somev.here to rake the main chan- nel, but we'll chance that better in the dark than in the light. Besides, we've Jim Bainbridge, who's got cat's eyes, and can see better at night than in the daytime." Smoot Jinkin's bedstead, fables, stools, clapboards, logs and poles were really much better fuel than the Lorena was used to having, 'i'hey ^^■el•e all of good timber and well seasoned. The.v burned merrily under tho lioilers, and made a lively steam that sent her forward at a good gait. But it was weary going all the same. Th(> rain came down in sheets, and the darkness was like ink. But the pilot, with Jim Bainbridge at his side in the little glass eyiie, pushed stolidly forward into the impenetrable daikness, holding the wheel with a grip of iron at one instant, and Avhirling it around with nervous en- ergy at another, to meet or avoid some- thing which the untrained eyes below them could see as little as things that were iu the next County. But in spite of Jim's cat-like eyes and Zeke's skill, the boat would strike bars, the spars v.-ould have to be rigged in the darkness and the blinding rain, and the boys tramp laboriously around the cap- 44 TT SI KLEGG AND SHOETY, Stan, until the Lorena was dragged into deeper water. "Pitch in, boys," Si would say. as cheer- ily as he could. "Only five miles more to deep water, and we v.-ant to get out of this tangle, and past a rebel battery at the head of the Shoals before daylight. One more pull together may make it. This may be the last time." But there were a great many "last times," and the five miles stretched out as never before in Si's memory of weary marching. The never-discouraged Shorty took oc- casion from time to time to remind Jake Dye of his promise of a pleasant, easy trip v'ith all the comforts of a home. They were stimulated constantly by see- ing the smoldering campfires of the rebels along the south bank, which warned them of v,-hat they might expect if daylight found them in that neighborhood. Finally, just as da^^'n appeared, and it seemed that they must all drop from ex- haustion, the pilot cheered them with the announcement that they had at length passed the last island at the head of the Elk Kiver Shoals, and were in clear, deep water. All they had to fear now was a batteiy, which the rebels had established on the south bank. •"I'm in hopes," said the pilot, who looked as weaiy and hollow-eyed as the rest, "that that awful rain's drowned 'em out. and we can get past before tH'ey're awake." A shot from a picket on the bank quick- ly dispelled this hope, and through the watery mist they could see the rebels gath- eijug around a red bank in which their guns were emplaced. They spashed around in the mud and water filling the excava- tion for the guns, and seemed to hare dilli- culty in getting a piece loaded. The Lo- rena sped on, but even her engine seemed tired with the long night's seveie strain. When the gun was fired a shell whistled across a hundred yards in front of the Lo- rena. "Too high, as well as not a good line- shot," said Shad. "They'll have to do lots better than that, and mighty quick, too. or we'll be out of range. Make 'em poke up the fires there, Si. Throw in some, o' that pitch pine." At the sound of the cannon a low. black gunboat shot out from the monlh of a creek to the right, where she had been lying concealed, and made directly for them. "Rebel or Yank?" asked Shad nervous- ly, seeing that she hoisted no tlag. "If rebel, we're goners. If Yank, we're all right. Shake out the flag there, and show them who we arc. If v.e have to go down we'll go v.'ith our colors flying." The flag, surcharged with water, was hanging against the staff like a rope. Shorty ran to the halyards, worked them up and down, shook some of the water out, and showed the blue field with stars, and some of the stripes. A cheer v.-ent up from the g-anl;oat. and at the same instant her heavy o2-ponnders boomed out. and their shells threw up a cloud of mud and water in the rebel battery. "She was just laying for that battery." yelled Si, in choius with the cheers that rose from all the wearied boys. INCIDENTS 6'J THE Tliir TO CUATTANOOGA. 45 CHxlPTEK Vill. INCIDENTS OF TliE TKIP TO. CHATTANOOGA. Tho cunhont's lioavv o--poiniders spevd Hy hi-uii'd iho' li'j;lit Lit'ld i;uii.s wlii.h tlu; rebels had in bauCry. , ■'■It's 'cauip-kt'ltk'.s against liu cups," le- niarkcd !Si, watching tlio shells liretl fvoiu tile steady iilaMorm uf the gunboat's deek, with sure aim, land directly in the euj- lilacenient and send up in the sho\Aer oL' uiuU and water fragments (>f ihe gun-cai- nuges and limbs of men. '"The letiL-ls aie bunng \\ilh gimlets and our lelln\\s with a big auger. i guess that dug's cured o' bucking aigs." '"1 never enjoyed having the rebels throw camp-kettles at us," added Shorty, "but it seems real funny to see a gunboat doing ii to them. Here s your gunboat, lluriah lor the gunbuatsi" Down from the direction of Decatur canu' at fidl speed a small tug with a iTcId pi<< e luounled in lier boss. iSlie was coniniandid by an airy young Jjieulenant. \vho wa.-. de.-.- Ijcrately cagei to lake a hand m the con- trovi'isy anil win lavoralile uieiilioii, if not a brevet, lie was coriesp(jndlngly disa))- pointed.. to hnd the thing over before his arrival. lie luuM do Nimielbing, and he "Boat, ahoy! \\ ho aie youV" Como to at (Mice or 111 blow you out of water." The itilot slowed down and Shad an- swered: "The United States transport Lorcna. Bound for Chattanooga." ■ ihat a United States transport '.'" re- turned the Lieutenant scornfully, as he suiveyed the \\'ieck of SukjII .linkins' cabiu coveiing the decks, and the boat's skt.'leloii sicies, in.ini which tlu' sheathing hail lie"u torn. "Looks more liki> a cwintry sav.mill that's run an'ay with a cross-roads sehool- house." The boat's crew laughed loudly at their commander's wit. "You mill-pond sailors, you canal-bcint marines," shouted Shorty angrily, "if ymi and your little two-for-a-cent brevet gun- boat had been through one-tenth nait what we have, you'd 'a' been dead — that's all." "Stop your engines and come to, there,'' repeated the Lieutenant, "or I'll sink you." "AYhat! With that condemned old hrass shot.sjun," Si contemptuously inquired, al- luding to the six-pounder in the liow. "You couldn't wake us if we was asleei) •with that old smoothbore. You couldn't knock a hen off her nest." "We can't stop our engines," answered Shad. "The current's too swift. We'll go onto a bar." The mere mention of a bar made all the sore li.ir.ded. aching, strained boys groan ■ •■c'liuic, no siibterfuges with me," shout- ed till- laicnte.ar.t, who was determined that the Ijtneiia should be his prize, if he 'ci/iild make it so. "I'm not to be trifled with. Stop your engines at once, or I'll hie into you." "Lull over the whippersnapper, Shad," said ,Si, irritably, "and lets get somewUere whfie wv can rest before we drop in our tracks." . . I'.iil the pilot, much more in awe of guu- boai olluers. had already Stopped the en- gines and the Lorena began to drift back- ward. "•J'leep your men below there, sir," com- mandi'd the Lieutenant, approaching cau- tiously, with a man Indding taut the lan- yard 'of his gun, iiNuly to tire at the in- slaiit. "l\ee!> your men below till i look ymi o\er. \\ ho are you, sir, and A\!iere did Aou cimie Irom".''" "I'm Acting Lieutenant Graham" "Acting Lieutenant." repeated the Lieu- teiiani, scornfully. "Anybody can be an A(iiiig Lieutenant. Where did you come from'.''" "\\'e came up through the Shoals. Have had a terrilde time." "<;anic up through the Shoals? That's ridicuhuis on the face of it. No boat can get Ihrongh the Shoals. They're full of rebels. Hood's whole army is crossing down there." "So we found out," said Shad quietly. "Your stoiy don't go at all, sir. It's false on the very face of it. You are rebels, who have stolen that boat and try- ing to nnHse a sneak on us. Everything about you shows it. Haul down that Hag at once, sir, or I'll put a shot through you." "You i-aii just liaii.g away," returned Shad, deii.-intly. "Thai's our Hag and we don't haul it down for any liody." "Iveep y(Uir men down there, I tell you, sfr," shor.ted the Lieutenant, as the boys, stirred up by the colloquoy, began swarm- ing l'(jr\-\-ard, guns in hand. "Say, stop yuur dumbed foolishness," pleaded Si, anxiously, "and let us go ahead. We'll lie l:ark on that bar in a minute, and then have to work till our eyeballs pop to get off. If you had half sense you could SCO that v>-e're Union." "I order you once more to haul down that flag," said the Lieutenant, looking meaningly at the man with the lanyard. "I shall not sjieak again." The noisy ((uiversatlon had awakened the Colonel, who came ont ou deck with his 4ff SI KLEGG AND SHORTT* cont thrown on over his wounrlod nrm. Ho looked around, took in tho situation, and noted the young Lieutenant and his threatening cannon. IIo immediately swelled to the full dimensions of a Colonel of Engineers. "Who is this person. Lieutenant?" he inquired of Shad, with a contemptuous flip of his thumb toward the Lieutenant, his petty gunboat, and his shining six-pounder. "And what business is he trying to trans- act with you?" "He is a Lieutenant of tho Navy. sir. and he's halted us, and will not allow us lo po ahead, and we are afraid, sir. of drift- ing onto a bar. He seems to think we are rebels," answered Shad, respectfully Baluting. "The devil he does," roared the Colonel. "That's just about as much sense as they are putting into the heads of the whipsters they're graduating from West Point and Annapolis now-;i-days. All the brains they have run to dancing and .") o'clock teas. Go ahead, sir. Pay no attention 1o him. ■^'hen I want this boat slopped, I'll give you orders, sir." Then to the Lieutenant: "Look here, young man, I don't know TFho you are," "I'm Lieutenant Wil" began the of- ficer, with great dignity, but still a little awed. "I don't care what your confounded name is," broke in the Colonel, getting fiercer with every word. It had been a long time since he had skinned anybody and much acrimony had accumulated. "It's perfectly indifferent to me. sir. whether you'ie named Smith, or .Jones, or Krown. 1 only know that you are a confounded, im- pudent, impertinent, interfering roxscomb. sir. I am Colonel Bonesteel. sir. of tlio TJuited States Engineers, in command of this transport and of this expedition, sir; yes. sir. this expedition." The Colonel swelled up still bigger at th>^ discovery of this important designation tor his command. "My name is much more important to you. sir, than yours is to nie. as yon v.-ill find, to your sorrow, sir. What do you mean. sir. by the unspeakable impudcnr^ of stopping my boat on the broad river?" "I thought. Colonel" the Lieutenant began. "Yon thought, did yon?" roared ih^ Colonel. "You mean yon thought von thought. You thought, did you?" Wli*it the devil have you got to think with. I'd like to know? Get out of my way with that cockle shell, or I'll run over you and save the Government the exnense of long--»r supporting such a blockhead. The idea --"f you, sir, a paltry little Lieutenant, the' latest hatching from an incubator of snobs and fops, a pin-feather gosling from INIother Goose's nursery on the Chesa- peake, a little webfoot that's scarcely got- ten away from his blackboard and "his copybooks, should have the unparalle',t--d impudence, the audacious effrontery, the reckless audacity, to get in the way of a regular exnedition, on a United States tran.sport, led by a Colonel of Engineers, commanding veieran troojis, victors iii a; score of haVd-fought battles, such us you never dreamed of — all these to be stopped by a callow, verdant, half-baked. !.>eard- less, unlicked, shallow, inexperienced, pre- sumptuous, impertinent, self-conceited, oveiweeningly impudent cub, who" But the Lieutenant waited to hear no more. He ordered his boat about and darted out of range. "Come back, confound you," shouted Iho Colonel. "I've got something more to say to you." "Great Jehosephat!" murmarcd Shorty, admiringly. "I'd like to go to West I'oint, just to learn how to cuss. And apparently the Colonel wasn't half through." "The Colonel's wound will feel better now. since he's got that out of his sys- tem," remarked Shad. "'Sly men," said the Colonel, coming up to Shad presently, and speaking in a tone of tho utmost sympathy and consideration, "must be completely worn out oy tlieir frightful exertions. They're positively the noblest men alive. They surprised me every minute. I never saw men act so be- fore." "That's because ho haint been with the 200th Injiauny Volunteers," remarked Si to Shorty. "What can I do for them, to show my appreciation?" continued the Colonel. "Better tell them so, sir. Make a little speech to them. That's all they want. They don't care for anything else." "That would be quite irregular. Very volunteer-liko. No licgular ollicer ever makes stump speeches to his men.' "As you think host. Colonel." said Shad deferentially. "But as you have discov- ered, volunteer soldiers are quite uiifeient from Regulars, .1 think that you can get m.urh more out of them than you can U"Ui rtegulars, and you have to handle them diffe;ent." "Lieutenant. I believe yon are right. I never v.-ould have (lre•;nl^•|■I it before this trip. They are Cf.rtainl^ I'iirerenl from the men we've been gciting in the iCfgclar Army. Tiiej- sceni to be made of iron iiud have hearts of oak. I thiijl-: I shmild be justified in doing what yop suggest." "You certainly would. Colonel." "The idea," said the Colo!i'-1. hesitating a little. " of an officer of my rank making a ftump sp.^ecu to his men, jrr.t like < ne of the.^e political fellows. Why. CJeneral Grant or General Thomas never" "General Sherman, Colonel." interposed Shad, "likes nothing better than to get a crowd of his men around and give them a good talk." "Very well, then, assemble the men about the caostan there, and I'll speak to them briefly." It vras a woftilly tired. v,-orked-out lot of boys that gathered forward about the cap- stan. The moment that they felt that S§IISM:Nra'by''i'jaE 'rtiiv to ciiattano.ga. 47 "YOU CAN BVY ANOTHER ITOUSE SOM!:\VHEi;i'V^ S.MD SI. thoy had gained a position of oomoavative saf'otv, tiiey realized how tonibly ex- hanstino; their strn-tilcs had nreu and Uicy coidd sea re el V dia.: on-:, foot al'ter an- other, and thev h..d.:ed all that tle,- chance she gits. Wuss'n all, I'm sho' ihe ruck- shon that's bin kicked up down that-a-way has etarnally spiled the perch fishin' ter this .season. I wuz moutily afeared hit would the minnit I knowed Hood's Array wuz comin'. Yer grub's as good a.'S rry I ever had, an' I done reckon I'll go on with you'ns up as fur as the Sequatchie, whar the fishin' haint bin spiled. Thar's allers good fishin' this time o' year in the Se- quatchie. I've a own cousin up thar that I calkerlate ter swap some o' this hyah coffee ter fer the best coon dog in the Cum- berland Mountains. I'll have no eend o' fun hunting coons with him arter perch quit bitin'." "Glad to have you along with us," an- swered Si. "Better enlist regularly." ""What, an' git drug away tram the Tennessee, River? Nary. Wouldn't go ten mile from the Tennessee fer ary army ou the everlastin' airth. Nary, sir."' About 50 miles from Decatur, after they had left the last sign of. the rebels invest- ing the town far behind" they saw on the south bank a tall slip of a girl actively hailing them with her sunbonuet. Beside her stood another younger girl, and behind them, on a chunk, beneath a spreading sycamore, sat a gaunt, tall woman, witli s.kin the color of corn fodder. A limp sun- bonnet, minus its pasteboaid slats, hun:.-' on the back of her wisp of knotted yellow hair, and she had a gourd of snufi: in her hand, into which she poked a chev.-ed stick and then rubbed it on her teeth. All tliree were attired in.linsey gowns, cut almost as skimp and straight as pantajoons legs. None had a stitch on her to spare. Around them yelped several mongrel curs, with ribs showing like the front of a washljoai d. "Hello! there. What do you want'.''" called the pilot, as the boat came within a few yards of the bank. "We'tms want you'ns ter take we'u!)s ter Chattynoogy," called out the mother of the girls. "We'uns is obleeged ter go thai-. We'nns '11 starve if we'uns don't. We"iuis haint had nothing ter eat fer two days, an' look at them dogs. We'uns 've bin Wi^itin' hyah two hull days fer a boat ter take we'uns ter Chattynoogy. Two hull days. Look at them dogs." "We can give you something to eat,'* said Si, "without taking you to Chatty- noogy, if that's all you want." "Ko; but you'ns must take we'uns ter IXCIDEXTS OF THE TRIP TO CHATTA:^rot;GA. *9 Chnttynoogry, too. We'uiiB must haro some placi? tor stay N\-liai- ^\■l''ulls km git souu'- thiilg tPi- eat legMer, an' something J:er the dogt^. Jirtt look at tlu'in di.'-.^. The Yasiks is gi'niu' out rations in C"hattyu'»ogy, an' thar's whar wc'uns must go. We"uns 've bill stayiii' with our kiiifolks up on Mul- berry P^ork. but the Contederits come along like seven-year locusts, an' nacherul- ly et they'uiis out o' h(nu:e an' homo, an' jeft iiofhin' ter nobodj, nor the dogs. Jist look at them dogs." '•Confound the dogs. Let 'em starre. n the Shoals, -whar we lived afo' the wah. An' laws-a-massy, if thar haiut a stool list likt^ Betsy's." Si and Shorty exchanged looks o£ cou- steruatiou. "Land's sake," echoed the motux.. coin- ing forward and surveying the remainder of the wreck of Smoot Jinkins's cabin. strewed around upon the deck. "If thar haint our house, or hits ghost. Thar's tiie very logs, with the mark on one (/ ^ev father's head, whar he used ter lean back as he sot afo' the tire an' smoked, an' played the hddle, an' gassed an' lied ter iha neighbors. An' sakes alive, rhar's my oh^ bread bowl an' wooden spoon. Whar iu the world did you'ns come across 'em :" "Howdy, JNIis' Jinkins," drawled Jim Bainbridge, who had in the meantime waked up and was shufHing back toward the kitchen for a fresh supply of food. "Howdy, Nance? Howdy, Bets? How's Smoot.'" "Great Scott! what Lave we done; Shorty?" gasped Si. "Taken those women's house and home?" "O, well; they haiut been living in it for a long time, according to their own story," answered bhorty. "We aint responsible for their camping out under a tree. Their own people turned 'em out to shift for themselves." "But what can we do? We ought to do something for them." "I'll tell what let's do. I-et's take uy a collection for 'em. 1 li chip iu $10." "I'll put in another. "Well, for ,$20 they can buy another house euoLigh sight l^e-tter than thsir'.*. Twenty ",>i*llars ought to buy a wuoi« t..'t- tlement of such shacks." Most of the other boys contributed a lit- tle to the fund, making quite a little wad of greenbacks, which Si took up to Mrs. Smoot Jinkins and presented to her, say- ing: "Madam, the necessities of war cona- pelled us to take j^our house for wood for the boat. We're awfully sorry, but it had to be done, and we've taken up a collection with which you can buy another house somewhere that'll be just as good. Here's the money." The woman's faded blue eyes lighteueJ up as she gazed on the pile of bills iu her lap, and she exclaimd: "Land's sake, what a heap o' money! Yankee money, too! Didn't know thar wuz so much in the world afo'. Never seed but, two bills afo', an' them the man sot as' much store by as his eyes. And all fep that o!e cabin. 'Twas jist alive with chinches, anyhow." Si and Shorty nervously felt in their clothes. "Never seed sich a house for chinches. Jist alive with 'em. Think them dod-gast- ed pigeons useter bring 'em. Tell yer what, gals, jist as soon's we git ter Chatty- noogj', we'll buy each one of us one o' them jinuwine Yankee hoopskirts that we'uns 've bin wantiu' so long. ]My, won't we'uns make some o' the other women feel sick? I reckon not! An' we'uns '11 buy a slieexj fer the do^a ter oat." 50 ^ W£(^(?%si^^o^fti ^^^ CHAPTER IX. THE BOYS START. FOR ATLANTA. TThcn the Lorena hiid passed Brkltro- poit, Ala., and was-' upiu'oaching -the mouth of the Sequatchie, Jim Rainbrid;,'e unfurled himself from arouiul the smoke- stack, and began to make prepaiatious for going ashore. "Awful sorry to have you leave us, ]Mr. Bainbridge," said Shad, bringing up to him a sack containing twice as much _ coffee as the pilot had promised. "You ' have been the greatest possible help to us. In fact, I do not see how we should have ever got through without you." "That's so," echoed Si, heartily. "We never could've brung the boat through without your help. Y'ou were like the 10 fingers — always on hand when Avanted." "Come along Avith us, Jim," urged Shorty. "Sherman '11 reward you by a breA'et of some kind — brevet Admiral of the army's fleet of prairie sclionners, or brevet Commodore of the Fmirteenlh Corps' ammunition squadron. You don't know what fun it is to manuver a fleet of prairie schooners in a six-mule breeze. Beats st.eamboatiug all holler. Don't have to cut wood nor heave on the capstan. All you've got to do is to ride around and custi. The infantry and the mules, mainly the infantry, do all the rest." "I'd like poAverful well ter go along with yer," drawled Jim; "fer a likelier passel o' gcuitlemen I never seed. Y^o'ns is all perfect gentlemen. Thar haint a stuck-up one among you all; yo'uus don't take no sass from nobody, an' a sprier crowd Avith their Avepuns don't breathe. Ef yo'uns wuz gAvine ter run up an' down the Tennessee I'd stay Avith yo'uns till the last dog Avas hung. If yo'uns want ter turn 'round an' go right back through the Shoals I'll go Avith yo'uns, an' gladly." "Thanks, awfully," interjected Shorty. "But no more of it in mine. I'm giddy yet from bark-mill-horsing around that capstan. I Avent round it enough to've wound up the Avar." "But I Avon't go 10 mile from the Ten- nessee, on no airthly account," continued Bainbridge. "I avuz born on hit, I've done lived on hit all my life, an' I'll die on hit Avhen my time comes. But I 'loAV ter have a heap o' flshin' an' coon-huntiu' afore then. I've already done had more fun at that than ary other man in the country, an' I aint more'n half through. I reckon I'll hang up 'round the Sequatchie till ar- ter Chrissmus at least. Thar Avon't be nothin' fur me down at the Shoals. Ilo.od's ai'my has skeered aAvay all the iish, an' done «£ up everything that yoes ou four legs. ]Much oMcegcd ter yo', gents, fer all this grub yo've give me. llit'll last me a long while, mebbe till I see yo'uns agin. If yo'uns ever come my Avay agin, give mo a call. So long, gents." lie l.-il'oii'd ashi^i'e undei- all (lie rations he could possihly cari-y. It v,-::s not until the boat Avas sAvinging out again that Mrs. Jinkins suddenly discovered that in some mysterious Avay ho had taken one of her dogs Avith him, and she set up a shriek of ange:- and dismay. "Hi. yo' A\iilliless runnygade, Jim Bain- bridge," she yelled, as soon as the could free her moiUJi iiom the snuff-stick, "Avhat air yo' tnlin' off my best coon-dog fur? Y'o' po', ornery, loAv-doAvn, Avhite nigger trash: Avoiild yo' steal a lady's boss-dog, right afore her oavu eves? Bring that thar hound right back hvah, this very minnit. or I'll done tell Smoot on yo', an' he'll make yer heels break yore varmint neck Avhen he ki'tches yo'. Bring him back hyah, I done tell yo'; if yo' knoAV Avhat's good fer yo'." But Jim humped his bag of provisions further up on his shoulders, and Avaliced stolidly on, Avith the dog folloAving close behind. "Make him bring that ere dog back, Mister Captain," she sternly demanded of Si. "Shoot him if he don't." "Scarcely," remarked Si. "Let him take all the dogs he Avants. Wish he'd taken the rest." "Well, then, I'll shoot him," she said, furiously, snatching up a musket. Evi- dently she Avas no stranger to guns, and handled it in a Avay that boded trouble for Bainbridge, had not Shorty Avrested it from her grasp. "O, what'll Smoot say AA'hen he comes home from the Avar?" she Availed. "His heart'll be done broke, and he'll just skin me aliA'e fer not takin' better keer o' that thar hound. I didn't mind hit so much when Sal run off Avith a teamster, an' Lize Avith a lioss-doctor. He couldn't blame ine for that, fer gals is as sho' ter sheet out as bees is ter SAvarm, an' he didn't think so much on them, nohoAv. They loaned ter be peart, an' sassy, an' no 'count jinerully, arter they groAved up. But I orter tuck good keer o' the dog. no matter what happened. The country's full o' gals like Sal an' Lize, but thar haint another sich a dog fer coons as Punk on tlie hull Tennessee RiA'or. 'Deed thar haint. The last Avords Smoot said ter me Avhen he Avent aAvay avuz that if I vallered my life ter take keer o' I'unk THE BOYS START FOR ATLA.NTA. 51 vrhWc he was cff fontin' fer our liberties. Y\\» nir.st lose our liberties, but if I lost Pnuk he'd sho'iy bust my head wlisn he gnt !i;iek. Au' now Puuk'i^ gone, arter al my worritin over him. Yo' must put me ri'.^ht ashoie till I toller up Jim Baia- bridge, au' git Punk back. Put me right ashore." "Nonsense," said Si. "We haint no time to fool around lauding. "We're in a hurry to get to Chattynocgy and Sherman. The army's waiting tor us. We wouldn't stop for all the dogs in the kingdom, and especially for as mangy a lick-skillet as that one." "If yo' don't stop the boat an' put me off this livin' minnit," said Mi's. Jiukins, "I'll done throw a fit, an' make yo' wish yo' had." "Throw a fit or a misiit," said Si, irri- tably. "Throve anything you dumbed please, except throw away our time. This boat simply can't stop till we get to Chat- tynoogy. That's all there is of it." Shorty looker] appreh*^nsive. He remem- bered his experience with the woman on the banks of Elk Fiivcr, not far away as the crow Cies. The woman's eyes suddenly seemed starting from her head: she began to froth at the month, and her iimbs to twitch and contoit. rre.:enlly she fell to the dock in appaio!;t moital agony, with her daugh- ters screaming. Si ran for Alf Russel, but that c;;llu\v- medic's art, which reveled in guusuor wownxls ar.d manly maladies, swooned at tljv ;':!o.ighc of anything so awfi'.'ly myst'Tiojis ;is a woman, and" one in <0!i-, ;i!s!ons. Alf lurned so pale at the sight that they luongJ-t he was going to faint, and Si huriivd him away again. All was wild commiition on the deck — incomparnb'.y more excitement tinni had been (iciT,sii>r:iil liy ;ill their previous ex- citing ex; erii i::^'s. The girls shrieked and w;r;i!Hl, In- dogs hov,-led. Pete aiul Sandy baiM into uncuutrollable tears, and some of the young recruits acted as if they would jump off the boat. Those who were not too inve-struck to speak offered all manner of snggeotions based on what they had seen their mothers do to women suffering from ar;yrhi!:v: from tight stays and hystciics to dr<.;..-y, l.ut no one had the cour;!ge to go near ?.Irs. Smoot Jin- kins or carry any of the propositions into practice. The spectacle of a writhing, foaming woman was utterly unnerving to those young. ir:exper!enced micn. "Seems to me its largely nervous," said Shad, perplexedly, consulting with Si, Shorty and Jake Dye. "But that does not help cut. Her last conscious words, if I remember, were a desire to be put ashore." "Yes," said Si. "and because we would n't stop brung the spasm.s on her." "And my idea is," added Shorty, "that the sooner ViO stop the boat and put her af-;hore the sooner she'll come to." "Why, it'd be barbarous to put her out there on the bare banks, in her present condition," gasped Shad. "Don't know about that," said Shorty. "It's true it looks tough. But she's used to the open air. Been roosting around a tree when we took 'em aboard. Mebbe the air here's too close for her." "About as close as it is in a saw-mill," suggested Si. looking at the stripped tim- bers of the Lorena. "Even a saw-mil! may be too close for a woman that's been used to nothing more confining than county lines. Then, there's the smell o' the engine, and the motion o' the boat. Anyhow, if she stays aboard we'll ail go craz3'." "Well, we must do something. I'm afraid the boat will sink, next thing, from the way things are going," coucluded Shad. "Our business is to hurry on to Chattanoogy — sick woman or no sick woman. We've got to get rid of her, any way we can. Bring out three or four blankets to carry her ashore in, and lay over her. Jake, get up a lot of rations to leave with them." The blankets were brought, and the pilot instructed to make a landing. But nobody could be gotten to pick ^[rs. Jin- kins up and lay her on the blankets. Shad appealed to three or four of the older re- married men, to come forward and do this, but the moment they saw his glance turned tov.-ard them they bolted for hid- den parts of the boat. "Well, Si, it's you and I for it," said Shnd. dcs-^eiately. "Take hold of her feet while I lift her shoulders, and we'll lay her on."' Si summoned all his determination, took hold of her worn calfskin shoos, as if he was expecting an electric shock, and Shad lifted her shoulders with equal gingerly timidity. They placed her on the blanket, ii! which they and Jake and Shorty car- ried her up the bank, and laid her on a thick drift of leaves under the shelter of a beech tree, and put a liberal supply of rations beside her. They ran back to the boat, which was sheering off with the cur- rent, but saw over their shoulders that the alarming convulsions at once disai>- peared, the woman stood up and began ex- amining the rations and the blankets. "All this row over a worthless cur that's net fit to even make into soap- grease," murmured Shad, wearily, as the Lorena was driven ahead faster, to make up for lost time. "Hi, you Yankee scamps, gi' me back my dogs. Yo'uns mustn't steal my dogs, yo' villains," came in an angry woman's shrill scream from the bank. "Stop that tiiar boat, an' gi' me back my dogs, yo' onhung rascals." Looking back Si saw the woman and her daughters running along the bauk to- v/ard the point ahead, shaking their fists, and yelling at the top of their voices. "T\Tiat on earth's happened nov,V" in- quired Si. 8eavers. If they can't, let 'em drown, and a good riddance it'll be." But the dogs seemed to have scented danger as quickly as food; they had be- taken themselves to dark lurking places, end not one could be found. "Jake, I suppose au. old woman with the high-strikes is one of the comforts of a home you promised us," Shorty re- marked sardonically. It had become quite dark by the time they came under the giant shadow of Lookout Mountaiu, but they were in high bojies of getting to Chattanooga that night. But they struck the terrific "Suck," where the waters of the Tennessee rush Ihrough the narrow gateway cut in the granite, and after struggling wearisomely with the maelstrom for a little while Shad Baid, resignedly: "It's no use. We're too tired. It aint In us to work as we did when the rebels were all around us. P'lesh and blood have had all they could stand. We'll lay by tonight and take a start at daylight. That'll bring us in quite as soon as they're ready for us." The ilrst good night's rest they had had for many days gave them fresh energy to battle with the swirling waters, and when the boat's engines, and all the as- sistance they could give with poles, were baffled, they .lumped ashore, and with a will worked the great windlass which had been prepared for such emergencies. The Lorena was dragged by main strength llii'ough the i-esistless rush of water. By the time the bright November sun was fairly above the high wall of Mis- sionary Ridge their long trip was over, and Monty and Harry, standing waiting, fore and aft, with the great cable ]ooi)s over their shoulders, gladly executed the order: "Take those lines ashore and make fast." They were at the lower wharf of Chat- tanooga. Shad went to the Colonel's room to awaken him, infoi'm- bim of. .th£ _en.c^.. of the journey, and' receive 1sustpgtion5^-| as to securing a train to laic^v-.the- pout&us on to Atlanta. > •? - A crowd better she'll get frost-bit these cold nights." ■_ Si and Shorty, who were busily engaged in getting the boys packed up and ready to take the train, and the i)ontoon stuff in shape for transfer, became weary an- fiweriug these .iibes, and more i;leas;i]it in- terrogatories, ,'ind weie cither irrespc.isive or snub[>y to those on the wharf. Presently some one demanded sharply, in a commanding .(aie: •AVJiat b,ait is that?" Si and yhorty, who were bending over a bundle of canvas, v,-ith their backs to the bow, made no auf.wer, though it seemed to them they had heard that voice before. "What boat is that?" asked the voice, a little more sharply. "Steamboat," answered Shorty. The idlers haw-hawed. "(ilad to know it. Wasn't quite sure fi'om the looks but it Avas a fioating kind- ling-wood factory in hard luck. What's her name"?" returned the voice, more i)leas- tintly than might have been expected. "Dumb it, can't you read her name on the pilot-house," Si ansv/ered cros'sly, for he had just broken his thumb-nail trying to tighten the rope. "Use your eyes, and don't ask so many fool questions." "Look here, sir, yon mustn't answer me that way," said the voice, sharply. Shorty, who had barked, his shin against one of the anchors, and was ready to quarrel with anybody, looked around and saw a tall, rather spare man, on foot, with an otlicer's overcoat, buttoned up to the chin, and a badly-battered campaign hat, pulled down over his eyes. Below appeared a short, rugged, red beard, which .somehow appeared familiar, .but Shorty could not place it. It seemed 'to him that it was the Quartermaster of the THE BOYS START FOR ATLANTA. 63 "THIS IS THE GOOD BOAT ' KICK-UP-BEHIND.'" 1st Oshkosh. whom ho had no reason to like. "Why shouldn't he answer you that way, I want to know?" he flared up. "We aiut no information bureau. We wasn't enlisted to road boat's names and things for commissionoff officers who'd played hooky instead o' going to school, and missed their education. Get some o' them niggers around there to read the name for you. Captain. We're too busy." "Captain — that's good," chuckled the crowd ashore. "There, there, sir," returned the officer, "you have wasted enough breath and time to have told ir^ the whole history of the boat, and yet said nothing." "Well, if you must know, this is the good boat Kick-Up-Behind, Capt. Sour Dough Master, loaded with meerschaums nankeen pants, and patent-leather slippers, for Sherman's army, and bound across Buzzard Koost by the way of Kenesaw Mountain for the Ocmulgee River. That'a the solemn truth, Colonel, little as I want to tell it." •'Colonel!" The crowd laughed again. "Good enough," said the officer. "I think I'll put you on my staff, to furnish infor- mation to the newspapers. You'd make ft fine war correspondent. Your imagina- tion is only equalled by your disregard of the truth. But we have bad enough of 54 SI KI.ECG ■lA'TP. ^;V(M ^nr '.::d siionxY. lliis chaff." he added in a tone which made Si and Shorty iiivohintarily ytop their work and begin to straighten up. '"Stop that, come to attention, and answer me promptly and truthfully. What boat is ihatV" "United States transport Lorona, an- swered Si, coming to attention and salut- ing. "Loaded with pontoon supplies Lor (ien. Sherman's army." "Ilello," said the "ofTicer in a tone of exultation, "the pontoons at last. Who is in command?" "Col. Bouesteel, United States Engi- neers, sir," said Si, still more respectfully, as recollections of the oflicer's appearance began to vivify in his mind. "1 think he must be one of the Corps Commanders," he whispered to Shorty, "but I can't just remember which." "Very good, Sergeant; find Col. Bone- steel at once, present my compliments to him, and tell him that Gen. Sherman de- sires to see him immediately here on the wharf." "Gen. Sherman," gasped Si nud Shorty, hastily buttoning up their blouses and straightening their caps. "Fall in, guards; fall in promptly," Si shouted to his men. "Never mind the guards," said Gen. Sherman, impatiently. "Find Col. Bone- steel at once." Si went up to the cabin deck as rapidly as his broad Wabash feet Avonld carry him, to startle Col. Bonesteel and Shad with the announcement of Gen. Sherman's presence. Shad had just finished, under the Colonel's directions, a report to the Commandant of the Post of the Lorena's arrival, and a requisition on the Superin- tendent of Hailroads for a train to be ready early the next morning to take the pontoons on to Sherman. "You will take that personally," said the Colonel, pointing to the requisition, "to the Superintendent and insist upon having the train not later than tomorrow morning. He will try to put you off, and get another day, but do not allow him to do so. If he will not agree to it, come back to me, and I'll go to him. We must have it." "Gen. Sherman's out there on the wharf and wants you to co'iie to him at once. Colonel," said Si, so full of his message that he forgot his military nianners. "Gen. Sherman oul there on the wharf, and wanting to see me," gasi)ed the Colonel, and shaken from his fastnesses. "Yes: and he can't wait a minute. He's very imi>atienl." The Colonel looked dazed for a minute, and then, with Shail's and Si's assistance, got his cloak on over his wounded ;nni, and went down the staii's and out on lo the wharf, where Gen. Sherman was ner- vously p.-icing up and dnwn, t \\ilrhin:; a ritling-switeh and giving Jerky in'ilers to ri^embcrs of his staCf wbo.had come.up 'In I be meanwhile. . - , , "Llello, Bonesteel," he Oalled out, a.s the Coione! came over the gaing-'ul/ink'. "GVad :o see you. So' you brought my ponfoohs 'Ml yourself, did yon? Glad yon aiit«;e- clatcil the iniiKntaure of my getting them. Awfully afraid they wouldn't reach me." "Had a terrible time getting heve. Gen- eral. Ran tlirtiugh the whole .qf"— - ' "Yes. yes," l>i-ii!rown, gallop over there to Surgeon ?ililler and tell him to come here at once and examine Col. Bone- steel's wound. Got the stuff all ready to go aboard the cars. Colonel?" The Colonel looked inquiringly at Shad, who formally reported: "All perfectly ready. Colonel, the mo- ment we can get the cars." "All I'eady, General, and I have pre- pared ;i i((Hii:,ition for the train, whiidi I h;ive asked for to bi' ready tomorrow miuning, without fail." "Tonioirow nioi'ningl Tomorrow morn- ing? That stnlf's got to leave here in an hour. I am going myself, and it's got to go along." "Jjieutenant, go to my oiTice and get the requisition, carry it to the Superintend- ent and explain the necessity for imme- diate action." "No, Lieutenant," said Sherman, witli nervous impatience. "Hand that requi- sition to Bradley, there. Bradley, you tell Wright Ihat train must be ready, be- hind mine, in an hour. Roberts, go and Ining teams enough here to haul that stuff over in a single load. Rush, nov,'. Pick up teams wherever yon find them. Lieu- tenant, when those wagons come, load them as you never loaded wagons before, and get that stuff on the cars as if on the wings of the wind. Don't you be a min- ute over an hour, at your ))eril. Good morning, Colonel. Take good care of that arm of yo^n•^>." 'J'he Colonel was aghast and hurt at the uncer(Mnoiiior,8 manner in which his "r>:;i(M];tii !!" ];-.l Ir.'on CTidvd, and the wliole n;atier t:iken out of his hands. He luul .:,ro-,v;i to ft-tl like a contiacring hero, ni:i:.!!i,": a 1 riir.iv hant c'-trance to a city, and beie lound himself reduced to the r:;nk;', of Ihi.se viho had sinv, ly done an obvious duty veil, and coi^tiilnited hi;; ex- T THE BOYS START FOR ATLANTA. £5 ported mite tnwnrrl tho snocpss of a great movement. lie Wiilked baek to his cahiu in bitterness of Iieait, at the vanity of hu- man j,'ieatness, and for tlio moment even felt like burning- op the report upon which he had expended so mueli labor. The Surgeon came and dressed his wound, and after a little hospitality and chat the two lighted cigars and walked forward, to s(?e Shad, Si, Shorty and the rest in a fever of hurry to get the stutl' on the cars and started for the front. Sher- man's nervous eagerness had imparted itself to them. They had no ambitions to be thwaitcd, no self-importance to be wounded. The.v were simply glad they had done their work well so fai', and eager to do more, and be with their comrades, who were to share in great things. As the Colonel watched them he caught the infection from them. ••They're the hnest men alive," he said, finally. •'It's honor enough merely to com- mand such men. I am going along with them." ••Indeed, you are not," said the Surgeon, decidedly. ••You are going to stay right here until your arm gets much better, un- less there is a good chance to send you back home.'' •"I was not aware that I was under your command. Doctor," said the Colonel, with some asperity. "Well, you are, very much so. It's my duty to see that no wounded or sick r.^eii go to the front, except such as I think en- tirely ht. The army is stripped fur baltle,. and must have no incumbrances. I shall! not let you leave this place, except to go to the rear." "Army's got in a tine condition when Pillbags give orders to Colonels com- manding independent expeditions," said the Colonel, bitterly. '•Be that as it may, I have my orders, and am going to obey them. Come, you have done enough for the present. Your life is too valuable to the country to be needlessly endangered. There are some things that I am absolute in, and this is one. You shall not go." Before the hour was up the last stick was in the wagons, and the boys, 'eain- ing that the Colonel could go no farther with them, lined up on the wharf to give him three cheers, before they rushed off for the train. The Colonel "bowed f/om the deck, Irut could say nothing. He watched them as they hurried for the train, listened with sinking heart for the cheers with which they announced their leaving, and sank into a chair murmuir- ing: "A great opportunity of my life gone. There is no telling what I might not have doue at the head of those men." 56 SX KLECG A>-p SPORTY, CHAPTER X. A CLASH OF AUTHORITY BETWEEN SHOETY AND GEN. SHERMAN. Gen. Sherman's trnin, anrl that follow- ing it, had the right of way hack to Iviii.us- ton, where the General had tempovanly estalilished his headqnarters. Every switch they passed the hoys saw was loaded to its fullest extent with trfiins' bearing northward the great army's strip- pings for battle. Every man whose physi- cal condition did not promise to stand the test of the severest trials had been ruth-' lessly weeded out by the Surgeons and Bent to the roar. The worst had been sent back long before. Those going now were of the later and more rigid cuUings of the men who wanted earnestly to stay with their companies, and hoped that they would tone up sulhciently to satisfy the e.xacting requirements of the medical des- pots, who knew neither fear, favor nor atfection in their gleaning after men who ■were likely to break down on a hard march and cumber the ambulance:^. They were going, baek reluetantly. their only hope being that they would jniu Gen. 'J homas and share in his txploits. But this would noL be with their own regi- ments. "Do smuggle me into your squad, and tnkt> me along with you, Sergeant," plead- ed Den Camp, one of the 1st Oshkosh, ■whom they met at a switeh. The pallor of illness showed through in spots where the sunburn of the long canri)aigu had flaked off. 'T went through the campaign all right — never missed a niareh, a hgi,t or a roll-call — but I broke down after wo ■'got into Atlanta. Guess it must've been 'the too sudden change to soft bread and sleeping under cover." A wan smile played over his thin face. It could be seen at once that he was a boy \\h ) had \i\ot\ ujion his nerve. By bhi>er force of will be had kept up throtigh the territic hardships and strains of the cam- paign, but had collapsed when victory came and the city Avas captured. "I had a pretty lively tussle with the brakebone," he continued, "and the doc- tors gave me quinine till I thought my bead was a hotel gong; but I pulled thi'ough, and the minute I heard that the army was going to move, I gave the hos- pital the cold shake, and slijqied back to my company, and with the boys' help I played off on the Surgeons for awhile. But the last time they went through the camp with a line-tooth comb, and caught me. But I'll be all right it I can only get out with the boys on the march once more." "He's just at the turning point," com- muned Si with ShortA-, "where a;goodir.. strong push, like a had cold or a.; hjiJ-dV." march, may send him down the hill. to. his, t grave. Ho mustn't go along, though Ilikie-r Ben awfully." ' . k-. ...:jr' "Don't- know about that." anewei-od';- Shorty. "Ben's one o' the best meil in thol 1st Oi^hkosh. His heait's set on going along. liikcty that'll bring lii'm right out and eure him. If he's sent back he'll lik<; as not fret himself to death in the hus-. pital. Let's take him along." "As you say," acceded Si. "I'll do any- thing in the world for Ben. The chanee.i, are about equal whether it kills or cures, him, but he'li die happier in tlie front than in the rear. Ben, you wateh your 53 BI KLEGG AND SHORTY. "IIEKi:," CALLED SITORTY, IN A COMMANDiN^x TONE, "THAT AINT NO WAY TO LOAD A CAR." Fcrrif^a. Somo cars had to be cut off to re- ( ,,■ , iii ' Li-iiii. aiiii r :•■ ' .■•.!- ernl directed (hat a couple, containing f-hnes and clntliin;;-, be left behind, to be brouirht up by a train that should fellow after. A good deal of switchin;; was necessary to rcanun^io the train and cut these out, jMiil i-n>iiy, Avhi) Kiui(! Tiot iisist the temj.tation' to boss the job, became con- vinced that they had made a mistake and cut ui [ itte wtoii.i;- cais. Under sucli tii'- cunuitances the more circumspect Si would ha\e satisncd himself of his facts before doing anything, but Siorty was not built that way. He was very liable to become dead sure of anything on ciuite insutflcient evidence, and then a balky mule was not more obstinate. Just as the making-up of the train was about completed, he rushed back and called to the trainmen: "•^ay, you've made a big mi.stake. You've cut out the wron.g cars. Those cars there are the ones that you must take alon.x- You're to leave those cars there that you've put in." The conductor — only recently detailed for the duty — was alarmed. '"Are you sureV" he asked nervously. "Sure! Dead sure. I noticed that the CLASH €^ AOTS0E31T BETWEEN SHORTY AND GEN. SHERMAN. 59 cars the General pointed out for you to leave bad "L. »fc iS. li. K.' ou their doors, while those j'ou were to take along had N. & C. it. li.' You see them that you've left have N. & G. II. K.' ou their doors, v.-hile Those you've kept have L. & N. K. I!."' "1 hat's so," said the conductor, stop- ping lb- engineer and hurrying to make the exihantre liefore the General should noiice his blunder. lis the train started on its way for Cal- houn it passed on the other side of the cars, and tSliorty was horriried to see that the doors on that side bore the letters "L. &N. R. R." "Great jumping Jehosephat," he mut- tered, ■'i'rn ill lor it agaui. They have been mixing tlie doors on them cars. Con- demn a country, anyway, where nothing's ever certain but short rations and bad oads. I expect Old Billy'll just take my sorrell topknot clear off when he hnds it out. But mebbe he won't till after I've got av/ay. He won't be thinking about the cars until we get to camp, i'!! jump the train just as soon as wo strike the edge of camp, and before he gets a chance to look 3ver the lars FIl be safe in the 200th In- jianny. I'li like to be aiound and hear him kin that basswood conductor, though." Alas for his calculations. The train stopped at Adairsville, and Gen. Sherman wanted to send an Aid over to Poplar Springs, where there was a brigade en- camped. A horse was quickly secured, but the Aid wanted his own saddle, which K-as in the car containing the headquarters baggage. But the car was missuig. Gen. Sherman stormed at the conductor, n his characteristically impetuous way. "I had the right cars on, just exactly as j-ou pointed out," the trembling man man- aged to say between outbursts, '"and then I changed them, because a Corporal from your headquarters came and told me I bud made a mistake." "A Corporal from my headqimrters?" said the General; "T have no Corporal with mo." Yes, there he is now," said the un- liQppy conductor, pointing to Shorty, who had overheard the breaking of tJie storm and was trying to slip over to the cover of ome trees and wait for the next train. "Come here, you rascal," commanded the General. ihorty, seeing that he was cornered, turned around, marched up to the Gen- eral, came to attention, gravely saluted, and inquired: Did you speak to me. General?" I'es, confound you; I spoke to you and you know it, for you recognized your name. Did you tell this man to change the cars?" "Yes, sir," said Shorty boldly. "I was watching you when you pointed out the cars to him, and noticed that the cars you wanted left had 'L. & N. R. R.' on their doors, while those you wanted taken had C. ^ N. R. R.' on theirs. .Wlieu ke made up his train again I saw that he had it just the other vray. I never told him I was from your head(iuarters. He only guessed it. But he ought to be a better gues.ser. But I'm to blame for the rest, only I think it's playing it pretty low down on a fellow to have different letters on each side of the cars. "And you, a Corporal, took the liberty of changing the orders of the General Com- manaing the Army, did you?" said Sher- man, in a terrible voice. "No, General," answered Shorty firmly. "I wasn't changing your orders; I was only doingm y best to carry them out, as I ahvaya do. But I say again. I think it is playing pretty low down to have different letters on each side of tne cars. That isn't giving a feller a fair shake. It's ringing in a cold deck on a feller, and you know it. General." Gen. Sherman's moods could change as rapidly as those of a Spring day. Already his active mind was revertmg to things of mighty importance, and he wanted to close this trifling incident — dismiss it. Shorty's frankness and boldness took his fancy. He looked him over again, with a sarcastic glance, and dismissed him with: "Y'oung man, after this you and I will have to be careful to take separate trains. Between us there is too much intellect for any one train. It overloads it, and embar- rasses its movement. For the rest of this trip I'm going to insist ou you severely suppressing yourself and giving me a chance. You take a much-needed rest and give me a chance to run this train. I mayn't do it as well as you would, but I M-ant to try. Go back to your car and keep very quiet — very quiet, indeed — for the rest of this trip. Brooks, send a message Isack to Resaca to send forward those two cars by the next train without fail, and re- port ts Kingston when they start. Will- iams, you'll have to ride a common saddle. Start the train at once, and tell the en- gineer to push things. We've only been crawling along. Shake him up." The General's sarcasm hurt Shorty much worse than if he had given him the lively cursing he expected. He could not under.Ntand all the words the General used, but felt that they meant something aAvful. He went back to his car in a wrathful mood, but quieted down after awhile and began to grumble at the slow pace of the train. He shared the General's impatience to get on, and was not long in reaching the conclusion that he could get more speed out of the locomotive than the engineer was doing. If he could only do this, he would win the General's approval and re- gain his lost honors. At the next stop for water he vrent for- ward, ingratiated himself with the engi- neer by a pleasant story as to his abilities, and experience in running an engine, was invited up into the cab, and finally given charge of the throttle over a piece of clear, easy track. The engineer had been worked 60 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. to the last limit during this driving time and be was fiightfully tired, nearly dead tor sleep, and welcomed any relief. He watched Shorty run for a few miles, gave him occasional directions, and saw with approval his management of the engine, re- laxed his own strain of attention by de- grees, and before he knew it was asleep, sitting on the left side of the cab. Shorty gained in conlidence as the miles sped back under the wheels. He made the fireman rush up the steam, oi>ened wider the throttle, and struck a pace that pleased him. He grew so self-conlident that he did not think it necessary to awaken the engineer as they approached Kingston, but decided to run in himself. A freight train, loaded Avith Commissary goods, was pulling onto a switch, to get out of the way, just as he came around the curve outside of Kingston. Shorty guessed that it would get onto the switch in time and did not slacken Iiis speed, though he blew the whistlo^ which 'wakened the en- gineer, who gave a quick slajice,.a'u(l sprang for the tlirbtU(.' avi,d /the wiistle rope, to give a shrill call for brak'Qo. ' tte was too, late. The locomotive struck the second car from the lear of the frei;;i,at train, Avliich was directly acrost^, the track, squarely near the center, and sent pork and crackers flying all .aroun^'th^f sectioji of the country. ' Shorty skipped back to tke boys- "and said to Si: '' "Si, lookout for my things anrd bring them on Avith you. I guess I'll walk tlie rest o' the way to Atlanta. I want to take a look at the cpuntty." ;, .,, , - Gen. Sherman walked forward and looked at the Avreck, and remarked: "SomehoAv, I've got a suspicion that a certain redheaded Corporal is at the bot- tom of this. If I can get hold of him, 1 11 make him sit down here and eat up a.l the::e rations that he's spoiled." CHAriER XI. 'OTHEE AND IMPOKTANT DUTY, The instant Gen. Sherman arrived at Kingston he had things before him of a thousand-fold more importance than the investigation of an unimportant railroad accident. He was rolling two grt at waves of armed men in opposite directions — one, under Thomas, toward NashA-lile and the north, to head off, defeat and destroy Hood; the other, under himself, toward the south, or east, to a destination that even he Avas not certain of. The GO,Oun men Avhom he was to personally com- mand, with their 3,000 wagons aiid four- score cannon, Avere distributed over thoti- sands of square miles, extending from Rome and Kingston to Atlanta and De- catur. At his Avord of command all these were to flow together in a mighty, resist- less tide, converging on Atlanta, and leav- ing behind it desolation — burned mills, factories, bridges, destroyed roads and ex- hausted food supplies. The Avave rolling on toward Thomas was to leave similar devastation in its rear. The fighting ground of the past bitter battle Summer Avas to be made an inhos- pitable desert of ruined towns, desolated farms, felled forests, moldering forts and breastAvorks, wrecked railroads and burned bridges. Even the buzzards would soon leave it, after having picked white the bones of the starved animals. Gen. Sherman's sweeping thoughts took in the imperial expanse of country, and in his mind's eye he saw v.'here every regi- ment, battery and train of his mighty host Avas camped, just Avhat he Avantcd it to do, and Avheu and hoAV to march to timely coalesce and co-ordinate with the stupen- dous Avhole, As soon as he alighted from the cars his quick eyes took in every detail of the great activity everyAvhere in sight, and he began to order, admouish, correct, stimu- late and lash everyone within range of his voice. Though all were busy, none seemed to be Avorking fast and hard enough to suit his impatient desires. He wanted to di- rect everything himself, Avithout Avaiting for the circumlocution of giving orders through his staff. "Here, you Sergeant, there," he called to one Avho had charge of a gang vi negro ■ laborers, and had stopped a moment to look at the wreck and wipe his face, •'Don't stand around idling. Put your men to Avork clearing the track of tliis Avreck. Shove that car off to the right. Pile the other things on it, so that they'll all burn, and help burn the road. X^it some men to work with sledges to break those axles and Avheels, so that the reb- els can't gather them up and use them. Where's the Lieutenant in charge of this train?" ' "Hore, sir." said Shad, saluting. "liieutenant, rush this train through to Atlanta as iast us you can, and deliver OTHER AXD IJIPORTANT DUTY. 61 the Ptiiff ti Cnl. Pens, for assignment and distribution. Tell him from mo that it mu.st ali bo distributed and arranged by toinorrow evetiing. As soon as you can pet tlie f tiilf o2: hurry right back here with the train." ■"Yoii iiM';in tliat 1 only shai! come bade with the trr.in, General, do you. and let the'' men go to their regiments at At- Iraitn '.'" "Xo: bring them back with you. They're a compact force of good men, such as_I need, and I'd better keep them awhile than disorganize a regiment. Bring them all back with you." "Confound it. Shad, why did you ask him that".'' grumbled Si, as Shad came back to them, '•^^'hy didn't you just say nothing, and let us jump the train at At- lanty and make for the 20()th InjiannyV I'm " ali on edge to get back to the regi- ment and report to Col. McGillicuddy. Sherraan'd never thought about it if you'd just let us go." "Don't you fool yourself a minute. Si. Sherman not only knows how many I have, but he knows every man in this de- tachment by this tinre, and has something mapped out for us. It'd 've been as much as my life was worth to have come back from Atlanta without you. I suspected so. and made sure by asking. I don't take any chances on anything when Sherman's around. It's altogether different from what it was with Bonesteel." Shorty, who had been watching pro- ceedings from the cover of a freight car, came out and rejoined the boys as they jumped upon the cars. "Glad to have you in here with us. Shorty," said Si. 'I was afraid you'd want to run the engine some more, and try to pass another train on the same track or butt a hole in the Allatoona Mountains, or some other experiment of that kind. You ought to know that the only waj- to pass another train on the same track is by climbing over it, and so fix up j'oiir engine with scaling ladders. Mebbe you thought we were still on the Lorena, and could spar over that other train." "O, dry up, Si," answered Shorty, irri- tably, "it wasn't my fault at all, but the engineer's of the other train. He didn't know enough to get his old meat-wagon out o' my way. As I was running the headquarters train, he ought've had sense to know that I had the right o' way, and give mo a clear track. Oughtn't to let such dunderheads have hold o' throttle- valves." "Can't be too careful in picking the men to handle the throttle-valves," returned Si, significantly. "Anyhow, v.-e'll all feel better now that you're with us, instead of on the engine. By the way, did you hear Gen. Sherman's orders to ShadV We're not to go with the regiment from Atlanty, but must come back here." "The thunder we must," gasped Shorty. "Well, you fellers can come back, but as for me and Pete we're going on to join the regiment, and we'll strike out for it the minute we hit Atlanty. I'm sick and tiled o' Vicing out in the weather. I v,-ant to git home, and home';; the 200th Injiaiin^ Volunteer Infantry. I want to settle down to strai,r:ht soldiering, instead of pirouting around like a lot o' stray dogs. ^Nle and Pete's gain' to answer roll-call in Co. Q tomorrow morning, and have some quiet and peace of our lives. I'd 'a' been on my way to the regiment now, but for leaving Pete. I've been afraid all along they'd try to press us into service with the pontoons, and that's the reason I've been urging Si to jump the train as soon as we struck the town, and get av.-ay to the regiment before they'd have a chance to detail its. But you fellers can do as you please. Me and Pete are going back to the regiment as straight as we can go. Col. McGillicuddy needs us." "Them's my sentiments to a hair," echoed Si. "I'm awful homesick to see the regiment, and settle down to plain, every-day soldiering, where you don't have nothing to bother you. The 200th In- jianny's good enough for me. I'll stay there the rest o' the time. But Shad thinks that we've got to come back." "Well, Shad may think as he pleases. No law against his thinking. And you fellers can do as you see fit. But you hear the pensive notes of my bugle: Just as soon as we hit Atlanty, me and Pete are going to point our gunboats in the di- rection of the 200th Injianny Camp, and stop on no switches for through trains un- til we hear the grateful music of Capt. Bowersox cussing the teamsters." They had stopped at Marietta, when Shad came back into the car, and the con- versation was substantially repeated. "Now, Shorty," he remonstrated, "you shouldn't talk that way. It's our duty to all go back, just as Sherman's ordered. I happen to know that he's got a very high opinion of this detachment, and I'm sure that he wants it for some particular purpose, something out of the ordinary. He asked me all about our coming through the Muscle Shoals, and praised the per- formance quite as highly as Sherman ever praises anything. You know he never slobbers over anybody. He thinks that when you've done the very best you can you've only done what you ought to, and don't deserve any special praise. But he said we'd done a very good, soldierly piece of work, and that he hoped Col. Bone- steel would properly report it to the De- partment. That's a great deal for Sher- man. Now I feel sure that he wants us for some special purpose, v»-here we can be of better service than with our regi- ments, even, and it's our duty to obey." "Mebbe he wants to slip oi¥ somewhere and surprise and capture a town," said Si, hopefully, catching at the idea. "Mebbe," said Shad. "Or mebbe he 62 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. knows where we can gobble a big rebel General, or the Governor of Georgia, pos- sibly even Jeff Davis himself. You know he was down near here not a great Avhile ago." •■If he wants anything extra-hazardous done with neatness and dispatch he's struck the right crowd," said Wi. "We can squeeze through a narrower hole with- out barking our shins than any other men in the army. You'd bettor stay with us. Shorty. Don't go back on us now. Let's all go to the regiment tDgother.^ It'll probably only be a few days more." "I'd strongly recommend it," said Shad. "Sherman's ordered it, and he's got a long memory. You may dodge him now. but he'll come up with you, sooner or later, and make you wish you hadn't." "The motion to reconsider has carried," said Shorty, after a moment's thought. "Though I long for a quiet life in the bosom of the 200th Injianny Volunteer Infantry, I'll take just one more whirl with you, if it's for big game." They reached Atlanta, turned over the pontoon stuff, which had cost them such an infiinity of worry and trouble, to the Chief Engineer, bravely resisted the temptation to abandon the train for their regimental camps, and returned to Kings- ton, reaching there again early in the morning, to find Gen. Sherman already up, and impatiently pacing up and down the platform, overseeing everything, and commenting, criticising, blaming, directing and ordering in an incessant flow of en- ergetic language. "Dayton," he called to his Adjutant- General, "prepare an order to Gen. Corse, at Home, to immediately burn everything there that can be of the slightest use to the rebels, and start for this place to- morrow morning. Impress upon him that the destruction must be complete and thorough; not a mill, factory, storehouse, locomotive or car must be left in shape to bo of any use to thi; rebels. He must destroy the bridges as he marches." "Gen. Stecdman," he continued, ad- dressing a fine-looking man with a leonine face a^nd mane of curling hair. "I must now say good-by to you. Give Gen. Thomas my compliments when you see him, and impress upon him that I expect hirii to destroy Hood, and not let a frag- ment of his anny rocross the T'ennesseo. Y'ou will take this train, which has just come in, to Ch.-ittanooga, and gather up your men from Kesaca onw.-ird. I'll send another train after you, which will be the last to go north, and pick up those from here to Recaca. After it pass;-s over Ooth- caloga Creek I'll have the bridge burned and cut mv connnunications with God's country. When they will be restored again, and where, God only knows. Only, I'm sure that we'll come out all right somewhere on the coast, after having n:a(le the State of Georgia ieel that it is very serious business to begin an unjusti- fiable rebellion against the authority of the United States, and continue the war in hardness of heart and reprobacy of spirit. Good-by. Make thorough work of Hood, and leave us to take care of our- selves." "Lieutenant," he called to Shad, "have youp men make coffee and get their break- i'a.stS by tliat fire there. Make sdiort work- of itj.fqr I want you to take this train in a few nunutcs. Y'ou will go out on it. as far iis the first large bridge, and get off on this side of the bridge, letting the train go over. After it has passed you Avill burn the bridge. Burn it thoroui^rhly, so that not a sticlv of timber shall.be left to re- build it. While it is burning destroy the telegraph for some distance — a mile or so. You must get through liy noon. At noon march up the creek a couple of miles until you come tn where the Adairsville and Cassville road crosses the creek by an old dog meeting-house. Halt .there, and you will reci'ive further orders." "What in the world has he laid out for us, SiV" asked Shorty, full of wondering expectancy. "Do you know of any town down there in this neighborhood that's worth taking'.'' There aint no big rebels around in this part o' the country, is there?" : "I haint no idee," answered Si, "and I suppose it don't matter much if I haint. It's some big thing, or Sherman wouldn't be so positive about it. That's enough for me. but I admit I'd like to knoAV.what he's cut out for us." "Burning u bridge aint no great shakes of a job," remarked Si, as they gotvoff at the creek, and let the train go on over. ."3Iost anybody could do that. But let's make an extra y;neves in good condition to put his ragged rebels on. This is the last herd to come through, and it must be carefully guarded all the way. That's the reason that Gen. Sherman ordered you here. There's bush- whackers enough down in the comiti-y lie- yond the Etowah to take the herd away from all the guard I have. But I haven't time to waste in argument. You'll simply do Avhat Gen. Sherman orders. Here come the cattle now, and I'll be obliged to you, Tiier.t. Graham, if you'll begin the count at once, and hurry through with it, as that train you came up on is waiting for me and my men, and Ave must get to it as soon as possible. I have six horses that I and my helpers have been riding, Avhich I'll turn over to you, for such men as you Avant to mount." "After our good Avork with the pon- toons I never thought Gen. Sherman Avould put us to cattle-driving," mur- mured Shad, reproachfully, at which Lieut. Ermentraut fired up again: "I'd like to knoAV who you are, anyway, that are putting on all these frills? You're mighty glad to get fresh beef Avhen it's brought to you, and yet you kick when it's your turn to bring it. Are you so much better than anybody else that you can lie in camp, and have somebody else Avait on you? I tell you, I've had to do it, and I've done it because it Avas a necessary duty, that somebody had to do, and I'm as good as you fclloAvs, any day in the AA-eek. I've been in the army just as long, and seen just as much service. Noav, just stop looking doAvn your noses, and grumb- ling, and count these cattle, receipt for them, and lot me go. I'm in a hurry, and you'd better be." "The Lieutenant is right,"' said Si. his usual cheerful acceptance of necessary conditions asserting itself. "We alnt really had our share of cattle-driving, and Ave've no business to shirk it when it comes up to us. Besides, it's only for two or thi'co days. Let's be glad Ave diiln't have to bring the herd clear from Nash- ville. Bring on your cattle." i^PERIF.NCE WITH O^-^'TLE, LOWING KiNE. 65 CHAPTER XII. A FEW DAYS' EXPiaUBNCE WITH "GENTLE, LOWING KINE. Tloady, rcsourcofnl and cheerful as Shad Graham had hcMelofdi-e shown hinisflf lor ovcr.v (lul.v and in rvory cin'.'r.urnry, lu' drew a docidod line at catth- drivin;;-, and wonhl have absolutely none of it. Shorty, as usual, after his lirst l)urst of teniiier, and cursin.i; hy name e\'oryl)ody in the army, from (Jen. Sherman down, had liceeiited the situation, and euer-etieally set about uiakin- the best of it. I'.ut Shad was -lieved to iho heart by the downfall of his expeetalions of some siieeial service of thrilHn.i;- importanee. and sulkily rifused to take llie least interest in the herd, or in .uetiiny ii on to its desti- nation. I'ossibly his assoeiation with the Engineers had something to do with his aversion. "1 know somebody's got to do the Com- missary act, and it's very neeessary," he said in reply to Si's reinonstranees. "but let it be those fellov\'s wiiose minds run to meats :',nd groceries. It ain't in my line. I'll dig ditches and nnike roads and build bridgt's, and do rill that sort of drud- gery just as hard as anybody, but I sinr- ply won't a.ssoeiate with cattle and hogs on any terms. It used to bieak my heait to have to bring up the eov,- to milk, and I've been whipped oftener al)out it than aiiything else. I'll go along with you, be- cause that's now the Ijest way to get to the army, but I'll oniybe a passengoi-. You take charge of the whole oiitHt. You un- derstand cattle and know ho\\- to manage them. Y(ni take command. I'll he respon- sible for all yon do, so you see I'm not shirking my sliare." As was habitual with Si, when he saw he had to do a thing, he went at it with all his might anre. We ain't going after them. They'll be trouble enough after we get them. We ain't going around hunting for trouble." The Lieutenant sat on his horse and watched ttie grov.'ing commotion in his herd with deep distress depicted on liis face, "f must get back on that train," he Baid to Si and Shorty. "I've been in the field now since the very first and never asked for a furlough till now. My mother is not in good health, and there's no tell- ing how long she'll live. I'd like to see her once more." "Too bad, but most of us have molhcrs that we'd like to see," remarked Si, hut with a touch of sympathy in his voice. "But ihiy'U have to wait until the cam- paign is over." "Besides," continued the Lieutenant, bis face growing so red that it showed through the tan, "I'm engaged to be mar- ried to a girl who's waited for me ever since 1 fiist enlisted, in iSlll. I hate to ask hvv to wait any longer. Besides, it ain't safe. There's a widower with a big farm after her, and her father aud mother ia^or him."' "You go right over there and take that train," said Si decidedly. "We'll look after your cattle." "That we will," echoed Shorty, with even more decision. "Get back home as quick as you can, if there's a rich widower alter your girl. Don't lose a minute. AVouldn't trust a widower far's you could Bling an ox by the tail." "You give me your word of honor that there's 5'jO cattle over there?" asked Si as a final precaution. "I give you my solemn word of honor, as an oflicer and a gentleman, that there are 501 over there." "All right," answered Si. "Break for your train and save your girl from that widower, at any cost. May you be happy and have lots o' children. We'll tak^ care o' your herd all right. I've bin used to cattle all my life and know just how to manage 'em." Si and Shorty and Jake Dye went over tbe ci-eek with the Lieutenant, and re> ceived from him his horses and those of his helpeis, and saw them rush ofE for the train, yi sent Sandy over with the Lieu- tenant's horse for Shad and took the nest best himself. "Now, boys," said Si encouragingly, "there's going to be no trouble about this. All that's required in driving cattle is a lit- tle patience and knack. They're the best aud kindliest things in the world, if they're only handled right. There's a great deal o' natural cussedness in pigs and sheep, but cattle's naturally good. Treat 'em gently and kindly, and you're all right. Jake, yon take 50 men, go down the crick a little way, deploy them around in the rear of the herd and rush 'em forward. Be sure and don't skip none. Search the brush thoroughly for 'er^ I'll go down and find this lead steer, liiis Jo Wheeler, as they call him, and start him acrost the crick myself, and I think the rest'U f oiler all right. Them other fellers have been nagging and fretting him until they've got him Avild." "Where is this Jo Wheeler, Pete?" he asked, coming up to that youth, who, ob- livious to the worries of his seniors, was employing his leisure in trying to beguile a fish to bite at a fat grub worm he had found in the rotting wood and fixed to a hook he had taken from his pocket. "The last time I saw that white-faced skeesicks," answered Pete, indifferently, as he made a jerk in response to a nibble, "he'd started with his head and tail up for Chattanooga, as if there was a circus there and he n^nst see the parade." And Peter carefully cast his hook for another trial. "Here, drop that pole, put that hook- and-line back in your pocket, and 'tend to your business, Pete," said Si irritably. "The United States ain't paying you $16 a month to catch sunfish. Come with me aud find that steer, aud be quick about it." Pete sighed at a lost opportunity, but put up his tackle, and the two started in search of the herd leader. The cattle were all now quietly brow/.ing around in the little vall<^y. Several red steers were found, but none of them had the white face, the crop in the left ear, and the other distinguishing characteristics of the sought-for Jo AVheeler. That individual seemed to have disappeared as utterly as if the earth had swallowed him. Si began to be feverish, as the afternoon was pass- ing away. He galloped back to Jake Dye, to find that all the rear of the herd had been closed up, but there was no Jo Wheeler among them. "Where in time can that measly wind- sucker be?" said Si, wiping his face and making another tour of the cattle. He made a vain effort to have one of the other red steers assume the lead, but each of them, after being urged forward a little ways, would suddenly slip off to one side, and presently fall to quietly munch- ing the grass, while the other cattle would 6^ SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. not pay sufficient attention to the perform- ance to look up from their browzing. Si sent Shorty back for some more of the men, and they deployed as a skirmish line to work through the herd, and the ground it occupied, in search of a red steer with a white face, a bell on, and a crop in his left ear. A precious hour was spent in this vain search, and Si lost his temper as far as to make some acrimonious remarks to Jake Dye and his men about their carelessness in looking to the rear, which had let the Bteer escape. Si stopped on a little knoll not far from the ford, to think over what to do next, and gather in his lieutenants for further directions. Pete took advantage of the lull to look ground for another worm to bait his hook. He presently yelled: "Sarjint, there's that confounded steer, hid in tnat bunch o' cedars there. He's bin there all the time, standing so still that he hain't even tinkled his beli. That's just like an os. That's just what makes me despise an ox." Si rushed up there, to find Jo Wheeler gazing with mildly contemplative, indif- ferent eyes upon the turmoil around him, as if it was a matter in which he had only the most languid and spectacular interest. Time was so important that Si violently restrained his angry desire to rush at the bullock with his whip. Besides, he re- membered his admonitions to his men as to kindliness. He moved quietly around to the rear and ordered him out. Jo Wheeler's mood underwent a light- ning transformation. Before Si could think he suddenly dashed out of the copse and started on a gallop up the creek, to the loft and away from the ford, a way that none of them had so far shown the slightest desire to go. The others as sud- denly stopped their browsing and started after him on a dead run. Si jumped into the saddle and started after, circling around to head him off. "Dumbed if I ever saw a horned critter run so in my life" exclaimed Si, as he stopped to rescue his hat from the brush. "Must be crossed with a deer. I'd like to send him back to Injianny to trot in single harness for a prize. But he can't keep up that gait for long. Nothing covered with sole leather can." But a mile had been passed, and Jo Wheeler's wind and bottom seemed unim- paired in the least. Though Si had a good horse, and could ride him for all that he was worth, he had trouble keeping Jo in sight. "Think I'd like to have that steer," re- marked Shorty, "and get the contract for carrying the fast mail to San Francisco. Don't think he'll stop in Chuttynoogy. He wants to see friends in Nashville." But a half mile farther Jo Wheeler seemed to conclude that over-exercise might be bad for his heart. He whirled suddenly to the left and plunged into a paw-paw thicket, where he stood as mo- tionless and silent as if carved out of wood. The others stopped, lolled out their tongues and panted. But he could not play that trick twice on Si, vs-ho was old enough skirmisher to watch for the bushes shaking. He rode carefully to a little knoll in front of the copse, and as he looked back from it he could see the couutry around the ford, and the cattle still turmoiliug around there, utterly refusing to start across the creek. His patience was clear exhausted, and, be- sides, he was so far away that any exhi- bition of temper would not have a bad ef- fect on the boys. There were piles of large rounded pebbles, called "dornicks" by the people of that country, just the size for a strong man to hurl with deadly effect. Si picked up one of these and threw it into the brush with all the might that flaming rage could lend to his stalwart arm, and when Si threw a stone it was no joke. It hit Jo Wheeler's side with a whack like a note on a bass drum, and startled him from his meditations on what fools men were who tried to drive cattle. Before lie could formulate his ideas another one struck him on the rump with such force as to almost knock him onto his knees. Jo Wheeler had been around the army long enough to know that that "position wajs no longer tenable," and as he did not have time to think of any other way, he started en a gallop back on that on whicb he had just come. Si gathered his hat full of the dornicks, leaped into his saddle and galloped after him, flinging a stone after him at every op- portunity, and accompanying it with a vol- ley of "Dumb you!" Consarn you!'' "Plague take you," and siiuilar Wabash expletives boiling out at white heat. "Here they come! Here they com°! Clear the track, everybody," yelled Shorty, laughing, as they came in sight. "I'll bet every cent I've got, two to one, on the bay steer — out of BuUbeef, and damned by everybody in the army. Who'll take it? Three to ono, and no offers. Hump your- self, Si, he's a-gaining on you. Push on the reins. Don't throw stones and swear. Si. That's not kind. Always treat cat- tle kindly." Si sent a stone flying in the direction of his partner, who dodged as it whiz/.ed by him. Si was landing the stones with such ef- fect on Jo Wheeler that when the latter reached the ford he turned and dashyd across it and up the hill on the other side, still followed by Si, and he l)y the cattle, M'ho no longer showed antipathy when they saAv their leader go. They went over with such a rush now that Monty and Harry could not make an accurate count. But they were certain that fully 500 had passed, and would have been willing to make the number near doitble. The cattle continued moving at a rate BXPERIENCE WITH GENTLE, LOWING KINE, 69 Iphich promised to make up a good deal that was lost by their previous stubborn- Dess. Jo Wheeler maintained his lead, and paced aloug at a gait whit-h kept Si's horse moving. Ividiug by the side of Shad Graham, Si would look back from each rise and note with satisfaction the mile- long column pressing on through the nar- row valley. As there were cleared fields on either side of the road, there was now little difllculty iui keeping the cattle to- gether. But Si, began to fear that he pace at which they were going would soon break them down, and he tried to get Jo Wheeler to strike a slower gait. That er- ratic iaidividual, ho%vever, had ideas of his own as to traveling, and showed such dis- inclination to bo interfered with that Si, after several attempts, prudently let him have his own way, especially as they were now going over a hill, which had brush on either side the road, and offered endless possibilities of scatterment. They descended into a wide, open valley, ■which struck Si at once as a good place for rounding up and bedding down the cattle for the night, and also to graze them for an hour or two in the morning. The sun was now beginning to sink behind the mountains, and it would be soon necessary to stop. He brought ;ill his herding skill to bear. He got Shad, Shorty and the rest of the mounted men immediately behind him on the right side of the moving line, and as the column descended onto the plain, began to press its head slowly and carefully over toward the left. Jo Wheeler bore off to the left to keep a distance from the horsemen closing quietly and persist- ently in upon him, slowed down, and pres- ently found himself describing a wide cir- cle around the valley, coming back toward where he entered it. Presently the whole herd was "milling" around in the most satisfactory manner, with the horsemen gradually contracting the circle. At length Jo AVheeler stopped, gazed contemplatively for a minute or more on the darkling mountain tops and meditated on the muta- bility of mundane affairs and the vicissi- tudes in an ox's life. Then his fore knees suddenly bent, but his haunches came first to the ground, and without any apparent preliminaries. He continued his specula- tive gaze on the mountain crests, gave a resounding sigh over the vanity of bovine existence and man's inhumanity to the whole horned race, and then began delib- erately cheAving his cud, and sinking into deeper and deeper reflections. The rest followed his example, and soon the whole herd was lying in a compact mass, en- gaged in contented rumination. "Must be some fun about being a steer, after all," remarked Shorty, gazing on the scene. "He eats his grub twice and swal- lows it three times, and so gets at least twice as much good out of it. But, then, when he hain't none, he must be twice as hungry as other people." •'.We're all rights now," said Si satis- fiedly, as he disposed his men for the night and came back to take a last iQok at the herd before it became too dark. " "We had a little trouble starting them, because we were strange to them, and they strange to us. But we done that rounding up in great shape. Oldest cow puncher in Amer- ica couldn't have done it better. I'll make a detail directly, to take turns riding herd all night, and keeping from be- ing disturbed, and tomorrow morn- ing we'll just unwind 'em just the way Ave V\'ound 'em up to-night, and start 'em right along without any trouble. All we've got to do is to keep 'em from being disturbed to-night, and I don't think there'll be any trouble about that, for there ain't anything alive in this part of the country. What ain't been killed has been scared off. I think my strongest point is stock, and I'll go into stockraisiug and handling, after the war. There's a pile o' money in it for a man's who's built for the business." "If you heave another dornick so close to my 'head as thafu to-day, you're liable not to live to see the end of the war," re- marked Shorty, as they sauntered back to the fire for their cofi'ee and crackers. "You throw stones too well to make it funny. I'd rather have a rebel flinging shells at me." The crisp evening air was redolent of the fragrance of boiling coffee and frying meat. The tired partners sat down in deep content to a full meal of the grateful viands furnished by the Commissary. "Driving cattle isn't so bad, after all," remarked Shorty, as the mollifying effects of a good supper began to make them- selves felt. "I guess I'd about as soon go on to Atlanty this way as any other." "Sooner go this way than be cooped up on the cars," echoed Si, contentedly. A white mule, which had escaped from his corral, or had been turned loose to die in the Summer, had surveyed ' the scene from the hill top, which had been his refuge and range during his period of free- dom. The sight of the fires and the smell of the coffee and meat brought homesick- ness to his hybridized heart. It brought back memories of the happy days of com- panionship with his fellows, of regular ra- tions of rich, golden corn, and the fra- grant, filling hay, with the soulful voice of the teamster lifted in curdling profanity. He would rise and go back to his home, and the bins of forage, for which his soul an-hungered. He stole down the hill like a ghost and approached the fires. The cattle saw him and began to throw up their heads and sniff. Some labored to their feet. "Something's scaring them beasts," said Si, stopping, filling his pipe, and looking anxiously at the herd. "What can it be? Can't be no wolves or painters in these mountains, and all the dogs was starved out long ago." Their campfire of pitch pine sent a bright beam of ligbt directly into the ceu- m SI KLEGG AND SHORTT. ter-of the herd, where Jo Wheeler had risen to his nimble feet. "Keep quiet, boys, so I can listen," said Si. "Shorty, you circle down quietly to the right, and I'll take the left, and see if you can see anything. Make as little noise as you can and keep a few rods away from the herd." The mule had by this time arrived quite near, and mentioned his hunger for regu- lation rations, his abject loneliness and his gladness at finding old friends in a series of brays so loud that they pealed back from the neighboring hills. That was enough for Jo Wheeler. With a bellow of fright, and head and tail up, he struck out for the neighboring hills as if shot from a catapult. There was a rush as of mighty waters, as every one of the 500 cattle, with clattering horns and hoofs, dashed madly away in the gloom, leaving Si almost paralyzed with dismay. CHAPTER XIII. ANOTHER DAY WITH THE FEE3H BEEF DETACHMENT, If the red-hot torrent of curses which Shorty poured on the stampeding cattle could have been transmuted into any form of physical blastment every hoof and horn would have perished then and there. He snatched up a musket and tried to shoot the too vociferous mule, as a relief to his feelings. But the musket did not happen to be loaded, and before he could get a cartridge Pete and Sandy, who had appropriated the mule, interposed to save their steed. They had not been assigned horses in the distribution, and felt slight- ed. The mule was a Providential intei'- position to right an injustice. Besides, they were genuine boys, and so had a warm welcome for any vagrant animal. They had been in the army long enough not to get excited over anything that did not immediately concern thom, and so, while the turmoil was going on in front, they led him away to a quiet spot, fed him hardtack and bunches of grass, admired his shape, pitied his loneliness, and con- gratulated themselves upon their prize. "Aint he nice, Sandy?" asked Pete, stroking his long hair, where it had not been frayed oft by the brush. "He's so kind and gentle. I always did like mules. I don't believe in swearing at 'em, as most people do. A mule has feelings same's we have. We'll call him Abednego, be- cause he's one o' the Lost Children of Israel." "Abednego wasn't one of the Lost Chil- dren," Sandy corrected him. "He was one o' them that went through the fiery furnace." "What was the name o' the Lost Chil- dren, then?'' "Didn't have none, that I ever heard of. Lost their names when they lost themselves, I suppose." "Well, Abediiego's a good name, any- way. It shall he his. Old feller, you're to answer to Abednego after this, and you'll be a good, decent mule, won't you, and not be too spry with your heels?" "Great heavens. Si," groaned Shad, watching the mighty rush of the cattle, "what will become of them? At the rate they're running they'll fall into the At- lantic Ocean by morning." "No," answered Si. who was beginning to pull himself together. "Steers aint long-distance runners. They aint geared for much over two-mile-an-hour, as a reg- ular thing. They can light out like a scared dog for a mile or two, but then their bellows need mending, and they come down to a regular log-chain gait." "But even two-mile-an-hour'll scatter them all over Georgia by morning," pro- tested Shad. "Eight or 10 hours, even at two miles an hour, with each scared brute striking out in a different direction, will scatter them like a tick of feathers in a hurricane, and you'll have about as much chance of gathering them up again. Fm simply ruined for life. How much do you suppose those cattle are worth a-piece?" "Let me see? Pap got $1.50 for a yoke o' steers he sold last Spring." "Great heavens! 5.$$ times $75 is $37,- 500, and the Government won't let me off a single steer. I'll simply have to stay in the service for the rest of my life for my board and clothes. Fine outlook for a young man who wants to go back home at the close of the war, if he lives through, marry his best girl, and grow up with the country." "O, it aint near so bad as that," said Si, consolingly. "I don't think they'll scatter so badly as they seem. They're in a val- ley, and cattle hate to run up-hill as bad as men do. You mount and ride after them. Do not press 'cm: just keep with- in sight or hearing. I'll be along with you at once. Shorty, you and Monty and Harry mount and follow me. Keep a sharp lookout for by-roads, and when we ANOTHER DAY WITH THE FRESH BEEF DETACHMENT. 71 strike ono, one of you follow it, and look out for cattle. Jake, get the men together and march after us. We mustn't crowd the stock; just follow them uutil they run themselves out." In spite of his cheering words to Shad, Si was much distressed. He knew too much about the vagaries of frightened steers to be very confident of his own as- sertions, and felt that his chances of get- ting together again more than 300 or 400 cf the original 500 were not at all bright. "That dumbed Joe Wheeler," he mut- tered to himself, "haint much more meat on him than a deer, and can run like one. I believe he's got deer blood in him. Looks and runs like it. If I ever get hold of him again I'll cut him up and send him round to headquarters for venison. AVon- der why they ever bought such a beast for the army. He's already run a hun- dred times as much meat off the rest than he has on his own plaguey bones. Wonder if I'll ever get him again? He may be 20 miles from here by daylight." Si .jogged down the road, keeping a proper distance behind the rearmost of the herd, and listening anxiously for every significant sound that came from the clat- ter of horns and hoofs. At each by-road that he could make out in the darkness he sent some one to explore it, expecting that bunches of cattle, hard pressed by those in their rear, would break out to the side along such paths. As near as Si could make out in the star-lit darkness, the valley in which lliey were runjiing rose and narrowed toward a high range that formed the eastern sky- line. Between him and that limit the country was surging and roaring v>'ith the rushing animals. He looked apprehensive- ly at the woods and brush on either side, but comforted himself v>fith thinking: "They're all .steep, and cattle won't run far up-hill. Besides, cattle are afraid o' strange woods, especially at night. It there's only a nice valley on the other side o' the ridge, the left o' them may round up there again. In the morning I'll deploy the men back here, and skirmish through the woods, and bring in the stragglers." He was right in his reasoning. The cattle were already tired with their day's journey, and the ascent of the ridge took out of them most of their remaining strength. Si watched them against the sky, slowly laboring over the crest, felt confident that several hundred must have remained together, followed at a little dis- tance the rear of the column, looked down from the ridge to see the valley below fill- ing up with the stagnating mass, put his boys into bivouac as they came up, and sat down against a tree to wait for day- light. Not having any particular duty assigned them, Sandy and Pete busied themselves with their mnle. In his gladness at get- tins back again with human beings he was remarkably docile, and responded kindly to their petting. They slung their blankets and haversacks on him, con- trived a bridle out of their gun-slings, with a piece of telegraph wire, which San- dy had carried away for a memento, as a bit, and drew cuts which should have the first ride. Pete won, mounted Abednego, with Sandy's assistance, and jogged along in the rear of the infantrymen, following Jake Dye. The mule had been so long in the woods that he had acquired a wild-beast odor, which the sensitive nostrils of the cattle instantly detected, as the wind was up the valley, and it filled them with groat alarm. Every few minutes the marching men would yell, and scramble out of the road, as some steer, filled "with the terrors of the night," would dash by, snorting or bellowing. This greatly angered Si. He ran down under the hill so as to shut oft his voice fron\ the herd, and shouted: "Stop that yelling back there, at once. Stop fretting them cattle. You'll stam- pede the herd again. Treat 'em gently. You needn't drive 'em now, anyway. Wait till morning. That'll be time enough." "Confound it, we aint driving 'em." they would shout back. "They're driving us. They're charging us just like rebel cavalry. They must be rebel cattle. They've knocked over several of us al- ready." Si peered through the darkness, and caught sight of a white, ghostly shape moving forward. "It's that blasted mule again," he shouted back. "He's scaring tiie cattle. Some o' you go back there and shoot him." "Hi, there! Hi, there! Don't shoot! I'm on the mule," yelled Pete, as several gun-locks clicked. "You mustn't shoot this niule, nohow. He belongs to me and Sandy. He aint doing nothing to nobody. He's the nicest, kiudest mule that ever lived. He wouldn't harm a skeeter" Whether Abednego could not stand so much praise to his face, whether the pleaj- uros of human association were beginning to pall on him, whether he decided that he had been good long enough, or whether lie comprehended the danger he was in, he certainly acted quickly and decisively on the impulse that moved him. He whisked about like a flash, and by an indescribable movement sent Pete and his belongings off into a pile on the ground, caught one of the canteens as it fell with a kick that sent it over into a sumach thicket, and with a loud, discordant bray bade fare- fell to the society he had found uncon- genial, and started back the way they had come. "There," whimpered Pete, as he extri- cated himself from the mass. "That comes o' your plaguey fooling. Why can't you let "me and Sandy alone'? You're always impotiiug on us, just because we're boys. 72 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. You don't want us to have no fun at all. We wasn't doins nothing to you. Sandy, you stay here and take care o' the things, while I run back and catch him. Cope, cope, Abednego." Si had fully intended to remain awake all night, but" he fell into cat-naps, as he sat a-'ainst the tree. He awakened with a start shortly after daylight, to find sev- eral hundred of the cattle quietly feeding in the abandoned fields belonging to a double-log house situated in the center of a long, tolerably wide valley. The owner had apparently only cut and shocked his wheat when the irruption of the armies had compelled him to fly with his family to some more peaceful locality. There were 25 or 30 acres of sparse standing corn, off which and the meadows, spring- ing up afresh, after the Fall rains, the cattle were making a fair breakfast. "We've plaved in great luck, after all, remarked Si 'to Shad. "There must be 300 or 400 of the beasts down there, and they're getting their paunches full. I don't see how our cavalry and Quartermaster came to leave all that forage. The in- fantry's been along here. You can't see a rail, nor a chicken, nor a hog." "But think," groaned the hopeless Shad, "if we're only 100 short — 100 at $75 a-piece is $7,-500, or the price of a splen- did farm. I'll scratch a poor man's head the rest of my days." "O, it aint so bad as that," said Si en- couragingly. " 'Taint near so bad, I'm sure. But we'll find out just how bad it is. We'll slip down in there among them as they're grazing and count 'em. We can separate 'em up into fields and get at the number pretty certain." Shad was first-class in mathematics, and used to rapid and accurate counting. Si went at the task, slowly, regularly and deliberately. AVith Gid's and Alf's as- Bistance, he got the cattle all on one side of the road or the other, and then sep- arated into groups in the fields, for the easier counting. He then deliberately went over each group several times, tally- ing each by notches on a stick, in the ap- proved Wabash way, until he could make his counts agree with each other, and with the .swifter ones of his assistants. Gid had made his count with knots on a string and Alf by tallies on a pad of prescrip- tion blanks. Si figured up the result with a stick in the sand, and announced with dismay : •'1 can't find but 3S6 of 'em. We're 114 short." •'I came to that conclusion a good while ago," said Shad. "I've counted them over to my certainty, if not satisfaction, and if there's one more than 386 I'll agree to eat him for supper. Let's see: li4 times §75 is $S,550. A mere trifle (and he laughed sardonically). Nine-tenths of the elderly men in Indiana have worked all their lives, and struggled with chills and fever, and dodged the Assessor, to lay up an average of about halt that. If the Government would give me time, and let me pay it oft at the rate of $100 a year, it would take me over 85 years to get out of debt. Start your cattle on to Atlanta. I'm simply another victim to this cruel war, only I'll probably die in the penitentiary or the poorhouse, instead of on the battlefield." "Now, don't be so discouraged, Shad," remonstrated Si. "We'll probably gather up a lot more in the brush. I'll go back now and start the boys out skirmishing for them." "No, no; don't bother. Don't tii-e the boys out for nothing. I might as well be hung for an old sheep as a lamb. A few more or less won't make any difference. Suppose you should find as many as 25 or 30. I should still be owing the Govern- ment $0,000 or $7,000, and my hopes wouldn't be a bit less blasted. No; save your shoe-leather and mine, and start your cattle on for Atlanta. The sooner we get there, and the sooner I begin working out my sentence, the sooner 1 11 get through. Start your cattle." "I'll do nothing of the kind," answered Si. "I'll not go until I'm sure that there's not a steer left anywheres round." As he spoke, Monty came up, driving 10 cattle, which he had found in a by- path, but Shad refused to be encouraged. "It's true it reduces my indebtedness $7.50, but it'd still take me 78 years to pay off at the rate of $100 a year, and 75 years from now I won't care for a mat- . ter'of seven or eight years, one way or the other. These trifling reductions are merely aggravations. Drive on your cat- tle." Then Harry came up yith nine more he had found in a little pocket in the woods, but Shad was obdurate that these were mere drops in the bucket, and only- accentuated his trouble by presenting har- rowing details. Siiorty came back with 16, and Jake Dye's skirm.ish line succeed- ed in rounding up enough stragglers to increase the total in the valley to 450. But this seemed the end. The boys on the skirmish line were positive that they had searched every nook and cranny of the valley, and no more could be found. "What'd I tell you in the first place?" inquired Shad, despairingly. "You're still 50 short, which makes me owe the Gov- ernment $3,500, which is in effect just as much as at first, for it's a load that I never can get rid of. The others have jirobably run into the Atlantic Ocean. We're losing time. Start your cattle." But it occurred to Shorty that he had not gone to the end of the by-road upon which he had found his_ bunch of 16. at the bottom of a hill. He had assumed that they had stopped there, rather than climb the hill, and that that was all there were of them. Htt rede back and exam- ANOTHER DAY WITH THE FRESH BEEF DETACHMENT. 73 inod tho plaop. The ascent beyond it was comes to fisnri ll.v, and sho^yod no marks of travel, hut as he rode tarlher to make sure he thought that a number of cattle must have jiassed on beyond. He followed tli. lie -wont over i!i;>r.i again, and found 74. This v.-as g-tring exciting. He reached uu into the pine tree above hini and pujicd off a twig for every steer lie saw, and the twigs certainly numberesscd in blue, and riding a horse. Naturally, Shorty's first thought Avas that it was one of his comrades, who had also come across liie stragglers. Then ho looked more care fully and saw that he was none of his detach- n^ent. Then it occurred to him that pi^s- sibly it was a man from some other de- tachment th.at happened to be in tho 'neigh- borhood, and hopes of a surplus of 25 for Shad began to fade. Ho looked tho man over carefully. He was riding a McClel- 74 KLEGG AND SHORTY. Ian saddle, and was in complete blue, from cap to boots, but there was some- thing about him that betrayed he was not a Union soldier. No matter how old, ragged and dirty a man's uniform got, yet there was always something about him that showed he was a soldier, and not a camp-follower who had picked up cast-o£E bits of uniform and put them on. In Bome indescribable way he looked and act- ed as if he belonged to the uniform, and the uniform belonged to him, and that it had been reduced to its present condition on his body and no other. Shorty had thoughtlessly come away without anv arms, but the new-comer showed none, and Shorty thought he would advance and investigate him. The man caught sight of him in the indistinct haz'" of the wood's edge, and called out: "Hello, Todd. Did ye pick up any mo'?" The voice and mtonation were so un- mistakably Southern that the truth began to dawn on Shorty. This was one of a gang of cattle-thieves, of the guerrilla ele- ment, who dressed themselves up in cast- ott' clothes found around abandoned camps and watched an opportunity to run off cattle. He had not expected that any bad been left in this desolated country. He imitated his questioner's tones in his reply: •'No; they'uns's 've gathered all the bal- ance up, an' gwine on." "W-a-ll," drav.ied the other. "We'uns orter to be satisfied with last night's work. Biggest haul, by long odds, we'uns ever m.-Tde, an' come so onexpected. Reglar windfall. I hadn't no sort o' idee that any Yankee cattle was comin' along this- a-\vay now. Makes a mouty purty sight, don't hitV" While the man was talking Shorty had jumped from his saddle, and cut a straight young hickory, nearly an inch in diameter, and lopped off its top after he remounted. Both were now riding slowly toward one another, the rebel looking over the cattle, and gloating on the wealth that had ac- crued to him and his companions. "I 'spect we'uns'd better tote the crit- ters over ter Buckalew's Cove at onct," continued the rebel. "This is too mouty close to the big road fer sich a passei. They're gettin' restless, anyway. They smell a storm. We'uns'd better skeet 'round that-a-way, an' begin pressing 'em over toward the Buckalew road." As they came nearer. Shorty saw that while the man carried no gun, there was the unmistakable bump of a navy revol- ver under the faded blue overcoat. Shorty was, riding a quick, si)ringy young horse, and he grasped his hickory pole lance- fashion, and decided what he should do when the recognition came, as it must come wilhiu a few seconds. "Ileub and Ike must be comin' up this Tvay 'bout now;" continued the rebel, look- ing backward, as if to see them. "When they come" — (a whoop from the hill be- hind interrupted). "Why' thar's Todd, up thar! Who air yo'?" The rebel straightened up, bent a pierc- ing gaze on Shorty, and reached under his overcoat flap for his revolver. "Haint no time now to swap biograph- ies, you black-muzzled thief," said Shorty, taking aim at the man's stomach with his pole, and sticking the spurs into his horse. The force of the punch lifted the rebel out of his saddle and onto the withers of his horse, whence he rolled ingloriously to the ground, clutching at the horse's tail as he fell. Shorty leaped to the ground to wrest the revolver from his hand before Reub and Ike should come up. But as he grabbed for it he heard them call from a neighboring rise: "S-a-y, Pollock, yo' an' Todd stop yer eternal foutin' an' come up hyah ter- wunst, an' help 'tend ter these critters. They're gwine ter break away. Come up hyaii, I done tell yo', or Ave'uns'll loose every one on 'm. Quit yer dratted foutin' an' 'tend ter yer bizniss." The warning came too late. Out of a wreath of mist behind Shorty had come a ghost-like form, that announced its ar- rival with a resonant bray, that conveyed a mule's heated views on a variety of sub- jects connected with the war. The sight and sound were too much for .Toe Wheel- er's already shaking nerves. He had not found the cove the haven of peace he sought when he separated from the main herd. He would now go back to them by the quickest and shortest route. He echoed Abednego's bray with a resound- ing bellow, and with head and tail up started off on a trail leading to the right, which would eventually take him back into the road which he had left miles back. The rest of the herd went crashing and clattering after. "Hi, Corpril Elliott. Where are you? Where are you?" called Pete's shrill voice, from Abednego's back. "There's a sneaking bushwhacker up here, trying to get the drop on you." A shot answered this, aimed at Pete's voice, rrr.t it Went wide of the mark, and Pete trotted up to Shorty just in time to see him tear the revolver from the strug- gling rebel, and take all the tight out of him by a couple of terrific kicks in the ribs. Todd, who had gotten an imperfect but snilicient view of what was happen- ing from a little distance, now fired a wild shot with a view of expressing his feel- ings, and disappeared as fast as his horse could carry him. "Where in the world did you come from, Pete?" asked Shorty, as he mounted again. "Aint you lost?" "No; but I come purty near being this time. You see, I run back to catch Abed- nego, and when I got him and mounted ANOTHER DAY WITH THE FRESH BEEF DETACHMENT. 7«5 and was conung back I saw you turn up into this road, and I followed you. I had quite a time with Abedncgo, who wanted to go straight ahead, insicad o' turning af- ter you. That's what made me i-o far be- hind. He's u nice mulo, but he wants his own way." ."Well, grt off him and get on that reb- el's horse there, ami, we'll follow up these cattle. They're going the right way, if I have the lay o' the land straight, and will soon run into the other herd. We'll keep behind, and see that none o' them straggle off into the brush." But Pete would not abandon his mule. He whipped the saddle and bridle off the horse, and on to Abednego, and remount- ed. His short legs would not reach the stirrups, however, and he had no time to shorten them, for Shorty, fearing that Ike and Keub would be somewhere, attempt- ing to turn the herd, slipped the revolver into his overcoat pocket, picked up his hickory pole, and started off on a sharp trot after the herd, followed by Pete with his stirrups clattering against Abednego's sides. The rebel's horse, for lack of other suggestion, followed. Shorty was not mistaken. Out of a left-hand by-path a little ways ahead came Keub and Ike, shouting. '■Ryah, yo' infernal fool, who air yo', aa' what air yo' a-doin'? Don't yo' see yo' air a-runnin' them thar critters right over ter whar the Yauliees Come acrost this way, an' head 'em off." Shorty changed his pole to his left and charged Reub's midriff as he had Pollock's, but with a force that seemed to actually cave him in. Shorty reined up a little, and, half-turning, settled Ike with a sweeping crack over the head. Then he and Pete swept on after the cattle. Si. riding with Shad ahead of the now regularly-moving herd, had come across little bunches of steers which had outrun the main body a mile or so before stop- ping, and gathered them up uutil they had 25 altogether, but Shad refuscl to be con- soled. "It's true that we're only 25 short now," he said, "but that's all we can possibly get, and 25 are worth over !?1,S00. It'll take me 18 years to pay it at $100 a year, or six years at .$300 a year, which is the very most I could save. You're very good, Si, but it's scarcely mollifying my trouble, not curing it. I'd better stood a court- martial for disobedience of orders in not receiving the brutes at all." Jo Wheeler came tearing down a side road through the thick brusli on a hill to the left, halted an instant to look up and down the main thoroughfare, saw his late companions pouring over the hill to his right, gave a sounding sigh of gratifica- tion, and started on a slow, tired walk in the direction the herd was pointing, as- suming his customary position as leader, as if nothing had happened. Behind him came his 75 companions of the cove, with Shorty, Pete, Abednego and the rebel's horse bringing up the rear-. "Why, there's Jo Wheeler," said Si, delightedly. "Where in the world did he come fromV And (counting the others, as they tiled down through the brush) there's your 2."'> lost steers, Shad. And, great Scott! There's a lot more, some with C. S. brands on 'em. What does this mean? 20 vv-ith IT. S. and 80 with C. S. Why, Shad, we're 50 ahead of the game. Hello, Shorty, where did you fiud 'em, and v.-hat 've you been doing'?" *'0, me and I'ete have been back there a little ways transacting business with some gents who seem to've been going into stock at the expense of the United States and the Southern Confederacy. They seemed to be neutral sort o' cusses, who didn't care who they stole a steer from so long as they got him." "Yes," piped up Pete, "and you ought t've seen Corpril Elliott poke 'em in the gizzard with that long pole. It was more fun than a circus. I'll bet it turned their stomachs and bent their backbones. And I've got this horse for Sandy." The other cattle, now coming up, began to sniff, shy off and plunge. "Here, Pete," said Si, "that dumbed mule o' your's is scaring the cattle again. Take the blamed ghost away and kill him. Make sure he never comes near the herd again. Take him away, I tell you." "That's always the way," muttered Pete, as he disappeared in the brush. "Always blaming me for everything be- cause I'm a boy. 'Taint my fault, nor Abednego's. It's because the cattle are such blamed fools. I aint going to kill him. He's going along, if I go along, and nobody shall hurt him. I'll ride him, and Sandy'll ride the horse." He went back in the wods out of sight, and waited for his partner to come along. "Say, Shad," said Shorty, after they had rounded up the cattle for the night, and were eating supper. "I aint taking no credit for bringing that herd in. It's just what I ought to've done, and I'm mighty glad I had the good luck. But I want you to have the benefit of them extra cat- tle. Plow much ai»2 they worth to the Government?" "About $3,750," answered Shad. "Well, the Government ought to give you a nice house for your mother, or that other lady. This morning you stood to lose about $8,000; tonight your chips would cash in $3,750 ahead." "Makes no difference," said Shad. "Since I'm an ofhcer, I must be responsi- ble for any property turned over to me. I don't get any premiums on honesty." "Then no commission for me," said Shorty. "I aint going to play no game with the United States, nor with nobody else, where heads it wins, and tails I lose. I thought the Government'd be above such a thing." 76 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. CHAPTER XIV. THE BOYS GET THE CATTLE INTO CAMP. The hoys of the 200th Ind. knew Si well enough to not want him to speak tAvice to them about anything, so Pete anrl Sandy felt that piudonce dictated their keeping Abedncgo out of sight and action, a good wude at least, after receiv- ing Si's positive orders to take hirn off and kill him. It was the first time that they had thought of disobeying Si, but their boyish hearts went out to the vagrant mule, and, boy-like, the more trouble he made the better they liked him. They kept themselves well to the rear during the day, exploring the corn-fields by which they passed for overlooked ears and blades for forage for their steeds. When the col- umn halted at sundown they took their animals into a little sheltered nook of ce- dars, where they carefully tethered them, and lay down before them the substantial provision which they had accumulated. They hid their saddles, bridles and other traps under the cedars, and then went for- ward to join the other boys. As the evening approached Si had en- tered a steep-walled cove, of fair size, which offered all the requirements for a good stopping-place for the night. There was plenty of water and grass, with some fields of corn. The sides were higli and steep, and the only egress from the gap was at the farther end. through which the creek made its way. In the center stood what had been a comfortable hewed-log house, before the turmoil of war had driven the owner away. Shad, v.-ho had taken a deeper interest in cattle-driving since he found himself with Z>0 more head than at starting, assisted Si in the process of rounding-up. Jo Wheeler, who had ap- parently had quite enough of travel and adventure for the day, yielded readily to the suggestion of Si's horse closing in upon his left, turned from the road into the fields, and after a little circuit came to a willing halt in the stable-yard, as if it offered the homo he had been seeking. Taking, with soulful eyes, his customary thoughtful survey of the darkling hori- zon, his knees bent, and his hanches sud- denly came to the ground. He gave the same far-sounding sigh over the hopeless limitations of a steer's existence, and then philosophically devoted himself to the sensuous enjoyment of his cud. The rest of the drove weaiily followed his exam- ple, and soou were bunched up close around the house. Shad carefully count- ed them, with a little swelling of the heart, as he made sure of having 550. and entered the sittin.g-roon of the house, where Si, Shorty. Jake Dye xind some of the others were starting a blazing fire iu the great black cavern at the end of the house by nieans of a titkful of straw which had been emptied on the floor, at the mi- gration of the family, and boards torn from the "dressers" and cupboards around the room. "We must have something more sub- stantial than these boards," remarked Shorty. 'T think I noticed a smoke-house, standing as I came in. I'll go out and tear it down. It'll furnish us enough to keep up a fire all night." "I wouldn't do anything to make a noise," objected Shad. "It might scare the cattle. You know how fearful they are." "Eh? What's that. Shad?" asked Si, looking at him iu surprise. "I mean that men who have ,$30,000 or $40,000 worth of Government property in charge cannot be too careful. And here we've picked up $3,000 or $4,000 worth more, .'ind that doesn't grow on every bush, I tell you." "Hello, what's come over you all at once. Shad? I haint been able to get yon to take no interest in the drove at all so far."^ "I've been doing a good job of able-bod- ied thinking this afternoon. I never before thought of the close relations between cat- tle and moiiey — and big lots of it." "Cl(^;-c relations?'' echoed the more ag- ricultural b., in v,-ondermont. "Why, they're tv.ins, and if anything cattle's the best o' the t^^•o. I'd a heap rather have a steer than $75 in notes of an Illinois bank. He's a heap safer to hold. He can't tjo counterfeited, and his president and cjisliier aint liable to skip out be- twixt two days with all his insides." "That's so," admitted Shad. "But I'd never thought of it before. I'd only thought of cattle as a cow you had to go after when you wanted to stay with the boys and play town-ball, and which broke down the fence at night and spoiled the gar- den, and gave milk that you could buy from the neighbors at five cents a quart." "^Vell, they're also a stack of steaks that'll cost, you 25 cents a. pound in the maiket and the things that grov,' the stuff for your $15 boots," added Si. "That's all true; but it's just come to me. I've been tkiaking over what Shorty THE BOYS GET THE CATTLE INTO CAMP. said last night. If we bring $30,000 or $40,000 worth of mighty skittish and losa- ble property through this tangle of moun- tains all right, we're probably only doing our plain duty and what's expected of us, but I'll look out that they'll never shove such a job as this on ms again. Why, this drove's worth more than the Lorena, with all her load. That was plain sailing, and easy in comparison. All we had to do was to stick to the boat, push her along, and fight off all comers. No particular credit in that. It was our little biz. But if we not only bring through all that we were intrusted with, but increase it by $3,000 or $4,000 worth, old Sherman ought to be tickled to death. I don't want any- thing lor myself, except a cei-tificate of good conduct and non-indebtedness, but he ought to do the handsome thing by you and Shorty and Jake, He ought to at least give you commissions." "Don't want one," said Si, decisively. "We've got the best officers in the army in the 200th Injianny, and I wouldn't want to take the job away from one of them, even if I was suited for an officer, which I aint." "Same here," echoed Shorty, who had come in with a load of the smoke-house logs. "I'm Third Corpril now, in Co. Q, 200th Injianny Volunteer Infantry, and that's good enough for any reasonable man." "Me, too," echoed Jake Dye. "I'm Sec- ond Sergeant now, and can be Orderly whenever I'll take it. But I'd rather somebody else'd call the roll and make details. I get as much cussing as I cafi stand in my present place." "They are wanting good non-commis- sioned otficers to take commissions in col- ored regiments," suggested Shad. "Sher- man ought at least to make Si a Captain or a Major in one of those regiments, and Shorty and Jake First Lieutenants." "No Captaincy of contrabands for me," answered Si. "Rather be a flle-closer of Co. Q than command a regiment of woolly- heads." •"Same here," echoed Shorty. "Prefer chevrons to shoulder-straps every day. Don't catch on your overcoat." "Don't know about that," said Jake. "I've often thought it'd be lots o' fun to take 100 field hands and drill 'em into first-class soldiers, and smash with 'em through a rebel line. But I'm not stuck on the job. If it came my way I might take it; that's all. Just now I'm most anxious to get hack with the boys of the 1st Oshkosh. But I think that if thnro's any pie handed but for this job it ought to "go to Shad, who r;in great risks and ought to have a l>ig winniiig to pay up. I'm for everytliing for him." "Same here," echoed Si. "Shad de- serves everything. None of the rest of us took any risks. We were just putting in our three years, unless sooner dis- charged." "I follow that suit clear to the end of the hand," heartily agreed Shorty. "Let that pass," said Shad. "I'll be well repaid if they appreciate how much you boys have done in this last service. Let's get supper, and then go out and make sure that our cattle are safe for the night." After supper they lighted their pipes and went over to make a careful survey of the drove. They found all the v/earixnl cat- tle lying quietly, glad of undisturbed rest. The clouds had cleared away, and the moon came out in all her glory. Si made a detail, who were to relieve one a-nother in riding around the herd all night, a guard was set, and making themselves comfortable around great fires built in the wide chimney-places in the various rooms of the house, and fed by logs from the stable and other outbuildings that had so far escaped the camp-fires which had licked up the fences. The next morning Shad was up betimes, and carefully counted the cattle before he would come to breakfast. He fooaid them all thei'e, peacefully feeding on the abun- dant herbage of the cove. His heart swelled with an unwonted pride over the 50 extra cattle, and he went over to where they were and scanned each steer with a sense of special ownership. "We're to deliver these cattle to Capt. Hinkley Dingbat, Captain and Commis- sary of Subsistence," said Shad to Si and the others, looking over his orders, after breakfast. "I hope he's the right kind of a man. He ought to just swell up with joy at such a windfall, and make a big report on it. If he's got the right stuff in him he'll take us straight up to the Commissary-General and Sherman and make a red-hot report." Shad was all impatience to move, but Si waited stubbornly until the bright sun was well up over the high eastei'n ridge before he approached the regal Jo Wheel- er, and started him out to lead the line- of-march. "We'll save time by letting them ha,v« their fill," he insisted to Shad. "They'll drive easier from having all tliey can hold, and we want to get a long pull out of them today. It's the last good feed we cfln give them. There isn't probably much aronnd Atlanta." ""N'S'ell, we ought to cross the Chatta- hoochee by noon, at the farthest," an- swered Shad, "and be near Atlanta by night, I haven't any idea where we'll meet the Hon. Hinkley Dingbat, Captain aitfl Cnnimissary of Subsistence, but I'd raiiii'i- it'd be in the morning, after he has lutd his breakfast, and is enjoying a good < igar, and in the humor Of appre- ciating a big thing Avhen he sees it." As they rode forward through the » BI KLEGG AND SHORTY. bright, crisp day they talked happily from time to time of the successful ending of a duty upon which they had entered re- luctantly, iind indulged in pleasant anti- cipations of what would be said and done at headquarters when they arrived. The full cattle jogged along regularly, even though they were pushed to a faster pace than usual,' and there was no trouble even in getting them across the pontoon over the Chattahoochee. Jo Wheeler apparently did not see anything about it differing from an ordinary bridge, walked unhesi- tatingly across, and was followed with no more hesitation by the rest. Si stationed Shorty, Monty and Harry by the bridge to count, and they all concurred in 550 passing. Evening came on as they reached Peach Tree Creek, crossed the stream and roundea up their cattle in front of the moldering rifle-pits that crowned the crests. They had entered the outlying camps and corrals of the army. Si di- Tided his detachment into three details for guard during the night, with Jake Dye as officer of the guard, and deployed a chain of sentries around the drove. He kept everybody ready to jump at a min- ute's notic-o, for now there were more dan- gers of a stampede, and besides he knew too well the thievish propensities of the hangers-on around a great army. While he was uoing this Shad went in search of Capt. Hinkley Dingbat. He re- turned late in the evening to report that while he had not seen him, he found that he was at his headquarters, some four or five miles down the road toward At- lanta. He had learned that ne ivas a young West Pointer, very tenacious of his dignity and of regulations. "That's all right," said Shad, hopefully. "After Col. Bonesteel, I think I can get along with that stamp of fellows. They're not so bad after all. They have only a few ideas, and they're concentrated on their own importance and that of red tape. Just cotton to them and you're all right. Yon bring up the cattle in the morning. Si. and I'll do the Regular Army act to Mr. Huckleberry Dinkelblinkelhink- elheimer in one time and three motions. I'd like awfully well to have old Billy Te- cumseh come riding around in his usual nosing, prying way. and give me a lot o' sass about the cattle we'd lost, like the others have, and allow me a chance to lay it in to him, right before you all in great shape." "You can do it. Shad," said Shorty, fas- cinated at the prospect. They had their breakfast at daylight the next morning, and rudely disturbed Jo Wheeler's mind by insisting that he ri.^e and lead off, without any preliminary browsing. He rebelled at this, but Si had become pretty well-acquainted v/ith him by this lime, and would uut permit any oi his vagaries. They all rode forward full of hopeful anticipations of Capt. Dingbat's astonish- ment and pleasure, and of receiving the coveted favorable mention from headquar- ters. Shad caught sight of that gentleman standing in front of the only wall-tent they had so far seen. He was j'oung, slender, wasp-waisted, stood very erect, with coat closely buttoned, gloves on hands, smoking a cigar, and looking over the corrals scattered aroiind with an air of supreme and complacent proprietor- ship. As he was on foot. Shad dismounted as he came up, threw the bridle over his arm, drew himself up rigidly at 10 paces dis- tance, saluted and inquired: "Capt. Dingbat, I believe?" '•Capt. Hinkley Dingbat, yes, sir," cor- rected the other, with official severity, and looking sternly at Shad's heels, which were much too far apart for a man stand- ing at attention. Shad had been riding a good deal of late. "Capt. Hinkley Dingbat," said Shad, bringing his heels together. "I'm Acting Lieutenant Graham, in charge of a drove of .500 cattle, v.'hich by this I'm ordered to deliver to you." '•And you've lost 100 or so of them on the way, like the rest," broke in the Cap- tain. "Well, you'll have to explain that to the General, and probably a court. It's not my business to listen to excuses. I've no tiifie. I'll simply receipt to you for what you turn over to me." •'On the contrary. Captain," broke in Shad, "I've got the full number, and more than that" "No matter about more than that." in- terrupted the Captain. '"I've no time for anything but what your orders call for. If you've got yottr full quota it is most surprising. I don't believe it. Don't you try to play any tricks on me. I'm a Rsg- tilar Army officer, sir; none of your slip- shod volunteers. Y'ou received at Coola- chuckee Creek, according to this order which you have handed me, 500 steers, in good condition, and all branded U. S., which you were to deliver to me, in like number and condition. Drive them up, and let me see them. Walsh, you and Peters take your position there on either side of the road and count. Drive up your cattle, sir." Boiling inwardly. Shad turned and mo- tioned to Si to '»ome on. .lo Wheeler passed majestically through the counters, folIov,-ed by the others. "Hold on, there," presently called out Walsh. '•There's some steers branded C. S., Captain: they're trying to ring in sonic outside cattle." '•Just as I expected," sneered the Cap- tain. "I knew yon hadn't your number, and you've been stealing from the coun- try. But you can't do it. I warned you THE BOYS GET TflE CATTLE INTO CAMP. 79 not to nttempt it. Tui'n those cattle out at once." "But, Captain, let me explain," said Shad. "I don't want any of your explanations, sir. Explanations are not in. my line. Make them to someone else. Turn those charges against yoii for this attempted im- position, sir," he informed Shad. "And it will go hard with your shoulder-straps, sir." Si worked the C. S. cattle aronnd to the rear, and Shad waited patiently for the result. Presently Walsh reported: THE GENERAL RODE ON, WITHOUT WAITING FOR REPLY.' cattle out, and bring on what yoo have left." It was a hard job cnttiup out the C. S. cattle, as they had woj'ked themselves into the middle of the drove; but Si at last accomplished it, while Shad stood by and listened to the Captain's condemnation of the slack, tricky volunteers, and his own praises of his inflexible honesty and un- paralleled shrewdness. "I shall prepare "Full 500 have passed through. Cap- tain, all correctly branded." "Eh, what's that, WalshV" inquired the Captain, looking over the drove, and then back at the 50 cattle still remaining. "You arc sure of j^our count V" "Perfectly sure, Captain," responded Walsh. "There was just 500, and no mistake, Captain," said Peters, saluting. r< 80 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. "Strange," said the Captain, frowning. "Bjit I've got to give you your receipt. "Wilkins, fill out a receipt for 500 cat- tle to Mr. Shadrach Graham, and, bring it out, with a pen." "But, Captain," interjected Shad, "I've 50 more here that I want to turn over to you. Let me explain." "I tell you, sir, explanations are not in my line. 1 have no time to listen to them. 1 have no business with any other cattle than those you were ordered to deliver to me." "But can't we turn these in with yours? .We want to get rid of them." "No, sir; you cannot. Not for a min- ute, sir. I don't want to know how and where you got the cattle. Probably the Provost-Marshal will have to make the in- quiries. I Avant no complication with them. Take them away from here at once, sir, and take them beyond all my corrals. Walsh, you and Peters mount and ride along, and see that these cattle are taken outside of my lines, and kept there." The Captain handed Shad his receipt, a"na without saluting turned on his heel, and walked back into his tent. Accompanied by the vigilant Walsh and Peters Si drove the cattle on for a mile or more with increasing trouble, for the beasts were getting hungry, and they smelled the forage issued out in the cor- rals on either side of the road. They made a break for a pile of fodder near the top of the hill, but Walsh and Peters, as- sisted by the men in charge, drove them oft' and back into the road. They wore now past the cattle corrals, and Shorty, who had begun swearing at the Captain's tent, made a final effort and blistered everything in the army, particu- larly the men who had graduated from West Point. The rest gathered around and listened admiringly to his fluent ex- pression of their own burning feelings." "My friend," said a calm, gentle voice from outside the circle. "You really must not swear that way. It's awful to hear you taking the name of your Maker in vain. You will have to answer for that some day at the Judgment Seat." They all looked up, and saw that the speaker was a smallish man, riding a good horse, and wearing a soldier's overcoat, with an officer's cap. The new-comer had but one arm. "Excuse me. Chaplain," said Shorty, choking himself oft; "I didn't n-iean to swear before you. But 1 don't know as you've got any biisiness aroiind here. This is a matter uf rattla diiving, and Chaplains who know tli-.'ir business keep away from mules and cattle, and so save their ears." "But I'm not a Chaplain," .<5aid the new- comer, quietly. "I'm Gen. Howard, com- manding this wing of the array, and it's against my orders to indulge in profanity at any time or for any cause. You'll re- member that in future, and govern your- self accordingly." lleturning the salutes of the men the General rode on, without waiting for re- ply. •'So that's Howard, is it?" said Si, look- ing after him. "He's a good soldier and a brave man, but he'll have a sweict lime getting his trains through without swear- ing." The road they wei^ now going over led between corrals of mules. From every one of these men rushed out yelling at Shorty and Shad to'take those cattle back whore they belonged, and not bring them down there to fret tho mules and st-^ai liie forage. The cattle would break away to get at the hay and fodder piles, the men on guard would rush out with clubs and stones to drive them off. Si's men would attempt to defend tho steers while driv- ing them back, and there were free fights going on all along ih.? lines between tho mule-guardians and the cattle-guards. Si, Shad, Shorty and Jake Dye wore them- selves out trying to keep the peace and gather their cattle together. After an hour or two of this they got their drove past the mule-corrals, and into a little hol- low, where they paused to rest, get din- ner and take counsel. "This is a pretty how-d'ye-do," sai.i Shad, disgustedly, "to be treated this way; after bringing $4,000 Avorth of fresh beef that no one expected iuto camp. If old William Tecumseh only knew about this he'd make somebody's ears rings. I'm go- ing to march this drove right up to his headquarters, and tell him the whole story and show him the cattle. I'll bet" A wild rush and clatter interrupted him. The cattle had caught sight of or smelled the forage pile of a cavalry regiment in camp a half-mile to the right, and rushed for it in a bovine torrent. Si jumped On his horse and, followed by the others, dashed after to stop and turn them. The cavalrymen saw the danger to their much- prized forage, and swarmed out to defend it. Their horses at the picket-line began neighing, plunging and kicking, and some, breaking away, galloped wildly about. The Officer of the Day, with his broad sash of oflice prominent, galloped down, to stop his men, and head off the comers, and col- lided with Shad plunging forward to round back the leading steer. The two horses and the steer went down in a mix, and the following horses, steers; infantry and cavalry turmoiled together in a mad con- fusion of oaths, yells, bellows, bad tem- per, horns, hoofs, arms and legs. One of the forage guards, in order to put in the time, snatched up a carbine and shot one of the steers, and another guard ran madly about striking with his saber everything and everybody in his reach. Si and Shorty managed to retain their seats and their presence of mind. One THE BOYS GET THE CATTLE INTO CAMP. 81 dragged Shad out, and the other the Offl- ccr of the,.f)ay. "What, do you mean, you scoundrels, by trying to fush my forage pile with your infernal cattlt'?" yelled the latter, as soon as he could recover breath, and drawing out his. saber. "You yailer-legged idiot, couldn't you see that I was trying to head off the rush?" yelled Shad, with equal cordiality. "Have ■ some sense, if a cavalryman can, and call your men olT." "Come, come, now," said Si. "That's no way to talk to one another. Cool down, both of you, and help quile this ruction." They did so, and after some effort the tangle was straightened out, Shad gath- ered up his men and cattle and v.-ent back to the road, Avhile the cavalry camp sub- sided into its accustomed order. "We've got to get these dumbed brutes something to eat," said Si. as they moved down the road, "before we can take them anywhere, or do anything with them. Let's turn down that holler there, and take them outside the lines, and find a place where they can graze and give us time to think." They turned to the left, and proceeded to cari-y out this intention, when a mount- ed officer at the head of the squad, who had been observing them from a distant knoll, galloped down, and put himself across their path. "Halt, there!" he commanded. "Who are you, and where are you going with those cattle?" Shad started to explain to him, but he broke in with an expression of absolute incredulity. "I'our story won't go for a minute," he said. "I've been watching you for some time, and know what you're up to. Y'ou've stolen those cattle, and are trying to run them off. 'Twon't work, my fine fellow. That game's been played too often lately." "Now, don't be a measly fool," said Shad, savagely. "We're no cattle-thieves, and you ought to have sense enough to know it. We're all straight soldiers, be- longing to different regiments hepe in this army, and we're going to them, as soon aswe can properly dis^tose of these caitle. They're hungry now, and unmanageable, and as soon as we can graze them a little while we're going to hunt up the proper officer and turn them over to him." "Likely story," sneered the other. "You've brought them straight away from the cattle corrals. I've been watching you. I'm Provost Marshal of this divi- sion. Y"ou just stop those cattle right here and turn them over to me. I'll take charge of them, and take you up to headquarters. Y'ou're caught this time, my laddy-bucks." "We'll do nothing of the kind," said Shoi-ty. "I'^ou can't play that trick on us. You're trying to steal these cattle yourself. W^e've seen fellows play provost guard before. We're no recruits. You skip out of here, and tend to your own business. We'll attend to ours. Git out, or we'll make you." "Call up the reserve, Riley," said the officer to the bugler. A cavalry company seemed to spring out of the ground in an- swer to the call. "Now, gentlemen," said the officer, with fine irony, as the cavalry galloped up, "will you favor me with some more of your sass, or will you quietly turn back into the road, and mosey along according to orders?" "You've got the call on us," answered Shad. "But we demand to be taken straight to Gen. Sherman's headquarters. He knows us, he gave me my orders, and he'll understand this matter at once." "Very nice, and very modest," answered the officer. "But this isn't Gen. Sher- man's day for receiving cattle-thieves. He only receives them Wednesdays and Sat- urdays. This is his day for blockade-run- ners and quinine-smugglers. You'll have to be satisfied by being received by another General — the Provost-Marshal-General. He's a very sociable sort of a man. He'll talk to you quite freely. Forward, march." The sky had been overcast for some time, and now it began a cold, cheerless drizzle, which suited with the crashing hopes of the boys. With their hungry, sullen cattle they began plodding along the chafed road, which became a sea of mud as soon as the rain began. It was two long, weai-y miles to the Provost-Marshal's headquarters. On the way they came to a comfortable-looking double-pen house of hewed logs, with a wide porch in front. "That's Gen. Sherman's headquarters today," said the officer. "Too bad he isn't holding his regular cattle-thieves' levee today. There he is, now, walking up on the porch." "I'm going to speak to him, all the same," said Shad. "You'd better not," answered the offi- cer. "You'll wish you hadn't. Better save your eloquence for the Provost-Marshal- General. You'll need all of it there.'" "Gen. Sherman! Gen. Sherman!" Shad called out, as they came up. "Well, well, what is ft?" answered the General, with harsh impatience, stopping in his nervous walk, and looking sternly at his interrogator. "I'm Lieut. Graham, that you sent back from Kingston for those cattle." "Yes, yes; and you lost a lot of 'em, I suppose," said the General, irritably. "No, we caught him trying to run some of them out of camp," explained the offi- cer. "General, that is not true, protested Shad. "I've got here Capt. Dingbat's re- ceipt for eveiT head. These cattle here didn't belong to the herd." "What were you doing with them, 82 .«I .ETiEGG- AND SHORTl. then?" asked the General, sternly. "But I haven't time to bother with you. Take thorn on up to the Provost-Marshars." "But, General." protested Shad. "This is an entire mistake. We're the men, you recollect, who brought the pontoons through. We wouldn't wrong the Govern- ment "of a cent. We picked these cattle up by the way, and were trying to get some officer to receive them." "Story isn't at all probable, on the - face," said the General, snappily. "But-J I remember you men, and the good work'--' you did. I)ayton, go out there and look into that matter." CHAPTER XV. SHERMAN STARTS DOWN TO THE SEA. Col L. M. Dayton. Sherman's Chief of Staff, and a bright, handsome, alert young man, dressed in a mounted officer s jacket, embellished with gold-lace shoulder-knots, cam(> out on the porch, pen m hand, m obedience to the General's call. "Appears to be some tangle there about some cattle, Dayton," said the General, curtly. "Dook into the matier and straight- en it out." ,., „ ,^ "What seems to be the dif-few-culty, Captain?" asked Col. Dayton, jollily, ad- dressing the I'rovost-Marshal. "Why," answered the Captain, "I'd been noticing for some time these men philan- dering around in a suspicious manner with this bunch of cattle. They came from the direction of the cattle corrals, didn't seem to belong anywhere, or bo going any place in particular. Finally they turned and started out of camp with the cattle, and I arrested them, and am taking them up to the rrovo.st-Marshal's headquarters, to give an account of themselves." "You were quite right," answered Col. Dayton. "And the prisoners wo.uld rather discuss the matter with Gen. Sherman than with the Provost-Marshal, eh"? Well, that's matter of taste. Depends also on the humor the General's in. He's not in a Sunday-morning-church frame of mind today, and they'd much better go right up to the Provost-Mavshal-GonoVal and have it out with him. They'd better keep as far away from the General as they can until things straighten out a little up tho road." , o,, , "I don't care how mad he is," said Shad, resolutely. "Gen. Sherman's never so mad that he'll be unjust. After all the good work we've done, we're not going to be yanked up before the Provost-Marshal like a gang of deserters and bounty-jump- ers. Gen. Sherman ought to give us a fair hearing. We deserve it." "Dayton," called the General from in- side the house, "get through with that job and come in here. I want you." "In a moment, General," answered the Colonel. "Look here, boys; you'd better go right on up to tho Provost-Marshal's. He's straight and fair, and will give you as long a hearing as you want. Don't bother the General today. He's crosser than a bear with a sore head. I'd as lief deal with old Nick himself. I'd be mighty glad if I were vou to get off with a turn with Col. Ruggles. Take my advice and go on." "Well, we will not, unless were forced," said Shad, stubbornly, and design- edly rnising his voice so that it might reach the General inside. "It's no way to treat men who have done so much good service. We don't propose to be sent back to our regiments from the Provost-Mar- shal's headquarters. 'Tis'nt fair, nor even decent, after all we've been through. Gen. Sherman wouldn't allow it for a minute if he really knew it." . "Come, we've talked enough," said the Captain. "We'll have to start. Move out, tliere." ^ . „ ., ^ , "Hold on a minute. Captain," said Col. Dayton, as a thoiiglu struck him. "Say, Lieutenant, are'nt you Shad Graham?" "That's my name," answered Shad. "I think I remember you," said Col. Dayton. "Weren't you the Ohio Sergeant that pulled me out of the creek, into which my horse had fallen, the night of the first clay at Shiloh?" "I was." "And weren't you the Sergeant who went out with a squad and me, a few days later, on a scout, and fixed a cross- ing over Owl Creek, so that we got over and captured those rebels'?" "I Avas." "Hum," said the Colonel to himself, I guess that a man's got the right to pick up a piece of fresh meat now and then, if he wants it. But 40 or HO cattle is rather wholesale work. I'd 've sent him about his business if it'd been only one or two." Then aloud: "Captain, present my com- pliments to Col. llugglrs, and tell him tlwit I know this man, Lieut. Graham, and SHEEMAN STARTS DOWN TO THE SEA. 83 that he's a first-class soldier, and request him to consider everything as favorably as he can."' -But I insist. Colonel." repeated Shad, loudly, "ih-it \vf ;:hi:iii(l not be sent to the Provo;,i-:\Iar.sii;;i's at all. It's all wrong, and we don't deserve it. It's a matter that Gen. Sherman ought to look into him- Belt." "Dayton, why don't you come in here?" inquired Gen. Sherman, angrily, striding out of (he house. "Vv'hat are you wasting time out here for, wrangling over this matter? Send them all up to the Pro- vost's, and let him settle the matter. It's his business." "Gen. Sherman," said Shad, desperate- ly, "we don't want to go to the Provost- Marshal's" "Xobody does; nobody does." brol^e in the iToneral; "!>ut they go all the same." "G"en. Sherman," continued Shad, "we didii't want anything to do with those caltle" ■ "No excuse; no excuse, sir. Men don't do what they like in the army, but what they are ordered to. You can't pick and choose your dut.y, sir." "We had no intention of doing so. Gen- eral. ^Ve did that duty faithfully, and brought through every head all right. Then we had some others, which the Com- missary refused to receive, and" "Likely story. Likely story. But I haven't time to hear it. The Provost- Marshal-Goneral's the man to hear such tales. Go on up to him." "Gen. Sherman." said Shad, desperate- ly. "Thi.-; isn't fair nor decent. We're the men who brought the pontoons through with all that trouble. Then we brought the cattle through, according to your or- ders, instead of going to our regiments. Now you want us to go up to the Pro- vost's, to be sent back to our regiments ier guard, like a lot of bounty-jumpers and stragglers. That isn't a square deal, by any means. We don't deserve it at all, and I'll t '11 you so, right to your face." Gen. 1-hriman, you can't be so unfair as to do rliat," said Si. earnestly. "Look here. General, that's a low.-down lay (o make to such men as us," added horty. The General turned his stern glance from Shad's set face to Si's seriously re- proachful eonntenanee. and Shorty's, blaz- ing with ill-coneealod anger. Plis ru.gged countenance changed, and a softer light caine into his piercing, steel-blue eyes. ['_Yes, yes; I remember you now," he said. "You were under Col. Bonesteel on that boat. You certainly are entitled to con- sideration and a hearing. Dayton, I'll et Maj. McCoy do v.hat I'd intended for rou. Look into this matter carefully, and lo the right thing.. Don't let any"injus- ice be done. I'm too busy, men, to at- cnd to it myself." "Thank you, General," said Shad and 51, saluting. "What's the matter with Uncle Billy Sherman?" yelled Shorty. "Nothing's the matter with him. H-e-'s— a-1-1 — r-i-g-h-t! Three cheers for Gen. Sherman." They were given with a will by everv- body. The rain stopped, the clouds cleared awaj-, and the sun came out. Col. Dayton listened to Shad's story and accepted every word of it. "Certainly. Certainly. Plain as day," he said. "I knew you were all right, as soon as I got you placed as the Sergeant that pulled me out of the creek at Shiloh. Just like Dingbat. West Point never turned out a bigger fool, which is saying a great deal. He is dead-letter perfect on regulations and red-tape, has a medal for knowledge of his own importance, but as to ignorance of everything else he would win two heats out of three in a race with the Aztec children. Why, he'd starve a regiment to death rather than issue rations on a requisition that didn't have every 'i' dotted and 't' crossed. He spends most of his time writing letters to the General, protesting against the irregular way in which everybody, Generals and all, insist on doing business with him. Captain (to the Provost officer), you can leave these men and cattle with me, I'll be respon- sible for them." "Say, boys," continued Dayton, famil- iarly, "let's tell short stories, for I've a heap to do today. Tomorrow the great movement begins, and we'll cut loose from here for God knows where — may-be Rich- mond, ma.v-be Augusta and Charleston, may-be Pensacola, may-be some other spot in this God-forsaken Southern Con- federacy. All that I know is that we'll make Secessia yowl wherever we go. I've got an idea. I'm going to send you over with a note to Col. Amos Beckwith, the Commissary-General, who'll be tickled to death to see you. He's been having a pile of trouble getting his cattle through, and he 11 rise up and call you blessed, for hav- ing more than your quota. I don't know any worse dig that I can give Ding- bat than to have you tell your story to Beckwith. Beckwith is Dingbat's direct superior. He's a West Pointer and regu- lar, but he's been in the army since the year 1, and the Indians and the rebels have pounded a whole heap of hard sense into his Vermont Yankee head. I'd like to be there when he calls up Dingbat." Col. Beckwith, a strong-faced, capable- looking man of about 40, remarked pleas- antly, after reading Col. Dayton's note and listening to Shad's story: "I'm as glad to see you as the flowers in the Spring. Y'ou've done a good piece of work, and I shall .make it the subiect of a special report to Gen. Sherman. I've got a friend, a nervous, conscientious of- ficer, who's worrying himself sick over a shortage in his drove. He's afraid he'll lose his home, and have his wife and chil- dren turned out without a shelter, because of his dehciency. Tour bunch will fit in snugly. «nd make him whole." "Take them and welcome," said Shad 84 Sr KLEGG 'AND SSORTT. •u-ith jrrpfiT parnostnosfs. "Take them, right away. 1 don't want to see another steer as long as I live." . , ^ "You cant take 'em too quick for me, echoed Si. ' . - ■, cu 4- •■\Vhero"s your man? mquired bhorty, enthusiastically. "Let me see the man that wants to have charge of this bunch of cattle. I don't want to lose a minute in making his acquaintance, and I'll beg him for his ambrotype, to keep as a friend in iny hour of need. Where is he? . Let me look at once on his blessed counte- nance." The Colonel smiled, and said: "I'll send at once for him. Your men must be hungry, Liuetenaut. Take th^m right over by that old house and go into camp for tonight. You'll find plenty of wood and water there, and I'll have all the rations issued that you can eat and cany away. For once, you needn't stint Toursclves. I've a lot I've got to get rid of. By the way, Lieutenant, I need very much a few good men such as you've shown yourselves to be to be permanently attached to my headquarters during this movement. I must have them. I'm going to apply to have you detailed." "Not on your life," yelled Shorty. "No more details for us. We're tor peace and quietness. We're going as straight as we can go back .to the 200th Injiauny Volun- teer Infantry, and stay there." "Thank you very much for the honor, Colonel," said Shad. "But I think that we've been away from our regiments for a long time, and prefer to go back to them at once." "Preference doesn't play much part in the army," said the Colonel, quietly. "It is not what a man woiild rather do, but what he ought to do, and where he will be of best service, and that must be usually determined by somebody else than himself. But take your men over there and put them into camp. Think it over during the night, and I'll talk with you about it again in the morning." Not since the boys had left Deacon Klegg's well-provided house had they had Bueh a feast as that night. Not only Com- missary supplies, but sutler goods, had to be sacrificed to the inexorable question of transportation, and there was not only an abundance of the finest sugar-cured hams to go with their fresh beef, but there was all they could eat of canned peaches and tomatoes, desiccated vegeta- bles, condensed milk, cove oysters, sar- dines, and similar expensive camp dain- ties. As -soon as they had had leL^-.m-e to think Si and Shorty had begun to worry about Pete and Sandy. They could not recall having seen the boys since they broke camp on the morning of that eventful day. The boys, not seeing any probable need pf i\u'''<' j-T-'-if f's. Ivul f|uietly s'liiped away after breakfast, while the cattle were be- ing started, and gone back to where Abed- nego and the rebel horse had been tethered during the night, with a sufficiency of for- age. They gratified their boyish curiosity during the day by riding around seeing all the strange sights of the great army. ' They kept in long range of the detach- . ment, so as to rejoin it at any time that , it might look as if they were needed, and when it dropped its cattle and went into camp for the night they capie boldly up, fastened their steeds near-by, provided them abundant forage from the Commis- sary-General's piles, got their suppers, aud soon had a circle around them, listening to their accounts of all the wonderful things they had seen during' the day. "Look here," said Shorty to the rest, as they sat arpund and smoked, after supper. "I move that we shab out of here pretty soon. It \won't do to stay here tonight. That Commissary-General has his eye on us, and he'll detail us tomorrow morning, sure as little apples. Then we'll have to drive cattle and help wagon trains all the rest of our natural lives. I want some comfort of life. I want to get back to the 200th Injianny." "There's something in that," said Si, struck with sudden fear, and taking his pipe from his mouth to consider. "If I knowed where the regiment was I'd get right up and start for it this minute. But it'd be woi'se than hunting for a needle in a haystack to look for the regiment in this ruck tonight. But we'll get up bright and early tomol-rov.^ morning, as we in- tended to do, anyway, and we'll be out of reach before they are stirring at head- quarters." "I don't like staying here tonight,"' said Shorty, uneasily. "We aint safe. That Commissary-General's a mighty nice fel- ler, but I don't want any more details from him or anybody else but Col. Mc- Gillicuddy." "The boys are now pretty well-fixed for the night," said Si, after a moment's con- sideration. "I don't want to disturb them. And I don't want to march 'em away from all this good grub, without one more hack at it. It would look like a sin. We'll turn out at the first notes of reveille, fill ourselves plum full of this grub, and be well on our way before the sun's fairly up." The sound of a horse's hoofs came out of the darkness. "I'll bet that's a detail noAV," said Shor- ty, apprehensively. The rest clutched their blankets and began rolling them up. Col. Dayton appeared in the circle- of light. "Hello, Graham," he said; "I've been looking for you. I've got some good new.s for you. I've been at the General about you. I've told him what kind of men you are, and got him to order you permanently detailed for service at headquarters and" — — He was interrupted by the sound of a general rush. Let by Si and Shorty, every oiie had snatched up his belongings and bolted into tbe darBas^SGDib out of sight. SHERMAN STARTS DOWN TO THE SEA. 85 "YES, YES; I REMEMBER YOU NOW," SAID THE GENERAL. "Well, I'm blessed," said the Colonel, in amazement, as he comprehended what had happened. "That's the first time I ever knew of men running away from soft dntj- at headquarters. ISIost of tlrem you have to club to make thcra let go." "The boys have had all they want of details," laughed Shad. "The varied ex- periences of the last two weeks have filled them up to their chins. They prefer the quiet and seclusion of domestic life with their regiments." Si and Shorty did not halt until they had reached the covert of a cedar thicket, where they felt they could not be found during the night. They did not sleep much, for early in the morning of the eventful 16th of November, 18G4. they were awakened by the thunder of the ex- plosions in Atlanta. The sky was ruddy with the flames of burning buildings, for the city was a seething conflagration. They cooked a hasty breakfast, and marched out on a high point which com- manded a good view of the devouring ocean of flame. The spectacle was grand- ly awful, and they stood and watched, wrapped in the wonder of it. Presently the sun rose bright and clear, and re- vealed another panorama still more fas- cinating to their soldierly eyes. As far as they could sec the roads and fields were 86 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. filled with -n-hite-topped wagons, with di-oves of oattlo, with batteries of artil- lery, with endless waves of marching men, whose bright gun-barrels sent back a sheen of brilliant light from the sun s rays. A brigade band started up "John Browns Body," and from the throats of tens ot thoiisands of the stalwart, enthusiastic marchers rolled the song in mighty chorus. The boys joined in the wave of tumultu- ous cheering, which was echoed back even from the towering, granite sides of Stone Mountain. , •■ , The great March to the Sea had begun. "There's the Fourteenth Corps' flag now," said Si, more excited than wont. "There's the Acorn, I'm sure. Can't you see'' I can make it out plainly. Let s start at once. We get to it once, and there won't be no trouble finding the regiment. "Where's those blasted boysV" said Shorty, looking around for Sandy and ■Pete. "We mustn't start without them, or they'll never find us in the world. I'm afraid" thev're lost. Anybody seen them?" Nobody had, but everybody began look- ing for them. ' . , „. . .... "Come on. Shorty," said Si, impatient to join in the march. "They're hanging around somewhere, as usual. They'll watch us, and follow us up. Come on." "Never do in the world," answered Shorty. "I won't stir a step until I've found them. They'll never find us if we leave them. I'll skin them both when I catch 'em, the brats." Everybody started anew In an excited quest of the truants, but they were no- where in sight. A more terrific explosion than ever shook the ground and the air. It was that of a large brick building on the out- skirts of Atlanta nearest to them. The air was filled with powder-smoke, flying bricks, beams, planks, doors, rafters and windows. Shells burst like from a can- nonade, and thwe was a venomous hiss of bullets through the air. Out of the powder-smoke dashed a white mule, going at such a rate that he only seemed to touch the ground where it rose in hillocks. On his back, , with his arms around his neck, holding on for' dear life, was a boy, with a face like a sheet popping eyes, and no cap. Behind came a horse, with another boy, in a similar frame of mind. "That's Pete and Sandy, sui'6's you're alive, on that cussed mule," said Si, rush- ing down to the road. Abednego stopped from sheer exhaus- tion, about half-way up the hill, and Pete slipped from his back. A piece of shell had scraped his cheek, and Abednego's flank had been creased by a bullet. Sandy had something like the same hurts. "Where in the world have you brats been?" Si angrily inquired, as Pete slowly recovered his breath. "Why," gasped Pete, "me and Sandy thought we'd ride down and take a look at the fire, while the rest of you was get- ting ready to start. We'd never have an- other such a chance. We was right near a big brick house that we thought was a hospital, it looked so quiet like. We didn't think no different, until we see some fel- lers ride up from this side, light a train, and then gallop away. We was then on the other side o' the house, and had to gallop right past it. If Abednego hadn't been such a good runner we'd 'a' been blowed up, sure. Pie saved my life." "Forward, march," called Si. "I think I see our brigade flag right over there." THE 200th IND. IS AT LAST FOUND. S7 CHAPTER XVI. THE 2C0TH IND. IS AT LAST FOUND, IT HAS A PLEASENT SOIREE WITH A i KAILKOAD, AND THE EOYS VISIT OLD FEIENDS. ' It wai5 easy enough to find the Four- teenth CoiT-y. It aeemed to iJll the whole of that pait of Geoigia \^ith its endless columns of marching men, its miles of light batteries, its immense droves of cat- tle, its interminable strings of white-top- ped wagons, its long-drawu-out pontoon and ambulance trains. It was quite another thing to find the 200th Ind., which, w-ith all the importance attached to it by Si and tlie re;;t, was yet but a small unit of the mighty whole. Its less than .'jCO effective men were but a' minor fraction of the great corps' 15,000. besides, m tlie montiis ihat Si and Shorty had been away the casualties oi the serv- ice had swept away or changed the corps' old landmariis. There had been sweeping changes in oilicers of all grades, from the Major-General commanding tiio corps, down. Maj.-Gen. Jelx C. Davis now rode at the head of the corps, instead of Maj.- Gen. John M. Palmer, who had succeeded Gen. George H. Thomas, and was in com- mand when the boys wore captured. Divi- sions had been reinodoied, brigades trans- ferred, regiments changed and consoli- dated. Old ones of imposing size had shrunken to battalions, and new ones, as big as the whole of the rest of the briT gades, had been added. The smooth faces of young othcers had become heavily Tvhiskered; trim, natty fellows, looking lil^e fashion plates, and brilliant with gold lace and buttons, had become bronzed and rug- ged campaigners, who did not care much how they looked, so long as they got there. Nobody knew where the l^OUth Ind. could now be foumi; nobody knew to what brigade it belong.-.'d now; nobody knew what division it v,as in. if they did know these thi'jgs, there v/duld be 'no telling where to look for Jt, l-i r:;rise the order of march had not ix' ■>':;;(■ f.-imiliar to the men. The corps had bcei! scaiti^rt'd about a good deal lately, and ic \,c;;i.d iin-.v :i 'hiv or two of miu'ching- and cainidng befoi-y they would get ;^h;!l:eii down into regular shape again. Be:;iC--, eve- ybudy was too full just nov,- ot th- ob.ici-tives of tlio great movement to have iiiixh thought of any- thing else. Those who tlmnght they ku'v,- were still worse, for they ;-ne a[:s:;;nte!y n^iskading diioitienf;, vbidi ;•:■!•( i!v> ],,-:: on -in vaio journeys, wlih wearisome st:::g^es with the tnvat-marchlui; co-ua^us, ihc uiUUS and the latteries. In the course of these they separated, Jake Dye taking his squad ofO in a dif- ferent direction, in search of the 1st Osh- kosh; Shad finding another clew to his regiment, and leaving Si and Shorty to fol- low their own judgment as to the where- abouts of the 200th Ind. It was very disheartening. To them the whole universe revolved around the 200th Ind. The rest of the army were mere ap- pendages to their regiment, and its posi- tion and movments should have been of as much interest to everybody as those of Gen. Sherman himself. They grew angry, and said insulting things to men who did not know anything about the 200th Ind., did not know whether it belonged to the corps now, did not remember to have seen it since the army left Chattanooga, and were indifferent as to whether tltey should ever see it. One man was iiupndeiu enough to say that he supposed that the war might possibly go right along without being seriously hindered if the 200th Ind. was still back in Chattanooga, or some other safe place. Shorty would have thrashed him then and there, lait his partner pulled him away. Si was reaching that pnint of view which showed so much to do in the world that he hated to see energy wasted on ia- conse(inential things. "Don't lick him. Shorty," he remon- strated. "Save ourself for something more important. We seem to've struck the back townships of the corjip. They've never heard of Ihe 200th liijianny. 'and we've never heard o' their regr.in'uts. It's about quits. Let's stop here ai.d make some coffee, and then nialie a break straight for corps heaJrj;uir;ers. They'll know there where the regiment is." "But Corps riead.iuarters are 10 or 15 miles from here," grnmblrd Sli .:ty. "And it'll take us all tidy a:id all iii.jn to go tliat far tluv-iigli this frc.-in't ol' regiments and trains. ]:y that tiine Cor;,s ilfad- ([uarters will l;:ive picked up il.^ Wvl and gom- on aiiotlier 10 or lo miles, a.iid vre'il be as bad rii as before, ^i'liat looks like our old division, acr(,ss the va.ii-y there, on that other hill. I'm sme I kii^tw them miles, only to lir:ii v. li^i; i.'ie.v liad come up to the column tlir.t fhe LUOtli ind. did not belong to that division, and no one knew 83 81 KLEGG AND SHORTY. exactly to which one. if any, it liad been assifrned in the last shuffle. Then Si led his weavy men back toward the raili-oad, to execute his lirst plan ot going dii-cctly to Coi-ps Headquarters. He presently saw that the army was halting and going into camp. He decided that it would be the best plan to halt, too, and wait till things had settled down a little, when he could move about more freely, and get certain direction as to the precise location of the Corps Headquarter-s. Then he found an Aid, who informed him that Headquarters had been estab- lished, four or five miles ahead, but could tell him nothing of the 200th lud. "Of cunrse, Jie don't know anything about the liUOlh In.jianny," said Shorty, iu deep disgust. "Did you ever see an Aid that kuowcd anything useful or that hi? ought to? He wouldn't be allowed on the staff if he did." "Well, let's v.-aste no more time," said Si. "He's told us the way to Headquar- ters, for which we"n> obliged to him. Fall in. Forv,ar(.l— INlarch." It was a weary trudge to Headquarters, but it w;ts easier going now, with every,- body pulling ull the road into camp. They reached Iheir destination about sundown, and found the Adjutant-lieneral of the corps standing outside, in his shirt sleeves, superintending the arrangements of the ten Is. "The 200th Ind.," he answered prompt- ly. "Yes: it's coming up by Avay of Snap- linger, and will strike the railroad about four or five miles back. You go right down the railroad and you'll come to it. It ought to be there about this time." "Why. we just came from there," gasped Si, amazed at the easy certainty with which the Adjutant-General kept the movements of every regiment in mind, contrasted with the exasperating ignorance of everybody else, especially Aids, and disgusted at the same time with the idea of having to march back. "We were right at the railroad, about five miles back, when we started for Headcpiarters." "Too bad," said the Adjutant-General, nonchalantly. "If you'd only stayed there your regiment would have come up to you. It went down by Snapfinger to clean up the forage in that locality, and was to turn to the left to strike the railroad in line Avith the rest of the division. I'm afraid that all you've got to do is to toddlo right ba<-k the way you came." ••That's all right, boys," said Si, his nat- ural cheerfulness asserting itself. "Now we know something for sure. We're near home, and no mistake. Only five miles at most to the old regiment, that we've been hunting so long. Put some spring into them brogans of your'n, and we'll soon be home, where we'll have a good night's rest. Forward — ISIarch." The boys were animated by his hopeful words, and began making the' be'st time of. the day. , ' , ' . '■ " "Snapfinger, DeKalb Co., ,Georgy," mused Shorty, as they marched along. "Si, I"ve been thinking all day, a,«'I lo'dked up there at Stiuie Monntaiu, that this coiin-" try was familiar, and now I understand it.. We must 1)0 near our old layout, apong the harn'ts, and the home of Uucle Elihraiia and Aunt ]Minerva Ann. I'ou know them guards were ail from around Sijnpfinger, DeKalb County, Georgy. "Reniomber ho-^v they used to say it? and we used to mimic them. Snapfinger — devil of a name." "I declare, that's so," answered . Si, scanning the perpendicular sides of Stone Mountain, and then the country aroimd. "I hadn't thought of it before. We can't be far from the homes of those kindly- disposed gentlemen 'who were determined to hang us. If we get a chance, v,-e must go over and pay them a social visit." "Let's go and see Uncle Ephraim and Aunt Minerva Ann first," said Shorty. ."Business before pleasure, always. It's our business to look out for our friends first. After that we may take a little rec- reaction iu hanging our enemies." "Your, program's a good one," answered Si. "We'll arrange it that way." "I'll bet a year's pay to a sutler check," said Shorty, indulging in blissful anticipa- tions, "there'll be a regular Mardi Gras, with the lid off, in the old 200th Injianny's camp to-night, after we got there. The boys'll be so glad to see us that they won't pay no attention to tattoo, but keep it up till midnight. I expect Col. McGillicud- dy '11 discover a strawberry mark on your left arm. Si, and find that you're his loug- ,lost brother. As for Cap. Bowersox, I know that he'll at once turn over the com- mand of Company Q to me, and give me an order on the Commissary for a straight barrel of best minie-bullet whisky, 800 yards point-blank range." "Well, he won't, if I know him," an- swered Si. "He'll be mighty glad to see you, but if he allows a drop of whisky in the company he's not the olficer he used to be. No, the fun'll be to have a good supper, and then sit around the great fires, and have the boys tell us all that has hap- pened since we left. Won't that just be great? An hour o' that'll be worth all that we've been through." Ihey went up on to the railroad and marched along it, to make sure of not miss- ing their regiment. To their left, and some feet lower, ran the wagon road, with a thiek curtain of bushes between the two. They were watching eagerly down the line of track for a sight of a regiment, when they heard Col. McGillicuddy's well- remembered voice command: "Battalion, HALT! Front! Right dress! Front! Backward march to clear the road. Halt! Right dress! Front! Order, ARMS! St«£k, AftMSr THE 200XH IND. IS AT LAST FOUND. 69 "Now, men," continued the Colonel, rid- ing down the road to the center of the regiment, to address it in a more conversa- tional tone: "Break ranks, and cook your supper. After supper we'll" He was interrupted by a wild cheer from the railroad bank above of: "Hooray for the 200th Injianny Volunteer Infantry! Three cheers for the 200th Injianny!" The cheers were followed by a tumultu- ous rush through the brush, as Si and his "No apologies. Sergeant; none is neces- sary for a minute. I'm so very glad to see you that we won't stand on ceremony of any kind." "Col. McGullicuddy," said Si, in the most formal manner, "I have to report the arrival of myself and Corporal Elliott, with 58 furloughed men and recruits of the detachment we were ordered to take charge of at Indianapolis. We lost one man killed on the way, and left one severe- ly wounded behind in the hospital at De- THEY LEFT THE MARK OF THE REGIMENT IN RAILS AGAINST THE CLIFF squad tore down from the embankment and rushed into the breaking ranks. The veterans of the regiment recognized their old comrades at once, sent up an answer- ing cheer, and everybody presse'd around to shake Si's and Shorty's hands, who tried hard to take all of them at once. As the commotion subsided a little. Col. McGillicuddy rode up and said smilingly, as he extended his hand to Si: "Sergeant, that is a very unceremonious way in which to enter my camp." "I know it is, Colonel," said Si, be- thinking himself and becoming very sol- dierly. "I beg your pardon. I kuowed better than to come in this way. I in- tended to do it properly. But it seems to me that we've bin trying to get to the regiment for more'n a year, and had all sorts o' times in doing it, and we've bin hunting you through the corps all day, and when we suddenly heard your voice and saw the reginipnt, I just couldn't control myself nor the ^ooys." catur, Ala. All the rest present and ac- counted for." "A very excellent report," answered the Colonel, in his official manner. "Make a written report to the Adjutant of the ac- tions in which you were engaged. Much better than I could have expected. Adju- tant, take charge of these men and dis- tribute them to their companies. Ser- geant (resuming his friendly tone), I'ra more glad to see you than I can tell you. I felt all the time that you would come through, if it was in the cloth, but 1 gave you up after we started from Atlanta. I suppose you have had quite a time. The first leisure we have I want you to come to my tent and tell me all about it. To- night we've a big job of railroad destruc- tion on hand. You had better go right over to Co. Q and get your supper." It was hard v.'orl-: l( ; Si and the rest to eat all they wanted after their long march; drink as much <.()ft"e<> as their sys- tems demanded, and answer all the ques- 90 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY, tions that the eager members of Co. Q lired at them. They had scarcely gotten half as much as they wanted when the bugle blew "Attention," and the regiment tell swiitly into line. •'Now, men," said the Colonel, walking down to thu center, "the plan is this: Co. A will go up the road about half a mile, just this side of that clump of trees, and deploy as skirmishers, about a pace apart. The other companies will follow and do the same, back to here. Then when the bugle sounds 'Forward,' the line will move to the railroad, and each man will station himself opposite the end of a tie. When the buele sounds 'Itcady,' he will stoop and take hold of the end of the tie. At the sound 'Fire,' he will lift his end up and throw it over. Follow the bugle prompt- ly, and throw the whole length of the track over at once, just like an 'Order, Arms.' After you've thrown the track over, pull the ties, stringers and rails apart — some tools and sledges will be distributed by the Quartermaster, to help you do this — make piles of the stringers and ties, set them afire, and lay the rails on them. After the rails' get redhot, twist and bend them in some way, so that the rebels cannot straighten them out and use them again." ''Say, Si," said Shorty, with a nod of approval toward the Colonel, "old man's a planner, ain't he? Shad couldn't 've laid out that job better." "Great head — long as a watermelon," answered Si. Though tired with their day's march, the regiment went at the work with enthu- siasm, and quickly the word went along the line that everybody was in place. "Ready," blared the bugle, and each man bent down and took hold of the end of a tie. "Fire," rang the bugle, and a half mile of track rose up and went over into the ditch. The ties and stringers were wrenched apart by the upheaval. Sledges and crowbars quickly separated the rails from the stringers, the ties and stringers were made into piles and were soon glow'- ing fires. The rails were gathered up and thrown on these. The glare of the great tires and the thrill of the immense destruc- tion excited the participants, and as they rushed about in the lurid light, yelling as they ])iled on more ties and other rails, it looked like a view of some demoniac saturnalia, with the bending rails as ser- pents writhing in the flames. Miles up and down the line other regi- ments were doing the same thing — but few with the quickness and completeness of Col. McGillicuddy's method. They learned it afterward, and thereafter not only regiments but brigades, and some- times whole divisions, would raise and throw over miles of track at the sound v£ bugle. The men began a rivalry to see which could twist and bend the rails into the most curious shapes. "I say, boys," shouted Shorty, "let's do something to show that the ^iOOth Injian- ny's bin here. Let's leave the mark of the regiment in rails, up against that cliff." They all yelled in assent. The cliff rose as straight and smooth as the wall of a house, and overlooked the valley for miles. It was far easier to bend the rails into fantastic shapes than to a resemblance of letters, but by midnight they had finished it, and the regiments, which marched l)y the next day, saw leaning againit the face of the clifE "200th Ind. Vols." "There," said Shorty, as he wiped his face, after placing the last rail in position, "these blamed fools mayn't know the 2U0th Injianny, or where it is, but they 11 all know whore it has bin." "Let's lay down," said Si, surveying the work with equal satisfaction. "We want to get up early to-morrow morning, and make a circuit out to Uncle Ephraim s and Aunt Minerva Ann's. We can never go past where they live without calling. It'd be awfully ungrateful." Learning their object, the Colonel read- ily gave them permission to make the de- tour, and join the regiment in the even- ing at Peachstone Shoals, on the Ocmulgee River. As they now knew their division and brigade, there would be no trouble in finding the regiment. There was little trouble in finding Mr. Benjamin Small's plantation, and by brisk marching they came to the place on the roud where they had turned off to go to the home of the "harnts" by the middle of the forenoon. How differently everything looked from what it did months before, when they were skulking refugees, anxiously Avatch- ing every turn of the road, every field and every house, and avoiding the sight of white men. Now it was the Avhite men who avoided their sight, as they strode masterfully along, fully armed, and eager to encounter those before Avhom they had then shrunk. They Avere surprised at the quickness with which they had covered Avhat had before seemed long distances, and before they realized it Avere at the Avell-remembered by-road down Avhich Uncle Fphraim, Aunt JNlinerva Ann and the others had come Avith their AA'elcome loads of food. Resist ing the temptation to revisit the scene of the llarpster tragedy, Avhich had been their home for several days, they turned to the left, and quickly came to the roAV of negro-quarters. Aunt Minerva Ann was out in her cnl- lard i)atch, knife in hand, seeking the ma- l(M-ial for Uncle Ejdiraim's dinner, and :-inKing in a powerful and muiiical con- tralto: 99©ra IND. m AT LAST FOUNIX 91 ^'On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, An' cast a v/istt'ul eye, T' Caue-yun's fa'r an" happy land, Whar my secessions lie." "No, not 'secessions,' " she communed with herself. "Secession's bad an' wicked. Dat's de way I sing hit at dc house, t' tickle de white folks. When I sing hit fo' myself hit's whar my — my — O, yes, leces- sious lie. Kecess is what dey had at school, Yv-hen dey gits out. Dat's a good time — ""Whar my recessions lie." "Good morning, Aunt Minerva Ann," called out Si, blithely. "In de name ob God, who dat?" said the terror-stricken old darky, dropping her knife and looking with starting eyes on the file of starwart blue-coats that came out from behind the bushes. _"V\'hy, Aunty, don't you know us?" said Si. "We^re the Yankee soldiers that you fed last Summer — the fellers that was* up there in the home o' the harn'ts." "No, yo'n ain't. Dey's all done daid. Dey killed dey'uns. Ebbery one ob dem. Dey'uns done killed dey'uns. Cut deir froats, an' piled rocks on dem in de crick. Dey done tole us so. Dey showed us de place. Yo'uns is ghostses. O' don't hurt me. I's only a po' niggah" She started to scream at the top of her voice, Imt Si caught her arm. ;*Nonsense, Aunty. Don't be a fool," he said. "Yv'e're all alive and well. Every one of us. iiebels couldn't kill us. Here's little Pete, that you liked so much. Come up here, Pete." "Here I am, Aunty," said Pete, jump- ing off his mule and running up to her. "O. yo' bressod leetle soul," ejaculated the negress. forgetting all at once her hvs- terical fear, and taking him in her mother- ly arms. "Is it rayly yo?' yo' bressf-d leetle, teenty Y^ank?. An' dey said dey'd done cut yo' froat, an' buried yo' in "de crick, an' heaped .great heaps o' rocks on yo'. An' yo' ain't dead, an' yo'r froat ain't cut, an' dar hain't a heap o' rock>5 piled on yo', an yo've done growed more'u a mile taller. Lawd, bress yo' soul, -so yo' ive." Pete extricated himself from the smoth- ering embrace and said: "Yes, it's me. Aunty, and I believe there IS some more of me than there was when you were so kind to me. I've brought you a whole lot o' genuine Yankee coffee. I told the rest o' the boys about you. and they all chipped in some and made quite a bag. I'll get it." He ran back to his mule and brought a largo bag of fragrant coffee. "And here's some more things. Aunty," said Si and Shorty, producing various arti- cles that they thought would please the woman and her husband. "And here's Uncle Ephraim, too. Uncle, we're on our way v,-ith the army. We're in a great Lurry, but we felt that we couldn't go by without stopping and thanking you all for your great kindness to us when we were in lots o' trouble. We'll come back again when the war's over, and do you some good." Every negro on the place seemed to have learned of their presence, and was gath- ered around, devouring every detail with their great white eyes. 'I'hey pressed up close to touch the hands or even the clothes of the boys. One white-haired old uncle began a thanksgiving at the top of his sonorous voice, and a middle-aged negress, whose specialty was shouting at camp-meetings, split the air with "(xlory to God! Glory to Godl" that it seemed ought to be heard back in burned Atlanta. "Well, good-by, all," said Si hastily, shaking hands with Uncle Ephraim. "Let me thank you again. We must go, but you'll likely see us again, soon, when the war's over. Good-by." "But we'uus "s a-gwine wid yo'uns," said Aunt Minerva Ann, with sudden decision. "We'uns 's a-gwine right erlong. I's stood on .Jordan's stormy banks an' cast my wistful eyes plum long enough, an' I's done gwine whar my recessions lie." "Dat's what we'uns 's a-gwine fo' t' do." said Uncle Ephraim, catching inspira- tion, as he usually did, from his wife. "But you can't," said Si, appalled. "You can't go with us, at least not now. We're traveling light, and going fast, and we can't have nobody with us. You just wait till the war's over, and vre'U come back.'' ^ "We'uns 's done a-gwine wid yo'uns," said Aunt Minerva Ann decidedly. "I got a sign las" night, when I dreamed ob de Angel Moses and Gabriel wid his ho;-u. I knowed de sign meant something de min- nit I dreamed hit, an' now I know hit meant fo' we'uus t' go, an' we'uns 's a- gwine." "No, I tell you, you must stay back," said Si, peremptorily, as he extricated his squad from the crowd and started down the road in quick time. "If I have my bearings right." said Si, as they came on top of a hill, and ho took a survey of the country, and its relations to the bare walls of Stone Mountain, "that town, where they had us in jail and started to hang us, lays down there to the right. I think we can make a circuit through it. and burn that old jail, for the benefit of humanity, and otherwise make them sorry that they did not hang us v.-heu they had the chance." "I think we can do it, and yet make Peachstone Shoals all right by right,'' said Shorty. "Any way, let's ti-y it.'' "Goodne.ss, just look there." said IVFonty Scruggs, pointing back to Ylr. Benjamin Small's plantation, which was clearly risi- ble in the distance. Uncle Ephraim had hitched up the mule team, and with Aunt 92 SI KLEGG AND SPOHTY. Minerva Ann seated beside him, was driv- ing along the road, after them, followed by. all the negroes on the place, each carrying some article which he or she supposed would be of special value in the future. Some had cooking utensils, some baskets of food, but the most had bits of fine rai- ment, apparently obtained from "the house," which scorned to have been aban- doned by Mr. Small and his family. Uncle Kphraim's head was adorned by a fine silk hat, and Aunt Minerva wore a red shawl, and a rich bannet, nrofusfily^deco- rated with artificial flowers,- ai^d caMed a silk parasol, all treasuves of, Mrs, SmaU's holiday wardrobe. '•If they'll come, they'll Qpme,'' mut- tered Si. "I done all I could to keej> 'em back." "No time to waste on them^" said Shorty. "Forward to the beautiful city of Hang-Town, with its fine public institu- tions— particularly jail ■—' and i merciful, Christian people." -. ,ilh . :. ..-- ON THE MARCH TO THE SKA. CHAPTER XVII. THE BOYS EEVISIT THE TOWN ^WHEEE THEY SO NARROWLY ESCAPED HANGING— THEY MEET AND RECOGNIZE A NUxMBER OF OLD ACQUAINT- ANCES—THEY GIVE THE GEORGIANS AN UNLOOKED-FOR AND VERY IMPORTANT LESSON. Si and his squad soon came to the top of a hill which overlooked the straggling, squalid little village of Hang-Town, as Shorty and the rest persisted in calling it. Without showing themselves out in the road, they halted for a few minutes to study it, and recall their miserable experi- ences there the previous August. That was only a little over two months away, but it seemed a century. Such an infinity of things had happened since. Then they were hungry and haggard, unutterably sore in every limb, hunted down by day and night, in the midst of a commuahy where every •white man was more danger- ous than a wild beast, and their brightest hopes were merely to escape with life and limb from perils which beset every step. It seemed that there Avas not a drop in sor- row's cup left uutasted by them. The vicious rabble into whosi.' hands they had fallen were confident, impudent and de- fiant— heaping hatred, contumely and de- lusion on the sacred cause which was dearer to them than life itself. After hav- ing cost 10.000 Union lives, Atlanta still mocked and defied the Union army. The boys had only been rescued from an igno- minious death by a fortuitous chance. Since then they had been home, and drunk new and greater drafts from the fountain of the Beauty and Glory of Life. Si had had the crowning joy of union with the beloved of his heart; Shorty had felt that some measure of the same happiness was vouchsafed him. Each of the others had had something come in to greatly vivify and broaden life. Atlanta was now but a heap of smoldering ruins — a thing of so little moment that they could march off and leave it without further care or thought. The Union army Avas sweeping resistlessly over Georgia. It seemed as the Avorld had turned clear around since those dreadful August days, but that miserable little village had not changed a particle. It lay there in the bright No- vember sunshine, just as they remembered it in the glare of August. There was the same gang of long-haired, unkempt, shab- bily-attired loafers hanging around the rambling, shackling, weather-beaten old tavern; the same ragged, gnarled locusts iu front, suiting with the dilapidation ot, men and building; the same forlorn meet- ing-house, the same villainous "grocery," with emptied whisky barrels in front; the same evil-iooking little jail. The boys eveu made out the eight scrub oaks, Avhich had been trimmed up for their gallows. And as they looked, they saAV a sour-A'isaged man, Avith a broad hat, and riding a fine horse, pace dignifiedly up to the tavern, Avhere he was received with marked diiS- tinction by some of the more respectable- looking men, who had apparently gathered there to meet him. "I declare, if there isn't Elder Horn- blower, even," exclaimed Si. "I wonder if he has come to preach his famous sermon about the 'spoilers coming upon all the high places through the wilderness?' Hia sermon's coming truer than he dreamed or." "We're playing in great luck to find hini here," said Shorty, with a grim signifi- cance, that boded no good to that sand- hill Boanerges. "There'll be some spoiling now. that he can preach about .with feel- ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. S3 ing — if he lives to preach any more. I'm glad those trees are still standing, and all ready. They'll come handy now." !Si noticed to the right a creek flowing from the hills, with a deep, wiUow-vailed ravine, which would enable them to gee quite near the tavern without being dis- covered. "They've got some very good horses there, Shorty," lie said, "'which they've isaved from the rebel's pressing agents, and which our army needs. I want that one myself which the Elder is riding."' "Confound it, I wanted that one my- self," grumbled Shorty. "Trust you to yick out the best hoss on sight. You ain't" the son of a Baptist Deacon for nothing." "We'll argue that at some future time," said Si. "The main thing uow's not to let any o' them got away, nor thoir hosses. I think 1 recognize several gents there that we've an account to settle v/ith. Let's skirt along through the woods until we tome to the head o' that holler, and then foiler the crick down to the road. Dont anybody make the least noise. Pete, you and Sandy can stay back here, keeping under cover, until you see us raise the bank, and then you galiop down, yelling at the top o' your voices,." The crowd about iJie taven were so en- grossed by the arrival of the Elder, with bis budget of news of the war, ihat it ^va:l easy for Si and his squad to make their way tmsuspectcd to the point aimed at. Apparently, the Elder's message was so important that it had to be communicated in the form of a public speech. He was not reluctant to this. He As-as one of those old-time Gospelers, who felt it their duty to "improve every occasion with a fesv re- marks." He suffered himself to be led to the horse-block, which he mounted, flour- ished his red bandanna like a signal flag, and blew his nose with a trumpet sound, to give his hearers time to settle around, and get in a properly expectant frame of mind. "Friends — ah, feller-citizens — ah, he- loved brethren — ah," he began. "I've bina- preachin' t' yo' the Word fer many years — ah, and I've frickwently took as my text — ah, the 12th verse — ah, o' the 12th chapter — ah, of the Prophecies of .Jeremiah — ah, which says — ah: " "The spoilers are come upon all high places through the wilderness — ah. The sword shall devour — ah, from one eend of • the land — ah, even to the other eend of the land — ah. No flesh shall have peace — ah.' " "Same old string — same old hurdy- gurdy," said Si, looking at the cap of his gun. "I declare, there's that weazened, knock- kneed, little sardine, Tite Brown," said Shorty, "the orneriest little whelp in the gang, that'd picked me out to hang, be- cause I was the biggest in the squad. I won't do nothing to him but naturally break him in two, and throw each half to the dogs." "Hist! not so loud," warned'-'Si. "Yes, and there's that pot-bellied old loafer, Tim Scads, who got my rope ready for me. I'll bring him down here to the crick and souse his face in it. That rum-blossom nose o' his'll make the water so hot that it'll kill all the fishes." "Belov-ed hearers — ah," continued the Elder, with his. most effective croon, "the prophecies in the Holy Book always come true — ah, and this one has come tru — ah, but not in the way Ave expected — ah. In- stid of our soldiers carrying the sword o' the Lord from the widerness to the high places of the Abolitionksts, and spoiling from one eend of their land even to tho other eend of the land, the Lord has-.saw fit to chasten us fer our slackness? and lukewarmness — ah. We hain't laid our hands to the plow as we should — ah, but 've looked back to our own selfish interests — ah — to our farms an' homes — ah; to our ease and safety — ah. So, the hosts o' Belial have for a space prevailed — ah. They've done took Atlauty — ah, an' burned hit to the ground — ah, and- air now spreading over tho land — ah, devouring hit from one eend — ah, even to the other eend — ah. Now, I come among you to-day — ah, not with the Word, but with the sword — ah; not to preach peace — ah, but fer war — ah. You have not went to war before — ah, bekase that meant leavin' yer homes — ah, which yo' claimed you couldn't well do — ah. Now, the sons of Beelzebub have come to yer homes — ah, and you will not have to go away to fight them — ah. They're .-ight over the hill thar — ah.' Tim Scads, Tito Brown and some of the rest showed very evident signs of alarm at this announcement. They lost interest in the speech, and began to shamble off. "Now, belov-ed friends and brethern — ah," continued tho Elder, after wiping his face with his bandana, "rouse yerselves to battle fer yer freedom and yer firesides — • ah. March at once to attack the brutal invader — ah. Rush upon him wherever you kin find him — ah; shoot him down whenever yon kin see him — ah. Do hit at once — ah. Within this very hour — ah. He's right over thar, and you kin not h&ip finding him, ah. Show him no quarter — ah. Smite him, hip-and-thigh, as Joshua done the Amalekites — ah. I'd be glad to go with you, belov-ed brethren, and die leading you in defense of yer homes — ah, but I must go on, and rouse the people elsewhere — ah. I long to put myself at yer head — ah, and" "Forward, double-quick, left into line — MARCH!" shouted Si. They all dashed up in front of the tavern, and came to a halt with guns leveled. "Halt, there. Throw up your hands, every one of you. Don't one of you move, on your lives." sternly commanded Si, bringing his Springfield to bear on the Elder. "O, for the Lord's sake, don't shoot, Mister," begged the Elder. '.'Don't shoot. 94 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY; I'm a minister o' the Gospel. I'm a man o' peace. 1 hain't uerer had nothing t' do with the army." "Party preacher you arc," said Shorty. "You old whangdoodle hyena. Hell's full of a mighty sight better men than you are." Pete and Sandy charged up with shrill yells, catching Tite Brown and Tim Scads in the midst ot a hasty retreat, and whip- ping them back to the crowd with hickory switches. The boys had their guns, with their bridles, in their left hands, and long withes in their right. "Ouch, that hurts," whined Tite. "You ortent t hit a man that-a-way what never done nothing t' yo'uns." "Say, my good young friend," pleaded the red-nosed Tim Scads, "you orter be keerful 'bout striking a white man and a gentleman. I'm an older man'n yo' air, and father of a family." "Nice father you are, you old swill-tub," said Sandy, giving him another vicious cut. *'If I had a yaller dog that'd own you for a father I'd kill him. Get back to the rest, before I do worse to you. Get, I Bay." "Say," implored Tim, "you rayly ortent t' strike a while man with a whip afore niggers. Tain't decent. 'Twill take away all their respect." Pete and Sandy looked around. They had been so absorbed in watching Si's movements that they had not noticed that IJncle ijphraim and Aunt Minerva, fol- lowed by the rest of Mr. Benjamin Small's negroes, had come up close behind and were eager spectators of events. "Strike you with a whip, you worthless old soak,'' shouted Sandy. "Lose the re- spect of the niggers! You were crazy to hang a white man, whose finger nail was worth more than your rum-pickled old carcass. Hustle. Don't waste time talk- ing, or I won't leave a well place on you." "Glory to God," shouted Aunt Minerva Ann, "dat I've libbcd long enough t' see ole Tim Scads walloped. He de meanest pup dat ebber sucked aigs. He meauer'n ary nigger dat ebber wore wool. He pur- tend t' be a gemmen, and steal de coppers often a daid nigger's eyes. He lay 'wake nights t' t'ink ob cussedness t' do t' a pore nigger. De only wuk he'd ebber do would be t' jine de patterole, jist fo' de fun ob lickin' niggers. He lick me w'en I wuz a leetle gal, just fo' de fun oh hearin' me holler. Hit him again, young mas'r." "There's a welt lor the sake of Aunt Minerva Ann, and there's another for Un- cle Ephraim," said Sandy, bringing down his withe with all his strength. "Hit him a few for me, Sandy," said Si, "and don't let 'em be love taps, neither. Then you might add a few for the neighborhood. He's bin a bore and a nuisance to it all his worthless life." "He ain't gittin' a lick amiss," remark- ed the Elder, in an undertone to the man nest to him. He was beginning to recover a little from his fright, for Si's attentwn had been directed away from him, and th'e dreadful muzzle of that Springtield rille Avas pointed elsewhere than toward his head. "Though I hate t' sec hit done by Yankees, an' afore the niggers. The way I've wrastled t' no effect with that onre- generate, desartless, guzzlin' ole sinner, an' tried t' win him from his evil ways. He's mocked at me, fer a chicken-eatin" hoss- tradin' ole hypocrite, an' now a judgment has come onto him fer his ruiiiji' ag in a minister o' the Lord." '. "Now," said Si, addressing Mc crowd, "I want you all to mosey over there to them trees that you lixed up to hang us last Augtist, ana set dowii Hat on the ground. Forward — MarchI" The crowd looked at one another, but the boys were in a hurry, and hustled them along in no gentle way. The Elder brought up the rear as slowly and digni- liedly as he could, with the muzzle of Harry Joslyu's gun punching him in the back. "Do be keerful with that there gun, my young friend," remonstrated the Elder. "Guns air orful things. You never- know when they're goin' off." "You needn't be so blamed particular about a few minutes, you old hunter of fried chicken and wheat biscuits," Harry answered. "Or whether you're shot ac- cidentally or on purpose. Y'ou're going to be pretty soon, anyway." "You don't mean t' say that you think o' shootin' a reggerly ordained minister o' the Gospel':"' gasped the Elder. "That'd be Avuss'n heathenism." "Well, mebbe, being a minister will make the Sergeant change it to hanging, instead," Harry coiisolcd him. "Being shot's a soldier's death. Mebbe he won't think you deserve it. Sit down there." "But the ground's cold and wet. I'll ketch my death o' cold," expostulated the Elder. "Do as he tells you, and at once," said Shorty, bringing his heavy hand down upon the Elder's shoulder. "You needn't bother about cold. In 1.5 minutes you'll be where it's warm enough." The Elder's knees bent under Shorty's grip, and he sat down violently, but he raised himself a little, pulled otit his ban- dana and a wallet of papers, and carefully placed them under him, to shield him from the chill, wet soil, groaning: "This's one of the trials o' the Lord's follerers. I must endure hit." "Now, Shorty," said Si, after he had got the crowd settled down, and he and his companions had picked out the rest of the would-be hangmen, "you take these eight gents, who was so anxious to string us up, and make 'em do one job of honest work in their lives. Make 'em gather up them empty whisky barrels, and all the truck around here, and pile it in and around that calaboose, so that it'll be sure to burn to the ground. Then set it and that grocery €8? THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 95 'FORWARD, DOUBLE-QUICK, LEFT INTO LIKE— MARCH!" SHOUTED SI. a-fire. Hurry up, for we've no time to waste." The eight loafers had never done so much hard work in a day as they did in the next 10 minutes, with Shorty, a long switch in his hand, moving among them delivering swishing cuts to animate them to greater swiftness in gathering logs, rails, barrels, boxes, and other fuel to heap iu and around the old jail. "Another judgment on the wicked," said the Elder, as he saw the flames roll up from the groggery. "Hit supports me in my trials t' see that evil place destroyed. I've preached ag'in hit fer years ' an' prophesied hits destruction. I never could git a cent out o' anybody who went thar fer the support o' the Gospel." His scare was disappearing. He felt that the men would sate their vengeance otherwise, and let him go. "Glory to God!" shouted the negroes, who were watching the amazing confla- gration of two places so full of dire asso- ciations in their minds. "The Day of Judgment hab come, sartin." "Alf, come here," said Si grimly, as, having finished their work, the eight pant- ing loafers were again hauled up before him by Shorty. "This gent, here, whose name I learned some months ago, is Mr. Timothy Scads, a free and indepeudeut 56 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. citizen of Georgia, and an ovnamcnt to its JSocioty, hiiint rlrnnk nearly as much water in tile' Lonise ol his lUe a.s u decent man shoidd. You «•() and get that hoss bucket lull of water and u ;;ourd, and administer to him as much water as you think his sys- tem needs, to nnike up tor lost time." The negroes roared, and even the whites would have laughed, but that Si's set, siern faro I'oibade. Tim Scads took the lirst two gourdfuls with avidity, tor he was very hot and dry fiom his labor. He swallowed the third with some eltort, but pushed the fourth away. "I've got all 1 kin hold," he said. "0, no; you're mistaken," said Alf. "You haven't hardly begun. This is only the lirst l»ucketful, it ain't half empty, and there's lots more in the well. If that gives out, we'll got to the creek. Down with it at ouec." Tim gulped it down, and another one with more dilUculty. Then he begged: "O, mister, 1 can't drink no more. I rayly can't. I feel my liver lloatiu' 'round, and tanglin' up with my gizzard." "O, ye.s, you can," said A\i. "Let me feel your pulse. Gracious, you ain't half full yet. Down with this at once." Two more gourdiuls were forced down, and Tim begged again: "O. Lord, don't make me drink no more. I kin feel the water ruunin' inter my lights now, an' drownin' out my heart. I can't drink another mouthful." "O, yes, you can," said the obdurate Alf. "Let me see your tongue. Just as I thought. You ain't half full. The water ain't up to your waist yet. Y^ou've got to drink until it's level with your teeth. What you think is water is only steam from your hot coppers that hain't had any water for years. You'll feel better after you've drunk this bucketful and another. Open your mouth and down with this gourdful at once." "Ef I drink another mouthful I'll either bust or be water-logged tor life," whined Tim. But Alf called Gid and Monty to hold him and his nose, and forced a couple more gourdfnls down him. "I think he's got all he can hold for the present, sir," said Alf, turning and gravely saluting Si. "It's beginning to run out of his ears." ' "Very good," said Si, as gravely, return- ing the salute. "Take him and th^ other seven over to those trees, where they wero going to hang us, and tie each of them to a tr(>e. (Jot those hickories ready, Corporal Elliott?" "Yfs, sir," said Shorty, saluting, and showing eight substantial hickory withes, which he had in the meanwhile cut from the neighboring second growth. "Very good," said Si. "Now, whipping ruch trash as that is too dirty work for Y'ankce soldiers and gentlemen. You will select eight able-bodied negroes from this crowd, and let them do it. Let them give 40 stripes, save one, as the Bible directs. You will superintend the job, and see that they are well laid on." Shorty selected a bow-legged, squatty negro, with thick lips and a hat nose, but strong arms, to devote liimself to Tite BroAvn. The loafers yelled with pain as each blow descended, and the negro wotnen shouted Avith excitement, sang snatches of hymns and prayed. "JNlore desarved punishment I never knowed," commented the Elder, who now felt comfortably certain that this would exhaust the vengeance of the Yankees, and leave him unmolested and free. Hit's a righteous judgment on them scalawags, every one o' which has bin itchin' fer jest sich a skinnin' all their lives. They haint got hit a minnit too soon, or a lick too many. More OAvdacious vagabonds never drawedthe breath of a Avorthless life." While this Avas going on Si moved around, getting ready to start. He found eight good horses in the lot, Avhich he put in charge of Pete, Sandy, Alf and Gid, Avith iusl ructions to start off down the road Avith them. He Avanted Pete to take one of the horses for himself, but Pete Avould not give up Abednego, the mule, for any horse. As the whippers came from their task they v>eie mounted on some of the horses, and Uncle Ephraim Avas directed to loUow, and, conducted by Monty and Harry, dis- appeared behind the curtain of bushes at the bend of the road, leaving Si and Shorty alone Avith the croAvd, leaning on their muskets, in front of the heavy curtain of bushes. "Elder HornhloAver," said Si, gravely, "Ave've noAv tended to the lesser villains, and it comes your turn." "Don't call me a villain, young man," said the Elder, hotly. "I'm a mister o' the Gospel, an' a Magistrate under the laAA's o' Georgy. You haint got nolhin' t' do Avitli me. I'm a peaceable citizen, an' never had uothin' t' do Avith the army. Hit's ag'in the law t' molest me in any way." "Just noAv we're engaged in making neAV laAA's, Elder," said Si, Avith an air of pa- tient explanation, "which same will apply to your case." "But I Avasu't gwine t' hang you," ex- postulated the Elder. ."Hit was them fel- lers that you've done licked." "Elder Hornblower," continued Si, with the same patient air, and repeating as well as he could remember the turgid fulness of the sonorous old indictments under the criminal laAv of Indiana, "you have, being instigated by the devil, and not having the fear of God before your eyes, been for years wickedly, maliciously, and Avith malice prepense and aforethought, rampag- ing up and down the country, preaching treason, sedition, murder, arson, and other things against the peace and dignity of the United States of America, and the statutes in those cases made and provided. ON THE MAECH TO THE SI-as laid on the bed, and Aunt Minerva Ann was called in to help make him comfortable, and ]irepare for him and his companion the food which the boys gave from their own haversacks. Si and Shorty returned to the bridge, to consider the situation and decide what to do. "Dumb the luck," said Si, looking at the steep, rugged banks, lined with rocky cliffs and the deep, swift current; "we could manage to get over, if we wuz afoot and alone, but we can never get those bosses and women and wagons over in the world. I misdoubt if many o' them ne- groes can get acrost." "Well, there's no use discussing any- thing but taking the niggers along," an- swered Shorty. "The bosses may go to blazes, for all I care, but we've got to look out for these people. I'll meander down here to the left, and you go up to the right, and see if there aint a chance to get acrost." "Pete, get on that blamed ghost o' yours." commanded Si," and ride up there to that spur, and see how it looks for a crossing. Be back here in live minutes." Thoy all returned from their explora- tions, with discouraging reports. The banks were even Avorse farther up and down. "AVe'll have to build a bridge, I'm afraid." said Si. looking at some tall trees standing near the bank, and studying the facilities for approach. "Sandy, you and Harry go up to that house, and get all the axes you can find and bring 'em here." Aunt Minerva Ann came bustling down from the house, her broad face full "of rage and anxiety. "Say, Serg't Klegg, yon orter come right up inter de house an' kill dat ole lop-sided Sheriff Bardsley done daid, right otf — not leave him live a bressed miunit. Why didn't yon shoot him daid when you had de chanst?"' "Why, Aunt Minerva Arm, what's the n?atter'r asked Si. "Why," spluttered the negress, "jes 's soon's yer back wuz turned, arter doin' all yon could fer him, he done called'INIisa Barnstabh^'s little boy, an' done sent him off on deir best boss on de gallop, to Cap'a Stonebroose, who has de critter company, t' come hyah tor wuns^ wid his company, fer he done had eight Yankees an' a lot o' Mas'r Ben Small's niggers an' bosses an' sich, hyah, all bagged, an' dat he could take de'ra in, but he mus' come on de jump. T'iuk ob dat arter all you've done fer him, an' sabin' bis no-account life. I done iioarn hit all froo de doo', as I wuz bilin' de coffee, which I wish't would pizen him. I come away jes' as soon's I conld t' tell yo'. He ortent t' be allowed t' lib a min- nit. I'll make Eph go up dar an' cut his froat. if you say so." "Not on your life. Aunty." said Si, earn- estly, in spite of the disturbance of his mind by her message. "I'ou must be just as kind to him as you have bin. Don't mistreat him in any way." • "The question before the house," re- marked Shorty, casting his eyes around the hoi'izon. "is how far off the aforesaid Capt. Stonebroose may be. how long it'll take that boy to reach him, and conse- quently how soon we may expect a call from him. I'm afraid that we'll not be allovced any time for bridge-building this afternoon." "I tell you what we'd better do," said Si, with troubled face; "we'll tell the dark- ies to take to the woods, and make their way to camp as best they can, while we're stnndin' off Stone .Tug, or whatever his rebel name may be." " Sense mo, Serg't Klegg," said Uncle Ephraim, coming up, pulling off his mas- ter's silk hat, touching his foretop, and scraping his foot on the ground, after the approved slave fashion: " 'scuse ,me, Mas'r • — ^I mean Corpril Elliot — but did I onder- stand dat you gemmen wanted t' go t' Peachstone Shoals?" "That's where we were striking for. Uncle," said Si, "before this bridge-burn- ing stopped us. Now. I was just coming back there to tell you to scatter your- selves through the woods, and" " 'Sense me. agin, Mas'i- — I mean Serg't Klegg." said Uncle Ephraim, again touch- ing his forcto]") still more deferentially, and scraping the ground with his foot. ".Tes' le' me talk a miunit now. What I done started t' tell you gemmen afore, when we branched off on t' de subjick ob mas'rs, wuz dat if we all wuz a-gwine t' Peachstone Shoals, dat we'd sabe a hull lot ob trabbel by turnin' off right hyah, an' a-cuttin' froo de woods behine dat big rock dar. Peachstone Shoals is right ober dar, not moro'n two sees an' a good holler, an' by goin' dat-a-way we kin make hit afore sundown." 102^ SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. "Sure of that. Uncle?" asked Si, with lifting heart, but scanniug the horizon doubtfully. "Shore as ver bawn, chile — I mean, Mas'r— I mean Serg't Klegg," answered Uncle Ephraim, with another dab at his foretop, and scrape with his toes. •"He's all right," said Shorty, confident- ly. '"Trust a nigger and a woodchuck for the shortest way home. Foxes and rabbits go the longest way around, but a nigger can smell home, like a hoss, and cut across straight for it." •'Uncle Ephraim, take that road with your people as the Lord'll let you," said Si, impressively. "And don't you stop un- til you reach our pickets. Capt. Stonejug, or something like that, with his cavalry com- pany, is after us, and you." "Cap'n Stonebroose," echoed the other negroes, with dismay. "Yes; Capt. Stonebroose. Me and my men are going to stay behind and fight him off, while the rest of you are getting away. Kow, hurry off, and go as fast as you can." " 'Nervy Ann," called out Uncle Eph- raim, walking over to where the Sheriff's gun had been left lying, "git up in dat wagon, an' take dem lines, an' lead de per- cession. I'm gwine t' stay hyah wid de soljer gemmen. Whar dat catridge-box? Ole Stallins take hit wid him?" "Good man. Eph." shouted Aunt Miner- va Ann. "I'll git hit fer you." She ran back to the porch, picked, up the Sheriff's cartridge-box, and as she flung it to Eph on her way to the wagon she admonished him: "Stan' up like a man, now. If you run a step afore de Serg't Klegg done tell you, I nebber lib wid you agin so long's you done got ha'r on yer haid." She climbed upon the wagon-seat, gath- ered up the reins, and sat looking expect- autly„ "Go on. Aunt ISIinerva Ann," said Si. "What are you waiting for?" "I wanted t' see you all kill dat Sheriff afore I started," she explained. "Go on. Hurry off," said Si. "I'm not going to kill the Sheriff. Drive off, and go fast." "Denn you's gwine t' make Eph do hit, same's lickin' dat pore white trash. Eph, don't git wobbly, now, an' miss. Hold yer gun tight." "No. Eph's not going to do it. We're not going to kill the Sheriff, or hurt him at all, 1 tell you," said Si, impatiently. "Drive off at once, and get out of the way. The rebels may be here at any minute!" "Dem Yankees is suttinly cur'us," Aunt Minerva Ann communicated to another sa- ble matron, who had taken the .seat beside her. "Lick de hides offen some ob de whites what wasn't doin' nuffin' t' dem. an' den pet an' coddle anudder what shot at dem, an' tried t' hab em all cotched an' killed. Yankees 's lots cu'user'n our folks." After seeing that the negroes had fairlv started, and deploying the boys to watch for Capt. Stonebroose, Si and Shorty went up to bid gooy-by to the Sheriff. "Are you all comfortable, Sheriff? Any- thing more that we can do for you':'" a.sked Si. "Thanks, gentlemen," he answered, "yo'uus's very kind, but I require nothin' more. I'm as comfortable as possible, an' expect some friends, who I think will in- terest yo'uns. even if they dou't make yo'nns comfortable." "Yes," said Shorty, not to be outdone by the Sheriff's geniality, "we understand that you sent for Capt. Stoneshoes, or something like that, to entertain us. We're on the look-out for him, and will try to keep the flies off him, when he comes." "It was my duty t' send for him, sir, an* I done hit," said the Sheriff, stiffening up. "That's all right. Sheriff," said Shorty, cordially. "As we didn't put you on pa- role you had the right. A little thing like that shan't interfere with our friendship for you. How many men is your friend, Capt. Stone Jevv's, likely to have with him ?" "That, sir." said the Sheriff, stifliy, "would be giving information t' the en- emy. I refuse t' tell you, sir. But T will say that he'll have enough to make hit hopeless fer yo'uns t' fout him — perfectly hopeless, sir." "It's clear you're not acquainted with the 200th Injianny Volunteers. Sheriff," said Si, pleasantly. "Your friend, the Captain, will have some very different ideas about a. sure thing, after he's mon- keyed with us for a few minutes. But we're not here to talk o' that, but to say good-by, thank you again, and leave you a little more coffee. We hope to see you after the war." A far-away shout came over the tree- tops. '"Thar's Cap'n Stonebroose now." said the Sheriff, hobbling out on the porch and sending up a ringing shout in reply. "Gen- tlemen. I like yo'uns, an' I advise yo'uns in a friendly way not t' put up a fout, fer hit '11 be useless. Cap'n Stonebroose" "Thank you. Sheriff," said Si, starting back to theboys, "but the 200th Injianny's in the habit o' deciding for itself about fightins: or not. Grab a root, boys, and don't fire till you see something to shoot at." In a minute the woods on the opposite side of the creek was full of yelling horse- men. "Hello," said Si. in amazement, "what in the world are they doing over there? Harry, do you see anybody coming down on this side?" "Nobody at all. sir,'' replied Harry, "and I can see a good piece." "Cap'n Stonebroose," shouted the Sher- iff, angrily. "What in the name o' sense air yon all doin' on that side o' the crick? I done sent you word t' come down on this side." "Well, haint I on this side o' the crick?'' shouted back the Captain. "You gourdheaded reserve," shouted the Sheriff, "you haint got no more sense than the rest o' ole Windsucker .Toe Brown's pets. Noue o' yo'uns know enough t' come ON THE MAKCH TO THE SEA. 103 in when hit rains. I done tolo you t' come doAYU on this aide o' the crick." "Stop callin' me an' the Governor o' Georgy names, you imporeut jail-lcecpcn-, you," shouted the Captain. "You hauit talkin' t' scalawags in jail now, you l)ig- gity ollice-holder. You wuz on this side o' this crick this mornin' when you done talked t' me 'bout comin' t' you. How wuz I t' know you'd done went acrostV "What'd you burn that bridge for? The boy you sent said come dnwn on this si^;le o' tlie crick, 1 (cU you. AVIiar air them Yankees an' niggers,?" "The Yankees are right here. Captain, very much at ydur service," said Si. step- ping out from behind his tree. "Come right over. We're anxious for a closer acquaintance." He raised his gun and shot down_ the Captain's horse. The other boys fired, and there was a general jumping from horses on the other side and scrambling for cover. Uncle Ephraim, imitating every motion of those around him, had taken cover behind a log, and suceedod in lu-inging down a horse on the other side. Ue jumped up and shouted: "Glory t' God!" There was a lull as the boys reloaded, the Captain picked himself up, found shel- ter behind a tree, and his men anxiously sought cover liehind rocks and trees. "Yo'uns "s j(^s" "liout as much good over thar," shouted tlt(> Sheriff, "as yo'uns'd be in Guiney, but that's as much good as j'o'uns ever air, anywhar. Y'ou sueakin', coAvardly, stay-at-home, sorghum-cuttin', yam-diggin' Reserves. Yo'uns think more o' yer sorghum an' yer yaras than yo'uns do o' yer country, or bein' free men. I hope the Yanks'll conciuer yo'uns, an' make you dig yams an' cut sorghum all yer lives, and drive ole Joe Brown into the fields with you. Go homo t' him. D yo'uns. Him an' the hull passel o' yo'uns aint wuth the salt that'll keep yo'uns from rottiu'. Go homo, I tell yo'uns." "I'm a-gwine t' report them words straight t' Gov. Brown," shouted the Cap- tain back. "He'll natcherally break yer stuck-up neck tor talkin' thal-a-way about .\er belters. You can't lay tiie blame on we'uns. Hit's all yer own fault. We'uns 's hyah ready t' do our duty, an" — ■■ — "Gentlemen," said Shorty, stepping out from behind his tree, "this serious disa- grceinent between friends is very painful to witness. We very much wish that we could smoothe this trouble over, and bring you together, which we can't do without throwing the Sheriff acrost the crick. Much as we would like to, we haint time to stay with you any longer. We have a pressing engagement to supper this even- ing Avith Gen. Sherman, and must hurry off to keep it. Take that, Capt. Stone Blues, you old string-halted guerrilla, aa my blessing and good-by." He suddenly raised his gun from an "order" and fired at the Captain's head, which had been stuck out from behind the tree to listen to the extraordinary exor- dium. The bullet knocked the bark off the tree, and filled the Captain's face with splinters and dust. "Good-by, gentlemen of the Reserves," said Si, motioning to the boys to start off. "Go back- to your sorghum fields, and your yam-patches, keep out of the way of the Y^ankees, and pray God every day to make you loyal men. Good-by, Sheriff. Y^or.r intentions were good, but for sense an In- jianny ox can give a Georgian a hundred yards start, and beat him every time." They mounted, and soon overtook Aunt Minerva Ann's caravan. "Did you kill anybody, Eph?" she asked eagerly. "Nuffin' but a boss," answered IJ-jcle Enhraim. "Too fur away. 'Praid I'd miss de man if I shot at him." "Why didn't you go up closeter?" she asked, disapprovingly. •iO ;ob f9^ tfi iM Iw lOi SI KLEGG AND SHORTXi ' CHAPTER XIX UNCLE EPHRAIM'S SKILL AS A WOODS PILOT— A CAMP OF REFUGEES— VIG- OROUS ASSERTION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS— A SAVORY MEAL— THE ORDERS AGAINST BRINGING NEGROES INTO CAMP. Skilled in woodcraft as Si and Shorty fhouirht themselves, they were no matches for Uncle Ephraim. Without hesitation he found fairly easy roads where they could only see cliffs, ragged gulches and impenetrable thickets. Aunt Minerva Ann was scarcely less road-wise. Turning her mules sharply to the left, she drove them into a clump of tall,, dry weeds and briers, and came to a gap, invisible before, in the cliffs, where a fallen rock, covered with earth and low brush, made a good road- way to the summit. It was barely wide enough for the passage of the wagon. It was narrow, but Aunt Minerva Ann did not need an inch more than was absolute- ly necessary for the width of the wheels. From the top of the hill she had viewed the encounter with Capt. Stonebroose, and then, Uncle Ephraim, mounted on one of the spare horses, ami clutching in his hand, as the most valuable possession he. had ever had, the Sheriff's Enfield ritle, came up and took the lead. "What'd I tell you about niggers and woodchucks, Si?" asked Shorty, gleefully, when, as the sun was beginning to set, they came out of the tangle of hills and hollows and woods, and again approached the level openings of the creek valley. "They don't really know the way the way we know things. They just smell it out something like a dog does his master's steps," "Whatever it is," answered Si, "I wish I could sense the lay of the ground as well as Uncle Ephraim. "As near as I can guess," he continued, looking backward, "we've about come our two 'sees,' and it mustn't be more'n a good long 'holler' yot to our camp." "Peachstone Shoals lays right ober dar, whar yo' done see dat dar tall yaller pine, wid a buzzard nest in do crotch." "I can sec the buzzard's nest plainly, but not the yaller pine." remarked Shorty. "And I see smoke beginning to rise. The boys must be going into camp over there." "My goodness gracious," remarked Aunt Minerva Ann, "what a heap of smoke, an' what a pile ob choppin'. Mus' be cl'arin' off a powerful sight ob new ground ober dar, (' raise sumfin." "Yes. Aunty," answered Shorty, "they're pelting ready to raise the Southern Con- federacy .right out of its boots, and hang Jeff' Davis on a sour-apple tree." "Haug Jeff Davis on a sour-apple tree," murmured Aunt Minerva Ann to the woman sitting beside her. "My, ain't dat a awful langwidge fer t' use? Se'ms much wuss'n cussin'." "Say, Shorty," said Si. "the pickets can't be far away. Let's ride forward and find them. Boys, close up the column and keen, it well together, a little ways be- hind." They rode down the hill along a faint trail through the deep, dark woods of the bottoms, which were as lonely and far away as only such woods can seom. The sound of the chopping faded away as they descended from the crest, and soon a pro- found, oppressive silence reigned. Had it not been for the faded markings of the trail they might have thought themselves in some forgotten wilderness, where the foot of man had never trodden. Si gave a sharp command to the boys to look to their guns, keep well closed up and be in readiness for anything that might turn up. Oppressed by the silence and the somber shadow, Aunt INlinerva Ann began croon- ing a hymn, and was joined by the ot^^ev emotional negresses, until stopped by oi's stern commaiid for silence. Then went ahead cautiously for a half mile, when their quick senses detected the smell of burning wood upon the cool, crisp air. "We're nearing the pickets," said Si. "I smell a fire." "So do I," answered Shorty, "and I smell meat frying and bread bakiuf:." "That's so," answered Si, "but thaS means the i-eserve. Where are the videts? Can we have slipped past them?" "Don't seem likely," said Shorty, as they both halted instinctively, and looked about for the outlying pickets. "Say. Si, do you notice there's no smell of coffee with that meat? And that's cornbread they're baking." "That's so," answered Si, after taking a full sniff. "Rebels around that fire, sure. Mebbe a nest of guerrillas or re- serves." lie raised his hand to halt the column behind and jumped from his horse. The boys sto))iipd the negroes, whispered an order to them to heep perfectly still, and formed np in front, while Si and Shorty, with cocked guns, slipped forward noise- lessly over the dBoa^ tiwf to see what was in £ioQt> ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 105 'They presently heard voices coii- vere llDll '•Bi:shwhaekers. plnnnins a raid on onr rear," he whisjiercd to Shoity, and they both shook tlieir fists at the l>oys beluntl. as an i)ijnni-tion for the most absolute silence. •■W(''ll linst them wide open." -Vs llioy vrviA toiviard they heard one screechy voice I'ins ont above the rest in anury veJionicnce: "1 iliiiie ii'll \o'. I'll die right iu my trai'ks al'Mi-c I'll .cive np my rights ter take my slaves inter the. Territories" "But yo' hain't .got no ^-.lavcs. Wash ITartshorn; an' you never had: an' hit be- gins ter look as if nobody'd have jmrly soon; an" as for them I'en itoi ics, tln-y'rc lost ter M-e'nns already.'' said auothtr d(MM)cr, calmer voice. '■^^"h(•^lier I li:T\c any niggers or nrt don't make no diffiM-ence with mv rights," answ.oed JIartshurn's shrill voice. ""I've done got the right ter t:rke thorn thar. whi^tluM- I have 'cm or imt. and I'll die afore I'll give hit up. An' I don't think hit's nice in yon, 'Mr. Ben Small, ter tant me with my poverty. I've got jes' as many niggers now as yon had afore you mari'ied ••)le Chinnel "\\''h)t(\si(lcs" only da'ter hyah, an' inherited his big jilanta- lion. And as fer the Territories. lh(\v're Constitutionally ours, an" I won't give up our Constitutional riglit ter secede, an' 'stablish a free an' independent Govern- ment, an' " • "But if we secede and form an indepen- dent Government of our own," answered Ben Small's deeper voice, argumentativc- ly, "we hain't no Constitutional rights, and nothin' ter do with their Constitution. "We'uns 've done got a Constitution of our own." "That's .ies' like you Old Line Whigs." screeched Ilartsliom; "yo'uns wuz al- ways tryin' ter 'reason,' as yo'uns called hit,' onten anything we'uns had onr hearts sot on. Yo'uns never could be depended on fer ary real Southern prinsepul, 'eept ter hold out ter yer nig.gers, an' work every cent on ten 'em you could git. But I've allers bin ready ter font ter the last ditch an' die in hit fer any Southern iH-inserpnl." "Seems like we've struck a rebel [loliti- cal meeting," whispered Si; "somebody's running for Congress." "Sounds like talk we used to hear about 100 years ago — somewhere in Kentucky — long before Stone River, even," answered Shorty, with an effort to remember the dim and misty past. Holding his cocked gun in instant readi- ness, Si slipped silently forward to the cover of the trunk of a large live oak, from which he could see the speakers. He gave a glance, and beckoned Shorty to come up. They both looked, and then, with a wave of their haiuls. which tele- graphed to the shari^-sightcd .\-ouugsters ihat there was nothing to fcai-. motioned to the boys to come on. Exp.erience soon teaches soldiers to sec a great dial more in a mere wave of the hand than civilians can lead. W hat Si and Shorty saw was a camp of citizen "refugees" hiding out in the deep woods from Sherman. The one whom the partners placed as Yiv. Benjamin Small — a large, portly, !.■' M(l-MM,king uuin, with toucl;:':-; of gray iu h s hair and whiskers, and whose face In- dira icd that he had not let anything iu life s(i far worry him seriously — was seat- ed iu a large hickory-bottomed mcking chair, with a cob pipe in his mwulh. and h'lhling an umbrella over his liead, to shield him from the night dews, aiul ruck- ed and smoked leisurely, while arguing A'.iih ".Vashington Hartshorn, and suia'rin- teiiding a couple of negro men, who were lix.ng nil a shelter for the iji:.;li;. Near him, i:i anuther rocking chaii'. also smok- iirg and holding an umbrella uver her head, sat his wife, a spare, liaid-featured Wduian, who devotetl most of her atten- tion til directing two "likely" uegi'esses, with haiulaua tnrl)ai;s, who wei-e conking supper. «)pposite him, in an unc(nntorta- ble. split-bottomed chair, sal .Mi', ^s■ash- ington Ilart.>horn, who was of lh(> hiekory- lawyer and cross-roads-politician type, who whittled a stick and chewed plug tol)acca and expectorated tremendously. Near him, on another hickory chair, sat his Avife, a thin, sallow, peevish-looking Asomau, with few teeth, and a sni'IT-goni-d and stick, which she used industriously. From the conversation and the attitude of all it developed that Mr. Small, who had been with his wife at his other plantation, luid become alarmed at the advance of cho army, and started out provided to go into hiding for a day or two. until the ariny had passed, and had unwillingly picked up Hartshorn and his wife, who did not move in the same social circle with them. This Avas (juite clear to anyone who luolied f)n the group. Wash Hartshorn felt his so- cial inferiority, but tried to make up for it by continual assertive reminders ro .Mr, Small that he was quite as good as he was, if not much better in some respects, iu spite of the latter's wealth and negroes, ilrs. Hartshorn felt it still more keenly, but she did not have her husband's re- sources. She could only reply to Mrs. Small's depreciatory glances and words with others meant to express righteous condemiiation of the wicked arrogance of "rich folks," and meanwhile sought con- solation in her snuff-stick. Mr. Small had brought away from his farm a wagon, in which he had had load- ed some beddin.g, the chairs and the cook- ing utensils and food. He had proposed that he and his wife should have a com- fortable bed in the wagon, under the low- growing branches of a beech, while the negroes slept around the fire. What to do with Mr. and INIrs. Hartshorn was a prob- leur. They resolutely refused to put them- selves "on an equality with the niggers," by sleeping around the tire, not even if 103 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. they were given a separate fire. Mr. and Mrs. Small as strenuously objected to put- tins; themselves on an equality with them, by ^sharing their sleeping accommodations in the wagons. When Si arrived on the scene Hart- shorn was trying to force an admission from Small to equality, and a share in the wagon-bed by an appeal to general politi- cal principles and an assertion of his vsu- perior devotion to Southern Rights. Small might have possibly waived the point if he and Hartshorn had been alone involved, but Mrs. Small was adamant against the slightest descent toward Mrs. Hartshorn's level. "I done tell yo'," said Hartshorn, wav- ing his knife aiid his stick in the air, and firing a great volley of tobacco-juice with precision at a neighboring toadstool, '"I'm so strong in my ijees that I wouldn't leave nary Yankee alive. They'uns orter t' be killed jes' as fast as our men kin git at they'uns." "Of co'se they'uns orter t' be killed," acceded Mr. Small. "I've allers held that." "What's the sense, I'd like t' know," snapped jNIrs. Small, "of wc'uns a-keepin' that whole passel o' they'uns down thar at Andersonville, feedin' 'em victuals that we'uns've t' raise, an' which had orter be sent t' the soldiers in the field? Why didn't they jes' shoot 'em down when they kotched 'era, an' be done with 'era?" "Suttingly," echoed Mr. Harlshorn, de- lighted to be in accord with Mrs. Small. "That was my ijee, 'zackly. I" "Kind, Christian folks," whispered Si to Shorty. The discussion was interrupted by or- ders given to the negroes as to the prep- arations for the night and for supper. At the first opportunity Hartshorn renewed it with the assertion: "I tell you, no man on airth has bin truer ter Southern prinsepuls nur me. I've fit fer them all my life, an' I'll font fer 'em as long as I live, an' ter the las' drap o' my blood." "Fer a foutin' man ypu'd done managed monty well in dodging the conscript of- ficers," sneered Mrs. Small, t "I done went inter the army quite as fast an' quite as fur as yer husband done went. Miss' SmalL" said Hartshorn, v.-ith a leer of triumph'at his shot. "My cabin mus' be a mile or two neareder Atlanty than his house, or rather you'rn, for hit was your'n, and not his'n." "My husband jes' plum couldn't go ter the war, on 'count of a bealin' in his year, mem," Mrs. Hartshorn put in spiritedly. **He jes' wanted ter go moutily, all the time, mem. But I jes' knowed he couldn't, an' kep' him at home. Thar wuz nothin' at all the matter with yer husband, mem. He could've went, if he'd 'a' wanted ter." "The law obleoged my husband ter stay at homr>, .an' lake keer of his niggers. Wash Hartshorn," answered ^^ll■s. Small, contemptuously ignoring the wife. "You don't know much o' law, but at least you know that much. An' you know, if you know anything vallerble, which I much misdoubt, hit was even more needful fer them what had niggers t' stay with 'em an' keep 'em at work raisin" pervisions fer the army than hit wuz ter font. Common folks, who hadn't nothin' ielse, could font. That's all they kin do t' pay up fer livin' an' cumbrin' the airth. We'uns have t' take keer o' they'uns all the time, same's M-e'uns do our niggers, an' why shouldn't they'uns go an' tout fer we'uns?" "Yes'm, I know all about yer 20-nigger law, an' a heap more law besides, that's bin made to grind the faces o' the pore," answered Hartshorn, lashed into anger by the woman's superciliousness, "an' when the war's ever, an' the pore men git back, thar'U be a settlement with you paw-paw quality that yo'uns won't like at all, I warn you. Inheritin' or mebbe stealin' a nigger or two can't allers make some folks Pharaohs, t' trod down an' run over folks what hain't got none. I tell" "You darst talk that-a-way t' me, right afore my face. Wash Hartshorn, you pore, contemptible wind-sucker," shouted Mrs. Small, rising from her seat in a rage. "You jes' git up an' mosey right outen hyah, an' take that snufi'-dippin', clay-eat- in' wife o' your'n with you. Cl'ar out, I done" "Come, come, Sally," interposed her peace-loving lord. "Don't git yer dander up that-a-way. Ain't no occasion fer hit. Wash Hartshorn likes t' hear hisself talk. He'd talk the years offen a cast-iron pot, an' when he's through hit don' 'mount t' as much as last year's pig-weed. But he hain't half as bad as his tongue. I'm mouty hongry, an' supper's ready. Le's all set up an' eat. After supper we'll ail be in a better humor." The temptation of a vei-y much better meal than they Arero in the habit of having made Mrs. Small's scorn endurable by the Hartshorns. They were hardened to that sort of thing. The poor white in the South was always a parasite on those who were a little better off, and though he might at times snarl and snap, he rather expected contumely and always came back for more. It was the usual thing on both sides. There was a certain formal asser- tion of position in the Avay the v.'ell-to-do tolerated their inferiors, and the inferiors accepted this as a recognized part of the general game. Si and Shorty had listened to the row with interest. It was an insight into the relations of the different strata of South- ern people to one another. The social at- mosphere was wholly different from that in Indiana. The degradation, the ignor- ance, the pretentious self-assertion, min- gled at the same breath with abject servil- ity were as astonishing on one side, as the haughty disdain, mingled with easy toler- ance, was on the other. Deacon Klogg may have despised some cheap, noisy, cross- roads demagog from the backwoods of ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 107 Po5ey County, but he would hare either treated him ( ivilly as a man and an equal, orelsG i.ii'norod him alln^cthi'i-. But the .si^iil ai,\\ mustn't call President Lincoln mimes v.hih' Lm around, or I'll whale the life out o' you." "Me too," echoed Sandy, with his mouth full. ]\Ir. Small gave a look at the blue uni- forms, slmvcd his chair back from the talile, piilieil lip ilis umbrella and pipe, and ;ic((>;:teil the situation in silence. Is'ot so Mrs. Si'.iall. Her dumbfound- ment lasted scarcely a minute, and then the ton-ents ni' her rage broke out. It was the fust time she had over really seen a Yankee solilier, and had an opportunity to tell him face to fsce all the hateful things she had been thinking during the four years of war. She poured forth a stream "of bitter invective, at which Si and Shorty, intent upon their bacon and col- lards and corn-bread, merely grinned greasy grins from countenances smeared with the unctuous mess. She snatched up a long wooden spoon from the bread-l>owl, and struck at the side of Si"s head. Si brushed a wad of corn-dough from his ear, and went on grinning and eating. She struck Shorty over the shoulder, and Shorty merely dodged out of her way, and grinned. She broke the spoon over Harry's head, but Harry grinned, and went on to the collard- pot, to see if there was any more. She started, threw down the piece of the siioon, and picked up a stick, with which she started for Pete, but Pete, as well as Sandy and Monty, proved entirely too nimble for her, and interposed trees be- tween them and her wrath. Uncle Ephraim, Aunt Minerva Ann, and the rest arrived upon the scene, and were struck with consternation. "Per de Lawd's sake," gasped Uncle Ephraim, " 'Nervy, dar's Mas'r Ben Small, an Miss' Sally." Shame-faced, he grabbed off his master's silk hat, and Ijid it behind his back. "She's y're born, chile, hit's dem,'* echoed Aunt Minerva, hastily reducing the Sunday bonnet and the parasol to less conspicuousness. Mr. Ben Small looked up and around, and recognizing his former chattels, asked an.grily: j "Ep, you black rascal, what are you doin' hyah? Who gave you leave to leave the placeV Whar air you gwine?" Uncle Ephraim, dazed by the presence of his owner, too new yet in his freedom to boldly assert himself, stood in the old slave attitude, dabbing at his foretop, and scraping the ground with his foot, unable to reply. Aunt INIinerva Ann boldly rose to the emergency. "Wc'-s come ofE de place, Mas — Mistah Small, 'kase w,e don't belong dai- any more. We'uns don't belong t' you no more. We'uns is free, an' belong t' Fad- 108 EI KLEGG AND SHORTY. der Abraham, an' glory t' God, -wo'ims 's gwine right v.-id him." "What's that, you black hnE.«;y?" shout- ed Mr. Bon Small, for once allowing him- self to become greatly excited, and picking up a hickory withe, he started for her. *'Go back to the place at. once, and take tMpm "That greasy wench a colored lady!" screamed Mrs. Small, raising her whip and starting for Aunt Minerva Ann. '"She free, an' gwine off with thci Yankees? I'll .-•-kin the black trollop alive this min- ute." Aunt Minerva Ann quailed more before 'HOLD ON, MR. SMALL," SAID SI, PUTTING HIS GUN IN FEONT OF HIM. n these people with you, afore I whip every V inch o' hide offen yer black carcass." '' Aunt ^Minerva Ann's lips trembled, but ^' she confronted him with steady eyes, and p made no move to avoid his uplifted whip. -' \lnc\p Epln-aini fuinhlod his gun nervously. S "Hold on, Mr. Small," said Si, putting r ,his gun-barrel in front of Small, and T pressing him hack toward his chair. "Go » back and sit down, and keep quiet. This colored lady is a friend of mine, and you'll have to treat her with the greati-st respert. or I'll not like it." "And I shall be positively vexed." added Shorty, catching Mr. Small by the collar, ■!- and pulling him back to bis chair. her mislress than she had before her mas- ter; but little Pete could not stand the coarse epithets applied to his sable friend and the thi-eat of violence to her. He had just burst open a lar,ge, fleshy, roasted yam, ;ind in his anger he flung it straight into ]Mrs. Small's face, coverin.g her au- ger-distorted features with a poultice of the hot, mushy inside. "Pete, what did you do that for?" asked Si, severely. "You must never strike a Avoninn on any account." "Well, she shan't liit Aunt jNIinerva Ann." yelled Pete. "I'll throw the whole kitchen at her ii abe lifts het hand to her agaia," ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. t09 Aun.t Minerva Ann deliberately restored the bonuet to her head, and hoisted tho parasol. Uncle Ephraim regained courage to put on his hat again. '•.Halt, who comes there?" sharply chal- lenged Shorty, springing out into the road, at the sound of marching footsteps. "Who are you, yourself?" came back, ■with the sound of clicking gun-locks. '"An- swer at once." "Squad of the 200th In.iianny," prompt- ly answered Si, striding out beside Shorty and leveling his gun. "Hooray for the Union! Who are you?" "Picket detail, First Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Corps. Advance one and be recognized." Si walked forward and was confronted by the Captain who was taking out his company to establish a picket line. He ■was accompanied li,y an officer of the bri- gade stalf, to direct the location of the line, and report back to headquarters in regard to it. "All right," said the Captain, aft^r Si had finished his story. "Bring your men right in. You'll iind the camp of the 200th Ind. just over the hill ihoro a little w^ays and to tho loft of the road. But you'll have to leave tho negroes outside." "I'll do nothing of the kind," said Si, determinedly. "The darkies have got to come right along with us. They helped us, and we've going to stand by them." ■ "You' can't bring them in. all the same," answered the Captain. "You pass on in, and leave them out here. They'll take care of themselves all right." "But, Captain," pleaded Si, "these are darkies who fed us when M^e were escap- ing from Andersonville and kept us from f;tarving. We're not going to desert them now, on an.v account." "I don't blame you," answered the Cap- tain, sympathizing at once with Si; "but the orders are strict. I don't know but" — - "Well, you can't bring 'em in," said the Aid, decidedly. "That's the cud of it. Y'ou take your men on to your regi- ment at once, and leave the niggers out- side. We can't have them in here eating up our rations and constantly in the way of every movement." "But I tell you. Lieutenant, there are special reasons for bringing these darkies in. They're" "O, there's always special reasons," broke in the Aid. "Everybody has some reason for bringing in his particular nig- ger, and if we allowed them the camp would soon be swarming with niggers. 1 order you to leave tliem outside, and go on at "once with your men to join your regiment." "You can't order me," said Si, firmly. *'You're only a staff officer. I don't take orders from nobody but Col. McGillicud- dy and the oflicers of my regiment." Then turning he said: "Harry, mount your , horse, and ride over there and find Col. McGillicuddy and tell him the_ trouble." "Make yourselves comfortable right here, boys," said the Captain of the pick- ets, kindly, "with your contrabands. AYe'll have a tire started here for the reserve and throw the pickets out farther." "Say, Cap," said Si, "there's a . camp o' refugees — the owners o' these nig'gers — down there a little ways. Keep 'em out- side your line." "Owners of the niggers, eh?" answered the Captain. "Well, I'll see that they're not lot in. JMake yourselves comfortable hi ro with me and the reserve. Lieut. ?dal!on, take 50 men, advance about 200 yai'dy, and deploy thom to tho right, until yr.t there push them back to a good distance in front of your line." Apparent]" Ilarr.y did not have to gO very far. for the Adjutant .>f the 2n0th Ind., soon rode up, and, with a cheery "Good evening, Caiitain; how are you, Seig't Klegg," remarked, officially: Captain, Col. _Al((;illiouddy presents his compHmonts, and dii-erts that you admit Sorg't Klegg and v^hoever he may have with him." "Very good, sir," said the Captain, sa- luting. "Come along, Sergeant, with your con- trabands,'' baid tho Adjutant, "and tell me Mhat you've been up to today." "I shall ropoit this to the General," said the Aid. si'vrroiy, as he galloped off toward Brigado IloailrpiartiH's. Si was showing his train to Col. McGiv- licuddy, and telling his stor.y. when the Aid trotted up, iuid, dismounting, stitUy saluted, and said in severe, oflicial tones: "Col. McGilHouddy, the General prf>- sents his compliments, and desires to know if you .are awarr- of tho ordf>i-s against the admission of negroes to our camp, while on- the march?" "Return to the General, sir," said Col. McGillicuddy, with equal formality, "with my compliments, and inform him that I am fully aware of those orders, and take the entire responsibilit.y of my action." In a few minutes, and while Si still stood talking to the Colonel, the General himself apepared, wearing a stern look OQ his face. "Good evening. Col. McGilicuddy," be said coldly. "You have a very pleasant camp here. But what are all these ne- groos doing here?" "General," answered the Colonel, "when Serg't Ivlogg, Jiore. and some more of my men, woro esoaifing from Andersonville last Sunnnor. and almost starving, these nogrops hid themselves and fed them. The negroes wore terribly whipped for so do- ing. With my permission., Serg't Klegg took his sonad out today.' found them, and has brought them in. And their master is jr.st or.tsido of the lines now. If he should get hold of, them I don't know \^hat would lianpon to the poor, faithful creatures. With all respect to you. Gen- eral, I'll say that as long as I have con- trol of my own camp they shall stay in." "They hid and fed your men, Colonel? 119 m KLEGG AND SHOETT; These same ne£rrr>es? You're snre they're the same?" said the General, warmly, for- getting for the minute his official formal- ity. "Well, I declare. Master just outside the line wanting to get them back?"' Then he recollected himself, and became veiT military again. "Lieutenant," he ordered the Aid, "ride at once to the Officer of the Pickets, and direct him to take unusual care that no citizens enter the lines under' any pretext whatever — under any pretext whatever, sir. Col. McGillicuddy?" "Yes, sir," said tl^e Colonel, saluting. "I again call your attention to the or- ders against the admission of negroes to your camp; but I will add, d — n a man who won't stick up for his friends. Good evening, Colonel." CHAPTER XX. WITH THE FREEDMEN IN CAMP— THE COLORED PEOPLE'S FIRST EXPERI- ENCE WITH COFFEE— AUNT MINERVA ANN'S TALENTS AS A SONG- STRESS—THE ENGINEER'S CAPTURE OF THE TRAIN— A SURPRISE FOR SI AND SHORTY. ' ■"Sergeant, take your co'.ored friends over there by the creek and make them comfortable," said Col. McGillicuddy. "Don't be at all worried about them. I'll stand off Gen. Sherman himself, if he should come around after them." "Thankee kindly. Colonel," said Si, gratefully, and formally saluting. "Much obliged. Colonel," added Shorty, as he also saluted. "Call on us at sight, any time, for anything you want done. The tougher the job the better." The partners hurried their contraband friends off to the place the Colonel had in- dicated, and soon had them happy aroimd a big, blazing fire, at which the food they had brought with them was cooking. The boys of the company contributed a supply of hardtack, which the negroes received as the most marvelous and delicate viand. It was the first "Yankee bread" any of them had ever seen, and they had had but few bites of wheat bread in all their lives, so that it was a double luxury. Better than all. they were given enough coffee to make a large camp kettle full, and this, more than aught else, convinced the negroes that they had really entered the Promised Land. Coffee had always been the one un- attainable luxury of the "house," where their master and mistress lived. The mas- ter and mistress and their guests had it in limited quantity, carefully doled out from locked drawers, and the best the favored house servants got was the privilege of boiling over the grounds. The poor whites never had any coffee, except by rare lucl:, and they, as well as the negroe.s, looked upon a cup of coffee as a cherished pre- rogative of the wealthier whites. Coffee was the badge of aristocracy — of social station — and valued accordingly. Therefore, when TTncle Ephraim and 'Aunt Minerva Ann found themselves lord and lady of a great big camp-kettle full of unmistakably genuine coffee, whose fra- gi'ant fumes diffused themselves like the savor of a good deed, it seemed that life had little more to offer them. The proprietary airs they gave them- selves in dispensing the precious beverage to their companions were comical. In their low opinion of these, they feared that they did not properly appreciate this bounty of Heaven and Father Abraham. "Now, yo' niggers," said Uncle Ephraim severely, as Aunt Minerva Ann prepared to dip out the coffee and distribute it to each, "yo' mus'u't ack like pigs at a trough. Yo"s now free, an' 'longs t' Fad- der Abraham an' Serg't Klegg, an' mus' ack like ladies an' gemmen. Wait yo' turns, don't jostle one anudder; don't spill an' waste none' don't gulp hit down lack hogs in a pufikin' field tryin' t' gobble up ebberythin' afore de rest kin git a bite, but drink hit slowly an' reverently in de fear an' admition of de Lawd an' Fadder Abra- ham." "An' yo' wenches," added Aunt Minerva Ann, trying to remember all the disparag- ing things she had heard against the use of coffee, "recolleck dat too much coffee spiles de complexion, blackens de skin, rots de teef, mnkes yo' lay wake ob nights, an' gibs yo' palpertation ob de heart. Be mouty keerful how much yo' drink." "Ladirs fus', now," said Uncle Ephraim, as Aunt Minerva Ann prepared to dish out the steaming beverage. "No scrougin' now. Let de oldes' come fust." "Well, I'm de grayes' rat in de hole, when hit comes t' age," said Aunt Betsy, coming forward with the biggest gourd she could find. "Fill hit un, 'Nervy. Don' min' my complexion. Charcoal make a white mark on me, now. An' as fer my teef, dey's jes' done got t' stan' hit di3 THE MARCH TO THE SEA. Ill time, as doy's donp had t' stau' n^aiiy ud- der t'iiijrs at'orc dis." And the jrilly ii('?;re:^s lanshcd loud and unctuously at her own humor. "Bets."' saia Aunt ?iiint»rva Ann severe- ly, "yo' sarlinly don't mean t' say dat yo' done 'liuids f drink coffee outen u j.-ourdV" ■•So," saiil Aunt Betsy, a little abashed. f'Whyfo' notV l>rir,k v.'arer, an' milk, an' whisky outen a ji'ourd. Why not coffee?" "Do iRuuvi-ence oh dat niss'er," said Aunt ^liuerva Ann, rollinu- up her eyes iu horror. "An" she wants t' lie a free woman. Who ehber hearcd ob anybody drinkiu' ooft'ec outen a gourd? What sorter broughten up has she had? Why, dey'd done frow her outen church fer dat. No, ISliss' Bets, yo' shan't insult de good Lnwd, an' Fadder Abraham by driukin' none ob his coft'ee outen a gourd. Show yer manners au' religion by gittiu' a tiu- cup." Aunt Betsy bridled at this rigid regula- tion as to table etiquet. She liad always been restive under Aunt Minerva Ann's absolute Queeuship of the "quarters," and had more than once broken out in open re- bellion, generally having to succumb in the end. Si, who. with the rest, was enjoying the scene, averted the storm by saying: "Here, Aunt Betsy, is my tin-cup. You can have it. I'll get another." This favor to the sable Elizabeth gave her a distinct lead and aroused Aunt Mi- nerva's jealousy. "What fer yo' give her dat cup?" she asked Si, angrily. "An' yo' call her Aunty, too? She no aunty t' nobody. She not raised on de place. She's only a bought nigger — done bought at a vandoo — done bought at a bankrupt vandoo, when olde Cnnnel Turpin's niggers v\aiz sold oft", t' pay his gamblin' debts. She no" "That's all right. Aunt INIinervy." said Shorty, anxious to prevent the jollity of the occasion being disturbed by a feminine row. "Here's my cup. Now that starts you both fair." . • "But she's not yer aunty, is she?" asked Aunt Minerva Ann, unappeased. "Yo' won't have no aunty bought at a mortgage vandoo, will yo'? She's only plain Tur- pin's Bets." "That's because she was sold to pay Turpin's bets," said Shorty. "No, you're our only Aunty — only, original .Tacobs of an Aunty, name blown in the bottle, and fac-simile of signature. All others are imitations and counterfeits." This How of words that she could not understand satisfied Aunt Minerva Ann, and she set about serving out the coffee. Uncle Ephraim stood by with a stick to preserve order and make every one take his or her turn. Soon they all had a large cupful of cof- fee, and their hands full of bread and meat, and, seating thonisclves ni-diiiid the glowing tire, b(\:van, as tliey felt Tae ex- hilaration of the delicons beverage, to sing, Aunt Minerva Ana leading with her rich, strong contralto, and Uncle Ephraim ;,.; tlinn.deiiug^in his heavy baritone. ij After singing a verso or two of her fa- i-g vorite hymn, "On .Tordau's Stormy B.anks," Ji Aunt Minerva Ann began to wander off It into the improvisations for which she was famed, when excited, in which she took >t well-known hymn themes and embroidered thom with additions expressive of her ra thoughts at the moment. ii> The thrilling events of the day, the pas- sage from slavery to freedom, the strange faces and sights around, the unwonted stimulus of deep drafts of strong coffee, all combined to work her up to a high pitch, Avhere she seemed like one of the inspired priestesses of old. Her wonder- ful contr.'ilto voice rang out through the somber pine woods like a silver clarion, the lurid glare of the fire flashed upon strongly-wrought features, and her com- panions, infected by her looks, gestures '' and words, swayed by the mystic power of her ringing voice, responded to her soul-welling strains, in an impassioned chorus, perfect in harmony, time and pitch. "On .Jordan's stormy banks I stand, An' cast my wishful eyes, On Fadder Abraham's happy land, W^har blessed Freedom lies," rang out Aunt Minerva Ann, and Uncle ,,, Ephraim came in like a big brass horn in j^j au orchestra: "O, gib me my harp, O, gib me my crown; Dar le' me lay my life down In de arms of A-bra-ham!" Like a well-trained corps of flutes, clario- nets, haultboys and French horns in a wave of perfect harmony came in the oth- ers: "O, carry me straight T' de golden gate An' de arms ob A-bra-ham." Aunt Minerva Ann again: '^ "Dar is a happy Ian' — .i Far. far away. It Dar saints in glory stan'— !e Bright, bright as day. . .b O, den t' Freedom run, Ur Cl'av t' dat shinin' shore; It Be a crown an' kingdom won", Ji Lib in dat Summer sun, n Free ehbermore." It And the antiphonal Uncle Ephraim re- i( plied: . i[ "O, gib me my harp, d O, gib me my crown; f Dar let me lay my life down m In de arms oli A4):a-hai:i." ^ And the chorus swelled: "O. carry me straight ■ ' T' dat golden gate, "^ An' de aini.i eb A-bra-ham." 112 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY, The flood of sweet melody, lilMiig the trisp evoniiig air, and mingling with the grateful incense of the burning cedar, at- tracted the soldiers everywhere, until a great crowd had gathered around. They ■were in the humor to appreciate and en- joy it all. Young, ardent men, teeming wi'th the vigor of life, proud of their past achievement.^, enthusiastic for greater ones, confident of succisss, well-fed, well- led, everything going as they would like it. they were in the mood that comes but rarely in life to any man. They made the woods ring with cheers for the sing- ers, and incited Aunt iMinerva Ann to higher efforts. She poured out: "Plunged in a gulf.ob dark despa'r, De wretched rebels lie; Ole Satan's done got dem by de h'ar, He'll sizzle dem by-an'-by." And Uncle Ephraim's organ-like tones an- swered: "O, gib me my hai-p, O, gib me my crown; •Den let me lay my life down In de arms of A-bra-ham." All the pipes of the grand human organ raised in chorus: "O, carry me straight T' dat golden gate, An' de arms ob A-bra-ham.'' "Good! Good! Go ahead! Give us some more. Hooray' for the intelligent contra- bands," shouted the soldiers amid their cheers and laughter. "Go on. Give us more!" Aunt Minerva Ann was stimulated still higher and rolled out: "Ole Pharaoh's heart was hard an' cold — He would not let de people go. De deep Red Sea ober Pharaoh rolled, He would not let de people go. Ole Jeff Davis's heart is hard an' sour — He would not let de people go. But now he trimbles at de Almighty's ppwei- — He jes' mus' let de people go." Unci? Ephraim boomed on the air: "O, gib me my harp, O, gib me my crown. Den let me lay my life down — In de arms ob A-bra-ham." The singers among the soldiers by this time caught the words and air, and a thousand voices helped ring out the chorus: "O, carry me straight T' de the golden gate, An' de arms ob A-bra-ham." "Sei-geant," said the voice of Col. Mc- Gillicuddy, "you seem to have picked up a band of sweet singers of Israel. I think I shall send them home as a present to my church. They would create a sensation in Indiana."- ~ Si looked around to see the Colonel and the rest of the officers standing near, greatly enjoying the music. "O, Colonel," he said, saluting, "there's something I wanted to say to you. but I didn't think it proper before — until you made your decision. I've got a mighty nice hoss over here, which I intended for you. If I'm any judge, he's a straight Hambletonian, and a better hoss than there is in the division. He's just the kind you ought to have, and I want you to ride him." They walked over to the horees, and the Colonel was delighted with the looks of the animal. "I started out with as good a one as I could find," he said. "But this one lays away over him. I can see that at 'first glance. I'll take him, and am very much obliged to you, Sergeant. ■ "I'm too much a friend of yours, Ser- geant." he added, witha quizzical look at Si; "to ask where you got the horse. I'll take him all the same. People in the army shouldn't ask too many questions." "The name of your hoss is 'Elder Horn- blower,' " said Si. "You'll find that his wind never gives out." "Adjutant," said Shorty,' "I've got mighty nigh as good a hoss here for you. '^Ve'll take these two up, to headquarters and turn the rest over to the Quarter- master, and get them off our mind. I ain't hankerin' for any more responsibility for live stock. Had enough o' that to last during' my enlistment." "Well, you shan't turn over my mule," piped \i\i Pete. "He don't belong to -you. Me and Sandy got him ourselves." "The Fourteenth Corps is bound for Milledgeviile — Gov. Joe Brown's capita!,"' said the Adjutant, as the partners started to go back to hunt up Co. Q's quarters for the night. "We've going down there to capture the State Government and put Georgia back into the Union. We'll camp to-morrow evening on the banks of the Ulcofauhatchee Creek. If you boys have got any more accounts to settle, I'll give you a pass to leave the column and rejoin us in the evening on the banks of the Ulco- fauhatchee, near a town called Eudora.'' "Thankee," said Si, "but I think we'll stay at home to-morrow and get acquaint- ed with the regiment. We had a pretty lively time on the Ulcofauhatchee last Au- gust, but, after all, we came out ahead of the game, as near as I can recollect. Per- haps Shorty wants to go over to a certain old maid's house, and pay for a supper she didn't intend us to have." "Hardly," answered Shorty. "I've had my fill of the society of Southern ladies. I ain't pining for any more. Co. Q's so- ciety is good enough for me." The Quartermaster had plenty of em- ployment for Si's negroes the next morn- ing, in shifting the loads of some wagons, and he put both men and women at it. Si and Shoriy arranged with him that the negroes should go with him during the day, while they themselves indulged in the long-interrupted experience of a day's ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. U3 IN THE WAKE OF CO. Q. march in the ranks of Co. Q. Pete Skid- more and Sandy Baker wanted so much to do the same, that they gave Abednego over to the care of Aunt Minerva Ann. Uncle Ephraim was to drive the wagon he had brought from home, and in which the negroes things were placed, together with some of Co. Q's property. To make sure of Abednego, Aunt Minerva Ann was to ride the mule. "I declare, this feels real good and home-like," said Si, as he threw his haversack and canteen over his shoulder, followed them With his blanket-roll, picked up his gun, and took his long-va- cant place as file-closer on the left of Co. Q. "I'm just sick of rampaging about the country, on my own hook, or no hook at all, and I'm glad to get back to a quiet, steady life, where I belong. Fall tB( promptly, boys." "That's what I say," echoed Shorty. "Fellers that like special details may have 'em. Hereafter my house number and street address will be 200th Injianny Ave- nue, four blocks west of the colors; office hours, from reveille till taps." In reality, it was a day and an exercise that any healthy man might enjoy. The bright November weather was perfect for marching; the light soil had been packed hard enough by the rains to prevent any dust, and yet make no mud; the streams were running a good stage of clear water, and the march Avas through a fairly-good farming country, with the rugged moun- tains back of Atlanta rapidly sinking into billowy hills, which were in tum'^fadios 114 SI ELEGG AND .SHORTYi into thp brond pin ins of Eastern Georgia. The march was just brisk enough to be Hicallhfiil oxi-nise and develop an appetite for their rations. The day's course was so well-ordered that there were no annoy- ing M-aits or delays, but each re.^imont nnd brigade pressed rapidly forward in its assigned place, and in the afternoon all came together upon their designated »"am|!ing-grounds, as if pulled into place by (Olds ln^ld in one controlling hand. Occasionally there would be brief, titful firing in the distance, between the cavalry and small bands of reconnoitering rebels, hut there Avas never enough of it to more than make the men cast a glance of slight inquiry iu that direction, as they plodded onward. Si and Shorty had for the first time an opportunity to study the old regiment and get acquainted Avith the changes made in it since they were captured on that dis- fi.strous day at Kenesaw. The old Cap- tain of Co. Q was now Colonel; the Cap- tain of. Co. A was Lieutenant-Colonel; Ijient. Bowersox, of their company, was INlajor, and the Captains and Lieutenants were boys who Avere Sei-geants when the Atlanta Campaign opened. Co. Q was now commanded by George Buxton, a young divinity student, Avith coal-blacU hair, and great, Avomanl>^ eyes, who was Orderly-Sergeant of Co. R when the regi- ment crossed the Ohio River. He was a gool soldier and a iileasant, though re- served comrade. Si and Shorty liked him, and gave him Avillingly all the re- spect and obedience his position required, though doAvn in their souls they never could get reconciled to anybody but Col. McGillicuddy commanding Co. Q. To him they always instinctiA-ely turned as their Captain, and on his part he could not es- cape the feeling that he Avas more the Captain of Co. Q than the Colonel of the regiment. This made him most liable, at critical moments, to turn to Co. Q and lead it forward, to clear a wood or gain some information, to the neglect of the rightful privileges of other companies and their Captains for that service. "I declare, there's that engineer that brought us up from Andei-sonville — Tom Radbone," said Si, noticing a man in the next file ahead. "I say, Tom, I haven't had an opportunity before to ask you how you came out Avith that train that we were going out with you to capture?" "Got it," said Tom, who Avas as laconic and as vindictive as ever. "What did you do Avith it?" "Shot that overbearing Lieut. Turley, who Avas alAvays gassing about the greasy mudsills, through the leg, so that it had to be taken off. I didn't want to kill him outright. Wanted him to live, and re- member every day that he hobbled around on crutches and mourned for his lost leg, that he had deserved to lose it for his meanness to Yankees, and to mechanics, and to every one of whom Avas more of a man in a minute, without half frying, than he could be in a year, do his best." "Cet anybody else?" "Got a raft of poor Avhite conscripts, AA'ho were as glad to be spared as if their lives were Avorth something. If those poor Avhites kncAV more tiej" might know how mean and Avorthless they really are, and then they'd Ihank somebody to kill them. One feller g:ot doAvn on his knees and begged mo for his life. I told him I wouldn't kill him, out of regard for the buzzards — didn't want to poison them, ""d'he only decent man on the train Avas my partner, here (indicating a niflu marching on his left). He Avas the engineer, and one of my main ob.iects in going out AA'as to bring liim through the lines, as well as get even Avith that brute of a Lieutenant. Hlra and me both shot the Lieutenant, and AA'e Avouldn't let nobody else lay a finger on him. We Aveut up to him and toki him Avho Ave Avere after, and Ave dropt him, and reminded him of hoAV much he deserved all that he'd got." "What'd you do with the locomotive and train?" Tom's partner exploded with a laugh at the recollection, and Tom answered with a chuckle: "O, that was fun that you'd given one of your teeth to have seen. Where Ave stopped the train Avas a field Avhich had been cleared a fOAv years before, and was filled Avith pine stumps that'd rotted aAvay until all that Avas left of each of 'em A\'as the part that was plum-full of rosin and'd burn like a turpentine ball. We told the conscripts that the only thing that'd in- duce us to spare their lives AA'ould be to do the hardest and fastest Avork they ever done in prying up them stumps and piling 'em on the engine and cars. They took sledges and croAvbars off the tender, and, Simon Peter, you'd ought to'A'C seen 'em make those fat pine stumps fly. In half an hour they had enough of that stuff aboard to'vo burnt up Greenland's icy mountains. Bill Grimshaw — that's my partner here — and me Avere fixing up a job on Hogmouth Wangel, who is the only rebel engineer on the line. Bill knew that he Avas follering him, about an hour and a half behind, and Ave thought^ Ave'd give him a little surprise party. We got everything ready, Avith just enough water in the boiler, and just as soon as Ave heard Hogmouth Avhistle as he left the station beloAV, fastened everything on the engine doAvn tight, chucked the firebox full of fat pine, set all the cars afire, and opened the throttle and started her back, and ran up on the hill, Avhere Ave coulil overlook the line for miles, and Avaited to see the fun. We'd calculated that the engine, running her liveliest, Avith the cars all blazing, Avould butt into Hogmouth just as he came around that sharp curve, Avhere he cr)u!dn't see 100 yards ahead, and then and there get uji an impromptu, hand-made hell that would interest Hog- ON THE MARCa TO THE SEA. 115 month, if nothing more. It worlxed all right, except that we'd been a little too previou:; somehow in our calculations. The train rushed back, blazing like a prairie fire, but it got around the curve before Hogr.iouth did. and was within a half-mile of him when he saw it, reversed his en- gine, and begun running back for dear life. Our train chased him for a mile or two, and was gaining on him right along, when all at once the crazy old boiler couldn't stand it any longer, and busted like a bomb-shell int5 a thousand pieces, tearing up the track, and making a noise that might' v.e bin heard clear back to Macon. That ended the performance for that day. We shot at the conscripts to make 'em run and scatter 'em, and made our way back to camp, and Bill here en- listed in the company with me. Got any tobacco? Talking so much always makes me want to take a chaw." "If our plnn had only worked out as we thought," said Grimshaw. also helping himself tn a liberal chew, "and our en- gine had bucked them burning cars right over Hogmo-ath and his train, I'd 'a' felt easier in my mind, as being somewhere near even with them. As it didn't, I con- cluded to en'i.st. and see if I couldn't somehovi' get another whack at 'em." "A very pleasant and entertaining nar- rative," remarked Shorty. "I think you boys jiromise to become ornaments to Co. Q." "Yes," agreed Si. "I think you will find yourselves at home with us. Hello! It. looks as if we were going into camp." "Thai's what we're going to do," said the Captain. "That's Ulcofauhatchee Creek, just ahead, and we're going into cnmn on the other side." "Captain." said Si, "I'd like to go back to the wagons, and sp(^ hovi' our colored friends are getting along," '"Very good. Go ahead," answered the Captain. But though all the rest of the negroes were th^re, TJncle Ephraim and Aunt jNIi- nerva Ann were not, and no one knew anything of them. "They vrere with us all right .for an hour or two," said th^ Quartermaster. "Then I had a little trouble gettinr.- across a creek. I had everybody forward, worli- ing on I he jump lo p-ot across, and when I finally made it. and looked around, those tvro, with their wagon, and the white mule the woman was riding, were no- where, and nobody had seen them go. I had no time to look for them, for I had to jump to keep my place in column. .They've probably got enough of the army, thought better of it, and gone back home." "Dat's hit," said Aunt Betsy. "Dat 'Nervy Ann allers wuz a powerful stuck- up, fly-away nigger, who didn't want t' 'sof^iate v.-id common fiel' hands." "jNIost likely, somebody's stole them," said Si, full of wrath, ai5 he communi- cated the news to Shorty. " 'Most likely that thieving 1st Osh- kosh," raged Shorty. ""We'dl go over there after we've fixed down, and if we lind they have we'll have 'em, or bust the regi- ment wide open." "And our mule's gone," wailed Pete. "We'll shoot anybody that tries to take Abednego from us. We'll go out and look for him at once. Come on, Sandy." "Stay here, boys, till after you've had your supper," said Si. "Then we'll all go over to the camp of the 1st Oshkosh. They were just behind us all day, and probably they've got them." They busied themselves making ready for camping for the night, and the sound of axes filled the air, and the ground be- gan to be brilliantly dotted with mess fires. A rich contralto voice rose above the hubbub of axes, falling trees, and laughing, talking men. "Whar is de 200th Injianny Volunteer Infantry? Whar de camp ob de 200th Injianny?" "There's Aunt Minerva Ann now." ejaculated Pete, dropping his load of can- teens in which he was bringing water and rushing forward. "Aunt Blinerva Ann, Where's our mule?" "Ileah he is, honey, an' heah I is, bress yer soul," ansv>'ered Aunt Minerva Ann, beaming down on them over a clump of low cedars, which had hidden her ap- proach. "Whar Serg't Klegg?" "Hero I am. Aunty." "Well, Serg't Klegg, me an' Uncle Ephraim done got a nice supper cooked an' waitin' fer you an' de boys ober in a cabin near by. Come right along wid dem, an' git hit. We only lack some cof- fee, but de water's a-bilin' fer dat. Bring yer coffee along." The boys gave a whoop and started after her. They speedily came to a cabin, with Uncle_ Ejdiraim standing guard at the door with his gun. Inside the great fireplace was filled with a blazing fire, be- fore which werp standing sundr.v pots, ovens and skillets, and in the center of the room was a table covered with dishes, knives and forks, cups and saucers, jars of honey, and sorghum molasses, and even a big dish of butter. The boys gave an- other whoop at the sight. "Why. Aunty, where in the world did you get all this?" "What 'd dat Gunnel man tell yo' about axin' no questions?" said Aunt 'SU- nerva Ann, beaming with triumph. "Sot down dar. while I make de coffee. Hit'll be ready in a minutr. .Tes' as soon's me an' Uncle Eph found out whar you all wuz done gwine, we knowed de shortest way t' git dar, an' we done tuck hit, wid- out sayin' nuflin' t' nobody. We knowed you'd be tired gwine away round dat way, an' so v,-e shoved on, an' geddered up some stufi: t' git supper fer yo' when yo' got heah. O, yo' leetle, teenty Yank," continued she, sriddenly breaking off and catching Pete in her arms, "I done kep' yer mule fer yo.' an' heah he is." The boys, with watering mouth, gath- 116 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. erpd arnmif! thp table, anrl Aunt Minerva Ann began dishing out the smoking viands. '•Hello, what have we here?' said a -well-known voice, and Col. McGillicuddy and the Adjutant strode into the cabin. Everybody "dropped his knife and fork and sprang to attention. "That's all right, boys," said the Colo- nel, gailv. as he returned their salute. "I smelt that baron and collards away down in camp, and it smelt awful good, and the Adjutant and I followed our noses until thev brought us here. Scrg't Klegg, I congratulate you on your mess, but I think your sense of hospitality would sug- gest that you invite a couple of hungry men who have been traveling all day to sit down with yon, even though they hap- pen to be your Colonel and Adjutant. Don't be proud, though yo\i are well off." "Why, Colonel." gasped Si, "sit right down here, you and the Adjutant.. You shall have all the bacon and collards you want. You'll find them the best yoii ever et. We know all about Awiit Minerva Ann's cooking. She can't be beat. We'll ■nait till you're through.". "You'll do nothing of the kind," said the Colonel, seating jiimself at the foot of the table. "Sit down thexoi at the head. Sergeant. I'm dining with,- you. We'll play tonight, till this meaFs o^ver, that the war's ended, we're all mustered out, and once more plain citizens of Indiana." CHAPTER XXI. UNCLE EPHRAIM AND AUNT IMINERVA ANN PKOMOTED TO HEADQUARTERS. MURDER OF FORAGERS AND SWIFT VENGEANCE METED OUT. "I declare," said Col. McGillicuddy, as he finally laid down his knife and fork, "I don't know when I have enjoyed a meal so much. As for you, Adjutant, I'm afraid you've eaten so much that you will be incapacitated for the light and agile performance for which you are noted, of the duties of Adjutant of the 200th Ind." "Don't bother about me, Colonel." laughed the Adjutant, wiping his mouth. "I'm all right. I just feel nice and smooth, as the little girl said." "I wish every man of the regiment could have as good a meal as this every day," continued the Colonel. "We'd be able to tear the State of Georgia up by the I'oots, then." "We seem to be getting pretty near down to the roots as it is. Colonel," said Si, with a grin. "I don't know what more we could've done to that railroad, unless we had tipped the embankment over and turned the tunnels wrong side out." "That was a pretty thorough job," said the Colonel, retrospectively. "And we are doing about as effective work in other directions. I looked back from the top of a hill today, and could murk the line of march of each division by the tires rising from burning cotton-gins, railroad sta- tions and rebel storehouses. We are now on the way to Milledgeville. after the Government of the !;*>atc of Georgia. I wish we could destroy it as thoroughly as ■we have the railroads, and replace it by a loyal administration." "At any rate, we're making these folks pretty sick of having fired on Fort Sum- ter," remarked Shorty. "It'd 'a' been a heap o' money in their pockets if they'd kept that powder for a Fourth of July celebration." "I do hope Uncle Billy is heading us for South Carolina," said Si, with hia mouth full. "We ought to do an ever- lasting amount of wholesale arson, bur- glary and highway robbery here in Geor- gia, to pay up for Anderson ville; but if we get into South Carolina, we simply ought to burn everything, and sow salt on the ground, so that there v/on't be no chance to raise another crop o' traitors." "I'm not in the confidence of Gen. Sherman," answered Col. McGillicuddy, "but I'll miss my guess verj' badly if he hasn't his weather eye fixed on South Carolina, and is putting up a full dose of physic for her, before he shuts up his pill- bags." "By-the-way, Sergeant," continued Col. McGillicuddy, after a moment's silence, "coming down from general matters to personal, I've a great notion to appro- priate something mjself. I believe I'll capture your cook here, and take her for my headquarters." "As usual. Colonel," said the Adju- tant, "you anticipate my thoughts. So g(X)d a cook as Aunt Minerva Ann should be kept in the 200th Ind., by all means. If she stays with Co. Q. some Colonel, ot Brigadier-General, ©r Major-General ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 117 liable to get scent of her bacon and col- lards and take her away. It's lucky that Gen. Sherman himself hasn't caught the fragrance, or he would have had her, sure." "Hear that, Aunt Minerva Ann?" asked Si, delighted with the favor she had found in the , eyes of his ofQcers. "The Colonel is so pleased with your cooking that he wants to take you for himself." "What? What?" asked the negress du- biously. "Me go cook fer do Cunnel- man? De Cunnel-man mouty nice man, but I don't wanter cook fer nobody but you, an' Corpril Elliott, an' Leetle Pete. Who take keer ob Leetle Pete, if I go away? An' who take care ob Eph? Eph's an ole fool 'bout lots ob t'ings, au' needs me wid him ebbery minnit." "I think Uncle Ephraim could make himself useful about headquarters, Adju- tant," said the Colonel, surveying his strong, well-knit frame and intelligent lace. "I kin beat any nigger on de hull Oco- nee bottoms takin' keer ob bosses. Mistah- Cunnel-nian," sad Uncle Ephraim, show- ing his ivories, touching his foretop, and scraping the ground with his foot. "But I hain't a-gwine nowhar from Leetle Pete," said Aunt Minerva, obdu- rately. "He hain't no mudder, an' I must take keer ob him." "But, Aunt Minerva Ann, Pete'll be near all the time," said Si. Aunt Minerva Ann continued to look obstinate. "O, you're here, are you. Colonel?" said Maj. Bowersox, coming in and sur- veying the remnants of the feast. "I guess I've come too late. I was looking for yon to invito you to dinner. I picked up today what I think's a vei'y good cook. They call her xiunt Betsy Turpin, and she's now down at my teut getting up a meal, and I've been hunting you to see if you wouldn't join jne. But now I think I'd better have joined you." "You certainly had, Major. I've had the best meal that I've had since we en- tered Georgia, and I'm now trying to ar- range for a continuance by engaging the woman v.'lio cooked it." "Hear that. Auntie?" said Si. "Betsy Turpin is going to cook for the Major. The Colonel's a heap bigger man than the Major, and as the Colonel's cook you can just rank her clear out of her boots." "What, dat Turpin's Bets setiin' up fer a cook?" said Aunt Minerva Ann, jealously. "Dat nigger, bought at a mort- gage-vandoo, purtendin' ter be a cook. Why, she nebber baked a pone ob wheat bread in her life, an' nebber knowed de taste ob soffee, till las' night. She a cook? Why. she can't cook as well as Eph, hyah, an' he de biggest fool wid pots an' skillets dat T ebber seed. She cook fer do Major-man? I'll go right along an' cook fer de Cunnel-mau. and show what a rayle cuHud lady, what vryz raised on de place, kin io, beside a nigger wencti bought at a mort.gagc-vandoo. Ao' Leetle Pete, he'll be nigh, whar I kin see him, ebbery day?" "Yes, Aunty," said Si, glad to have the matter happily disposed of, "Pete's resi- dence and place of business will be al- ways in a 'holler' or at least a 'see' of regimental headquarters and your kitchen, so that you'll be all right." "Uncle Ephraim," said the Adjutant, "go and get that wagon, and those mules, and drive them over there to headquar- ters. They'll be safer there, and come in handy to carry our things, as well as yours and Co. Q's." So it happened that Uncle Ephraim and Aunt INIinerva Ann found themselves in- stalled at the headquarters of the 200th Ind.. and immediately the overwhelming dignity of the position began to possess them. Their eyes, quick to note all indi- cations of social station, took in every de- tail of the deference paid the Colonel by all inside or outside the regiment, all the respectful standing at attention and saluting; all the deferential speech and action; all the curt, sharp commands from the Colonel, and the instantaneous obedi- ence of his 500 men. By the end of the first day they began to feel a great deal of this greatness reflected upon them. On the second, they distinctly assumed the at- titude that the favored "house-seiwants" always observed toward the "field-hands." They began to speak of themselves as "headquarters people," and hold tho other negroes at a rigid distance. "Come t' 'tenshun, dar, an' salute me, you low-down, igncrrunt nigger," Uncle Ephraim sternly commanded one of his former associates, whom tho Quartermas- ter had sent up to borrow a shovel. "Au.' my name's Mistah Ephraim. See dat you pay dese headquarters proper respeck arter dis, or I'll break ebbery bone in yer brack carkiss." Aunt Betsy got the same law laid down for her when she strolled up to the head- quarters kitchen to indulge in a little gos- sip over camp-matters. "Look hyah. Bets," said Aunt Minerva Ann, with the dignity of a duchess, "dis hain't no common nigger quarters on olo Ben Small's place. Dis is do army, an' dis is rijimintal headquarters, an' you want t' know hit, an ack 'cordingly. You mustn't come loafin' up hyah, vvid yer clo^e ebbery-which-way, like as if yo' wuz gwine t' de corn-crib or de 'tater-patch. Yo' wanter dress yerself right, an' stau' up straight, an' put yer heels togedder. an' salute, an' speak t' me 'spcckful as Miss ■'Nervy. Yo' wants t' 'member all de time dat ['s cookin' fer de Cunnel-man, while yo's only cookin' fer de Major-man, which makes all de difE'runce in de world. If yo' don't treat me like a lady, I'll take dia sinsle-tree t' yo', sho's yer born." They lived up to the requirements of their position in every way. Uncle Eph- raim had associated much with those aris- tociT.ts of the slave population — the hos- tlers, aud he brought all his acquired 118 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. knowledge into play for the benefit of the Coloncrs horses. He seized upon every loafing negro that came in his way, and always found some useful work for idle hands to do, so that the Colonel's horses, and especially 'Elder Hornblower," were the admiration of the division. Aunt Mi- nerva Ann, for her part, devoted herself even more enthusiastically to the care of the Colonel's tent and the preparation of his meals. She packed his bedding in the wagon at the commencement of the inarch, and made his couch up carefully after his tent was pitched, and from the time she arose with the reveille, until tat- too sent her to bed, was busy planning, contriving and executing something for his comfort, and that of Pete Skidmore, whom she made report to her in the morning before they started, and in the evening after arriving in camp. On the march Uncle Epbraim rode as near as possible to Co. Q, and at any mo- ment he saw Si and his squad leaving the column, would hand his horse over to a young negro and joiu them, musket in hand. Stories began to come in about foragers and others absent from the main col- umns being shot down mercilessly and shamefully mutilated by guerrillas. As the division approached the little vil- lage of Shady Dale the 200th Ind. came up to the 1st Oshkosh, to find the regi- ment in a frenzy of rage over the dis- covery of five of its number, who had been sent out in the morning, lying by the roadside, each shot in a dozen places, ap- parently in pure malice, after having been killed, and his thoat cut. The 200th Ind. raged sympathetically with its sister regi- ment, to which, in spite of frequent little tififs between the members, it was as de- votedly attached as only two regiments of the same brigade will get to be after a campaign together. Dire vengeance was vowed, but as both regiments were deep in the marching column that and the next day, chcre was no opportunity to execute the threats. The next day and the day after there were other bodies of murdered soldiers, all shamefully maltreated, exposed along the roadside. Some men, after being sliot, were hung up to trees, and their bodies made targets. Shorty raged and swore ten-ibly at each exhibition, but Si soon passed the point where ho said anything. He had reached that dangerous stage with him when he merely looked, set his teeth, and Avent on with a savage glare in his blue eyes, which every one had learned to know and beware of. The next day the 200th Ind. at last came to the head of the column, but, to Si's disappointment, Lieut. Muffler, with 10 men of Co. A, was sent forward with the foraging detail. "How's that. Adjutant?" said Col. Mc- Gillicuddy, as he saw the Lieutenant march out. "Do you think Lieut. Muf- fler's the man for the duty today? He's had very little experience, if any, on such duty. Owing to his wounds he has beejo, very little with the regiment, and I have never known him to be out with a detach- ment." "That's just it. Colonel," explained the Adjutant. "Lieut. Muffler feels that he has been overslaughed in details for duty, and is very sore about it. He has not had a single tour of special duty siuce he received his commission, and had no op- portunity to show what he cduld do when he was out by himself. He is. a gallant young fellow, has had hard luck in being wounded both times as soon as he went into action, and so kept away from the regiment during most of its service, con- valescing. He put it to me in such away that I couldn't refuse him the detail." "I see," ans^wered the Colonel. "But, somehow, while MufHer is brave enough, I've always had some doubts about his coolness and judgment in a tight place. "We've had so many ugly things happening lately, that we've got to be unusually careful. Ride back to Co. Q and tell Capt. Buxton to give you Serg't Klegg and his squad. Tell Klegg to follow up ISIuffler at a little distance and keep an eye on him, but, of course, not to let him know that he is being followed and watch- ed. It's hardly the thing, I know, to set a non-commissioned officer to watch an officer, but I'd trust Klegg as I woulcl no other non-com. in the regiment." "Your judgment is right, as usual. Colo- nel," said the Adjutant, as he wheeled his horse to go back after Si. When Si took his squad out of line and started in quick time across the fields, to get to the head of the regiment. Uncle Ephraim jumped from his hoi-se and join- ed them, gun in hand and cartridge-box on. Pete Skidmore ran back, mounted Abednego, and overtook Si just as the Ad- jutant was pointing out the direction in which Lieut. Muffler had gone. With Pete trotting ahead on Abednego, Si pushed on as rapidly as possible for some miles, but only caught a glimpse or two, from the top of a hill, of Lieut. Muf- fler in the far distance. The Lieutenant was evidently bent on making his mark on his first expedition, and Avas letting no grass grow under his feet. Presently, from the top of a hill. Si heard the sound of guns two or three miles ahead, and a column of smoke arising in the same direction indicated that some- thing was happening near a house. "]\Iuffler has found a plantation with a lot of stuff on it." said Shorty, "and is having a row Avith a squad of reserves. Let's get there, quick." They started on a run down the hill into the heavily-timbered bottom, and presently came to a fork in the roads, Avhere they stopped to take breath and consider which fork to take. ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 119 "My jndprment is to take the right-hand ono," said Shorty, starting o£f impatiently in that direction. "Dat way's de shortest t' de house," said Uncle Ephraim, pointing to the left- hand branch. "De udder's de way de but I can't tell what. I believe they're got Lient. IVInfBer." "Forward — double-qiiickl" shouted Si. As they rushctl down the slope of the hill thoy could see a squad of men in but- ternut clothes excitedly rushing about the "DIS AINT NO COMMON N^GER QUARTERS— DIS IS DE ARMY!" wagons go — roundabout. Dis's de way de hossmen an' niggers cut ncrost." "I believe you're right," said Si. "Pete, trot up that way over the rise, and see what you can. Be quick." In a minute or two Pete dashed back, stanimeving in liis excitement: "O, Sergoai:t, there's a mint o' rebels over there by the house, and sometbiuji's happened. They're all doing something, front of the house. Presently Si and Shorty made out that some of them wore drar;ging bodies in blue uniform out from various parts of the farmyai'd to the road, and kicking them and stuhiiiug them with knives, and beating tlieni with clubs. A laii;e man, whrna ih ai.d Shorty dim- ly remembered as having seen before, stood on the porch directing the opera- tions. 120 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. Si hnltod his men for an instant behind a screen of hushes, to get their breath and look to the eaps on their guns, and then, raising u savage yoU, rushed them forward. The surprised rebels gave one look, and started to run. ••Fire!" shouted Si. Three rebels fell dead. Si and Shorty leaped the fence and brought down two more Avith blows from their gun-barrels. When the smoke raised not a rebel was to be seen excert those on the ground. "Dey run right back dat-a-way," shout- ed Uncle Ephraim, excitedly, pointing with his smoking gun-barrel. '•Dcy's hid in de brush an' yaller grass on do banks ob de crick. Come down dis way t' de crick bank, an' we'll cut dem off." Si and Shorty, folloAved by Harry, Monty, Alf and Gid, rushed' after him to the creek bank, where they turned, and beating back through the weeds, grass and brush, drove out six ill-favored ras- cals and took them back toward the house. On the porch was a crowd of Avhite and colored women, screaming at the top of their lungs. They found Pete and Sandy standing guard at the front and rear of the entry passing through the house. "Two o' them," explained Sandy, "them that was bossing the job, ran into the house. We're waiting for you to come back to go in after them. We wanted you to keep these women off of us." There was need of this precaution. A stahvnit woman, with iron-gray hair, ap- jiarently the mistress of the house, and her thi-ee equally stalwart daughters, all armed with pokers, were alternating their screams with threats of destruction to the boys if they dared set foot to enter the house. With a movement like a flash Shorty snatched the poker from the elderly woman's hand, shoved her aside, and started to enter. ••No; let us go in and get them. They're our meat," pleaded Pete. '•We holed them." ••Go on, then." said Shorty. "But be careful. One of you look, and the other stand I'.ehind him, I'eady to shoot." With theii- guns cocked, Pete and Sandy rushed in. There was no one in either of the lower rooms, nor any place for one to hide, and they ran up-stairs. They saw the bed, and ran to it, Fete raising the valame, while Sandy stood back with leveled musket. "Git out o' here," said Pete, kicking on the soles of a pair of large boots, that he saw there with toes down. "Come out, or I'll shoot you where you lay." A large man hacked slowly out, covered with dust, and stood upright. The boys saw a large pe])])er-box revolver in liis licit, and instantly recognized him as the "Cunnel" ISIessack who had so thirsted for their blood when they were hiding on the island the previous August. They gave a whoop of triumph to an- nounce this to thoir comrades outside; At the sound another man under the bed in the other room, rushed dOwu-stairs and tried to dash away, but was arrested by a blow from Shorty's stalwart list. • 't In the meanwhile Si had been snrYey- ing the sickening scene. To his soldierly eyes all that had hapencd 'was as clear as if he had seen it enacted. Lieut. iNIuffler had found the house ['and its stock of forage and provisions'. TTiere Avere no negroes about, ;uid, seeing no signs of rebels, he had se^'hts men hur- riedly to work hitching up h^t^es to the wagons and th<' bngi;y to c'a'tTy his spoil into the camp. Tin ,\' was 'ftecd of the greatest hast(\ if he would reach the 200th Ind.'s place in culumn. "Cunnel" Mes- sack, an experienced hunter, had kept his men well concealed in the yellow grass and brush, until Lieut. Muffler's were all far from their arms, and scattered through the stables and yards, hunting up harness and getting the animals, which were restive at the sight of strange men. hitched up. Then "'Cunnel" Messack had rushed out, blown away the Lieutenant's head with a chaige of Ijucksho!, and th(3 rest had been shot down almost instantly. Not one had escaped. Those only wounded by the first lire had been finished by a sec- ond shot, delivered so elose that the pow- der burned .uid Idackcned the skin. Every body had several bullet holes, be- sides being hacked with knives and pounded with clubs. Si looked over "Ciinnel" Messack, as Sandy and Pete brought him up, with a glare that shriveled the rebel's soul. Si said nothing, but, drawing the pepi)er-liox revolver from the rebel's belt, noted that each of its six long barrels had been re- cently discharged. He picked u)) the double-barreled shotgun, lying on the porch, and asked one of the Avomen: "Is this Col. Messack's gun?" "I'es, it is," ansAvered the AA-oman. Si noted that both barrels had been fired lately, and the "Gunnel's" pouch was full of buckshot. "Cunnel" Messack essayed to ask a question, or make a remark, but tliere Avas something so awful in the still, sot look of Si's face that it froze his utter- ance. "Each of you men go to that stack there," said Si to the prisoners, '•and got an armful of straAV and lay it in that wagon." He spoke very low and suit, but there Avas something terrifying in the deadly calmness of the even tones. The prisoners sprang to the Avork. '•NoAV, pick up each one of tho.se bodi(^s, carefully and gently," he continued, ''and lay them on that straw. Shorty, take Harry, and gather up all the rope you can find. There's a clothes-line over there." The women were on their knees on the porch praying loudly. ••Uncle Eidnaim," commanded Si, "mount that wagoc and drive as straight ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 121 as yon can for the road on which the col- umn is marching. See if you can't strike in about where the 20Cth Injianny is." This was the last word that Si spoke for an hour. At a motion of his hand the prisoners huddled behind the wagon, and the boys formed behind them, and Uncle Ephraim started off. They reached the road without a word being said by any one. Si looked to the left and saw the head of the column coming over the hill a mile back. Everything had gone on so swift- ly that they" had actually outmarched the army, in ^pite of their divergence. That, however, had led them on a shorter line. Si knew that the troops coming were the 200th Ind. He and Shorty exchanged looks in recognition of this, and Si, speak- ing for the tirst time, halted Uncle Eph- raim in a low tone. The bodies of the 200th Ind.'s dead were taken from the w'agon and tenderly laid by the roadside, on the thick, high, yellow grass. While this v/as being done Shorty took a piece of rope, and, measuring it with his arms, cut off the right length and fash- ioned a noose. Imitating him, Pete, Sandy, Alf and Gid did the same, while Uncle Ephraim, Harry and Monty kept the prisoners covered with their muskets. Si and Shorty walked along the opposite side of the road, examining the live oaks. When they saw one that suited, they would nod their heads, when Sandy or Pcto would climb up and out onto the projecting limb and fasten a noose. Col. McGillicuddy and the Adjutant came riding up, and their cheery saluta- tion to Si was checked on their lips by th« sight of the dead bodies. They saw it all at a glance, and comprehended equally tlie import of Si's dread preparations. As he saluted. Si gave a questioning glance at the Colonel, who responded by a simple afTirmative nod. Then, turning in his saddle, the Colonel, by a wave of his hand, directed the march of the regiment a little off the road. Without audible command it halted in front of the trees, faced into line and came to parade rest, with every one looking on thf> dead bodies, and on Si's preparations. Every one un- derstood the whole thing at a glance. Sol- diers get a special talent for comprehend- ing things with a look, and they gathered more in a second than would have made a volume. And there was something a thousand times more impressive in the stern, deadly silence which i-eigned than there would have been in the stormiest denunciation. As the regiment faced about. Shorty motioned the prisoners into the wagon. Absolutely cowed, they shambled forward and obeyed. Shorty catching two or three and almost lifting them up. Shorty sprang into the wagon, and, as Uifele Ephraim drove along, he adjusted a noose around each one's neck and shoved him off the wagon. The stout branches bent np under the load, the doomed men's limbs convulsed wildly, and all was over. Co. A wheeled out of line and carefully bui-ied their dead where they lay, and marked their graves with pieces of cracker boxes, on which their names and date of death were hastily penciled. 122 Al KLBGG AND SHORTY. CHAPTER XXII. SI AND SHORTY LET SOME BIG FISH SLIP PAST THEM-A SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA-ORDINANCE OF SECESSION REPEALED, AND OTHER PROPER LEGISLATION PASSED. The army was now in tho heart of the fairest portion of Georgia — in the fertile belt which lies between the rugged moun- tains of the northwest and the vast stretch of sparsely-wooded pine-barrens, the inhos- pitable sandy plains reaching clear to the ocean, on the southeast. The plantations were all larger and finer than any the army had seen since leaving the rich middle Tennessee coun- try around Nashville, and there was evep^where an abundance of food and for- age, thanks to the providence of Gov. Joe Brown, who had brought his militia home to gather their crops, and they did it just in time to have them convenient for Sher- man. Sherman could not have arranged that part of the campaign better, if he had_ ordered it himself. Never did an army live better than Sherman's during this period. There was flour, meal, sweet potatoes, fresh and cured pork, hams and beef, chickens and turkeys, sorghum molasses, honey, col- lards and turnips enough for everybody, and to spare. The men drew nothing from the Commissary wagons but coffee, sugar ttnd salt. Every night the camp-kettles smoked with the most savory messes, and every morning the men started on their march with their stomachs full of the fat of the land. The horses, mules and beef cattle on foot fared equally well, and grew fatter and sleeker every day. After the 200th Ind. passed Murder Creek, and was nearing Milledgeville, the Colonel remarked to the Adjutant: "As we were coming over the hill back there I noticed some mounted men pass- ing through an openiug a mile or so ahead. They looked like citizens, but you'd better go back and send Serg't Klegg out with his squad to take a look at them." "If it's necessary to hang any of them he'd better wait again for the regiment to come up, hadn't heV" suggested the Ad- jutant, as he started down the column. "I'll trust Klegg's judgment as to that," answered the Colonel. Taking Uncle Ephraim as his topog- rapher. Si marched swiftly across the country, and presently came to a thickly- wooded knoll, from which he could see a trail leading through the woods from the point Avhere the Colonel had descried the horsemen in the distance. Hearing ap- proaching voices, and the sound of horses's hoofs, and rattling of wheels on the frozen ground, he concealed himself and men and waited developments. As the woods in front were tolerably open, he could see fairly well for several hundred yards ahead. The leader of the party was a full-bod- ied, rather a large man, with a silk hat of long-before-the-war vintage, a black frock coat, and "copperas"-dyed vest and panta- loons. His large, full face was shaved clean to the base of the jaws, whence descended a heavy black beard. He rode a fine, quick-stepping bay horse, with "three white stockings and a white nose," and his fat face was drawn with anxiety. He fretted his spirited horse bv nervous tapping on his flank with a switch, and kept glancing back at a farm wagon, laden with household goods hastily thrown in. Behind him rode a matronly woman, clothed in a combination of "store goods" and homespun, and a couple of strong- faced, clean-shaved, tobacco-chewing men. "Now, Cato," he called out fretfully to a negro who was riding in the front of the wagon, carrying a large picture in a heavy gold frame, "be mighty careful not to lose anything out o' the wagon, as Ave go through the woods. And be mighty care- ful of that picture. If you git it banged or scratched I'll take your hide off." "I done got it heah on my knees, takin' de best keer in de world ob hit," answered the negro. "Did you wrap it up in a blanket, as I done told you before we started?" asked the woman, looking back. "No, missus," answered the negro. "Didn't hab no time." "Get out a blanket at once," command- ed the man, stopping the wagon, "and wrap it up carefully as you would a baby. These branrhes will scratch and whip it and the frame all to pieces. It won't be fit to be seen." In obeying the command the negro turned the picture so that Si got a full view of it. It was an oil-painting, repre- senting the man in front in full black clothes, with a high standing collar, and a voluminous black neckerchief. His hair was carefully roached above his forehead, he had a look of stern importance on hi3 face, and an official-looking paper in his THE iiA^cfi TO THE SEA.' 123 hand. Glass cas:'^ c®ntainiiig books were in tlio background, and on a tablo other books and oflicial papers, and an inkstand with quill pens sticking in it. It was one of the regulation pictures of the day of public men, and an imitation of the cur- rent portraits of ^^'ebster, Clay, Calhoun, etc. "Only some ci'izons skipping out o' jNlil- ledgcville," said Si, lelaxing. "Let 'em go. We don't have anything to do with 'em." "rrobably a Justice o' the Peace, or Prol):ite Judge," echoed Shorty, laying his gun down, and feeling around for some to- bacco for a smoke. "If you're ever elect- ed .lustice of the Peace, Si, I expect you'll get some sign-painter to paint a pic- ture of you that'll fill the side of a room, and have enough red in it to go over a wagon. It'll take that much to do justice to your hair and your nose." "Dry up. Shorty," said Si, giving his partner a nudge, "and give me some o' that tobacco. No, I don't mean that Georgia lf>af. Got plenty o' that myself. I nie.iu that bright plug you were just whittling down. I want a change to some- hing of Uncle Sam's. Don't talk vanity 0 me, you old peacock, you." "Hist, thei'e's some more coming," whis- lerfd I'ete Skidmore, as the wagon rolled )n out of sight and hearing. The partners laid down their pipes and picked up their guns, as the sound of )ther voices and hoofs came nearer. It vv-as a group of citizens, all men past middle life, many of them quite old. Sev- ral wore the rusty-black suits, with high lats, affected by the country lawyers, Jus- :ices and minor public functionaries; sev- eral were plain farmers. They had all oft hastily, and were grumbling at the iind of horses they had been able to se- cure. Each had picked up some bit of personal property to take along. One or wo carried law books under their arms, me had a bundle of printed speeches, oth- TS had carpet-bags, umbrellas, canes, etc., n their hands. Some were chewing to- lacco earnestly, others smoking cob-pipes. Dne fat old planter had only been able to ire a string-halted old wagon-horse, vhich still had on the collar, hames and races. He kept up with the others with llfficulty, constantly implored them not to eave him, and was answered with jeers ukI injunctions to "whip up and come dong." Just some more citizens," said Si, lay- ng down his gun and reaching for his )ipe. "Looks like a gang o' Township Trus- ees going to a road meeting," remarked 5horty, scratching a match to light his )ipe. "Wasn't even a decent horse in the ot. We'd better strike over toward the eft and join the regiment. Uncle Eph- aini. go ahead and show the wa.v.' "Hello, who's coming here?" asked Si, after they had gone ahead a few hundred yards. "'J'ake your trees, boys." Five or six men, riding very poor horses, and carrying. guns, came down the road, occasionally facing to the rear, and scan- ning the country back of them. "I declare, they're all one-legged, or one-armed," said Shorty, after studying them carefully. "So they are," said Si, stepping out into the road in front of them. "Come out, boys. Surrender, there I" he called out to them. Throw down your guns. We've got you." "I reckon you have, sah," replied the tall, one-armed Sergeant, who appeared to be in command, recognizing with sol- dierly readiness the impossibility of suc- cessful resistance to the nine muskets, in- cludmg Uncle Ephraim's. which were lev- eled at them iu a very businesslike way. "Yon greatly outnumber us in every way, sah — in legs, arms and muskets. You've got the drop on us, sah. Where did you come from? Wo weren't expecting any Y'ankees that way." "Naturally," answered Si. in a kindly tone. He was touched by the plucky ef- fort of the maimed young fellows to make a soldierly show. "We usually try to make our visits to you men unexpectedly. W ho are you, and where did you come from ?" "We are regular Confederate soldiers, sah," said the Sergeant, proudly, indicat- ing^ their gray uniforms with a glance. "We're on special duty, sah." "Well," remarked Shorty, surveying their sadly-crippled appearance, "t':e Southern Confederacy's robbing the ciadia and the grave, but I had no idee that thev were going into the amputation wards of the hospitals to force men out to fight." "We were not fo'ced, sah," exclaimed the Sergeant, with a hot flush in his voung face. "We're not that kind of men, sah. No fo'cing about it, sah. We iust saw our duty, and tried to do it, sah." "My partner didn't mean anything of- fensive," said Si, in a conciliatory tone. "None of us would insult disabled men. We're very sorry that you have had such misfortunes. Where are you from? And what are you doing here?" The stern hauteur of the Sergeant's face relaxed at once, under Si's kindliness, and he answered in a softer tone: "We have been on duty at the State Capital, sah, and when Gov. Brown, and the Legislature retired before your fo'ccs, sah, we fo'med a reah-gyard to coveh their retrat, sah." "Very proper and soldierly," said Si. "Sergeant, for I see that you have the same rank as myself, I have my canteen here full of cold coffee. Won't* you take a good long drink? I think you need it, and it'll do you good. Drink all you want. We've plenty more." Shorty and the rest each handed theic 124 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. canteens to the Sergeant's companions, who i-ecoived them eagerly. "Thank you, sah," said the Sergeant, after he had imbibed a pint or more. •'Great Caesar's ghost, but that's the best stutt' I've drunlv since the beginning of the wah. 1 can feel it clear to my loes. I 11 say, sah, that you Yankees are awful cute in cutting off ouah coffee, sah. If we could got coffee, I believe we'd lick you out of youah boots, sah." "Well, yuu shan't have any coffee," said Si, good-naturedly. "You're hard enough nuts to crack, as it is." "AVhere are you from. Sergeant?" said the rebel, dropping all his dignity, and becoming quite social. "We're from Injianny. We belong to the liOOth Injianny Volunteer Infantry." "You don't say so'i We bucked up against the 200th Ind. at Kenesaw. I tell you they're thoroughbreds, every man of them. They acted as if they'd walk right over us, in spite of abatis and breast- works 10 feet high. They just kept com- ing in through a lire that it didn't seem a jay-bird could live thruugh. Never saw such wc'^.ldn't-stop fellows. There's where I lost my arm. I saw the fellow plain who shot me. He'd got clear through the abatis, and was standing on the bade of the ditch. He was a large man with red hair, and" "You've been on duty in Milledgeville," exclaimed Si and Shorty, together, anx- ious to turn a conversation which threat- ened becoming entirely too personal. "What's going on there?" "Say," said the Sergeant, with a look of disgust. "This is a great crowd of poli- ticians that you are fighting for. We're hearing all the time about Northern pol- iticians, but if they're any worsc'n these down here, God pity the country, sah. If he could only make them get together and tight the thing out themselves, what a blessing it'd be, sah." "I think they're mostly dodging the draft on the grounds of whiteness of the liver, and progressive softening of the backbone," ventured Shorty. "Just ought to've seen that crowd up there at Milledgeville," continued the Ser- geant, taking another swig at Si's can- teen, and becoming more communicative. "The moment the news come in that your men had crossed Murder Creek, and were heading that way, every member of the Legislature had the buck-fever. JEIe grabbed up whatever was handiest, made a break for the nearest horse, mounted, and skipped out for dear life. I was plum ashamed that such men were Georgians, I was for a fact. They didn't wait for any motion to adjourn, but each fellow lit out for himself." "Couldn't the Governor rally them, and hold them?" inquired Shorty. "O, the Governor! The Governor!" eneered the Sergeant. "Why, he was the worst of the lot. Old Joe Brown was -like a hen on a hot griddle from the very: min- ute the news come in. You'd've tho.Ught that Governor's room, that he's had 'jxed up so stunningly, and whore he's 'been swelling around for yearis, had become a Dutch oven to a horse-tly, He didn't seem to care nothing for the . arms, maga- zines and people in town— ^only to. get away himself, with his. wife and such things as he could carry. He was .par- ticularly anxious about the.. picture of his high and mighty self that a conscripted Dago has been painting, ,to ' keep himself out of the army. Old Jo© had it grabbed up the tirst thing, and when he went by us he was looking out for it as carefully as if it was the warranty deed of his sal- vation. I'm getting less use for old Joe Brown every" "Hey, Avhafs that?" asked Si, suddenly comprehending. "Man with a pietur«, that went down this way a little while ago? Do you mean to say that was Joe Brown, the Governor of Georgia'?" "Certainly, sah," answered the Ser- geant. "Who else do y^u think we were acting as reah-gyard tor, sah, but Gov, Brown, and the Legislature of Georgia'?" "The Governor and the Legisiutuie o£ Georgia," shouted Si and Shorty in con- cert. "You don't mean to say that raft of measly sapsuckers and fly-up-the-cricks that just went down the road was the Governor and Legislature of Georgia?" "I'm your prisoner, gentlemen," said the Sergeant, with dignity, "and I cannot re- sent as I should your abuse of my super- ior ofiicers, but I ask you if you think it is right to insult a prisoner that way? ' "No, Sergeant," said Si. "We ask your pardon. We were naturally shook up to find out that we had let such big .game as that slip through our lingers." "You forget that vre were their rear- guard and escort, sah," said the Sergeant, with mantling pride. "You would have had a great deal of trouble before you got them, sah. We Georgians will fight to the dea+h in defense of our State, sah." "Wo know how well you Georgians light, Sergeant," said Si, chivalrously hu- moring the maimed, crippled man's harm- less pride. "Let me present you with this coffee. Sergeant. Sorry I haven't more for you. Good-by. We must be going. Hope you'll have good luck." "The Governor and Legislature ' of Georgia," groaned Shorty, as they start- ed ahead in quick time. "Si, are there any bigger fools than we are?" "Not outside of an idjiot asylum," an- swered Si. "But there's no use crying over spilt milk. From the banging ahead there, and the smoke's that rising, there's something lively on the carpet. Forward, quick time!" They soon came to the little town of Milledgeville, to find it ablaze with burn- ing factories, magazines and arsenals. The ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 125 Georgia Penitentiary, from which the con- victs had been liberated to fight the Yan- kees, was burning fiercely. There was the crash of exploding ammunition, and the loud shouts of men as they turned over the railroad track, and fired the de- pot buildings and cars. But these sights and sounds had become familiar to every- body, and Si and his squad turned up the street toward the open ground;? iu which stood the State House. *"Vv'e can go up and take a look nt the nest, even if we did let the birds get away from us," remarked Shorty, grimly; but the subject was too painful for Si to speak about. On the columned portico they recognized Shad Graham, Avho called out: "Hello, Si, Shorty. Come in here. We're going to have some fun." They pressed on through the crowd af- ter Shad, and entered the hall of the Georgia House of Kepresentatives. The flags which adorned the chamber had been torn down and taken away, but the walls were emblazoned with the great seal of Georgia — three columns, surmounted by an arch, inscribed "'Constitution." Scrolls on the columns bore the words, "Wis- dom," "Justice," "Moderation." A crowd of laughing, shouting ofBcers and luen filled the chamber. Shad ascend- ed the Speaker's dais, and, rapping loud- ly, shouted: "Silence. .The Legislature of Georgia will now come to order for the regular transaction of business. The Speaker, having shamefully deserted his post in the hour of greatest need, I move, as the sense of this honorable body, that his office be declared vacant, and the Hon. Benj. F. Breeze, of— what County, Captain?" "We camped Ifst Winter in Catoosa County," answered the oQicer addressed, a bright, jolly-looking man, "and I think I gained a residence there. We gained everything else, from bad colds to new breeds of graybacks." "That Hon. Benj. F. Breeze, of Ca- toosa County," continued Shad, "be unani- mously elected Speaker of this 'House. All in favor of the same signify it by say- ing aye." A thunder of "ayes" followed. The vote is unanimous, and very compli- mentary. Captain," said Shad, handing him the gavel. "It is not necessary to put the negative." "Gentlemen of the Legislature of Georgia," said the Captain, taking the gavel, "I thank you much for the unex- pected honor conferred on me. I came into Georgia expecting to do almost any- thing to the State except to preside over its deliberative body. You were wise enough to burn down the penitentiary be- fore you gave me a chance at you. Since I cannot send you there, as you richly deserve, I'll have to keep you here. I'll not take up your time, however, with a speech, as we have much important busi- ness to transact. What is your further pleasure?" "Mr. Speaker, said Shad, "I move that the Hon. Alfred Russell, of Andersonville, Sumter County, be elected Secretary, and Hon. Montgomery Scruggs, of — of — what was that county where they were going to hang you, Si? O, yes, Rockdale Coun- ty— be elected Reading Clerk." The nominations were unanimously in- dorsed. "I now move you, Mr. Speaker," con- tinued Shad, " that the Reading Clerk call the roll of the Counties, that we may fill up all vacancies in their representation." There was a laughing squabble among the men who claimed to represent the Counties in which their regiments had been, and those who could not gain the honor were assigned to other Counties to which the army would probably go. "Mr. Speaker,' called a young Lieu- tenant. "The gentleman from Lumpkin," recog- nized the Speaker. "I move you, sir," continued the Lieu- tenant, "that it be the unanimous sense of this honorable body that the Governor of Georgia, having shamefully deserted his post in the face of the enemy, the office be declared vacant, and that the Hon. Wm. T. Sherman, late of Ohio, but at present of almost any old County in Georgia, be elected his successor." The Army of the Tenessee men raised a storm of cheers. "I move to amend," said an ofl3cer wear- ing an Acorn badge, "by substituting the name of the Hon. George H. Thomas, late of Virginia, but now a resident of Milledgeville.' Vociferous cheers from the Army of the Cumberland men. "I want to say in advocacy of my amendment," continued the Fourteenth Corps man, "that the Hon. Geo. H. Thomas is a much older resident of Geor^ gia than his competitor. He came into the State several months before Gen. Sherman, and at once became prominent in its affairs. At a great meeting held at Chickamauga he was unanimously pro- nounced the foremost citizen of the State. He has been connected with our great pub- lic works. He has had more to do with railroads than any other man who ever lived in Georgia, and he developed the great Snake Creek Gap route." Another storm of cheers from the Army of the Cumberland. "And I hold," continued the Acorn man, "that W. T. Sherman is ineligible for the office, for reason that he is now, and has been for months past, in actual, though not acknowledged command of the Con- federate forces in Georgia." A roar of cheers and laughter from ev- erybody. "I object," called out a man with a white arrow on iiis breast. "You Four- ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 127 teenth Corps fellows want to hog every- thing." from the Sevonteonth Corps to ortler," said Shad. "Hog is niip:irliamentary hmguagc." "I shouldn't think that a man from In- diana ought to object to hog in any I'orm," retorted the White Arrov/ man. "That's what they live on, and they don't know much else." "I'll go over there and bust the honor- able gentleman's head if he don't come to order," roared Shorty. "No ISIississippi alligator like him must allegata against the State of Injianny." "Gentlemen will address the Chair," shouted the Speaker, pounding with his gavel. "The Chair rules that the word hog, when applied to the useful animal which furnishe;-; Ihe sustaining principle for that grand aggregation of patriotism known as Sherman's army is entirely par- liamentary and luojier. But Avben used by a member of the Army of the Tennessee to describe the moral qualities of the Fourteenth Corps, it is highly unparlia- mentary and improper. The gentleman from the Vicksliurg District is out of or- der, and will take his seat." "I appeal from the decision of the Chair," shouted the Seventeenth Corps man. "Everybody knov.-s that the I'^mu'- teenth Corps hogs everything away from the rest of the army. That is what their badge means. Hogs live on acorns." Therfe was every symptom that the ses- sion would break up in a first-class row. A shrill loud voice called for peace. ''Mr. Speaker," it said, "I propose as a substitute for the original motion that the Hon. Geo. IT. Thomas be elected Govern- or of Georgia, and the State cast its elec- toral vote for the Hon. Wm. T. Sherman for President of the United States." Wild acclamations greeted this, and peace was restored. "Mr. Speaker," said a new voice from another part of the hall, "your Commit- tee on Federal Relations have unanimous- ly agreed upon a resolution, which I here- with send to the Clerk's desk, 'to have read:" Monty Scruggs's voice rang out senor- ously as he read: "Whei^eas, in the year of Our Lord, 18G1, an assemblage in this tOAvn. being instigated by the devil, and his chief emis- saries, Jeff Davis, Robert Toombs, How- ell Cobb and others, did wickedly, mali- ciously, and with felony aforethought usurp powers not belonging to it, and treasonabl.y declare Georgia out of the Union, therefore, be it — . "Resolved, That the aforesaid ordinance of secession, which was conceived in sin, and brought forth in iniquity, is hereby, at once and forever, repealed, nullified, set aside, and made void, and of no effect whatever, the State of Georgia is declared to be, now and forever, completely under the jurisdiction and control of the Con- stitution and \avi-s of the United States." "Hold on, Mr. Speaker," shouted some one. "Before that is put upon its passage I rise to a parliamentary inquiry." "The gentleman from Pokeberry will state his inquiry," said the Speaker". "I desire to ask if that will re-enact the I<^igitive Slave Law in Georgia?" asked the man. "The gentleman is referred to the Freednian's Bureau," said the Speaker. "Gentlemen, you have heard the resolu- tion. All in favor of its passage will sig- nify it by saying Aye. Contrary, No. The Ayes have it unanimously, the resolution is adopted, the Ordinance of Secession is repealed, and Georgia is again in the Union." As the roar of cheers subsided, a voice was heard: "Mr. Speaker, the Committee on Crimes, Offenses and Misdemeanors has placed a resolution in the hands of the Clerk, which it desires read and acted on." Monty read out, in full, round tones: "WiiEKioAS, certain evil-disposed per- sons, to-Avit: .John B. Hood, Wm. J. Har- dee, Joe Wheeler, P. G. T. Beauregard, and others conspiring, colleagued and con- sorting Avith them, have been and now are disturliing the peace and dignity of the State, by bloody and seditious acts: There- fore, be it "AV'o?ref7, That the aforementioned men, and all those found in their company, are hereliy declared and denounced as outlaws and traitors, and all loyal, honest men are hereby commanded to pursue them with arms, and shoot doAvn and extermi- nate them on sight, for which this shall be their full warrant." "Adopted by acclammation," announced the Speaker. "iNIr. Speaker," called out a new voice, "the Committee on Reforms in the Laws presents the following, and asks for it3 immediate passage: " *Be it enacted by the Legislature of Georgia, that any man who shall hurrah for Jeff Davis, or in any manner aid or abet the present rebellion, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as it may be convenient to inflict, besides forfeiting all his cattle, hogs, chickens and forage to the Commissary Department." "Passed by acclamation," announced the Speaker. "Passed unanimously," announced the Speaker. "Mr. Speaker," called still another, the Committee on Education presents the fol- lowing, and requests its immediate pas- sage: "Be it enacted. That the song beginning 'We'll hang Jeff Davis on a Sour Apple Tree' is hereby adopted as the State an- them of Georgia, and all teachers kre re- quired to teach it in the public schools." "Mr. Speaker," came from still another 128 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. voice, "tho Criminittpp on Financp reports the following, and asks its immediate pas- Bage: "Be it enacted, That taxes shall con- tinue as heretofoi-e, to be paid in kind, but their collection by the officers of the so-calk'd Southern Confederacy is strictly jirohibited. 'J liat duty is hereby trans- ferred to the oflicers and men of the Union Army, who are hereby authorized and in- structed to seize whatever cattle, hogs, forage, and other ncces-.-:aries that in their judgment said army may require." "Passed by acclamation," announced the Speaker. •'Gentlemen of the Legislature of Geor- gia," said the Speaker, rapping with his gavel and rising. "I must congratulate you on the progress you have made. Never "in the history of Georgia has there been no much good, wholesome and practical legislation passed in so short a timO. Speaking for the great, tree, independent, sovereign Commonwealth of Georgia, I — " "Say, Capt. Breeze," shouted a Regi- mental Adjutant, striding into the hall, "what are you doing here? • Don't you know you've been detailed as Picket Ulli- cer? You want to get over to your de- tachment immediately, and establish your line for the night. I've been looking for you everywhere." "Here, you men," echoed an olHcer of the provost-guard, appearing at the head of a squad, "get back to your regiments, every one of you, oilicers and all. Get, I say." "O, yes; O, yes," ])roclaimed Shad, snatching up the Speaker's gavel, as a siunenir, "the Legislature of Georgia stands adjourned, uhtr dir. The devil take the Commonwealth of Georgia." CHAPTER XXIII. OUT ON THE FLANKS AGAIN— THE PARTNERS THINK THAT THEY WILL GO OUT AND HELP THE BOYS ESCAPING FROM MI LLEN— FORAGERS FROM THE FIFTEENTH CORPS— CAPTURE OF A RAILROAD TRAIiL "Our next station is Sandersville, and all tho army Avill concentrate there," re- ported Capt. Buxton, coming back to the company from regimental headquarters, aftijr they had left Millodgeville. "Sandersville V" commented Si, study- ing the map of Georgia from Mitchel's At- las, which Alf Russell providently car- ried with him; "that means South Caro- lina, as sure's you're born, and we'll soon be making the Palmetto aristocrats howl for tiring on Fort Sumter. First, Ave'U go right down there to INIillen, and re- lease the prisoners, then turn back on Augusta, where the rebels have their biggest arsenals, armories and factories of guns, cannons and powders. We'll wipe them off the face of the earth, and then cross over into South Carolina, where Uncle Billy '11 simply turn us loose, and after we've gone over the ground they'll hav(! to grub deep to even lind the roots of anylhing." "Suit.s me," agreed Shorty. "I'm for South Carolina as soon as you please, but 1 was in hopes that we'd take in An- dersonvilie on the way. We're pointin,' away from it now, I'd .i heap rather go down and help the boys, out there, and then 'tend to South Carolina later. But in the army it's not what you want, but what you can." "They say," said Si, "that all the pris- oners who were able to walk have lieeu taken away from Andersonville, and that there's quite a buiich of them over here at Millen. I think I'll go up to the Colonel, and ask him to let us piroute out toward Millen, as the army advances, and see if Ave can't help out the boys who are trying to get aA>ay from there and through to us. There's likely to be a . lot of them, and we'll know a heap more about where to look for them, and how to help them out, than fellows who haven't had our experience." "That's the scheme that's been cook- ing in my mind ever since we mentioned Millen," agreed Shorty. "Your tongue's got a hair-trigger. Si, and always goes oft' quicker'n mine." "Excellent idea; go ahead," said the Colonel, when the idea Avas broached to him. "You will do much better service, generally, out on the tlanl.«s than you wi 1 in the ranks, until Ave strike something solider than Ave have been running up against lately, or is in sight at present. 'J'here's nothing in front but a moskcto cluud of \\'heeler's cavalry and Georgia xJdTJT MARCH' TO THE SEA. 129 militia. I guess yon can take care of yourselves with them." Taking one day's rations of hardtack, and all the coHee, sugar and salt they couid get. Si, with his squad increased by Uncle Ephraim and Tom Brainard and Bill Grimshaw. who insisted on going along, worked his way out through the army and toward the right, in the direc- tion of Millen. They carried their Man- kets and shelter touts, and a full supply of 40 rounds of ammunition, so as to be prepared for any contingency in two or thiee days' al)senee from the column. As they passed out they met droves of cat- tle and hogs, and long lines of farm wag- ons, carriages, buggies, carry-alls, and ev- ery kind of a vehicle that could be found on the plantations, and made to carry to camp a load of provisions for man and beast. Every man seemed in keen rivalry to get the biggest p(^ssible load, and hurry it into camp. And besides his contribu- tion to the general fund, he invariably carried some luxuries for the special de- lectation of his mess — chickens, turkeys, jar of honey, a jug of molasses, bucket of milk, etc., etc. If a man wanted to make a moosyura of all the road-rackers in use since the flood," remarked Si, studying the parade of wheeled antiquities strung along the road, "all he'd have to do would be to gather up the collection he'd find in camp tomorrow morning. I declare, Columbus must 've come over in some of them Avhen he discovered America, and they've had hard use ever since. I used to think that a Posey County camp-meeting could rake the four corners of the earth for tough things on wheels, but Posey County isn't to be mentioned in the same day with this layout." 'Looks like a wagonshop yard with de- lirium tremens," remarked Shorty. '"Some of those things look so old that they'd blue-mold the grub the boys are carrying in them, before they get to camp. Why, Jeff Davis ought to be ashamed 'to be fQuud dead near one of them." As they approached the crossing of the Little Ogeechee River they beard a sharp little volley, followed by some deliberate shots in reply. They hurried forward, and presently came to a house, where they found tive or six soldiers wearing Fifteenth Corps badges, deliberately wringing the necks of some chickens whiiii they had driven into a tobacco shed. In an oJd carryall, hitched up and stand- ing in the road, were some sacks of flour, sv.eet potatoes, collards, jugs and a small bee-gum. The firing was going on pretty lively, and bullets sang over their heads, but the men were devoting themselves to their work without paying the least attention. "What's up, boys?" asked Si, as he came up on the double-quick, and speak- ing to a soldier who came out to the carry- all and threw in a load of headless chick- ens. "O, nothing in particular," answered the soldier, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. "There's 25 or 30 of .Toe Wheel- er's cavalry acrost the river there want- ing to come ever and mix up with us. Four or five of the boys are down there at the ford holding them back till we get through. Say, boys, you'll have to go on further. Wo aint going to leave nothing here worth while. This is the anniver- sary of our fight at Lookout Mountain—, our company was the first one above th» clouds— and we're going t& celebrate it by a big chicken potpie, with batter cakes and honey on the side." He spoke deliberately, and paid as lit- tle attention to the firing and the bullets that occasionally sang overhead as if they were miles away. "Why don't you go over there and run that cavalry off?" inquired Si, gathering himself up, as if he would do it. "O, what the devil's the use?" said the others scornfully. "They aint doing no harm, so long's you keep 'em back, and the boys that's down there at the ford can do that, and not try hard. Aint got no shoe-leather to wear out chasing rebel cavalry. And if you run 'em back 10 miles they'd turn and foller you again. Nah; got better use for our time thaa loping around the country after Jo© Wheeler's long-distance runners." A bullet clipped through the leather top of the carryall. "Here, Jim," yelled the Fifteenth Corps man to his companions at the ford. "What's the matter with you fellows? Going to sleep down there? Shove them rebels back further. That last bullet come within a foot of the milk jug. You let 'em bust that jug, and you'll go with- out cream in your coffee tonight. Heai" that?" "Well, we'll go down there and rout them," said Si. "We don't believe in let- ting the rebel cavalry hang around." "Dou't y©u do it,' said the Fifteenth Corps man sharply. "You just keep where you are. This is none of your scrap, and we don't thank fellows from other corps coming around and mixing in before they are invited. We're per- fectly able to take care of our own front." "No offense, comrade," said Si. "We simply offered our help." "Well, we don't want your help. The hoys wouldn't like it a bit for you to mis in. There's five as good shots down there as there is in the Army of the Tennessee, and they can stand off a mighty big biling of rebel cavalry without turning a hair. If they can't, there's six or seven more of us here just as good as they are. The rebels aint bothering us at all. If you don't like the way we're doing things, go off to your own corps, where they're roan- aged to suit you." . "Look here, partner, there's no need of ISO SI KLEXJG AND SHORTY. yonr getting on your ear. We know that the Fifteenth Corps is generally able to run its own machine. But as we hap- pened to be going out that way, we thought we'd .i"st dean out the rebels as v.'e went along." ''Well, you just remember this is our o\ffn little affair, and jon'll please keep out of it until you're invited," returned the othei-, obdurately. "You'll have enough to do t© shinny on your own side." "Say, Lishe," calle-;is," said Elisha, looking with a little perturbation on a cloud of horsenien gnlloping up. "Come out here, boys. R:iiiy on rbe wagon." Then he noticed Si moving down, and his corps pride asserted itself. "I say, Sergeant," he begged, "do keep out of this. T tell yon we're entirely able to take care of our front. You Army of the Cumbcriaud men are always talking about t:iking cui-e of us .-ind saving us. I've heard it ever since Shiloh, and I'm sick of it. ni tell you what, you can take all that grul), if you'll just go off to camp and let us handle this business ourselves." ••>\ hat do you take us for?" asked Shorty, hotly. "Do you think we're that kind of" But Si. who sympathized with the man's soldierly pride and jealous regard for the honor of hi.s corps, interrupted: "Go ahead. Sergeant. I think you're able by yourselves to stand them off. We know what stuff the Fifteenth Corps has in it. We Avon't interfere unless we're sure we're needed. Go ahead. We'll iouk on, and see you do it." "Thank you," said Serg't Elisha grate- fully, as he ran forward with his com- panions toward the river bank. In a few minutes the skirmish became quite shai-p. Avith the rebels on the oppo- site .side of the river banging away pro- miscuously, to intimidate the defenders, who kept well under shelter, firing care- fully and slowly whenever they saw a chance to bring down a man or a horse. "Good soldiers," nodded Si, approving- Jy to Shorty, as they watched and listened from a position behind some buildings. "I guess they'll beat them off, and ought to have the full credit. I'll tell vou what we might do. That field over there on the knob must be in plain view of the rebels. We might march around theie in such a way as to make them believe we're moving about a regiment to cut them off." They all ran at once for the knob, and began the old trick of marching past a gap in the bushes, coming around a:id passing across again. They were so suc- cessful that at the second round they heard the rebel bugle blow the recall, and soon all the butternuts were in ftill re- treat. Si and Shorty came back to compliment the Sergeant and others upon the hand- some light they had put up, and shake hands and part, the others to go back to camp and their chicken potpie celebra- tion of the battle above the clouds, and Si and Shorty to push over the Little Ocmulgee toward Millen. They watched the rebel rear-guard pick up their wounded and carry them into some near-by cabins, instruct women there about taking care of them, and hav- ing the negroes bury the dead man, strip the dead man of his arms, and drive for- ward the men whose horses had been killed, and who were lingering behind to gather up their property. They pulled ofE their saddles and bridles, and went for- ward with them on their shoulders, until they could find other horses. Si and Shorty slipped forward under the cover of the trees to get an opportunity to pick up some of these men, without alarming the rear-guard, and bringing on another fight. But the rear-guard was vigilant, gathered all the stragglers up, and urged them forward. Stiddenly one of them, a tall, slender young fellow, threw down his saddle, exclaiming, with an oath: "Thar that blamed ca'tridge-box's worked loose agin, and dropped. I've got to go back for it." "Let hit go. Bill," said the Lieutenant in command. "You kin git another." "No, I can't," said the man. "An', be- sides, hit wuz plum full o' ca'tridges." "Make haste, then. Don't go fur," said the Lieutenant. "Hyah, hand me up yer saddle. I'll tote hit fer yo' till yo' git back." The man handed up the saddle, and started back with his head down, appar- ently scanning the road for his cartridge- box. The rear-guard pressed on, for the column was moving at a good gait, and the guard was losing distance. The man came straight toward where Si and Shorty were standing behind treesL "Halt!" they commanded when he was 50 yards distant. "That's all right, Yanks," he said, promptly throwing up his hands. "I was looking for you all the time." There was not a touch of Southern twang in his voice. The Lieutenant of the guard, looking over his shoulder at the man, noticed his action, faced his guard about, and started back, but Si showed up his whole force in the opening, at which the Lieutenant faced about and continued his march. "Hello, Bob," said Bill Grimshaw, com- ing up to the new-comer and joyously shak- ing hands, after the Lieutenant faced .■I bout. "Awful glnd to see you. brother. Say, you played that very fine, you did, for a fact; I've been worrying about you a good deal. I knew that they'd put yoa ON THE MARCH TO T IE SEA. 131 "THAT'S ALL RIGHT, YANKS," HE SAID; "I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU ALL THE TIME." into Wheelfr's cavalry and that yon'd pet away tho lirst elianco. I didn't recognize you, thongh, till I heard your voice." "Sorgoant," continued (xrimshaw, "this is my brother, Bob, v.ho"s a printer, and, liko me, v/as tempt eil down Sonth by good wages, and then pressed into the rebel army about a year ago. He's as loyal a boy as ever lived. Tickled to death to see jou alive and well, Bob." "Yes, boys, you'll find me sound on the goose," said Bob Grimshaw. "I think I've wasted more cartridges for the South- ern Confederacy, and done less damage to the Yankees than any other man in the rebel army. A Yank would've had to be at least 1,000 feet high that I ever hit when T was shooting." •'Glad to have you with us, Mr. Grim- shaw," said Si, shaking hands with him. "Make yourself at home with us. We've conie out to try and help get away any of 132 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. the bovs wlio may be ti-ying to escape from Milieu. Know anything about any?" "There's lots of them trying to get away," answered Bob. "And they've been IXJcking them up all along through the country. They're jumping from trains, digging tunnels and getting out of the stockades by all sorts of tricks. Awful sight to see when we pick them up. Noth- ing but skin and bones, and without rags enough to cover their nakedness. So weak and sick that some of them just simply lay down and die as soon as they see they are recaptured. I tell you, boys, you don't know how many kinds of hell this Southern Confederacy is until you get on the inside. It's a hundred times worse on the inside than it can look to be from the outside." "I suppose that they're mostly coming out this way?" inquired Si. '"Trying to meet Sherman?" "Mostly," answered Bob. "Though there's a great many going the other way, ti-ying to get to the sea. The cavalry, the couscripters. and the reserves have orders to watch the crossings of the creeks, and I think that every ford along the Little Ogeechee is pretty well watched today for them." "We'll just skin down this side of the river, then," decided Si, "and see if we can't drive the watchers off, and pick up pome of the boys. Where do you tlunii that cavalry has gone?" "I heard them say," answered Bob, "that Joe Wheeler would have his head- quarters tonight at Tenille Station, over on the railroad, in that direction. I think they're going to join him." "That throws them away off to the left," said Si. 'T don't think we need bother any more about them. Let's push right along. We can probably lick any- thing we find along the banks of the river." Without any attempt at concealment, therefore, they marched along the road following the course of the river. Oc- casionally they would see small squads of reserves in the distance, who speedily pro- ceeded to put a big stretch of Georgia landscape between them and the Yankees. They looked into all the fords, and Pete, on Abednego, scoured the country around, in search of hiding places for escaped prisoners. But he found none. He did find some good horses concealed in these likely hiding places, and by the middle of the afternoon the whole squad was well mounted. They made much better pro- gress now, and towai-d sundown came to the Georgia Central Railroad, running from Macon to Milieu, Augusta and Sa- vannah. They heard the whistle of a train in the distance, coming from the di- rection of Macon, hastily piled some logs and stones on the track, concealed their horses in the brush and trees, and lay down among the sumach and cedars above a deep cut to wait for it. , The train came on, the engineer caught sight of the obstruction as he entered the cut, whistled for brakes, reversed his le- ver, and looked around, to encounter Si's musket leveled at his head. "Stop that train right there; don't you move an inch, or off goes your roof," sternly commanded Si. Shorty, with the rest of the boys, was attending to the guards on the top of the cars, while Si was dealing with the engineer. "Stand right where you are; drop them guns; don't you try to get dowm. if you don't Avant to land in hot brimstone," shouted Shorty, and the frightened re- : serves hastened to obey. "I ain't wanting to go any further," said the engineer, very cheerfully. "This suits me well enough." "Hello, Mockbee," shouted Brainard and Grimshaw, delightedly, at the sound of his voice. "Good boy. Come right over here." The engineer jumped from the train, and ran up to join his old friends. "What does this mean? Come down, men," shouted the Captain and Lieuten- ants of the guard, rushing from the inside of a car further to the rear, and drawing their swords. "Jump down on the other side, men, and form." "Excuse me. Captain, and you, too. Lieutenant," said Shorty, with great show of politeness, as he covered the Captain. "This ain't your ante. I believe I have the age. Pass the buck, please. In other ■words, both of you toddle right up here, and hand me them toad-stickers. You won't have no further use for them." "What's your rank, sir?" said the Cap- tain, swelling a little. "I'm a commis- sioned officer, and don't surrender to no Corporal." "I'm afraid you'll have to. all the same, this time," said Shorty, sadly. "My reg- ular commission hasn't arrived yet, but I carry one good enough for every-day use right here," and he tapped his gun. "So toddle right up here, my laddie-bucks, and hand over your swords, before I'm under the painful necessity of blowing your heads off. Be in a hurry, for I'm nervous holding this gun out so long, and it's liable to go off." The officers clambered up the bank and handed over the swords. "Yip! yip! hooray!" yelled eight or ten of Kilpatrick's cavalry, who were in the fi-ont car, as they caught their guards, and flung them out. "Hooray for Abe Lincoln, and Billy Sherman." They jumped out, snatched up the rebels's guns, and joined the rest on the bank. Leaving Harry, Monty and the rest to gather up the prisoners. Si and Shorty walked back to look over the train. It was a small one of six cars, made up to carry the family of the Superintendent of the machine shops at Griswoldville, and those of some other high ofScials to a place of safety. The last three contained the ladies" of the families, with whom the ON THE MARCH TO TH-E SEA. 133 CaptaiTi,' Lieutenant and conductor had been IJirtinA' at the time Si rudely inter- rupted thi^ pnssnjro. Tlie first car had thf' captured cnvalrymon and guards, the sec. ond tine tools aiid delicate machinery frorr, the shops, and the third provisions au(\ household goods. Some ot me women had promptly faint- ed, but not receiving much symr'athy or at- tention from their sisters, had recovered and gone to screaming. The rest were looking as if the end of the world had come. - "Don't be alarmed, ladies," said Si, po- Htely -lifting -his hat. "Sorry to have in- terrupted your journey, but you'll be per- fectly safe. Conductor, as we haven't any use for you, you'll btay here and take care of the ladies." Tom Brainard jumped into the cab, and peized the throttle, while Bill Grirashaw uncoupled the four rear cars, and Shorty set the prisoners to work removing the obstruction. Brainard ran the engine, with the two cars, ahead a little way to where there was a rail fence on one side of the road, and one of pine stumps on the other. "We'll just make a big bontire of her, and send her howling down to Tenille Sta- tion with our compliments to Joe Wheel- er," he said, as he began fastening down the safety valve with a piece of telegraph wire, "I hope she'll run right into the middle of his camp and bust wide open, and blow him and his whole yelling, thieving crew into the middle of next Bionth." While Shorty was making the prisoners pile rails and stumps on the cars, Grim- shaw and the other engineer were picking out rich bits of fat pine with which to stuff the firebox, and till the cab. • . With coals from the engine, Shorty ptarted big blazes in the cars, and Brain- ard, cramming into the firebox the last splinter of pine that it would hold, set fire to the stuff in the cab, and pulling open the throttle, jumped from the cab and let her go. The boys raised a cheer as the sped down the track, and then started to regain the road upon which the army was advancing. Col. McGillicudy had been detached ■duriiig the day and sent forward with his regiment to push back Joe Wheeler's cav' airy, and not finding any particular dilfi- ctilty in the job. had pushed on to Tenille Station, where he arrived about dark, and went into camp upon some open, level ground along a switch of the railroad. His tent had been put up near the track, a pleasant fire built of railroad timbers, and he and the Adjutant were seated near it smoking, while Aunt Minerva Ann was busy preparing a savory supper at another fire. The rest of the regiment was near by, all lively, occupied in getting their evening meal and fi?:ing for the night. It was as pleasant and pictares'tiue a cainivsrone as was ever beheld; The briulit tires sparkled in the darlrjiess; all was (juiot; save for the kum of QgVceable occupation; the day's maret had' been an enjoyable one, with just enough- excite- ment with the cavalry to give it zest, and the Colonel and the Adjutant were talk- ing about the end of the war, and what they would do when mustered out. Suddenly a huge mass of flame cr^me tearing up the railroad with a frightful, deafening roar. Everybody sprang up, and stood looking at it, with bis eyes pro- truding, and his heart in his mouth. What could it be? An enormous meteor? A new kind of a rebel infernal ma- chine? Aunt Minerva Ann collapsed to hefi knees and began hysterically shouting: "De Judgment Day! De Judgement Day! Gabriel blowin' de horn! O, God Almighty, hab mercy on a pore nigger!" The switch was open, and the frightful mass whirled from the main track, and up toward Col. McGillicuddy's quarters. Everybodv ran back in teri'or. Coi. McGillicuddy quickly divined what the thing was, and his smooth, soft, bugle- like tones rang out penetratingly. "Steady, men! It's only a train oa fire!" "Steady, men!" repeated the ofHcers. The engine dashed against the stopping block at the end of the switch and rolled over on its side. "Look, out, there! Look, out!" yelled a number. "She's going to bust!" Col. McGillicudy thought of "Elder Hornblower," who, in a spasm of terror, was vainly kicking and straining to brealj his stout halter. Around him were horses, all frantic with fear. Regardless of their flying heels, the Colonel sprang in to rescue his beloved steed from the danger of the explosion. He was followed by the Adjutant, similarly intent for his own horse's safety. They cut the halter straps, led the animals away, and quieted them with assuring words. The expected explosion did not take place, and the panic quickly disappearing, the laughing, yelling boys gathered around to inspect the thing as the flames died down, and indulge in comments upon the marvelous happening. "Another scheme of the damned, cow- ardly rebels to murder us all," said the angry Adjutant. "I doubt it," said the Colonel. "I doubt if they had time to think of such a thing since we've been here. It's most likely the other way, and I wouldn't be sur- prised to find Si Klegg and Shorty mixed up in it somehow, I've somehow got in the habit of connecting them with evei'y- thing that's unexpected."- 134, SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. CHAPTER XXIV. APPLE DUMPLINGS AND A GIANT CA.VE— SI FINDS OUT A TKEASUEE OP APl'LES AND A MAMMOTH CAVERN— THE ADJUTANT FINDS OUT HOW MUCH HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT COOKING. There were few apples raised in Geor- gia before the war, and the produetion was almost wholly contiued to the mouu- taiu region where the small, old-tashioned varieties grew, almost without care or at- tention. Like all healthy, normal boys, Si was exceedingly fond of apples. On his way back to the column his attention was ex- cited by the unusual sight in that section of an apple orchard, and, more unusual Btill, it seemed thrifty and well-tended. It was probably the property of some man who had traveled in the Noith, and ac- quired an appetite for its delicious fruit. Possibly some iNorthern school-teacher had mariicd dov. n there, and long;d for the pleasant things of her girlhood's home. Foilowing up the natural train of thought Si looked toward the house, and saw there one of these peculiar institutions of Ken- tucky and Tennessee, a straw-pen. These are pens of rails, vrith thick layers of straw inside, to protect against the cold the Winter's supply of apples, sweet and Irish potatoes, etc., stored there. Hope sprang up in Si's breast. Leav- ing the rest to move on, he rode over to the straw-pen. and the fragrance that greeted his nostrils when he came close justified his hopes and made his mouth water. There may be a more delicious, pure and penetrating perfume than that of Winter apples in storage, but no one has yet pointed it out. That of roses and pinks is not equal to it. It always was to Si what a whiff of whiskey-scent is to a thirsty drunkard. He dismounted, thrust his hand far in through the straw, and brought out a big, blushing, fragrant Kome Beauty. ''Somebody from the Ohio River coun- try planted that orchard." he remarked, •s he rubbed the chaff oft" with his hand, preparatory to a capacious and luscious bite. ''There's more of God's country in this than anything I've seen in the whole of Georgy. ^Vhen Georgy's brought back into the Union, they ought to plant apples all over the State, to cure 'em of being rebels." In a corn-crib near by he found a couple of sacks, which he tilled with the fruit — one for his mess and the other for Col. McGillicuddy, whom he knew to be quite as fond of apples as he himself. He threw these across his horse and made his way after the detachment. For three days the army deliberately concentrated around Sandersville, to niis^ lead the rebels that an attack on Augusta was intended, and an invasion of South Carolina. The 2U0th Ind. remained quietly resting at Tenille Station. Having nothing to do Col. McGillicud- dy's mind turned toward luxuries. Si's bag of apples made his tent redolent of intoxicating odor, suggestive of home things. "Adjutant," he said one morning, as, after signing up the morning reports, they sat on some railroad ties in front of the tent, contentedly smoking, and watching the men boiling, washing and mending their clothes. "There's nothing in the world I'd give so much for, this minute, as a great big mess of apple-dumplings, like those mother used to make. The smell of those apples has set me to long- ing for them." "Nothing easier than to have them," answered the Adjutant, confidently. "Aunt Minerva can cook anything. Here are the apples. We have plenty of sugar and hour, and it is an easy matter to get milk. That's all that's needed." "Well," answered the Colonel, "I'm go- ing to ride over to brigade headquarters, to find otxt what's in the air. I'll be back about 1 o'clock, hungry as a wolf, and shall expect a fine dish of smoking apple dumplings. I may bring the Gen- eral with me." Adjt. Willoughby was one of those in- valuable young men about headquarters, who have no doubt in the world as to their ability to manage anything in the universe, and are eager to undertake any job suggested to them. "Great Christopher," he soliloquised, as the Colonel rode away, and he walked back to Aunt Minerva Ann's boudoir by the wagon, "if apple-dumplings is what the Colonel wants, apple-dumplings he shall have, and by the pock. Nothing eas- ier. Aunt Minerva Ann, the Colonel wants a big mess of apple-dumplings for dinner." "Apple-dumplings?" inquired Aunt Min- erva Ann, with a blank look. "What's dem?" "Apple-dumplings?" echoed the Adjut- ant, somewhat taken aback. "Why, they're apple-dumplings, that's all. Don't you know what apple-dumplings are?" "Kebber beared ob sich t'ings ia all my ON THE MAEOH TO THE SEA. 135 born days. Heared lots of apple-jack, •which old Mas'r useter take fer his moru- in's moruiu', an' what sets common folks t' foutiu' an' killin', bu-t uebber heared ob no apple-dumplius. Heaied ob people makiu pies ub apples, but nebber seed hit, our believed dey could do hit." "\V<.)11, they do make pies out of apples," gasped the Adjutant, beginning to compre- hend t-he negress's ignorance, "and mighty good ones, too, Apple-dumplings are something like pies, only they're boiled in- stead of baked, and eateu with sweetened milk." "Nebber made no l>ies in all my life. Ole M'am Lize, she made all the pies, an' all de wheat bread up at de house. She jealous ob de rest ob we'uus, an' nebber let we'uns see how she done hit. Done druY we'uns all away when she wukked at hit." "Why, it's all dead easy," said the Ad- jutant, with the easy oonhdence of youth and inexperience. "You just mix up your flour and water, with a little salt and saleratus, just as you do your meal and water, and then — and then — and then you just coat your apples with it, and boil them together, and you have your apple-dumplings. You get a perfectly- clean camp kettle, and fill it with watei-, and set it on to boil, and get your flour and water, and I'll bring out the apples." Aunt Minerva Ann did as directed, and got out the wooden bowl which she used to mix the dough for the corn-pone. Un- der the direction of the Adjutant, who became momentarily more sure that he had mastered the whole art and mystery, she mixed up flour and water until she had it abovit the consistence of corn-dough, "I was as puzzled at first as bad as George III., in the poem was, as to how they got the apples into the dough," com- muned the Adjutant with himself. '"As •I remember it, the poem don't explain how they do it, but I've thought it out. All you need about cooking is a little common sense, just as you need it in everything. The trouble with that old wooden-headed King was that he didn't have any, sense about anything. Aunt Minerva Ann, now you just wash off those apples very care- fully. Be sure that every one's perfectly clean. Nothing like cleanliness in cook- ing. There's where all men and so many women make a great mistake in cooking." "Now," he continued, as Aunt Minerva Ann brought back the apples, dripping from the washing, "take each one up by the stem this way, and take a knife, and plaster about a quarter of an inch of dough all around it." Aunt Minerva Ann tried to obey, but her fingers were clumsy at the unaccus- tomed work. The dough would not stick to the knife, still less to the wet surface of the apples. '"Fore Gawd, Mas'r Adjutant," she ex- claimed, as she laid down the apple and knife, after a vain effort, to wipe the boil' ing sweat from her perplexed face, "dat's de hardest wuk I ebber tried t' do. I'd a heap radder plow corn dan make apple- dumplins." ■ i^oiiiouud the clumsiness of these Geor- gia held hands," said the Adjutant, cross- ly. "You'd think every one of their fin- gers were toes, and big toes at that. Give me that knife, Aunty, and let me show yon how." But he succeeded no better than the lady of the kitchen. The dough would stick neither to the knife nor to the wet skin of the apples. "The trouble is, you havn't got this dough thick enough," said the Adjutant, as ho also began to sweat over the work, and was also accumulating the paste on his hands, face, and uniform. "Get some more flour. Aunty." They stirred in more, until it became like mortar. With his efforts at this, and at coating the a poles, and with wiping his face of the sweat which boiled out as profusely as on Aunt Minerva Ann, the Adjutant became pretty liberally covered from head to toot with flour and paste. He finally got one apple tolerably covered, and holding by the stem, surveyed it, while he soliloquized: "Don't look as workmanlike as those mother used to make, but looks will make no difference with the taste." ''Hello, Adjutant," said the Surgeon, who happened to be passing. "What ar« you trying to do? Whiten yourself up to play off ghost on somebody this eveo- ing?" "I'm trying to show the cook here how to make apple-dumplings," answered the Adjutant, very briefly. "Apple-dumplings'?" echoed the Sur- geon. "I don't know anything about them except that the apples ought to be peeled and quartered, which you don't seem to have done." "I declare, that's so," gasped the Ad- jutant, as the Surgeon passed oa. "I quite forgot it, but I never saw a whole apple in a dumpling. I remember that mother used to peel and quarter her's." Aunt Minerva Ann had never peeled an apple, but she quickly learned how, un- der the Adjutant's instruction. He had learned that much in his frequent forced labor in his mother's kitchen. Then came the additional perplexity of keeping the segments together, vshila plastering the paste aromid them. The Adjutant added much to his wheaten coat- ing in his efforts. The flour on his face mingled with the sweat into a thin paste. His hands were thickly clogged. "I declare, I never did see such a sticky stuff as this Georgia fiour," he grumbled. "Sticks to everything but the apples. Mother's dough didn't used to act that way. You could handle it like wax." The negroes, male and female, became interested in this unusual exhibition of Y'ankee cnokeiy, and gathered around, watching the proceedings with open eyes, and wondering what great results would 136 61 KLEGG AND SHORTY. conic. This did not improve the Adju- tant's temper. He heard the bugle sound the dinner call as he finally got a round ball of the paste formed, with the four quarters of the apple somewhere inside of it, and scraped it off his hands into the kettle. "The blasted things will boil all right," he muttered, "if they won't do anythiiag else. They can't help boiling, and that is about all there is to dumplings. It won't matter if they do look a little ragged when they come out. The milk will cover that up." He toilsomely elaborated another swad of the paste and apple-quarters, but be- fore he dropped it into the kettle looked there for the other. The water had dis- solved the paste into a thin gruel, and the four quarters of the apple were lying at the bottom of the kettle. "Hello, Adjutant," said Col. McGilli- cuddy, coming up with the General. "How are you gettmg along with those apple- dumplings'?" That the General should see him in this humiliating predicament, wrecked the last dike against the Adjutant's boiling temper. He stood in the greatest awe of the General — a thorough, punctilious sol- dier, a stickler for etiquet and routine, for trim uniforms, and deportment becoming an officer and a gentleman. To be seen by him now, in this plight, consorting with negro cooks, was ruinous to the young man's self-esteem. "Damn the apple-dumplings," exploded the Adjutant, giving the kettle a kick which sent it over, and flinging away the knife and a wad of the paste. "Colonel, if you want apple-dumplings, you'll have to get some one else to make them. The IJnitcd States Government did not com- mission me as a pastry-cook." "Well, it did me," said the General, with a genial laugh illuminating his strong bronzed face. To everybody's surprise he began taking off his coat and rolling up his sleeves. "It commissioned me to know and be able to do everything necessary for health and comfort in the field. I'm not going to miss so good an opportunity to get some nice apple-dumplings, for which my mouth's been watering, ever since the Colonel mentioned them. Come back. Ad- jutant, a sulky cook spoils the meat. Come back, and get a very important lesson in the great trade of soldiering. Come back and get something to make you appreciate better your mother's accomplishments." Throwing the paste out of the bread- bowl, the General gave Aunt Minerva Ann an object lesson in the proper preparation of dough, sending to the hospital for some seidlitz powders, to use in lieu of baking- powder. He kneaded the dough thorough- ly, and then taking a little wad, placed the four segments of the apple on it, and easily worked the dough up into a smooth ball around it. "Law, bress me, how easy hit is, when you knows how," exclaimed Aunt Minerva Ann, deftly imitating her teacher. "My boy," said the General kindly, to the Adjutant, as they started back to the tent to wash up, while the dumplings were boiling. "I'm glad to have had the opportunity to give you that lesson. You are a bright, promising soldier, and I want to see you succeed. There's nothing that a real soldier oughtn't to know, and es- pecially about the properties and man- agement of wheat flour. On that frequent- ly depends the health and lives of his men. If I had my way I'd make every West Point Cadet serve an apprenticeship in a bakery. After I'd been on the frontier awhile I saw the need of going to work and learning the trade thoroughly. If I'd done it before I would possibly have saved some of my men's lives. I cer- tainly would have added much to their comfort and my own. After we have washed up I'll show you how to make a boss dip for the dumplings. Old Maj. Jenkins taught it to me. He was the toughest old martinet in the army, and took the best care of his men. He taught me about all I knew of soldiering." Retaining his horses. Si started out early the next morning to prosecute his original intention of hunting for prisoners escaping from Milieu, and helping them through our lines. He started for Wil- liamson's Swamp, a noted place in that region. It was formed by a tributary of the Ogeechee River, and its intricate re- cesses, Bob Grimshaw informed him, were famous hiding places for "!iers-out" from conscription, and runaway negroes. It was altogether likely that many "escapes" had taken refuge in there. Si rode along till near noon, investi- gating every place in which it seemed possible that an escaping prisoner might be hidden. To the people in the houses they passed — women, old men, and some' so badly crippled that even the rebel con- scripters would not take them — they rep- resented themselves as part of Wheeler's cavalry, looking for deserters and escap- ing Yankees. As usual, in these inter- views. Si let Shorty do all the talking. His partner could speak Southern dialect perfectly, and lie with an ease and plaus- ibility that Si never emulated. From these they usually learned that all of Joe Wheeler's cavalry in the neighbor- hood were being withdrawn and hasten pd across our front to Waynesboro, to resist the advance on Augusta. They occa- sionally saw, in the distance, squads mov- ing northeasterly. "Kilpatrick'll 'tend to 'em," said Si, with a wave of his hand in that direction. "Let 'em go." "I intended to," answered Shorty, com- placently. "But how about these?" Si hurriedly inquired, as he happened to glance back- ward, aad see about a kaUtaliou of cavalrj; ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA I'M TRYING TO SHOW THE COOK HERE HOW TO MAKE APPLE-DUMP- LINGS," ANSWERED THE ADJUTANT VERY BRIEFLY. coming over a high hill a couple "of miles in the rear. '•I guess we'd better be going," remark- ed Shorty. "Let's strike for that big road down iii'front, which apparently leads to Louisville. We'll get there before they see us, and probably find some by-path off." But as they reached the road and looked to the left they sa-v*- another battalion rising over the hill beyond, with their faces set toward the northeast. "That's probably the rear of the col- umn," Si hastily assumed. "We'll tura to the right and go southwest." He did so, but as he .ascended tie nest hill, he was dismayed to see appfoaohing a brigade of cavalry. "Great Scott, Shorty," he cxciaimed, drawing back to be out of sight, aad glanc- ing apprehensively toward the road lead- ing in from the west. "We'T>e got in be- tween the advance and the main ct)himn, with that other crowd ou our flank." 13? BI KLEGG AND SHORTY. "Had we better leave the horses, and break for the woods?" suggested Bill Grimshaw, who had the strongest reasons for not falling into the rebels' hands. He and Tom Brainard were always willmg to take any risk but that of being cap- tured. "Say, Sargint," suggested Uncle Eph- raim, 'who was studying the roadside brush, ••somebody's done gone froo right dar." !Si looked, but could see no entrance into the impenetrable hedge of briers and brush. But he had confidence in Uncle Ephriam's bush-knowledge. "Go ahead, Uncle," he said, briefly. Uncle Ephraim made his way through the brush with much less difficulty than expected, and the other horses foljowed. Before the head of either column ap- peared they were all behind the wall of bushes, which closed up again and showed no sign of their passage to eyes less sharp- ly trained than Uncle Ephraim's. '•Somebody's done hid hyah afore. Dar's a hidin' place 'round hyan, some- whar," Uncle Ephraim continued, as they dismounted and led their horses along through the thick-growing cedars along a- shelf above the creek. •"Bote niggers an' white men 've bin hidin' hyah." •'How do you know, Uncle?" inquired Si. •'I done seed some nigger-wool on a brier, whar we come in, an' den I seed a piece ob paper back dar. De hidin' place bin useil a good while ago, an' den quite lately," remarked Uncle Ephraim, and Si, following his gaze, saw a whittled stick that hud rotted, and a bit of rag, that had not yet become weather-beaten. •■\A'har iu de world dat hidin' place?" continued Uncle Ephraim, looking around anxiously, for thoy ceu't* hear the brig- ade on the road halting, tntiuifestly with the intention of waiting for some oiher portion of the command to come up. '•Whar in de Kingdom he? On top de hill? No; dat bare, an' kin be seed f'om de udder hills. Whar he? O' dar he." His eyes had at last caught sight of enough broken branches and disturbed foliage to indicate a direction, and he fol- lowed it, leading his horse. It led him down toward the creek, and he carefully avoided shaking the bushes and attracting the attention of the men on the road. His raised finger made Si and the rest equally circumspect. Turning around a thick clump of laurel, he came suddenly under a high cliff, beneath which all the horses could stand, and drew his horse there followed by the others. On the opposite side of the creek jagged, precipitous rocks rose quite high, and on the scanty soil on and among them grew cedars and briers. "This is good enough," said Si. looking at the clirr. "I don't think thnt anybody is liable to climb up on those rocks over there to look in and discover ns. But it seems to me I smell a fire, and there's been some cooking near here. Hello, v.hat's this?" Ho had kicked against something, vrhich he picked up and examined. It was a bootleg, littod with a wooden bottom to make a Avater-bucket. ••There's a prisoner of war around here," he said. ••\\ heie can he be?" The noise of the talking, and the sound of comrades on the road increased. In- quisitive little Pete climbed back to where he could get a peep at the road, and hear something of what was being said. ••Appears to be a row over the men de- serting," he reported to Si. "Geuerars skinning the Colonels for not holding on to their men better, and the Colonel's a- blaming it on the Captains." •'Attention!" called the ringing voice of the Colonel, and the tumult stilled. '•The Orderly-Sergeants will call the rolls." Then ensued the well-known sounds, as the Orderly-Sergeant rattled off the names on the rosters, and those present respond- ed. Every campany had to repoi't some '•absent without leave." ••We haven't as many as we started with," said a man who appeared to be the Adjutant. "I believe some's left since we stopped here." •"That's so," said a Captain. "Sergeant, Where's Jim Hobcaw, and Wils. Dunner'r"' ••Dunno," answered the Orderly. '•They wuz hyah a leetle while ago. Probably sneakin' oft inter the bushes, as usual. They'uns 's always tryin' t' git away. We'iins've done brung 'em back 20 times. Thar's their bosses." •'Damn them," roared the angry Colonel, "I'll shoot them when I can lay my hands on them, as a warning to others. Captain, send out a Sergeant and squad to look through the brush for them. Shoot them down if they attempt t'j run, and shoot any other man you may find out there away from his command." ••Looks as if we've got to git out of here, unless we want to fight the whole brigade," said Si, looking anxiously for some way of egress from the cave. There seemed none. A high wall of solid rock lay in their way. Meanwhile Pete had seen two men, car- rying their carbines, slipping furtively through the cedars toward him. Ho called in a low tone to Sandy to come up beside him. and with their guns they covered the approaching man. •'Halt!" they commanded, when the men were within a few yards. •'Throw down those guns. Where are you go- ing?" A look of dead sickliness had come into the faces of the men at the startling sum- mons. Then they brightened up as they saw the blue clothes. •'Is you'uns Yankees?" gasped one of them. •'Yes, we're Y'ankees," answered Pete. "Come on up here, and don't make no noise." "That's all right," said the Qther man, ON THE MA^ECH TO THE SEA. 139 scanning with salisfartion tho unmistalv- able Union clotliin;;- nnd cquipmonts of tho boys from hcail t^ feet — caps, ovcreoats, pantaloons, sliocs, licit -plalrs, caitridsc- boxes and liavcrsacks. "l wuz afcarcil fer a minnit you'nns AVtiz some of our fel- lers, with Yanlico clothes on. Wo'uns is tryin' f sit away from thoy'uns. We'uus 'if go with you'un.s all right." . "Well, come light down here," echoed Pete, picking up their carbines and mo- lioning them to follow Sandy. "Why, this is the cave we'uns wuz mak- in' fer," said one of them, as they came under the cliff. "I found it years ago, when I was huntin' 'sang. I intended t' lay out in hit, but the conscripters done ketched me afore I could git t' hit. I never tole nobody about hit but Wils., my pardner hyah, an' we'uns concluded t' break fer hit whenever we'uns come a- nigh hit. Yo' see, Wils., jes' as I done tole yo', this hyah's thebiggist cave in all Washington County, an' " "Cave?" echoed Si, looking around, "I hadn't noticed any cave. Why, there does seem to be one back there." "I should say thar wuz," said Jim Hob- caw. "Lots o' big caves 'round hyah, but this's an ole he-one. Daddy of 'em all. Runs clean back thar t' Atlanty or Macon, or hell, or some other 'bominable place. I wuz afeaved t' go in very fur, fer fear o' sperits. Why, thar's bones o' men in thar 50 feet high, an' o' the critters they useter ride, an' all sorts o' things. 'No'ugh t' sheer any man. Why. I wouldn't go in thar alone fer a bushel o' silver dol- lars." Si was so used to the gross superstitions and exaggerations of the poor whites of the South that he paid little attention to this part of the man's story. He walked l>ack a few steps, and as his eyes be- cam(> used to the darkness, he saw that tliiTo was a cave of immense extent, and he saw some large bones. Then he was recalled by a message sent down from Pete. "They're sending out a Sergeant and four or five men to look for these men." "Well, since we can't get away from here, we'd better stay," said Si. "Shorty, you'd better take four or five of the boys and look out for them. If you see they're likely to find this place, bring 'era in. That'll be safest. I'll take a look around at this cave and see what chances it may offer." There was far more truth than usual in James Hobcaw's statement. Si was in one of the largest of the great fossil caves for which Washington County. Ga., is noted. Icicle-like stalactites hung from the high roof, and white pillars of stalag- mites rose from the bottom. Great bones of long-extinct animals lay here and there. Entering a still darker portion. Si's foot struck against something soft but solid. He lighted a match to see what it was. To his horror he discovered it to be the dead body of an escaped prisoner. "Great God, Si Klegg, where did you come from?" The voice which came from a little far- ther in the darkness, was that of Steve Bigler, one of Shad Graham's assistants on the tunnel at Andersonville, and who had been wounded in the attempt to es- cape. Si was so startled that he dropped the match, but immediately lighted anotheu- 140 U SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. CHAPTER XXV. A-i-rrZLY SKIEMI5H WITH THE JEFF DAVIS DRAGOONS— THE BOYS SHUT UP IN THE CAVE-THE REBELS TRY TO ROAST THEM OUT. "Grent Scott!" oiaciilntrri Si. .ns by tli*^ liSrlit of his second match he surveyed Si.tL'iiheii Ligler's emaciated form and tat- tered rags. "Where did you come from, Steve, and hov%- d.d you get here'.'" "Give nic something to eat. Si, and someihiiig lor the boys, and then I can tiilk. "N^'c're all starving." ' 'Si felt around in his haversack for a. hardtack. "There's one for you," he siiid, handing it to him. "How many are there of yonV :^"God only knows now," mumbled Big- iev, as he broke off a piece of the cracker with a stone and placed it in his mouth. "Can't bite now," he added, apologetically. '*You know how it is, Si. Teeth gone with the scurvy. But let me take the rest of this cracker back to my partner. It may save his life. He's worse of£ than i am. Ho can't walk at all." Si could not v,-ait for him to come back, for he heard a commotion at the mouth ot the cavern, and hurried forward to see what occasioned it. - "That thar foxy varmint, Sarjint Glass- cock, 's done found our trail, an' headin' straight fer the cave," remarked Jim Hob- caw, his face sicklied with fear, as Si came up. "Damn the mangy hound. He's done kotched we'uns afore. We'uns or- ter've killed him las' night when he wuz asleep, as I wanted yo' t', Wils. The Corpril's done went out t' stop him." . "He must do it without making any noise, to alarm the rest," said Si, with a face full of concern. "We can't fight the whole brigade." •: "Don't yo'uns give up an' let 'em git we'uns," pleaded Jim HobcaAv, terror- stricken. "They'uns '11 shoot we'uns down in our tracks if yo'uns do. We'uns'll die right here afore we'uns'll give up." "You had certainly better,' remarked Si, coolly. "And so had all of us. from the looks of those poor prisoners back there. But keep quiet. Don't make any noise. Mebbe Ave can get out of the scrape without a fight." As Si Aveut forward he saw that Shorty had loft Alf and Gid, Avith Tom Brainnrd. Bill Griuishnw, and Uncle Eph- raim in reserve, and they crouched aroun(T the entrance, clutching their guns, anil with every nerve taut. Cautiously look- ing beyond, he saw his partner, with Harry, Monty, Sandy and Pete, lying in '^•"'it fo;- ^hr- advancing rebel Sergeant and his squad, like so many panthers crouch- ing for a spring upon animals going down to a spring to drink. They were so ab- solutely motionless that it took Si a min- ute to see Avhere they all were. Shorty was standing erect behind a tall, thick cedar, past Avhich the Sergeant must come. Monty, Sandy, and Pete were ly- ing in the brush behind a fallen tree trunk, to get the three men who were foliOAving airectiy alter me Sergeant, Avhile Harry had craAvled to the left, to looK out lor a man Avho Avas making ex- plorations to the side. "They'll get 'em all right, except that feller Harry's after," flashed through Si's mind. "'He's a lively lot and liable to make trouble. I'll go to Harry's help." He crouched and craAvled out toward Harry, and Avas near him, Avheu the Ser- geant, his eyes fixed on the signs of the trail ahead, attempted to pass the cedai" behind AA'hioh Shorty Avas concealed. Shorty's long right aim came out like a flash, encircled the Sergeant's neck, and forced his head back so that he could not open his mouth. A professional garroter could not have done it more artistically. As they saAv the Sergeant's form writhe in Shorty's hug, Sandy and Pete called out in a sharp Avhisper: "Halt, there I Drop those guns!" The three startled rebels looked to the right, each to see a musket-muzzle Mithiu a short yard of him. The carbines fell to the ground. "Do you surrender, you rebel whelp?" demanded Shoity, relaxing his arm so as to give the man a chance to speak. "Or shall I Avring your neck like a chicken's"?" " 'Nough! 'Noughl" gasped the Ser- geant, as soon as he could get his tongue back into his mouth. "Say, Y'ank, that warn't a fa'r holt." "Haint no time to debate P. R. Rules with you now. Get!" aasAvered Shorty, taking him by the back of the neck and shoving him along to Avhere Tom Brain- ard and Bill Grimshaw could reach him. "Don't chirp above your breath, or of£ goes your head. Bring the others along, boys. Shoot 'em, if they holler.' But the man Avhom Plarry Avas laying for — a slender youth, v,-hose alertness had from the first disturbed Si — was not to be managed so easily. While Sj and H^iny ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 141 were waiting for him to come out into the little opening, a few steps nearer, his quick ears caught the rustle of Shorty's struggle with the Sergeant, and he turned his eyes in that direction. They saw the danger, and in low, stern tones, coui- manded: ;-'Halt, there! Thr-ow. down that gun! Stfrrender!" There was^ however, none of the slow stupidity of his companions about him. With the quickness of a flash he leaped -.- backward to put a hickory tree between ■ •. himself and their threatening muzzles. , Si and Harry sprang toward him like panthers, but he was as quick as they, and firing a hasty shot, which passed near Harry, from his carbine, he broke back through the cedars, yelling at the top of bis voice: "Yankees! Yankees! Yankees!" Leaving Monty to take charge of their prisoners, Sandy and Pete ran across to intercept him. Once he tripped and fell, and they were nearly on top of him, but he sprang up again, and leaving his hat and carbine behind, bolted on down the hill, yelling: "Y'ankees! Yankees! Yankees!" Si and the boys halted on the brow of the hill an instant to peer through the bushes, and see what the effect of his alarm would be. "Tliar's a hull pastel o' Yankees up thar," he panted to the crowd which gath- ered around him. ; "Nonsense, you fool," said the Colonel, irritably. "There's no Yankees within 10 miles of here. Like the rest of these su- perstitious fools, you have been scared out of your wits by harnts." "I tell yo', Gunnel, hit's true. The "vvoods is full o' l^ankees. They'uns 've done got Sarjint Glasscocli, an'Quigley, an' Buckbee, an' Clark. I done seed 'em take 'em. Thar's 'bout a thousand of 'em up thar." "Puterbaush's not easily rattled. Cun- nel," said the Captain, "and I thought I saw some signs of l''ankees myself." "We have no time for foolishness," said the Colonel, a little convinced. 'We ought to be starting now. But, Captain, deploy your company, and scour those woods quickly. Listen for the recall, and come back promptly when it sounds. ' "While they're deploying that skirmish line and coming through we might drop the bosses and skip back through tlie woods on foot and get away," suggested Shorty, as he and Si held a hurried coun- cil. "We can pick up more bosses." "We might, but we won't," said Si, af- ter an instant's reflection. 'I'm not go- ing off to leave Steve Bigler and the rest. It'll kill them to be recaptured. I'll fight the whole rebel army first." "Same hero," echoed Shorty. "We can stand off those hounds a long time before they get to the cave," contin- ued Si, "and in there we can hold 'ent off till we starve. Before that some of our men will come along somewhere and give them something else to think about. The first thing's to gain some time. Let's all run forward to that brow of the hill, and pour a dose into those fellers in the road. You look out for that Captain, and I'll attend to the Colonel. That'll give 'em something to study over while we're rhaking other arrangements." Tom Brainard and Bill Grimshaw weral called out, leaving Alf and Gid to look after the prisoners, and Uncle Ephraioi came also. Ah they ran along Pete, Sandy, Harry, Monty, and Shorty snatched uR the carbines which the rebels had dropped. "Pick your men now, boys, and be sura to fetch 'em," said Si, as they came to the brov.- of the hill. "I'll take the Colonel, and Shorty the Captain. Fire after me." The Captain was using the flat of his saber to settle a dispute as to who should be horse-holders, and the Colonel was im- proving the time by rating the Quarter- master as to the deficiencies in his depart- ment. "Hate to shoot when they aint expect- ing it," said Shorty, and then yelled: "Good morning. Johnnies! Hooray foe Abe Lincoln!" The Colonel looked up and reached foP his saber-hilt. Si's bullet wont througti his body, and he ffcil from his horse. The Captain went down with a bullet through his shoulder. The others fired their mus- kets, and then the rebel carbines. The latter was as much to increase the idea of their number as to hit anyone. Uncle Ephraim saw a tall rebel fall before hia shot, and grinned over the satisfaction he would have in describing it to Aunt Mi- nerva Ann. "Shorty, you stay with the boys, and work your way back," said Si, "while I go to the cave and get things in shape* Come along with me. Uncle Ephraim." Shorty and the rest reloaded, and wait- ed for the next move of the rebels. Against his will, Uncle Ephraim followed Si back to the cave. Si's first thought was to get rid of the incumbrance of the horses. They filled the space under the cliff before the mouth of the cave, and would be sadly in the way in a fight. A huge rock, which had fallen from the hill into the creek, shut off the farther side of the cliff, but Si noticed that there was a space between it and the straight wall of the hill, closed by a young hemlock. Si caught hold of the hemlock, which was shallowly rooted in the soil on the rock, and pulled it out of the way. Then he found a space wide enough for a horse to pass into a cove, about the size of a town-lot, walled around by still higher rocks. He drove Abednego up through the opening, and the horses follovv-ed docilely. He found the Sergeant and the thre^ I4» ED[ EXEGG AND SHOBTT. other rebels seated on rocks contentedly muncluiig crackers, which Gid and Alf tad given them- "Start a fire, Uncle Ephraim," he com- manded, "and make some coffee for those poor men who have escaped. As soon as you have got the fire well started go back here and hunt all around for them, and do ,what you can to make them comfortable." Si, calling Jim Hobcaw and Wils Bun- nell to his assistance, started to arranging the loose stones for a breastwork, behind which the mouth of the cave could be defended. "What, go back dar, in de da'k, 'mong dem sperets an's ghostses!" exclaimed Uncle Ephraim in terror. "Nebber! Neb- ber in dis libbin' worl'! I'm jes' as nigh dem now as I'm a-gwine, I done tell yo' fer a fack. Don't like t' be dis close. Heap radder be outside whar I kin see de debbils in de bright sunshine, an' Bhoot right at dem like as if dey wuz painters." "It's no use making him go," thought gi, "He wouldn't find some of them, and he'd be in such a tremble all the time that he couldn't do anything for them if he did find them." He looked at the rebel Sergeant and his companions, and said: "Alf, you can leave Gid to guard those men. Light this piece of fat pine, and go back and take a good look for those boys." Uncle Ephraim had succeded in getting the water to boiling in a quart cup, and now put in some coffee. The fragrance at once filled the cave. "Gracious, but that smells good," said the voice of Steve Bigler, as he emerged once more from the darkness. "It makes me feel alive again. Are you going to give me some?" "Yes, Steve," answered Si. "We were making it for you. You shall have a swig of it, just as soon as it cools a little. Alt, pour out a iittie in this cup for Steve, and take tio ct:p Avith you, and give each one you find some. Be careful about let- ting thcM drink too much at first. How many are there of you, Steve V" "Ten of us jumped the train when they were taking us from Millen, in the night," answered Bigler, speaking much more freely and strongly under the grateful stimulus of the draft of coffee. "Two broke down on the way, and had to be left behind in the swamp. I expect they died. Seven of us were brought here by a negro. He left some grub with us. and promised to bring us sume more, but he hasn't been back since. I'm afraid he's been caught or killed. Seems to me that was a week ago, but I can't tell much about the days. I've been so hungry 1 couldn't think straight. The country's been so full of rebel cavalry that we ve kept far back in the cave, to run no risk of being seen. Poor .Jimmy Bnbbington's been carrying water for us, but I haven't seen him for some time. I'm awfully afraid he's fallen into the creek. I was looking for him when I ran against you." Si sorrowfully recalled the boot-leg, water bucket, and the dead body he had found upon entering the cave. Firing be- gan over by the road. He picked up his gun, and looked fixedly at Serg't Glass- cock and his rebel companions. '"Better shoot 'em ter-wunst an' git rid o' they'uns," suggested Jim Hobcaw, pick- ing up his carbine to assist in the execu- tion. Wils Dunnell did the same. "They- 'uns desarve hit, 'specially, pizen ole Reub Glasscock." "They'uns'll make trouble if we'uns don't," added Wils Dunnell. "I'm just studying what to do with you," said Si, addressing himself to Serg't Glasscock. "We're going to have a lively fight to hold this cave, and" "Better surrender t' me, ter-wunst, an' save the font," saucily broke in Glass- cock. "Y'o'uns can't make nothin' by hjt. Yo'uns got t' give in in the eend. We'uns 've got a hull brigade out thar, an' hit'll' be dod-blasted foolishness fer t' tout, an' " "You're not speaking to the subject," interrupted Si. "I wasn't asking your ad- vice about fighting. I've settled that. It's what to do with you. I can't parole you. The wisest thing would be to shoot you, "O, for God's sake, don't shoot us," begged Glasscock, ^suddenly changing his attitude from boastfulness to supplication. "We'uns air prisoners of war, and hit aiut right" "Hear the old hypocrite talk," shouted. Jim Hobcaw. "We'uns've done seed hini shoot Y'ankee prisoners. Let me shoot him, anyhow. We kin manage the oth- ers." "No! no! for God's sake, don't shoot us!" begged Glasscock. "We'uns won't do nctiiin'. We sw'ar we'uns won't." "I tell you what I think I'll do," said Si. "I'll run you into the back part of the cave, and make you stay there until the fight is over. Git up, now, and mosey back there, clear out of sight." "O, no; for God's sake, don't make we'uns go back thar 'mong the sperits," pleaded Glasscock. "We'uns ruther be shot ter-wunst. Them ghosts back thar drag us right down t' hell." "Git up an' git, as y're told, yo' ole par- secutin' hellion," said Jim Hcbcaw, en- joying his late superior's terror, and rais- ing his carbine as if to strike him. "Git back thar, as y'le told." The firing seemed nearer, as if Shorty and the rest were falling back, and Si was impatient to be out with thom. "Hold up your hands and swear that you will conduct yourselves as prisonera and take no part in the fight," he com- manded. All their hands Avent up, and they answered with one accord; "We'uns aw'ar hit." ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 143 ♦*D0 YOU SURRENDER, OR SHALL I WRING YOUR NECK LIKE A CHICKEN'S?" "Steve, do you feel strong enough to handle a gun?" "Yes," answered Steve. "Well, take this carbine, and sit down on that rock, and watch them. If they make a move toward escaping, or mixing in, shoot the first one that does it. Come on, boys. Let's go outside." Alf Russell was still on his mission of mercy, but Gid and Uncle Ephraim went out with Si, leaving Jim Hobcaw and' WMls Dunnell standing at the mouth of the cave, anxiously watching the progress of events. W^th flaming torch of fat pine in hand, Alf Russell had succeeded in finding all five of Steve Bigler's comrades who were yet living. He did not come to one of them an hour too soon. They had been three days in the cave without food, which, added to their utter weakness and exhaustion when they arrived, had brought each one of them to the point of death. The uoise in the front of the cave had aroused them from their deathly lethar- gy. They were dimly trying to compre- hend where they were, and what was hap- pening. With much forethought, Alf crumbled a cracker into his cup of cof- fee, and gave each of them a few spoon- fuls of the liquid. The effect was imme- diate, and some began to speak a few v.'onls. "Where am I?" dreamily inquired R0S8 144 SI KLBGG AND SHORTY. Blakeir, turnins his dim eyes from Alfs lurid torch to the ghostlike forms of the stalagmites and the glistening white bones covering the ground. "Is this Rusurrec- tion morning? Is this tlie other world?" Alf remembered him three months be- fore as the cheeriest and most undiscour- ageable of their detachment at Anderson- ville, always with a joke on his lips, or a word of hope and helpfulness for his de- spairing companions. Alf filled the bootleg-bucket with water and washed all their faces and hands, which made them much brighter. He made another cup of coffee, crumbled an- other hardtack in it, and again went their rounds, giving each a few spoonfuls at a time. "I guess I have given them all the food and stimulation that is safe at this time," said he to himself. "I'll go out now where the boys are. They may need me." They did. Out of the confusion in the rebel regi- ment aroused by the unexpected volley and the fall of the Colonel and Captain arose a commanding voice, shrill and pen- etrating as a steam-whistle: "Steady, men! Steady! Count off for fighting on foot! COUNT OFF!" Shorty stepped forward and parted the bushes to get a view of the owner of the voice. He was a small, slight man, with a black beard, who had mounted his horee, and was gesticulating with hia sword, as he called' the men into line. "Apparently the Major or Lieutenant- Colonel," said Shorty to those next him. *'I"11 get him presently. Keep cool, boys, and only shoot when you get a good aim on something. Fire .low. Aim at their belts. Harry, you and Sandy scatter out more to the right, so as to give them an idea of more of us. Monty, you run over to that rock on the left, and get behind it. Brainard, you and Grimshaw stay near me. All of you take a look at me occasionally, and fall back as I do." Some of the more excitable rebels were firing wildly into the woods, where they thought they saw something, or merely to shoot and make a noise, and show their interest in the affair. These were stopped a.nd brought into line, and the counting olf for horseholders proceeded. Apparent- ly, the men had little likitig for the ad- vance into the woods, for as the count came to each fourth man, who had to hold horses, he would shout "Bully," in-' stead of "Four," and brought out a chuckle of congratulation fi-om the other lucky horseholders. "Stop that, you cowardly scoundrels," yelled the shrill-voiced little Major. "That's no way for the Jeff Davis Dra- goons to act. Captains, make No. I's hold horses, and send No. 4's forward." A simultaneous groan rose from the disappointed men. The Major dressed the line a little in the road, and then commanded: "Attention, ' battalion. Forward — • march!" Th(> line started slowly into the woods, and the Major turned to follow it, wheo an Aid dashed up. "Major, are you in command?" he in- quired. "The General's compliments, and what the devil's the matter back here?" "We have been fired upon by a strong force of Yankees up there in the woods," answered the Major, halting the line. "The Colonel and Capt. Dost, and soma men have been wounded, and I'm just moving forward to drive the Yankees out." "Pooh! Pooh!" said the Aid, scorn- fully. "There's no Y'ankee force withia 15 miles. That's only a squad of those thieving bummers. "We've no time to fool with them. We must go on to Waynes- borough, to save Augusta. Drop them and join the column." "I tell you it's no squad of bummers, sir. It's a regular Yankee command, probably a company — may be a battal- ion, sir — and I'm going to whip them." "O, stuff and nonsense," said the Aid, impatiently. "I tell you there's no force of Yankees around here that a company can't handle. This is no time to be shell- ing peanuts. We're needed to save Au- gusta— every man that we can get. Send a Sergeant out to reconnoiter and come on. There goes the headquarters bugle now." "I did send a Sergeant out, sir," said , the Major, whose fighting blood was up. "They captured him. I'm going to pun- ish them for shooting the Colonel. Give my compliments to tJie General, sir, and say that I will finish up this little job in a hurry, and overtake the column before night, sir." "I shall report to the General, sir," said the Aid, galloping away to overtake the column. "Now, men." said the Major, turning to his line, "Let us go up there with a whereas, .and root those fellows out in a hurry. They aiiit worth but a few min- utes, and that's all we've got to give them. Don't, waste- any time taking pris- oners. Sh'odt them down as fast as you come to them. Forward — march!" . "Let them come through that first fringe of brush before you shoot, boys," com- manded Shorty. "They're too far off yet." . The Major came on resolutely, riding through the brush at the exact plare where Uncle Ephraim had led the boys through. -"He's got real sand, to ride while the others is on foot," remarked Shorty, drawing a bead on the Major. "But my business obliges me to drop him." • ■ . • ■ - He fired, but to his amazement sa^ ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 145 . through the smoke the Major sitting erect on his horse, urging the line forward. The other boys fired, and the rebel line stopped and began a return fire. '•Forward, there! Go ahead!" shouted the Major. "Dou't stop! Push on!" Shorty hastily reloaded, and fired again at the Major, with the same ill-success. "Blast it all, what's the matter with me?" he exclaimed as he ran along the line to fire at another place and give the impression of greater numbers. 'Tm shooting as if I was badly rattled." The rebels were now tiring rapidly, and yelling as they pushed through the brush. Shorty caught a glimpse of the Major above the smoke, but just as he drew down on him his enemy dropped. Tom Brainard had shot his horse. The bullets were cutting the twigs above the heads of the boys, but they had kept so well under cover that none had been wounded. But the rebels were press- ing on so strongly, under the Major's adju- rations, that they had to run back from one tree or rock to another, and presently were near where the descent began to go under the-cliff. Si came rushing up, with Gid and Uncle Ephraim. He took in the situation with a quick glance, and then ran over to a rock to the left, where he could get an en- filade tire and make a distraction as if a new force had appeai'ed on the rebel flank. Alf came up in time to catch sight of him and run after. They reached the rebels' right flank, all fired at once, and yelled at the top of their voices. For a moment the manuver seemed effective. The firing died down, and the advance stopped, as the rebels looked around to see what this new alarm meant. But the shrill-voiced little Major was not to be bluffed. "Go ahead there," he shouted to his men. "What are you stopping for? Go ahead! Capt. Peters, throw your company around, and smash those fellows. For- ward, battalion!" Si now rushed back to the center to be with Shorty, and meet the brunt of the at- tack. Shorty had shot twice in the direc- tion of the voice of the Major, who was now on foot, and out of sight, but appar- ently without effect, as the stentorian commands continued, and the line pressed forward. The rebels had now found the flanks of the line, and were pressing it in- ward and backward to the cliff. "It's no use staying out here any longer,' said Si. "We'd better get into the cave as soon as possible." He motioned to Sandy and Pete to run back to the cave, and ran over to tell Alf, Gid and Uncle Ephraim to do the same. While he was gone. Shorty, who Vv-as re- loading, heard the voice of the little Ma- jor quite near, and looking under the brush saw him but a few rods away. He made a sudden dash forward to catch the Major, and yank him in bodiiy, but tripped on a vine when within a couple yards of him, and fell headlong, just in time, how- ever, to avoid several shots from the men immediately around the Major, whom Shoity had not seen. Si came back in time to s;:e the m!,-.h:;p of h'.s i artner. and before the rebels eor.ld edUect their senses dashed forward, witli Tom Brainard at his heels. They fired their guns into the group of rebels, helped Shoity to his feet, and ran back behind the big pine which stood at the top of the descent to the cliff. There Si, Sho; ty, Brainard and Grimshaw vraited till the rest had passed on down. Then Si and Shorty v.-aited un- til Brainard and Giim-haw went, and then followed them under the cliff. Shorty's dash had disconcerted the Ma- jor for an instant, and this gave the boys time to get under cover. The Major came on presently, revolver in hand, and peered cautiously around the pine, to see where his enemy had gone. Shorty improved the moment to p::t a bullet-hole thi'ough the ^lajor's hat, and then fell to cursing himself again for his bad aiming. There was a long pause, while the INIa- jor reconnoitered the situation, and de- cided upon his next plan. "Say, Yanks," he calit d down presently. "Sun-ender. We"ve got you. You can't get away." "Go to the devil, you little, sawed-ofit hop-o'-my-thumb," Si shouted back. "If you want us come and take us."' "Yanks, if I have to come down there after you I won't leave a man alive." ""U'e know you won't. But you won't come down. We won't leave a man of you alive, if you try, you jackass-lunged little thimble-full of treason," Shorty yelled back. The Major took another look around and saw the inaccessibility of the clift from every point except the narrow path by the pine. "Now, men, surrender, and save any more trouble and bloodshed," he began, argumentatively. "We aint in business to save trouble and bloodshed," Si interrupted him. "We enlisted for the purpose of making it and for just such little runts of traitors as you." "Yanks, if you'll surrender I'll treat yon fair and square, as prisoners of war." "Go to blazes, you homeopathic vial of cussed secession," yelled Shorty. "We know how you treat prisoners of war. We've been to Audersonville." "Come on with your trouble and blood- shed, you fi'-penny-bit edition of .Jeff Da- vis, and let's see who'll get sick of it first," shouted Si. "We come near lick- ing your whole regiment, and we'll do it 146 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. yet. We're from Injianny, and one In- jiannian can lick 10 Georgians any day in tlio week. Hooray for Injianny!" From the crashing of stones down into the creek they could tell that the rebels were walking around on top of the cliff, but this did Bot disturb them. There was no way on the other side to get down. The" rebel Major was getting angrier evei-y minute. There was a little pause, and then he called out: "I shail waste no more time in parley- ing" "Who's asking you to talk, you blaek- muzzled little tadpole?" yelled Shorty. "You're keeping up the convereation for your own pleasure. It's seldom that you get a chance to speak to gentlemen. Shut up, and play your cai^ds." "I'll give you just hve minutes to sur- render and come out," said the Major, speakii.ft very deliberately. "At the end of that time I'll roast you alive in that hole, as I would a den of rattlesnakes. Serg't Gillen, take five men and run back to the wagons for axes." The boys gave a startled look at Si at this new proposition, but Si calmly reas- sured them with: "Let him try it. He thinks this is just a common cliff, as we did. This cave reaches back that way mebbe a mile. He caa^ get wood enough down here to roast oirt: a little corner of it." "You'll roast your own men if you roast anybody," shouted Shorty, but this apparendy produced no effect. '^Don't wait any five mmutes," said Si. **We aint-asking na time from yoai, yoa blasted little nubbin of villainy. You're a cowardly little bull-frog, wath your bazoo the biggest part of you. Y'ou're afraid to light us man-fashion. Georgia crackers never would stand up before Injianniana. Hooray for Injianny!" "For God's sake, le' me git out," begged Serg't Glasscock. "I don't want to be bar- becued. Taint fa'r nur Christian t' keej^ we'uns hyah." "Sit still, you infernal rebel," said Steve Bigler, cocking his carbine with an effoiT. "You'll stay the play out, alive or dead." Brush, limbs, fat pineknots, and por- tions of trunks of trees came crashing down over the cliff, and then they heard the sound of axes. Shorty got on the far side, and keeping out of the way of the falling stuff", tried in vain to get another shot at the Major. Si lighted a pine-knot, and began a composed survey of the ap- parently interminable recesses of the great cavern. In a little while the light was shut off from the front by the mass of stuff throwu over the cliff. "One more chance," called the Major. "You can see that I can roast .vou alive. I'll do it if you don't surrender this min- ute. One more minute, and then we'll throw fire down into that truck." "Go to the seventh cellar of brimstone, you ill-begotten little whelp of perdition," shouted Shorty, firing at the sound of the voice. A blazing pine-knot fell into the stuff, and the mass of small limbs and twigs flamed up fiercely. 0^ THE MABCH TO THE SEA. CHAPTEB XXVL ^THRILLING EXPERIENCES IN THE CAVE-OLD ACQUAINTANCES APPEAE ON THE SCENE. All largp caves "breathe." This is particularly uoticeable when the enti-auce is very much smaller in compaii- son with the extent of the cavern. It is a phenomenon depending upon the changes in temperature. When the out- Bide air heats up and becomes rarified, the denser, colder air inside flows out, fre- quently in a strong, propulsive current, and vice versa. Following the unusually cold speJl, the weather in central Georgia had become very warm, and the air in the cave where Si and his friends were swept outward to help restore the equilibrium. V/hen the flames began to leap up, Si had called to the rest to come and cari-y the prisoners to a large, high, dry cham- ber, which Alf Russell had found, and where they would be likely to be least affected by the smoke. But to Si's astonishment no smoke at all came back into the cave. It was ail carried forward by the strong outward breathing of the lungs of the earth. "Do you notice that. Shorty?" ex- claimed Si jubilantly. "No smoke at all coming in. All blowing out. The Lord's interfering in our behalf." "The Lord's always been mighty good to us," answered Shorty reverently, "be- cause we've been on His side. But I hope He won't interfere when we come up with them Jeff. Davis Dragoons again. We want to settle vv-ith them all by our- selves. Let Him just stand off, and He'll Bee the he-est old fight that He ever looked on." "Come, now, Shorty, don't talk that way," remonstrated Si. as he watched the roaring, crackling flames. "We want the Lord's help to save them fellers particu- i larly for us, and run us up against them som.ewhere soon, while this is fresh in our minds. I'm awfully fraid that Kilpatrick '11 get the first whack at them, and leave nothing for us. This is worse than Ander- Bonville, even. Why, their intentions were good to roast us all alive." "No, Si; nothing could be worse than Andersonville. It'd 'a' been God's mercy to thousands of those poor fellows we've Been to've run 'em into a cave, as these fellers intended us, and burned them up at once. I'd a heap rather be toasted to a ci'isp in a few minutes, than starve and rot to death with the scurvy. But, then, that's no thanks to the Jeff. Davis Dragoons. Their hellishuess is all the same." Through the crackling of the flames they could hear the rebels yelling boister- ously and triumphantly. "You think you are paying us up for that Colonel and Captain," said Shorty, shaking his fist in their direction. "Yell while you can, you un-hung traitors. We haint scarcely begun yet. We'll go through that regiment o' yours worse'n a run of cholery." Then they heard, from a distant hill, the bugle sounding the recall strongly and repeatedly. "They'll go now," said Si. "That's their brigade bugle, calling on them to quit fool- ing, and come along." A piercing yell rent the air behind him. It was a shout from Koss Blakely, now wildly insane. His reason, tottering from the long-drawn-out misery of imprison- ment, disease and starvation, from the hardships and excitement of the escape, now reeled into delirium at awakening in the tomb-like gloom, amid the white bones of horrible beasts, the ghostly stalactites and stalagmites, looking like shrouded corpses of giants, the groans of his fellow- prisoners, the roaring flames in front, with dark, spectral forms flittering about in the lurid glare. "O, God," he cried, "this is hell! Dear Jesus Christ, what have I done that you would not save me from here? I know I have sinned, but have I deserved this? I tried hard to be good. O, dear Jesus Christ, you will not let me burn here for- ever, without a drop of water to moisten my tongue? Did I not suffer enough on earth to atone for my sins? Have mercy on me, O, God." "Come, Ross, old boy," said Si, running to him, and trying to put his hand on him. "Calm dov^n. You're all right. We're all—" "Y^ou here, too. Si Klegg?" shrieked the poor maniac, recoiling from him. "My God, this is awful. And there's Steve Bigler's bones. Poor Steve; he died' be- fore I did. I saw him die. And there's Capt. Wirz," he continued, with a wilder shriek, as he caught sight of Serg't Glas;*- cock in the ruddy glare; "My Goa, 148' SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. they're spnt us to the same hell with Capt. ^Vu■7.. We'll stay here forever." "Ross! Ross! Don't yon know me?" asked Alt', rnnning up, and catching hold of one of the skeleton-like hands. "I'm Alf Russell, Co. Q, 2n0th Indianny Tol- unteer Infantry. I'm alive, we're all alive; and " — "No. no; you're a devil, lou're come to torment me. You've come to drag me into the flames, there! Keep off!" He broke away, and snatching up a long bone from the floor of the cave, struck with it frantically.' "We'd better keep away from him, and leave him alone," advised Alf. "We can't do anything for him until the lit works off. He'll calm down then, himself, if it don't kill him." "That's what I'm afraid of," remarked Si despairingly. "That tire excites him. If Ave could only put it out he might quiet down. Shorty, let's look around for some poles. The rebels are probably gone by this time, and we might shove those logs off: into the creek, and put out the fire." Ross Blakely's shrieks had stinred up the other prisoners, who were moaning dismally. Con Gildea, an Irish boy, was fumbling feebly at his beads, which he had kept, though nearly everything else went. Suddenly his eyes blazed, and he began shrieking, too. "Tain't hell, b'yes," he yelled. "It's only purgatory. We'll be out by-an'-by. O, Mother o' God, sind us speedy deliver- ance! O, Virgin Mary, pray for us! O, Queen of Hivin, take us out av this! O, Blissid Virgin, save us from hell! O, Ivlother of God, have mercy on us! O, Mother of Christ, put out the fires of purgatory. B'yes, b'yes, this ain't hell. It's only purgatory." Then he, too, caught sight of Serg't Glasscock, moving back to escape the in- creasing heat, and shrieked as he fell over on his side: "O, God in Hivin, it is hell! There's Capt. Wirz himself!" Si and Shorty had succeeded in finding some poles, but the fire had grown so hot that they could not get near it. They came back at this fresh outbreak of shrieks, and looked around in dismay. "They're all going crazy as March hares," Si murmured despairingly. "It'll kill every one of them.'* Then it fiashed through his mind that he had heard something of the calming effect of music upon insane people, "Try singing to them, Alf,'' he called out. Never had Alf Russell's sweet tenor rung out with such a pure, liquid, flute- like gush of melody as when he filled the echoing aisles and grottoes with: "Yes, we'll rally 'round the flag, boys; we'll rally once again. I Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom. "We'll rally from the hilfeMe^r-we'fl gather from the plain, "'"'", "' -^ ■.■-•- Shouting the battle^rj^/'of- li'rcedom." Si and the others ^ne'iti -a -thuHd4i-ing chorus: ^-'' - ~ ; '■' ' -- "The , TTnion. forever — lliiirali, boys, hurrah! : 7 ' Down with the traitor— nv.i> Wiith -the star; While w;e rally .'raimdjjj.he' flag, boys — • r.aily once again-n be,- .,-.. ;, Shouting the -battle-ei-y 'Of -Freetiom;!'' Ross Blakeiy. ; coffee for all of us. I'm beginning to fool like a snack myself." ".Whar in de libbtn' wcrl' will I git de 'ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 149 ( water?" gasped Uncle Ephraim, looking ■ at the roaring wall of flame between him and the creek. "O, look around back there a little ways," answered Si, "and you'll likely find a fine spring. There generally is one in these big cares." Uncle Ehpraim's fear of the "sperits" and "harnts" was subsiding somewhat, under the intluencc of his companions' con- temptuous indifference to these ever-pres- ent terrors to the negroes and poor whites, but Alf had to go ahead of him with a fat-pine torch before he would venture far back into the darkness. Following the sound of dripping water, they soon came to a fine, crystal spring, but Uncle Ephraim was too nervous to examine it. Carefully keeping Alf between him and inky blackness beyond, he hastily filled all his cups, and toddled off in a hurry toward the welcome light in the front. Nor could Alf persuade him to go back to the spring alone after more water. Si and the rest made a good dinner off the contents of their haversacks, giving the two deserters and the four rebel prisoners a fair share. Though Steve Bigler begged hard for more, JSi thought it wisest to confine him to a half-cup of coffee, a single hardtack, and a small piece of lean meat, lightly broiled. The fire in front was losing its fierce- ness, and subsiding into a great bed of embers. Though Si believed that the rebels had left in obedience to the impera- tive bugle-call, he was disturbed by hear- ing continuous chopping, apparently from the hill over the cave, and from time to time fresh logs had fallen over to feed the fire. "Mighty poor axman doing that chop- ping," Si commented, with his customary judicial opinion of that class of work. '"Taint oven good nigger chopping." Presently a dead pine fell lengthwise over the cliff, with its top in the creek, and the flames greedily ran along it. The Bound of the chopping ceased,, and no more chunks came down. Pete Skidmore, who had all along wor- ried more over the fate of Abednego than anything else, was crazy to get out and see if his steed had escaped roasting. With their poles Si and Shorty began pushing forward the fire, so as to clear a way through it. But the rocks had be- come so hot that it was hard work, and they made little progress. Si ordered Uncle Eiihraim to take the bootleg bucket and go back to the spring for water, but, obedient as that colored gentleman usually was, nothing would in- duce him to go back there alone. Pete, liowevor, .lumped at the sugges- tion. To the right of the entrance, as they looked out, there r.ad been muih less fire than elsewhere. The shape of the overhanging rock protected i%, a sogs^ stump had been rolled down, which re- fused to take fire, and there had little stuff fallen around. Pete came bade with the bootleg full of water, which he used judiciously ou the embers, and then shoved them forward. He worked industriously and perspiringly at this until he had made a hole through which he could hope to rush out with nothing worse than a severe scorching. With another bootleg of water, Sandy drenched him from head to foot, and he made a bolt. He was half-blinded by the smoke and the heat, and it seemed as if his skin was cracking all over him, but he finally gained the open air, and crawled cautioits- ly up on a rock to take a look around. He had to rub off his singed oye-lashes before he could see anything. The first thing he saw was that the hill above the cave was all ou fire. The flames running up the dead pine which they had heard cut down, and which fell lengLhv.ise, with its top in the creek, liad fired the stuff on the hill, and it was burning ravenously. The smoke from the carpet of leaves was so dense that Pete could see but a little ■nays, but lie worked his v/ay over the rocks r.ntil he could see the horses, and rejoiced to find that, aside from their fright, they were safe and unharmed. There was a v.ide wall of high rock be- tween them arid the fire under the cliff, and that on the hill did not reach down to them. Seeing no rebels near, Pete slipped dovv-n into the cove, and patted and caressed Abednego, to restore the animal's peace of mind, and aGSure him that his friends were looking out for hhn. Then he climbed to the summit of the rocks again to make a cautious reconnoissance for the rebels. A gust of wind opened a vista through the smoke, and Pete dropped down behind a rock, for there, at the very top of the hill, and the farther edge of the burning, he saw .a man seated oa a rock, which, when it was clear, com- manded a view all aiound, and especially of the cove in which were the horses. The smoke closed in again, and Peter, keeping down out of si.^it, waited for another gust to make fuither develop- ments. When it did come Fete recognized, to his ama:'.emeat, th.-it the man v/as Elder ^ornb!r)^^•er. seated there, out of reach of the fire and the smoke, Avith his glasses on, reading a ncwrjpaper. Ho had his coat off, and leaning agair^t the rock were an ax and a shot-gun.- The Elder had ridden up to the brigade in time to s^eo the ,101?. Davis Dra.^ooriS closing in around the cliff, and v/as with Maj. Spilemau when he df^cided to roast the Yankees binder t-ha cliff. In fact, it was the Elder who suggested that pro- ceeding, and helped mrtnage its details. With his fine scent for horseflesh, ho had noticed the horses in the cove, which none of the others had, and be did nat call theii* 50 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. r.t^'^ntion to them. When the regiment v,;is hurried away by the hugle call, he remained, and then proceeded to pnt some finishing touches on the operation, and make sure that the roasting would be complete. It was he who had cut down the fat-pine, and it was hard work for a man as littlo used to the use of the ax. But in addition to his bitterness of re- venge against the Yankees, he had a pros- pect of 11 line horses to animate him. He was now awaiting the fire to do its work, and cool down sufficiently to allow him to remove the horses. That might not be until some time the next morning, but 11 horses were Avorth even a sleepless night of watching to a dignified man of middle age. He had a "snack" with him, as was his custom, so that he would not suffer from hunger, and he proposed to attend to the matter all by himself, and not have to share his booty- with anyone. The Elder was a thrifty man, especially about horses, as old-time Elders were likely to be. Pete sighed that he had not brought his gun with him, and after a little further look around, without seeing any rebels, slipped back to report to Si. Pete had stayed out ;:o long that Shorty became alarmed, and was busy, with Sandy's help, in enlarging the passage so that he could go in search of him. Pete therefore, got in again, with little trouble. and they croAvded around to hear his re- port. Pete wanted to take his gun and go out and bushwhaclc the Elder, but Shorty restrained him. "No; Pete," he said, "it aint right to go out gunning for ministers of the Gos- pel, even if they are rebels, and tried to fry us in our own grease. Allowances must always be made for preachers. He's naturally huffy at Yankees, and I must say I don't blanic him. I'll go out and take a look around for the rebels, and if everything's all right I'll bring him in, and we'll have some fun with him." Shorty worked himself out, crawled up on the rock, studied the smoke-drift until he caught the lay of it, and could conceal himself with it, r.nd then made a recon- noissance which satisfied him that all the rebels were gone. He then circled around to cut off the Elder's retreat, and finally came upon him leaning against a cedar growing on the rock, and heavily dozing, from his unwonted exertion. He seated himself beside the Elder, took an easy position, and then gave the Elder a sharp nudge with his elbow. The Elder awoke with a start, and gazed with open-uionthed terror at the Yankee sitting placidly beside him, re- garding him coolly. For a minute neither spoke, and then Shorty broke the silence With: "Howdy, Elder? Glad to see you again. We seem to've gotten in the way of meet- ing up pretty often, haven't we? But you don't seem to lie as tickled as you might be, seeing such an old acquaintance as I am. 1 tell yon, old fellow, we've had great time together, luiveja't^Ave?" con- tinued Shorty, giving the EldVr a slap on the thigh, which made him i)',,I&cc'. "Now, .haven't we had great times,' 'i^at'i Noth- ing ever like 'era. Sometimes yon seemed on top, and then I seemed to throw you, and so it went." Shorty laughed boister- ously at the i-eool!ections, but the Elder's fat face was ashy. "Say, old feller," Shorty went on, "I heard you preach that great sermon of yours about the spoilers coming down through the wilderness on to the high places three several times. Lucky, wasn't I? Never had to put a cent in the contri- bution box, either. First time we were nearly starring to death, and we stole your grub and your horses. Mean, wasn't it'^ But a hungry stomach has no conscience. Say, that was a fine race we had across the cottntry, wasn't it? Don't think that M^as ever equaled in the State of Georgy, You have your faults, but you're a good rider, and a dead hard one to get away from in a stern chase. The next time I heard your sermon you were getting up a hanging-bee, Avith me and my partner to play the star parts. It wasn't your fault that you slipped up at the last minute, and .we were reserved for drowning at some future period. The third time I heard your sermon — but the memory of that is perhaps painful to you. I'll omit it. Say, you've a great text uoav for a new sermon. You've been copying after that Prooshan King — he was a Prooshan King, wasn't he? — who tried to burn three Hebrew children in a kiln, heated seven times as hot as usual? You tried to do that same thing with some Yankees, and, like the Hebrew children, there aint even the smell of fire on our garments. I want you to come right down A\'ith me to where the boys are, and see if it aint so. Pick up your coat and gun and your ax, and come right along. The boys are waiting for you." Without venturing a reply to the rail- lory, the crushed Elder, whom Fate seemed to delight in betraying, took up his things and did as bidden. Shorty consid- erately helping him on Avith his coat, and picking up the spectacles Avhich had fallen from his nerveless hand. "Here, boys," shouted Shorty, as he worked the Elder through the opening into the cavern, "is our old and favorite minis- ter, the Elder llornblowcr, who it has been our privilege to listen to so often in the past foAv months. He"s got a now ser- mon noAv, on a modern edition of the won- derful escape of the Hebrew children from ON THE MAECH TO THE SEA. "THE ELDER AWOKE WITH A START, AND GAZED WITH OPEN-MOUTHED TERROR AT THE YANKEE SITTING PLACIDLY BESIDE HIM." the fiery furnace. "Walk back there, Elder, to that beautiful pulpit, and give us the sermon." Before they could proceed further with the Elder. Sandy Baker called out: "Say; Say! Just look over there!'" The news that a .squad of Y'ankees were roasting to death in a cave on Rocky Creek had gone through the country, and a great gathering of negroes, with some whites, rushed over to see it. The smoke showed them the way, but the fire pre- vented their approach from that side, and they swarmed up on the rugged rocks directly opposite. These were soon cov- ered with them, gazing with horror-struck, open eyes and mouth upon the glowing fire in front of the cavern. They worked themselves up into groat emotional excite- ment over the shrieks and groans they thought they heard pi'oceed from tha doomed men writhing in the flames. SS2 SI JKLEGG AND SHORTY. They wnilerl and shontod: "O, Lord, do hab iiiarcyl" "Brcssed God xVlmiguty, sabe deir Bouls!" "Good Lord Jesus, come down an' help deni!" "What in the world is the matter with the people over there?" asked Si in won- der. "Are they holding a reviTal meeting in the brush, or lip.vc they come there simply to go crazy?" "L>ey t'luks we uns is burnin' t' dcf," Uncle Ephraim explained, with a wide- reaching grin, "an' dey've come t' see hit, a an' pray oveh hit. Dese Washington County niggers 's a powerful prayin' lot. ' "Too bad that Ihey should be feeling Bo sorry over us," said Si. "Let's go out and show ourselves, and relieve their minds." The opening had now been considera- bly widened, and Uu\y all, Steve Bigler included, ran out onto a ledge at the waters edge and shouted lustily: "Hooray for the Union 1 Ilooray for 'Abe Lincoln! Hooray for Billy Sherman! Hooray for old lujiauny! We'll hang Jeff. Davis on a sour apple tree. Don't worry about us, friends. Kebel fire can't hurt us."* The apparition seemed, if anything, to increase the excitement among the negroes. It appeared to them a wonderful miracle. "Great God Almighty, wonderful are thy ways," shouted a stentor-lunged negro. "See dem walking right froo de tire, lack de Hebrew children." "r)at's ole Kunuel Hanson's Simeon," explained Uncle Ephraim. "He's de powcrfullest exhorter an' prayer in all dese parts." ''Glory to God," shouted the other negroes. "Jes' lack de Hebrew children. Kot a smell ob fire on deir garments." "De iankees is de Lawds own people. Dis shows hit," continued Simeon. "De wicked an' de powers ob darkness cannot pei-vail agin dem. Bress God ter all His marcies." "O, jos' see dat man," exclaimed one of the more observing, pointing at Steve Big- ler. "He's bin wickeder dan de rest, an' de fire done burn all de meat oft" his bones." This M-as too much for the boys, who exploded into a laugh that was a severe shock to the highly-wrought religious fervor of the gathering. Si brought it down still nearer the plane of every humanity by calling out: "Say, friends, have you brought along anything to eat'.' We've got a good many men here, and not much provisions, and we dont know when we'll be able to ti-avel out of here." "Eh, what's dat?" repeated the stentor- ian Simeon, stopping his praying, and re- quiring, as was usual with the Southern negroes and whites, a quoptioji repeated before. he would comprehend ni- nnswer. Si repeated his question, li;.t b. ; ;•' Hie negro could answer a Iniid nnnint was heard approaching frohl/i:!. -i;..' :iiii of the road. It was a crhAliin ,. ! ;i,!iu din, and above it rose a sound, a- (..i ( niiinMuds. It reached the negroes' e"ais,'who stopped praying and shouting aiid' tti'med their eyes in that direction. "Better get back in the cave, boys, and get your guns," said Si. Then he" called to the negroes across the creek: "Can you see who's making that noise?" "What dat?" "Can you see who's making that noise?" "Kin we'uns see who's dat makin' de noise?" "Yes; yes," said Si, impatiently. "Can you see them?"' "Kin we'uns see dem? Of co'se we'uns kin." "Well, who is it?" "Who it it?" "Yes; yes. Who is it? Answer at once, without talking back." "How kin we'uns answer widdout talkin' back?" "Tell me at once, you dumbed block- heads," said Si, savagely, "wlio's that coming over from the road?" "Ober f'om de big road dar?' "Yes, over from the big road?" "Why, dey's a hull passel ob critters- back soldiers. Dey's lef deir bosses in de road, an' are trompin' froo de brush." "What -kind of soldiers are they — Yank or rebel?" "Which? Dem soljers ober dar?" "Y'es; them soldiers over there?" "Why dey's all got blue cloze on, arr day's Y'anks, bross de Lawd." "What are they making all that noise about'?" "What dey makin' all dat noise fer?" "Yes. Why are they kicking up such a rumpus?" "Why, dey's cut down cedaf brushes, an' beatin' out de fire as dey come along." Si understood now, and his heart bounded. Without waiting for his gun he jumped down and waded thiou.ih the creek, out of reach of the fire, clambered up on th« bank, ran forward to the knoll on which they had made their last stand before retreating to ttie cave, aad shouttd at the top of his voice': "Hello, boys! Hooray for the Union! Hooray for Abe Lincoln!" An instant reply came in Sfaad Gra- ham's voice: "Hello. Si Klegg. Is that you?" "Bet your bottom dollar. How are you, Shad?" In a minute or two Shad made his way through the smoke. His hands and face were black and sweating, his hair and ONTfiE MAECH TO THE SEA. 158 clothes sinsiec!, find he had a cedar brush in one hand and his gun in the other. "Why, where in the world did you come from, Shad?" inquired Si, after shaking hands heartily with him. "O, I was making my way across the country with a pontoon train, when I heard from the niggers about the rebels roasting some Yankees in a cave. Left the pontoon back there in the road, and started out for here. How are you, any- way? Still alive?" '"Alive? Well, I should say so. Livost Yanks south of the Ohio River. JeiL Davis '11 find that out before we'ra through with him," CHAPTER XXVIL THE BOYS LEAVE THE CAVE AND TAKE UP QUARTERS IN A HOUSE WHICH HAS SHELTERED REBEL DIGNITARIES. "What in the world have the Johnnies been trying to do to you, Shorty?" asked Shad, as the former came up, and they all stood for a moment looking at the great heap of glowing timbers. "Did they think of serving you up on toast?" "Something of that kind," answered Shorty. "They've been having Yankees in every other way until they're plum sick ot them, and so they concluded they'd try how they'd go barbecued. But they botched the job, as they usually do everything." "I rather leaned toward the Universal- ists before the war began," said Shad sav- agely. "But if there isn't a hell already, there ought to be one incorporated and chartered at once for fellows who'd work a trick like that. And it oughtn't to be a one-ringed circus, about the size of Rhode Island or Delaware, but about as big as Texas, so's to hold the whole South- ern Confederacy." "O, we don't owe them nothing, except for their intentions," answered- Shorty, with a shrug. "They didn't bother us any. We're ahead of them on the game at least one Colonel and a Captain, and they had all their trouble for nothing. All the same, we're anxious to come up with the Jeff Davis Dragoons again, and have the play out." "Well, we've had pretty fair luck so far in Georgy in coming up with gents we had a grudge against," said Si grimly, "and I hope it'll continue." "Boys," commanded Shad to his men, "a couple of you go back to the wagons, and get a pick and shovel, and make a road to get down here uKder the cliff. The rest of you work down there to the creek, dip your brush in the water, and beat out the fire till we can get into the cave easily." While this was going on Uncle Ephraim, iWho had, since joining the army, managed to secure himself a complete nniform, ex- hibited himself, gun in hand, and cart- ridge-box and belts on, to the assembled negroes across the creek. Perched on a rock at the water's edge in easy conversa- tional distance, he gave a thrilling account of the sanguinary fight before the retreat to the cave, with the prodigious number of rebels slaughtered, and the particularly painful death of those who fell before his own murderous aim. Next to ghosts and other superstitions there is nothing that a negro likes so well to talk about as bloodshed. "I done tells yo'," he said, "dar wtiz jes* a milyun ob dem — ob Jo Wheeler's cav- alry. Dey stretch clean from Atlanty t/ Kingdom come, wid more comin' from eb- bery whichway. De whole country looked rusty wid dem." "I)idn't dat skeer you plum t' deff?" inquired Simeon. "Hit sho'ly would've, if I hadn't 'a' bin wid Sarjint Klegg an' Corpril Elliott. Dey's de mos' wondei-ful men alibe. Dey's more dan men. Dey's got a gif, lack dem ole 'postles. Dey's not feared ob nuflSn'. Why, dey'd go right inter de lion's den, lack ole Daniel, an' biff aside ob de head any lion dat dar git he back up. De same way wid de harnts an' sperits. Dey go right 'round a whole nest ob harnts an' ghosts an' pay no more 'tenshun t' dem dan yo' would t' a settin' hen. De sperits is afeared ob dem." "Dey'd orter be," said Col. Hanson'a Sim. "Dey'uns come straight from de Lawd, an' Fadder Abraham." "Why, back dar in dat cave," continued Uncle Ephraim, warming up with his story, "de harnts is plentier'n swallers in a chlmbly. Dat's de bigges', awfullest cave in de world. Why. hit's bigger down dar dan hit is all out-ob-doors, 'round hyah. Why, hit must be de place whar lU BI KliEGG AJ&ID SHCXEaX 'de giants Kbbed afore de flood, an' whar dey went when dey sassed Noah, an' done tele him t' go 'Ions wid his ole ark, hit warn't a-gwinc t' ho much of a rain, no- how. Yo' see de bones dar ob men 10 feet high, wid skulls as big as bee-gums. Dar's ghostses dar tall as a hay-stack, all in deir white grave-clothes. Sar.iint Klegg says dey're uuflln' but tall white i-ocks, but I knows better. Dey's only white rocks when Sarjint Klegg looks at dem, fer den dey've got t' be. He makes dem mind. But when dey cotches me alone, an' he ain' lookin'. den dey's sho'-nuff ghosts, an' ar- ter dis nigger. Yo' hear de flutter ob deir wings back dar in de dark, an' yo' see dem peakin' out ob de corners an' cran- nies, watchin' yo' wid eyes like sparks ob fires." "Yas, yas." shuddered Sim and the rest. "We'uns'A'e done seed dem, an' beared dem in de caves ober by de swamp, an' in de graveyards, an' behine de moetin'-housos ob dark nights, when de wind wuz a-blow- in', an' de rain comin' down." "No, Sim. yo' nebber seed nuffin' lack dese,' said Uncle Ephraim, sharply, .ieal- ous of the incomparable superiority of his cave and its horrors over anything within the knowledge of his auditors. "All de caves dat yo' common niggers hab seed aint a knot-hole t' dis one, an' de ghostses aint a chipmunk 'longside ob a painter. T'ink ob ghostses as big as an ole syca- more, ob men 10 feet high. But Sarjint Klegg an' Corpril Elliott an' de rest keer no more fer dem dan if dey wnz corn- stalks. Dey say dat all dat flutterin' wuz only bats, when I knows" "Tell us 'bout de fout, Eph," broke ia Simeon. "My name's Mr. Ephraim Klegg, sah," ».aid Uncle Ephraim, with dignity. "Host- ler to headquarters, 200th Injianny Vol- unteer Infantry. Yo'll please 'dress me dat-a-way." "Whew! What a long tail our ole cat's done got," said Simeon. "Well, Mistah Ephum Clag, boss hostler, please tell we- 'uns 'bout de fout." "Well, as I wuz a-done tellin', de John- nies wuz a-comin" "De Johnnies? AVho's de Johnnies?" "De rebel cavalry — Jo Wheeler's men, you fool. Don't yo' know deir right name? Well, de Johnnies wuz out dar by de mil- yun, an' more a-comin' on ebbery road, an' we'uns thought wo jes' lay low, an' " • "We'uns? Who'd 'yo' mean by we- 'uns?" "Me an' Sarjint Klegg, an Corpril El- liott, an de rest." "Jes' see dat sassy nigger puttin' him- self up 'mong white folkses," ejaculated someone, who evidently did not hold Uncle Ephraim in high esteem. "Shot dat punkin haid of you'n, afore I come right ober dar an' bust hit wide open," answered Uncle Ephraim, savage- ly. "Free cullud pu.ssons like me kin go wid white folks, but low-down slave nig- gers lack yo' mus' keep deir distance." "Shet up, Hoss-head," said Simeon a»»- thoritatively. "Go 'head wid yer story, Mistah Ephum. Don't mind dat wufless Hanson nigger. Yo' done frowed him out ob church once fer raisin' a fuss an' 'rupt- in' de mo'ners, an' he's nebber liked yo' sence. Go 'head." "As I wuz sayin' when dat' yam-spiler 'rupted me," contmued Uncle Ephraim, "we'uns 'eluded we'd lay low an' let dey- 'uns go on wid deir 'possum-hunt. But jes' den .Jim Hobcaw an' Wils. Duunell sneaked 'way from dey'uns, de Cap'u sont old bottle-nose Glasscock an' free udders arter dem, an" dey wuz ruunin' right on ter we'uns, an' we'uns 'eluded dat if dey wanted t' hunt porcupmea, porcupine- huntin' dey should hab. So Sarjint Klegg he jes' blowed de lights out ob Kunuei Manypenny, an' Corpril Elliott salumvated Cap'n Sidwell, an' 1 let daylight froo Sile Stunyavd, what wuz obeiseer on Misteh Ben Small's place fer awhile." "My goodness gracious! Sakes alibe!" gasped the delighted negroes, reveling in the tale of slaughter. "Den dey all came at we'uns, jes' lack a nest ob hornets, continued Uncle Eph- raim, warming up with his theme. "An' all we'uns lit inter dem as fast as we'uns could load an' shoot, an' piled dey'uns up jes' lack a rabbit-drive. Lau' sake, how we'uns did kill dey'uns off. I mus' hab killed two or free dozen my own self, an' my gun got so hot, an' " • ""Why, den, did yo let dey'uns run yo' back inter de cave?" inquired Hoss-head. "Why didn't yo'uns go right on, an' kill ofll de whole bilin' ob dem, an' tinish up de war?" "Hoss-head," said Uncle Ephraim se- verely, "dat wuz lack de question yo' axed de preacher, an' Avhat made me frow yo' out ob de meetin'. Y^o' know as little ob military as yo' do of theology. Keep yo' yam-trap shet, or I'll shet it fer yo'. Dey- 'uns didn't run we'uns back inter de cave. We'uns jes's natcherully sidled back in a military way, an' went in dar t' rest, an' spit on our hands an' start in fresh agin." "Say, Si," said Shorty, who had been listening, "Uncle Ephraim has the makings of a fine stump-speaker in him, hasn't he? We'll take him home and put him into pol- itics. All he needs is a little more misin- formation to carry everything before him and have a fine future." The application of brush dipped in water was very effective in getting the heat under control, when the burning logs and chunks were shoved off into the creejs and the mouth of the cave cleared out. A smooth path was opened to the road, and Ross Blakely, Clint. Rogers, Alex. Winslow, Con Gildea and Bob Bradly were carefully carried to the wagons, and placed on a bed of cedar branches covered with blankets. Steve Bigler insisted on walk- ing, and was supported on the way by Shad Graham, in whose "90" he had been at Andersonville. Jimmy Babbington's wasted body was ©N THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 155 brought out, and the contorted limba Btraightened as far as possible, while a grave was dug on the top of the hill, near where the Elder had been found. "I might go back to the wagons and get some boards, and make him a cofEn," sug- gested one of Shad's men. "No," answered Shad; "here's my new U. S. blanket. No soldier would wish a better coffin. Ten thousand of the best men that ever breathed have been buried in IT. S. blankets. It is the noblest sar- cophagus that a, soldier can have. It is all thfit I shall want around me in my grave." ''I'm a reggerly-ordained minister of the Gospel," said the Elder, in a propitiatory way, as he sat on a rock and watched the arrangements for the burial. Nobody had been paying any attention to him, and he was getting more and more anxious as to his fate. Perhaps he might soften their hearts by a ministerial act. "As you have no clergyman present." he continued, "I will, if yon wish, conduct the services at the grave." "No, you canting old rebel hypocrite," said Si savagely. "It'd be rank blasphemy to have any of your secesh pow-wowin^* over the grave of a man you have starved to death. We won't have poor Jim's mem- lory insulted by such prating. Uncle Eph- raim?" "Yes, sah." "You say that man over there is a leader in the prayer-meetings?" "Yes, sah, de powerfullest pray-er an' exhorter in de whole county." Well, go and bring him around across the creek, and let him offer up prayer be- side this grave." The other negroes followed their leader, and as Jim Babbington was laid away fop his eternal rest the soldiers uncovered their heads, and stood at parade rest, while the woods rang with the rude but fervid and devout appeal to the Throne of Grace from the lips of the poor field-hand who, no matter how inept his words, felt in his soul all that the most eloquent di- vine could have said at the graveside of one who had died that an enslaved race ght be free, and justice and right not de- Dart from the earth. Willing black hands filled the grave and heaped above it a great pile of stones, as nionument to one of Freedom's mar- ;yrs, while Shad hewed fiat and smooth I space on the trunk of a pine growing at the grave's head, and wrote there James Babijington's name, company, regiment, md approximate date of death, and be- ow it — ■ •In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea. With the glory in His bosom that trans- figures you and me. He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, While God is marching on."- Then Si ordered a volley fired over the grave, and they went back to the cave. "What in the world are you going to do with your prisoners. Shad?" asked Si. '"My prisoners?" retorted Shad. "I have no prisoners. They're yours. You took them. I've nothing to do with them." "Indeed you have. Y'ou're my com- manding officer. You ranked me the min- ute you came on the ground. I'm mighty glad you came, for that reason alone, for I was racking my brain what to do with them, and now the responsibility's on your shoulders. I don't want to be bothered with them. The Provo-Marshal gi'umbled at the others I biiing in. He's worried enough over what he's already obliged to guard and feed. I hate to turn 'em loose, and it wouldn't be right to shoot them." "Might shoot the Elder, to show your good-will," suggested Shad. "He richlj, deserves it." "No; we've monkeyed with him all _ we care to. His disappointment'll be punish- ment for him. It nearly broke his heart to lose one boss. Think how he must feel over losing 11 at once." Shad, Si and Shorty looked over the reb- els thoughtfkully. "Jim Hobcaw and Wils. Bunnell," aske* Si, "if we let you go do you think tnat you can keep out of the hands of the rebel3 in future?" "Sartin! Sho'," they answered at once. "They'uns'll never lay hands on us agin. Shoot we'uns if they do." "We'uus, too,' said the three of Sorg't Glasscock's squad. "We'uns 's plum tired o' the war, an' want t' git back home. If you'll let us go thar we'uns'U swar we- 'uns'll stay thar forever. We'uns know whar we'uns kin lay out an' they'uns'll never find us agin in God A'mighty's world." "I reckin I mout as well jine the mourn- ers' bench, too," remarked Serg't Glass- cock. "I'm gettin' dog-sick o' bein' licked, an' gittin' hit wuss every day. Hits bin gittin' licked every time since Chicka- maugy, an' I'm no hog. I know when I've got enough." "That shows common sense,' remarked Si. "What we've given you already is only a beginning of what we've got laid up for you. Better get in early and avoid the shower." The Elder had been watching the pro- ceedings attentively, and hope dawned i^n his mind at the favorable reception by Si and the rest of these propositions. He arose from the rock, and with the dignity with which he was accustomed to address his audiences, remarked: "Gentlemen, as much as I grieve to con- fess it, I perceive — ah, that the cause of the Southern Confederacy is hopeless — ah. The spoilers have indeed come down from the wilderness upon our high places — ah, and we must bow to the will of God — ah. It'll be just and merciful in you gentle- men— ah, to allow us citizens of Jawgy 156 SI KLEGG AKEf-^HaBTT, .ts r>:s '/--li.-j'jr J 9d* ^';- 3.->ica-: ■-31^5 ',->a:' - •- ''-' 'I DONE TELLS YO', DAK WAS JES' A MILYUN OB JO WHEELER'S CAVELRY.' to return in poaro to our homes and fire- sides— ah, and there abide until the war is over — ah." "Get out your Bible, Elder," briefly com- mand-ed Shnd. The Elder reached in his bosom and pro- ducer a small, well-worn volume, which had evidently been re-bound by a shoe- maker, with a piece of fine calf-skin, sewed at the back with wax-thread. "Now. Elder," commanded Shad, "I want yon to adminkster the following oath to these men, and take it yourself: We, repentant rebels, and citizeps ,of Georgia, do, of our own free will and accord, sol- emnly swear that we shall go hoine, and ON tn'E ^ARCH TO THE SEA. 157 femain there in peaceful obedience to the laws of the United States, and &:■>-« no further aid and com/ort to the so-called Southern Confederacy, or any ether en- emies of the United States. So help me God. Now, all of you take hold of the Bible, and kiss the book after you've sworn." After the swearing Shad took down their names with great formality in his memorandum-book, which he assured them was part of -the archives of the United States, and liable to rise up in judgment against them if they violated their oaths. "Elder, the rest'll likely keep the oath, and you'd better," Shorty took occasion to say in an aside. "You know you can't lose us, and when we meet up with you again we're liable to know just what you've been doing." Pete Skidmore had already gotten out Abednego, and was overwhelming him with kind attentions, to make up for the fire-scare. The rest of the horses were brought out, they all mounted, and followed Shad and his men back to the road. "Good-by, friends," said Si, waving his . hand to the negroes. "So long. Elder," said Shorty. "Be a loyal citizen from now on, and preach re- pentance to those who have sinned against the Union, that thy days may be long in the land the Lord thy God gavest us." "Tell you what we'd better do," said Si to Shorty and Shad, as they rode along. "Those boys are in no shape to go far. We don't know where we'll strike a hos- pital and a Surgeon. Every mile we go with them in their present shape is dead against them. We'll stop at the first good house we come to, give them a wash and a fix-up, and some light food, and see if we can't bring them around into better shape." "There seems a house of that kind right ahead," said Shad, according with the idea, and pointing to a large white frame a mile or two ahead in front, which shim- mered in the sunshine. Around, it were some negro-quarters, glimmeriiig with whitewash. They came to a small but fairly-kept plantation of several hundred acres, and turned up to the house through a lane of the carrot-shape-topped, sickly-looking ce- dars, which are inseparable accompani- ments of every pretentious house in the South. "If I owned a plantation the first thing I'd do would be to chop down and burn up every one of those blasted cedars," said Shad, sui-veying the tree trunks, where the bark had scaled off, showing an un- healthy, leprous white. "I hate the sight of them. They look as if they had some awful skin disease, like a mangy dog, or worse. They're associated in my mind with all the thriftlessness and lack of comfort in these Southern houses — with their doors hanging by one hinge, their rundown farms, their famished, tlea-pesi- ered dogs, their lean cattle, a."^ hog-and- hominy victuals." On the broad porch in front sai in hick- ory rocking-chairs three women, apparest- lythe aged mother and her two tall, hard- faced old maids of daughters, the latter- having been born early in the century, calloused and tanned by its many severe Winters and scorching Summers. They were clearly expectant of a momentous crisis in their lives — a visit from the "plundering, robbing, insulting hordes" — about which the bombastic proclamations of Gov. Joe Brown and Gen. Beauregard sufficiently alarmed them. They had put on their best clothes, and come out to meet their fate, like the Roman matrons and maidens of old. "Take all we have, but spare our honor,' said the elder of the two daughters, a hatchet-faced woman, with a rasping voice, rising and delivering her ultimatum, as Si rode up. "Confound your honor," said Si. We want a place to lodge and care for some sick men. Have you got some rooms we can put them in?" "What! Take nasty, sick Yankees into' our house'?" shrieked the woman, coming down at once from her heroics to house- keeping details. "What! Take a passel of sick Yankees into the house where President Davis and Vice-Presidenc Steph- ens and Secretary Cobb has slept? Never. Go 'long with them, sah." "But we are not going along, madam," said Shad firmly. "They are coming in. Jeff Davis's bed, and Aleck Stephens's bed are none too good for them. They are better men than those rebels ever dared be. You ought to do this in mercy and com- passion. But if you don't want to do the ministering angel act, you'll have to take them in anyhow." "If you attempt to bring them m here, shouted the woman, as they began to help the boys out of the wagon, and she caught sight of their ragged, emaciated forms, "we'll throw boiling water on them." "Indeed you won't, madam," said Shad, coollv but so firmly that they could not mistake him. "Unless you want your house burned down over your heads. Be women, now, and gentle and pitiful to men who are almost dying." "Take 'em 'round to the nigger-quarters, if you must leave them," shouted the wom- an. "Don't bring them into where white people live." "They are not going into the negro- quarters, madam," said Shad. "They are white men and gentlemen — just as true gentlemen as you ever met, and they re going to be taken care of as such. Come, show us some of that famous Southern hospitality, or at least be plain. Christian women." In the meanwhile Si had gone around behind the house, and there found, as he expected, the wash-house. He called to the boys to bring the pris- oners in there, and set some of them tp 158 SI KLEGG AND SHbRTt. filling up tho kettles with water, and build- ing tiros under them. He saw a pair of sheep-shears stieking in the timbers of the shed, and witii these lie eut Ihe lv).vs' long, unkcni|)t. matted hair elose to their heads, and threw the hair in the lire. They were undressed, and their elctthes followed thoir hair, thus freeing them from hordes of inseet perseentors whieh gave them no rest, night or day. When the water was warinr'd Si, Shorty and Alf carefully washed the poor bodies Avith soft soap taken from gourds about the shed, of the thick, varnish-like grime of resin, soot, and dirt accumulated by months of hang- ing over the pitch-pine lires, and lying ul'tci-wnrd in the sand. Shad pres- ently came up with socks, undercloth- ing, shoes, pantaloons and blouses which ho had gathered up from the spare ones in his detachment. Once more clean, ver- minlcss, and comfortably clad, the boys were carried up to the Jeff Davis room, the Vice-President Aleck Stephens room, the Secretary Cobb room, and laid in the soft beds once occupied by those Avorthics. The women saw this desecration with siieechlcss anger, but Shad reminded them that they were getting off very luckily, and the better grace with which they took it, the better it would be for them in the end. Then, under Alf's directions, Pete and Shad killed some chickens, the negress- cook was discovered, and set to work pre- paring some broth. Good wheat bread, found in tho cupboards, fresh butter and sweet milk brought from the spring-house, and Alf guardedly fed the boys what he thought their stomachs would stand. They soon' fell into the first sweet, refreshing sleep they had known for many months of misery and starvation. Shad went on with his train to the Ogeechee River, while Si, after feeding his horses from the plantation-cribs, and having his boys cook supper for them- selves, had them spread their blankets on the porch and prepare to spend the night. After going Avith Alf to see the invalids, giving them another portion of gruel and food, and doing whatever else was neces- sary to make them comfortable, Si and Shorty lighted their pipes, and sat down on the front steps to talk over the situa- tion. Out to them came Miss Sophronia Sutlon. the elder of the two daughters. She had accumulated much vitriol under Shad's snpiu'ession, and now that he was gone thought she could work it off advan- tageously on the two partners, who seemed much (MsicM- [)ro])ositions than the self-pos- sesser], authoritative Acting Lieutenant of Engineers. •'Now, since that high and mighty officer is gone, I want yon to at once take those nasty fellows out of my beds, and carry them off. I don't want them nor you arouud here any longer, polluting a South- ern home with the presence of an enemy." "Why, ma'am, them boys aint able to be moved," expostidated' Si. ','It!ll ehdah^or their lives." , "Well, it don't matter U)|ic-h: they're only Yankees," she snap'peO^" "Anyvfay, you must take em out o^ those beds thaf've been honored by the g^'cat'est men in the country. Take em out, tg^ ihe nig-ger-quar- ters. That's plenty gopd/ euoijgh for them," ^ ■' ii "iladam," said Si, remg;S(ing his pipe from his mouth an<] speaking slowly and deliberately, "them men'll s^j(j\; fright where they are until they are able t reserves, and in hopes of making the cajiture without it. "This bents the devil," grumbled Shorty. "If I could see the sights I'd let that feller have it, anyhow." 6 SK The rebel Sergeant improved the op- portunity to jump behind a post. A door of the house suddenly opened, throwing a broad ray of light along the fence. Si, who had become anxious as to what was going on out back, tU'd whose quick ears had canght something Of the whispered inierchanpe of challenges, waa standing on the puich, with gun leA'eled, Avaiting for deveiopraents. He saw the line of rebels on the fcrjce, and fired at the nearest one, who dropped with a bul- let in his thigh. Shorty and the rest fired, but while they could see the rebels plainly,^, it was too dark for them to aim. On the other hand, the rebels were too much startled to shoot straight, even if they could have distinctly seen their enemies. They banged away, nervousiy, and ran back in the direction whence they Bad come. It was no use pursuing them, so Shorty secured the rebel Sergeant, while the rest picked up the wounded man, and all came back to the porch. "He's gone, and you didn't kill him," screamed Miss Sophronia. "Why didn't you kill him when you had a chance. I threw the door open to give you light to shoot by. Why didn't you shoot him in- stead of that measly little hyena, 'Lish Higgles," she added, scanning tlie wound- ed man. "He's only a mongrel fice that runs around after Zeke Backhouse. Zeke's the man you ought've shot. And you, Ab Watersmith," she addressed the big, hulking Sergeant, "you're a nice man, to let that gang force you into burning other people's property." "They'uns'd suttinly shot me or hung me, if I hadn't done jes' as they'uns said, mum," said the Sergeant, apologetically. "S'posing they had, s'posing they had." she snapped. "It W'ouldn't've been any great loss. Never good for much but to suck whisky and get into fights on court- days." " 'Sense me, mum, if I'd liefer live for that e'er, than die for other people's prop- erty," ventured the Sergeant, rather hum- bly. "What I might expect of you, you scal- awag," answered the woman contempt- uously. "Yon haint as much real spunk as a iDrindle steer. You let a few of those scabs scare you until your melt turns to water." "That wuz 12 o' they'uns, mum — three set o' fours — 'sides Zeke, an' they all had guns, an' I hadn't none, 'sides" '•Don't talk back to me, you chicken- '.'ver. Clear out. Get off the porch." i.nd she picked up a heavy hickory •room to enforce her order. "Let him alone, ma'am. He can't go. He's a prisoner," said Si, looking up from his work of helping Alf dress the wound of the other rebel, and make him com- fortable. "Let him alone, and come here and take care of this man. Where do you want us to put him?'' "Put' him?" she snarled savagely. "Put m ^ KLEGG AXD SHORTY. him .siiiiii\-,lu :e, niiywho: o. out of the waj, at (.iii.i'. I'lit i::ii: i.i t.ic ash-h'>ppeL-; fliug liiai into tho crt'ck; Ihiow him to the hop.s. Aiiytliing to .^ec i-id of hiiu." '.'But. n::M,:ii.-. this i.- one of your nwn people." i( iMonstiai.'d Si. "Ho is liadly hurt, all'] ■.■■'\[f\:t'.6 case and atteudance to .save Ills lilo."' A.yaiu fci way ii'iuindod of the utter heartlfiri.snoss of tij.- aristocratic^ classes of the Soiitli t:.>\'.ard the i>oov ^vhites. The higher fla.s-i.'s there have every courtesy and coMsiilcratiou for those in their own rank, of life, but are destitute of all fcel- iug but that of contempt for the pariahs who owned neither ne;;'ro(;s nor laud. "How dai-e you say he is oue of my own people?" she asked angrily. "Creatures like him are never dared allowed to come even in our yard. He\s not a man. He's only a varmint, that skulks through the •woods like the rest of the beasts of prey." "But he was good enough to fight your battles for four years." remonstrated Si. "Yes, he fought because he was made to, as other creatnres are. It's the only good that catild be got out of such brutish things. Take him away at once, rd sooner have a stuck hog on my porch." "Let's carry him out and put him in the nigger-quartei-s, Si." suggested Shorty. The house was comfortably furnished — • even luxuriously, for a Southern resi- dence, but when they entered the negro quarters they found not even a floor in the cabin. There were neither beds nor other furniture, except stools. The slaves, with their heads wrapped in rags of cloth- ing, ^ept on tile ground, with their feet to the fire. Si sent the slaves out to the shed for bundles of tops and blades of corn, with which he and Shorty made a comfortable pallet for the wounded man, and Alf ex- hausted his art in dressing and bandag- ing his wound. As Si completed his work and stopped to look around a little, one of the negroes gave him a look that indicated he wanted him to corae outside. When out of sight and hearing of the wounded rebel, and the foiks in the house, the negro said: "Say, mas'r, dar's five or six more jes' sich Yankees as yo' firs' brung in out dar in de swamp, whar we'uns've bin totin' vittels t' dem." "Where?" "Right out dar, a long ways — two, free, five miles, mebbe." "Go out at once and tell them to come In." 'TDassent. Zeke Backhouse's gang out dar in de way. Wo'uns've got a lot ob grub ready, but bin afeared t' go, afeared ob Zeke Backhouse. He'll kill a nigger jes's he'd hamstring a boss — jes' t' spite mas^r. An' dey needs de grub powerful bajd, too. Dey's jes' sLarviu'." *'C»me along with us, and show us Krhese they are, and we'll get them," said Ri. "Better bring some of that grub ahiig." ■■Ln;d sabe me. 1 don't want t' go no- wliar v.hai- dar's shootin' an' killin' gwine on. Nebb'^r wuz so skeered in -my life aa 1 wuz a while ago. Gut 'all obdat I ebber want, an' a hc:ip more." "Le" me go 'long, Uncle Scip.," asked a bright-eyed, young negro of about rote's ag". "I know whar dey is, an' I kiu (huk an' run if dey begins t' shoot. I likes t' heah de giins go oiff." "Yo' kin go, if yo' wants f, Hannibal," replied the other, gravely. "Yo's de least 'conntest nigger on de place, an'' hit don't matter much if yo' do git killed, while I'a wuf .Sl,500, afore-de-war prices. Go 'long, chile." "What! You don't mean to say that you uu'ii are all going o&, and leave us throe women and all this property de- fensolfssV' shrieked Miss Sophrouia, as Si gathered his squad 'together and ex- ]ilained their mission. "And you know that villain., and his gang is right out there? I call this contemptible, unman- ly, outrageous." "You didnt want us here, ma'am," SI began. "You didn't offer us the hospitality of your Southern home," Shorty broke in. "You didn't invite us in to be your guests. I don't know as we're under any particu- lar call to stand guard over you." "Y'ou're jtist as well off as before W9 came," said Si. "We didn't bring Zeke Backhouse into the country. Up in In- jianny we'd've put that fellow away where the dogs wouldn't bite him years ago. You ought to be obliged to us that we've scared him as much as we have. X don't think he'll come back again tonight. Boys, leave your blankets and haver- sacks. We'll come back here before morn- ing." . "And you'll leave us exposed to the worst that scoundrel can do. just for the sake of a passel of sick, starved Yankees, like them you brung in before," gasped Miss Sophronia, almost collapsing with apprehension. "That's as much respect for women as I could expect from North- ern men." "Push out lively, now, boys," said SL "Those poor fellows may be dying, and we can save their' lives by reaching them in a hurry." With Pete, Sandy and Hannibal— among whom had sprung up a sudden friendship — a little in advance, they strode swiftly out along the beaten path leading from the rear of the house. They presently, as the moon began to rise, came to the big road, and walked noise- lessly over its sand. Full of the secrecy of the errand, Hannibal, would not walk in the road, but slipped along like some lithe, feline young beast of prey, through the weeds by the side. Not the crack ot a breaking twig beti-ayed his progress, and ON THE MAECH TO THE SEA, U9 ^\ 3m "HALT! WHO COMES THAE?" CALLED OUT ZEKE, SPEINGING INTO THE EOAD. the boys would not have known where he was had he not from time to time stood up and tnrnod his grinning face toward them, when the moonbeams would reflect his white teeth, and big:, shining eyes. At each bend in the road he would halt them imtil he slipped forward and recon- noitered it. and motioned them to come on. Presently he called Pete over to him by snapping his thumb and finger, and whispered: "Dar's someone layin' in dat bend jes' ahead." "How 'd .von know?" "I smell dom. White men." Sandy slipped back to warn Si. Pete strained his eyes in vain to see anything, until presently there was a brief, faint flash, as someone moved a gun-barrel, on which the moon's beams fell. "There certainly is," said he. "Lay low as snakes till I see who dey am," said Hannibal, and disappeared in the brush. In a few minutes he returned with the report: "Zcke Backhouse an' his whole gang's layin' out dar fer somebody, likely fer we'uns. Dey's sottin' 'round dar on logs an' chunks, wid deir backs agin trees. I done crep so nigh I could've pulled de coat tail, but I didn't wantor. Come, I show yo' a way t' sneak in behine him." To the left of the road ran a broad, level wash of sand. They walked along this in single file until they came to an- other leading down from a gully cut through the cedars on the knull ss^mOA 164 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. 4x Zeke was concealed. The wet sand did not give the slightest sound of their foot- steps. They gained a point whence they could see the forms of the rebel deserters against the moonlight, and were on the point of a rush when they heard the sound of approaching hoofs. A rustling sound among the deserters showed that they heard it, too. "Keep quiet, boys." whispered Zeke. "Thar's only one. I'll step out and stop him. Keep him kivvered, and don't let him make a rush an' git away, if I should miss him." Si and Shorty took advantage of this to get where they could have a sure aim. Pete and Sandy followed Hannibal in wriggling around to M-here they could cut off retreat. Uncle Ephraim crawled up noiselessly behind a big log, and laid his gun across. "Halt! Who comes thar?" called out Zeke, springing into the road and leveling his carbine. "A friend. As good a Confederate as ever lived," answered a well-known voice as the rider reined in his horse and recog- nized the rebel butternut. "I'm Eldei- Hornblower, friends. Just escaped from the hands of the Yankees, where I had perils oft. and hardships many, as the Apostle Paul says. I'm on my way to the Sutton house, and expect to spend the night and some days in the home of those godly ladies. Please let me pass at once, friends, for I've had some terrible davs, and badly need rest for both body and spirit." ••Well, Elder, I don't think vou've bin hayin' anything like as tough a time as we'uns've bin havin' fer four long years," answered Zeke with a sneer. "We'uns've had perils oft, hardships many, thorns in the flesh, woundings n' the sperit and sich, like as yourn' couldn't hold a candle tb, while you've bin ridin' 'round the country, livin' on wheat bread an' chick- en doing', an' sleepin' on a feather-bed e^ery night. We'uns've concluded the tiine's come fer we'uns t've some o' the g6od things o' this world, too. So, yo'll Ifluch obleege we'uns by climbin' down offen that boss, an' handin' over the cash yd've bin collectin' through the country. We'uns need hit wuss'n the gospel does, jes' now." "Why, you villains, would you rob a preacher of the Word?" gasped the Elder. "You're worse 'n the Y'ankees" "Shall we let them rob him. Shorty?" whispered Si. "It's a case of dog eat dog, but thev're the meanest sort of hounds. Let us stop them." "Surrender, there!" shouted Si. "Don't a man move or we'll kill him." They all stood still as statues, except the Elder, who gathered his reins for a dash. ■ "Stop, dar. Elder." exclaimed Uncle Ephraim, springing into the road in front. "De gemmen 'eluded you in deir remarks."' "That's all right, Yanks," said Zeke, recovering himself, and noting the blue uniforms, as Si pushed tlje rest of the de- serters forward into the bright moonlight in the road. "We're friends. We've de- sarted, an' wuz makin' our way to yo'- uns. Awful glad to see yo'uns. Plumb sick an' done out with the rebel army." "Y'es, yes: we know all about that," said Si. '"We'll discuss that later. Form twos, close order, here." "Dar's someone else in dese woods," remarked Hannibal. "I look up de road, when we'uns run out, an' I see a man take a look an' den run back. I beliebe he one dem prisoner-l'ankees." "That's likely who he is," said Sandy. "Let's run up the road and call to them." "Go ahead, boys," said Si. "Be care- ful, though." "Hello, boys! Come out! It's ail right," shouted Pete and Sandy, as, they reached the point where Hannibal had seen the man disappear. "We're Yan- kees. Hooray for the 200th Indiana!" Six feeble, gaunt boys rose from be- hind logs where they had been crouching, and ran into the road, trying to shout. "We got so hungry that we were des- perate," said the leader, as he recovered from his motions sufficiently to talk, and was walking down beside Sandy toward Si. "The negroes didu't come with food as they promised, and finally we got up and started. We thought we might as well be recaptured as die of starvation, though it was almost a toss-up to decide which was better. I saw the commotion in the road, but couldn't make out what it meant." In spite of their famished condition the new-comers were in far better physical condition than the ones found in the cave, and walked along quite briskly un- der the stimulus of their newly-acquired freedom. Si had them pick up the arms the rebel deserters had thrown down, and then they all maiched back along the road to the Sutton house. Miss Sophronia was like a fury when she saw Zeke, and overwhelmed him with a torrent of abuse. She snatched up the poker and would have attacked him had not Si and the Elder restrained her. Zeke merely grinned at her. He was confi- dent that the deserter plea would avail him, and that he had nothing to fear. "We'uns's playin' in great luck, arter all," he confided to his followers. "They- 'uns'll turn us over t' the Provo-Marshal ter-morrer, we'uns'll take the oath, an' be sot free, an' we'uns'll jes' go through that thar Yankee army fer all hits wuth. Them Yankees' ve money an' things, no end. Why, yo' recolleck Josh Doodelpeas — him that the Kunnel had shot back thar at Lickskillet? He desarted t' the Y'ankees, got $25 fer his gun, took the oath, an' •*ved with 'em 'bout two months. Thea ON THE MARCH TO THE SE.V. 165 -•^-fiit 'got- too -Ih^t over thar fur him, an' he slipped hack t' wie'uns. playin' off osrapod prisoner. lie-had-TOoro'ii :?1.000 in .u-rpcn- haflvs, and a watch in every pockel, be- sid(>s lots of other things. He lost hit all at koards in a week or two, an' then tried - t' git hack t" the Yanlceos agin, Init they co'tched him, an' iln^ Kinurel nurde an ex- ■'a-aipli" od forward, joined the rest, and all moved briskly toward the Sutton house. On the road, some distance in front ot the house, Si met Serg't Foster Walsh, leader, of the escaped prisoners that they found during the night. He was out enjoying the delicious ex- perience of walking around in the Soutlv ern Confederacy without cariug whethei' any white man saw him or not. "Hello, Sergeant," called out Si. "How are you getting along?" "Inexpressibly happy, thank God, for His crowning mercy," replied Foster Walsh devoutly. "I feel as if tons of weight had dropped from my sinking shoulders — as the Pilgrim did when his burden of sin fell from him — as Lazarus did when the Savior called him forth from the sepulcher into the light of day. But I cannot understand why I have been spared for this great joy, when the clods of the valley have rolled over so mauy better men." "O, you have just played in great luck. You run across the 200th Injianny," Shorty started to remark irreverently, but Si, who was religiously much in harmony with the thought and speaker, interrupt- ed him: "God elects, for His own good will and pleasure, men to different fates. He has elected you, Foster, to be saved, and He probably has some great work for you to do. How's Miss Sophronia bin treating the boys?" "That old Jezebel," said Foster Walsh, savagely. "Just as soon. as your backs were turned she called to the negroes to come and take the boys out of those beds. I remonstrated with her, and told her that it might kill some of the boys, and quoted the Bible to her as to her Chriis- tianly duty. She told me to shut up and get out of the house — she wasn't taking her religion nor her Bible from any Yan- kee Abolitionist. The Word of the Lord being ineffectual, I had to try His sword. I had some of the boys take those rebel carbines and stand guard, and I informed her that we'd kill any negro who at- tempted to disturb the boys. She asked me if Yankee Christianity taught that it was right to go into peaceable Christian homes, rob them of their property, insult the women and threaten murder. I told her that the Bible commanded love, mercy, peace and charity upon all, to be kind to the poor and compassionate to the sick, and I proposed that that thing should go wherever I Avas, sure as she was a toot high. If she felt the rod it was because she deserved it. It was for her chastening, and for her growth in the fear and admonition of the Lord." "What'd she say to that?" asked Si, much interested. "She said she'd always heard that the Devil could quote Scripture, but she didn't know before that a Yankee could, and she ought to baste me over the head with the poker for my blasphemy. While she was running abuse like aa eave-spout in March, a colored woman came in to tell her that they'd heard the Yankees had burned a lot of rebel rations they'd found down at McClin ton's Store; that the Yankee foragers were over on Buf- fuin's plantation, next one to her's, and that there were a lot of Yankees coming up the road. I looked out and saw them, and told her that while I would not ad" vise deceit, the best thing that she could do was to represent that her house had been made a hospital for Union soldiers, and that it and everything around it ought to be spared on that account. I never saw a woman take a hint so quick- ly. By the time the squad turned up from the road she remembered that her folks had all been Union people, and^ voted against secession. Before they reached the house she felt that it was the womanly thing to care for the sick and wounded, whether friends or ene- mies, and by the time they hailed her she was a ministering angel, who delight- ed in good works. O, yes, she told the Lieutenant her house was filled with res- cued Union prisoners; everything possible had been done for them, her best beds had been given up to them, and clothes from the wardrobe of her own brother. The Lieutenant looked incredulous, as well he might, to find any Union feeling down here in this morass of slavery, but Brady Stevens and I were pointed out in evidence, and as he was in a hurry he passed on, ordering that nothing should be touched. You just ought've seen that old Jezebel breathe mercy, peace, grace and forgiveness on him as he rode away, and then turn and, wither us with a this- won't - last-alwaySj-and-I'll-have-my-tura look. But she is guileful enough to un- derstand that's the best card to play un- til the army goes by, and we'll get along splendid for awhile. But it's better to leave no sick Yankees behind to her ten- der mercies." "We're going to take no chances as to that," Si answered. "The reason that we came back, instead of going on toward Millen, was to get into communication with a Surgeon, somewhere, and have the boys transferred to a held hospital." "Do start for Millen as soon as you can, for I must go with you, and I'm pos- sessed of the spirit to get there as soon as possible." "What's your hun-y to get back to Millen?" inquired Shorty. "I thought you were straining every nerve to get as far away from there as possible. Y''ou're in no shape to go forward. Better go back and squat as near a commissary wagon as possible, and get some meat on your rack of bones." "I'll look out for getting meat on my ■ bones. The Lord'll provide for that, now that I'm out of the hands of those sons o£ 69I 5o ml 9d lift ■.rtr Tixf its ._rU fill 1-7F. da da bT no Qii Ad ■IS 168 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. Belial, who are persecuting and murder- ing His servants. With the Lord on my side, and a fat country like this, I'll get meat on uiy bones fast enough. I'm go- ing back to Milieu with you, and I want to start right away. The Lord calls me.;| ••\Ahat's your sweat to get to Millen .' asked Shorty. "Can't we do all the busi- ness to be done there?" "Well, I'll tell you. My partner is back there, dying. He's a blue-eyed, fair- haired, piire-souled boy, that 1 care more for than any creature on earth, except my mother and sisters. I was his teacher in Sunday school, and would have married his sister if she had lived. But she was too good for me, or this earth, and God wanted her among His angels, whence she looks down upon me all the time. I was getting ready to enter the ministry when she passed av,-ay, and I interpreted it that God meant me for sterner work than peaceful ministrations in the church with her by my side. I had no longer heart for a service that I'd always planned we should labor in together. As the clay fell upon her coffin, 1 turned to those gathered about and said that the Flag of our country was now the cross I should henceforth follow, and invited those who were like-minded to come to me. This boy, against my will, insisted on going. I tried to take every care of him his sister would have done. I was with him every moment that I could be. At Ream's Station I could have got away, but he could not jump the ditch as I did. I jumped back to help him, and we were both captured. I took every care of him through Andersonville, Savannah and Milieu — fought at the wells for pure water for him to drink, and avoid the diarrhea and dropsy; I sold my shoes and every- thing else I had to get him vegetables and keep off the scurvy. At Savannah the guard shot at me, and grazed my arm for stealing boards with which to make him shelter. I helped dig a tunnel there, and got him out and as far as the Ogee- chee Kiver, though I had to almost carry him part of the way, his legs were so stiff with the scurvy. Then we were re- captured, and brought back. He got bet- ter the first weeks at Millen, because the ground was fresh and clean, and the veather grew cooler. Then when those terrible rains came on he took the fever, and wasted away to a skeleton, with his big blue eyes shining like his sister's be- fore she died. O, God, how I have prayed ■ — not for myself — but for him. I don't murmur at any visitation God chooses to send on me. I probably deserve it for be- ing stiff-necked and perverse to His will. Let Him do anything to me, so long as He spares him." "Where is he now?" asked Si. "He's back there in the hospital at Mil- len. The rebels broke up the shanty I had built for him, as they did all the oth- ers in the pen, in their rage because we .wouldn't enlii» in the rebel army, and as I had no shelter for him from the awful rains I got him out to the hospital, where Newt. Greble, one of our company, could look after him. Newt's his cousin. I managed to get out to see him nearly every day, and wash him, and take care of liis clothes, but he seemed to grow weaker every day. Finally, I could stand it no longer. I could not bear the sight of his eyes looking appealingly at me. The Spirit semed to tell me that I could get through to our men, and bring them back to the rescue of those boys. Brady Ste- vens and I mixed up with some poor wretches who were going out to take the oath, and slipped away between the stock- ade and the Captain's otlice. We mixed up with the paroled men on detail, and others, and worked our way out into the woods, where we came across four oth- ers who had done the same thing, and we we all started for our lines. Sherman was farther off than we thought, and we'd've starved to death if it hadn't been for the negroes. It's taken me much longer than I expected, and now we mustn't lose any time getting there, if we hope to find poor little Angus alive. I should have tried to get that other squad to go, but I dared not leave those poor fellows in the house until you should come back, or our army come up. I felt I had a duty tov\'ard them." "You were right," answered Si. much moved by the story. "We'll do eveiTthing we can for you. How much of a rebel force do you think there is now at Mil- len?" "Very small. Not more than we, with' God's blessing, can handle. They'd run a good many of the prisoners off to Savan- nah before we left, and the guards had gone with them. More were goiiig every day. Probably there isn t mure than a company or two of rebels there now, and they're Georgia militia guarding the hos- pital and those in the stockade, who are unable to walk and are dying. They don't want to give them up as long as there's a breath of life in them. I want to fall on them as Gideon did on the Midianites, in the valley of Jezrcel. and put everv son of Belial to the sword." "That's all right," said Shorty. "We're in the sword business whenever it comes to any of these infernal stockade guards. I can kill one of them with less qualms than a yaller dog. Let's start as soon as we can, Si." "We must first make sure of the boys we've already got," said Si. "We mustn't take any chances about them. Aint sure there's no more Zeke Backhouses 'round here. Elder Hornblower may come back here any moment, and bietwixt him and that shining light in his congregation, Miss Sophrony, there's no telling what might be done to the boys. A Southern preacher and a Southern woman would cook up another Andeisnnville right here in no time. But our folks must be near here \>j tJm tUo*. Tbat smoke rising, I THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 169 orer the, hills yofeder looks as if it came from camp-firc.< 'Monty, you and Hany ride over theVe, artd &ce if you can't stiike a camp, and a Sur;,'oon who'll como over here and take char;ce." ■ "What did you do with Zeke Back- house and his gang?" eagerly inquired l.MisR Sophroiua, as Si rode up to the ■ porch and ilismounted. ""Tirrnod him over to your brother Al- bert'and hi.s gaiig," Si answered curtly, as he began to unsaddle. "WhatV" .she e.\clainied in startled amazement. She was silent for a min- ute, and then curiosity triumphed, and she asked: "You're telliug me the truth?" "Don't tell anything- else. Aiut that" kind of a man," answered Si, throwing his saddle on the porch. ■"iuu flatter youiself, thinking we'd lie to you," said Shorty, taking another view. "Why should we?" Her stony face flashed with anger at the tone of contemptuous disparagement, and she was silent for another minute. Then curiosity again dominated, and she inquired: "Are you sure the Confederates got them? How did you know it was Broth- er Albert?" "We're as sure that the Johnnies got them as we are that cattle'll run into a clover field if you let down the bars, and you know as well as we do, who's in command of the rebels out there," an- swered Si, as he threw his bridle on the porch beside his saddle. "Then," she exclaimed, exultantly, "you've done the best day's work Yankees ever did. If we've got rid of Zeke Back- house and his crew the Y^mkees may come. They won't stay long, while Zeke and his following was with us always. Come in,, and I'll have the best supper cooked for you you ever ate." "Don't want your supper," Si replied ungraciously. "We'll cook our own sup- per. If you've anything good give it to those poor boys, whom your people have been starving to death." As Si now felt secure he set no guard, and let everybody busy themselves with getting supper, caring for the horses, and for the rescued comrades. Uncle Ephraim cooked supper for him and Shorty, while they were moving around, overseeing and helping, and keeping an eye out on the country, that they might not be siirprised. It came on very dai-k Avhile this was go- ing on, and still Harry and Monty had not returned. Foster Walsh, who had conducted a brief evening prayer-meeting, after sup- per, around the big iire in tho wash-shed, where most of tlie boys had gathered, cam to the front porch, where Si and Shorty were seated, pipe in mouth, await- ing the return of the messengers, and holding their usual evening council of war. He came to urge, as the moon would ri-^e brightly alJter awhile, that, if the expected relief came up, to push for- ward toward Millen that night. But; Si and Shorty decided that as they had had an exciting night before, and a very lively day, that it would be better for all to take a good night's rest and started eaily in the morning. As the discussion was terminating Pete came slipping up, and whispered to them: "Say, Miss Sophrony slipped out of the f.ouse awhile ago, and is now down there bfliind the spring-house talking to a man." "Let her," saii Si, iudifEerently. "Don't spoil any chance for her to get a hns- band. She's cantankerous enough as it is. It might sweeteH ker up a little to get a husband." "I Avonder which of the boys she's sweetened up on?" Shorty wondered laz- ily. " 'Taint either Giimshaw or Rad- bone, or one of the prisoners, is it?" "No; it aint auy of our crowd, I'm sure, though ho Vvcars a Y'ankee overcoat and cap. When I first noticed kim he was hanging around in the dark with one of the house darkies with him. He seemed to be keei)ing out of the light. Presently the darky v.ent into the house, and the man walked off. He seemed to know just where he was going. In a little while Miss Sophronia same out and walked right out to the spring-house and ui> to him." "W^hat sort of a looking man was he? Could you tell?" "As near as I could make out ho was a well-put-up sort of a fel-ler, about the size of you or Corp'l Elliott." "We've run up against a romance," said Sliorty, knocking the ashes oat of his pipe, and chthcklkig at his own humor- ous fancy. "Tkafs some timid lover, who wants to carry off the fair young flower of this happy hoHseh©ld, yet fears to brave the wratk of the justly-indignant parents, and so must meet kis love by moonlight alone." "She did kiss him, when she met Idm," said Pete, . always eager to back up any of Shorty's theories. "Poor man." groaned Shorty. "I hope it won't mortify. I'd rather be kissed by a fly-blister." "I left Sandy to watch 'em," continued Pete, "while I slipped around t© tell you. Here he comes bow." "They've gooe into the honse," whis- pered Sandy, "^e went first, aaxd a few minutes after be waited aloitg, keeping out of the Hght, until he eame to the porch, when he walked boldly up, and went straight to her room." "It couldTi'fve bin none of bs," said Pete triumphantly. "None of us'd've gone into the house, aTtd certaialy none would've bin bold enough to go to Miss Sophrony's room." "No, indeed," ejaculated Shorty, heart- ily. "Probably a rebel spy," meditated Shorty. "WeD, he's welcome to all that 170 EI KLEGG AND SHORTY. GOOD EVENING, CAPTAIN," SAID SI. he can find out here. Still, we don't want that class of cattle peeking around. Blast his impudence, to come i-ight in here among us." "O, lot 'cm (Mi.ioy love's young dr(>am," fiaid Shorty, sardonically. '•Feller that'd make love to a woman like that has pun- ishment enough. He haint sense enough to be dangerous. I'm going to lay down awhile." Si, gun in hand, got up, stepped noise- lessly across the porch, and pushed the hall-door open. He knew that the mother and Angelina slept in the rooms to the left of the hall, and he could hear that they were in deep slumber. He took a ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. m few steps on the strip of rag-carpet lying in the hall, aj:ul r-nuh' to the door of the sitting-roniu' ti> tin' ri,i;ht. It was open, and . tnukiii- (lia-unaliy across ho conld see -into' i\n: >lunv df sOphroiiia's room iu thelell beyond. H.^ koin luider the shade of the jaiul), and saw her sitting ■l)efore the bright fire, and iu another chair sat a njan, whose fanuly likeness showed to be a yonnger brother. lie had thrown off his cap and overt oat, revealing the uni- form ot a roliel olHoer, witli gold lace ou the sloi'vx's of the gray coat, and the double h:us of a Captain on his collar. "Her brother Alfred," commented ISi to himself. The man was making a hearty meal off the food which Sophrouia had evidently brought to the room in anticipation of his coming. '"Yes," ho said between mouthfuls. "You needn't have any more fear of the Backhouse gang. I didn't let one of them get away. This neighborhood's free from them until their children grow up. 1 wasn't going to let such a chauce pass to make clean work." "Now, tinish your supper in peace," she said as she rose. "Y'ou needn't be at all disturbed. You're, safe as long as you're in my room. The Yankees never come a-nigh it. They have some points which make me think that they're almost hu- man. I'll go and wake mother, and An- gelina, and get them ready to see you. You can stay here till towards , morning, and then slip out without being seen. I heard the Sergeant say .that he wasn't going to put out any guards." Si slipped back through the hall door, land closed it again, so that the draft would not betray its opening to Sophro- nia as she passed to her mother's room, and touched Shorty with ■ his foot, who sprang up instantly. Si whispered the situation to him in as brief words as possible. "The devil," said Shorty, rubbing his eyes. "I suppose we have got to take him in." "I suppose so," agreed Si, wiiJi a touch of regret in his tone. "Let's l3: him tin- ish his supper first. He's got a mighty nice one there." "Why not let him alone altogether, and let the' fellows who are coming up take him?" " 'Twouldn't do at all. ^Fhey'd have a great laugh on us about not knowing he was here." "I suppose that's so." They waited what they thought was ample time, and then stole noiselessly in. Soiihronia was still occupied in her moth- er's room. "Good evening, Captain," said Si, ap- pearing before Sophronia's door, and in- terrupting the Captain in the act of fill- ing his jiipe. "Don't be disturbed. Go on and fill your pipe, and light it, and then stc]) out here. Sorry, but we must do our duty." . ■ - "Croat CodI" exclaimed the Captain, rising in agitation, and dropping his pipe. "This'll ruin me." "No," said Si, consolingly. "Just throw them Yankee togs out of the window, and there'll be no evidence against you as a spy. We didn't see you wearing them." "It isn't that," groaned the man. "It isn't that. I've been in the hands of your people ever since last Winter, and have only been back with my command at month. I've been talking of how well your people treated me until I have got my own suspicions of me. They begin to talk of me in the regiment as more than half- Yankee. Nothing will convince some of them that I didn't come back into your lines on purpose." Hearing the talking, Sophrouia came rushing into the room, and started a top* rent of abuse. The mother and other daughter, diviaing that something was wrong, began a noisy lamentation, the niothc-r calling for her son. ' "Stop," said Si, authoritatively to So- phrouia. "Y'ou're liable to make matters mtich worse. Go, quiet your mother and sister at once." "Besides," continued the Captain, "I was under orders to join the regim.ent at Waynesboro. I was to've marched this evening. But I hadn't seen my poor old pother for so long, and I didn't know what hour she might pass away, and I was so near, and so I took the risk. I can never recover from this." Si and Shorty's eyes met. They heard the sound of hoofs ap- proaching on the road. It was Monty and Hari-y coming back with a detach- ment. "Quick," said Shorty. Si stepped back into the hall, and called out to Miss Sophrouia. "I hear men coming," he said. "I'm going out to see who they are. I think it is a force that I have sent for to re- lieve us here, and take charge of the house and these men. If you're harboring anybody here that yon shouldn't you'd better get him out, for I don't know who'll be in command. G^jme on, Shorty." z m SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. CHAPTER XXX. MISS SOPHKONIA MEETS SOME MORE YANKEES— THE BOYS REACH MILLEN. ~ Si went out to meet the new-comers. -, He found there a detachment of 25 inen from the 1st Oshkosh, under the com- mand of a very curt and positive Second Lieutenant, and a pale, slender, under- sized, spectacled Assistant Surgeon. "Had a hard day, Sergeant?" inquired Lieut. Gilleu of Si, as soon as he ascer- tained that he was in command. _ He spoke pleasantlv, but quickly and decisive- ly. "Very well; I'll relieve you. Serg't Ballon, you'll act as Officer of the Guard, and detail enough men to relieve all the Sergeant's sentinels. How many have you stationed, Serg't Klegg?" • "I haven't put any out yet." ■ "No guards out, and two hours after dark? Sergeant, I'm surprised at you. Very unniilitary. I shall have to mention ic in my report." "Mention it or not, as you please, sir," answered Si, calmly. "We'd just come back from the river, and knew there were DO rebels this side of it, and we were keep- ing a good lookout all the same." "Nothing will justify not putting out sentinels at dark," said the Lieutenant, severely. "Never do it again, under any circumstances. If you haven't but two men, keep one on guard all the time." "Wonder hov^ much more he's learned of war in the two years and a half that the 1st Oshkosh has been in than the 200th Injianuy learned that crossed the tthio a month ahead of them?" comment- ed Shorty, as the Lieutenant turned to instruct his Sergeant about posting the guard. "Let me have your list of the men you have i-ecaptured from the enemy," de- manded the Lieutenant, on his return. "How many are there?" "I haven't any list." answered Si, con- fusedly. "Didu'i think about making one. "We just took them in as fast as we could find 'em. and took care of 'cm best way we could, and" "Kxceedingiy immilitary. You should have at once entered every one's name, rank, company, regiment, when and where captured, and" , "Excuse me. Lieutenant," apologized Si. "I was more interested in getting hold of 'em, and saving their lives, and making 'em comfortable, and standing off the rebels, than I was in setting their names down. Besides, I clear forgot to bring any paper and pens with us." "An officer who goes out in command of men should never forget those things, any more than he should forget ammuni- tion and rations for his men. They are indispensable to command. Don't let this happen again. How many are there of them?" "How many?" repeated Si, scratching his head, and trying to think. "There's Steve Bigler, he belongs to a Pennsyl- vania regiment; and Con Giklea is a Reg- ular. That's two. Then there's that bat- tery boy who's lost all his teeth from scurvy, and that cavalry boy who can't talk — that's four. The boy we buried makes five, and" "Them two of Ellett's Marine Brigade makes seven," Shorty helped out. "Yes: seven we found in the cave. One's dead, the rest we brung away. Then there's Foster Walsh's squad; there's six of them, aint there. Shorty? That makes 12 altogether." "Weil. I shall hold you accountable for 12,'' said the Lieutenant. "Come, show me v,-hore they are, and I'll give you a re- ceipt for them." "I don't want any receipt," answered Si. rousing to anger. "They aint Com-^ missary or Quartermaster goods, to be* delivered on requisitions. They're human beings, who should be known man by man." "I've no time to discuss methods with you, sir. Your ideas and methods are clearly diffei-eut from mine. You'll do my way. You have reported 12 men. Show me'them at once, that I may make an ac- counting of them." Miss Sophronia, after hun-ying her brother off, had come to the front door to study the newcomers, and see if there were^ any danger of pursuit. She listened to the Lieutenant's lectures to Si with surprise, not comprehending how so force- ful a man as Si should quietly accept the Lieutenant's assumption of superiority. Womanlike, she had to mix in, and side with the under-dog. "You've no business to talk to him that way," she said sharply, indicating Si with a gesture. "If you'd've been as busy as he has j-ou'd've had no time for book- keeping, either." The Lieutenant turned on her a look of cold, piercing surprise. "IMadam," ho said, in chilling tones, "when I desire your advice on a matter of camp discipline I shall ask it." A Second Lieuteaaat can put on more ON TflEMARGH TO THE SEA. 178 chilling hauteur than any Brigadier-Gen- eral that ever wore a double-breasted coat, and Miss Sophronia recoiled a little, but she was not to be put down that way. Her temper flamed up at once, and she said: "I never was spoken to that way in all my life, by any man, white or black, and I've entertained the highest in the land — • ■ 'President 'Davis, Yice-President ytephens, Secretary Cobb, and others. I'll not stand it from any man, especially a Yankee, Get o£f my place at once, you ill-bred van- dal." "Madam," responded the Lieutenant, with the same overpowering, icy calm, "you are not in command here. I am. You are under martial law. Your house is now a part of the camps of the army of the United States, and I am regularly assigned to its command. Y'ou and all in it will obey my orders, or I shall take ineans to see that you do." Miss Sophronia gasped as if stunned by a blow. Ever since her imperious girl- hood she had lived in a little community where her word was law. She had yield- ed a little to Si, as one does to natural forces, but here was a man, a young one at that, and one of the hated enemies, who was actually trying to dominate her by sheer manner, and, what was worse, was doing it. It was a staggering experience. The idea of her being under any man's command, and obeying his orders! For once in her life she was momentarily be- reft of speech, and while lier tongue staiU' mered in search of fitting words, the Lieu- tenant, with a calm assumption of having said quite sufficient for his purpose, turned to the doctor with: "Surgeon, you will proceed at once to examine these men and report to me upon their condition. Y'ou will convert this house into a hospital, and use everything in and around it, as your judgment shall indicate, for the best care of these men. All the people, white and black, are placed under your orders, and must give you whatever assistance you desire. I will establish my headquarters Ticre in the sitting-room, where you can report to me from time to time." "Do you mean to say, you nigger-steal- ing Hessian, you Abolition hireling, that you'll come right in here and coolly take possession of a Indy's house and every- thing that's in it?" blazed forth Miss So- phronia, whose tongue at last found ut- terance. "Why, this is worse than" • "Madam," interrupted the Lieutenant, transfixing her with the steady gaze of his cold gray eyes, "such disturbance as you are creating will excite the sick and hinder their recovery. It cannot be per- mitted in a building devoted to hospital uses. Hush at once, and retire to your i-oom. Remain there until T give " you leave to come out. If you disobey" The Lieutenant finished, the' sentence with a look which meant unutterable things. Manner always counted for far more in the South than in the North, where the substance of things was reckoned above looks. Women of the stamp ol Miss Sophronia were particularly amen- able to manner. She felt her soul wither under the mesmeric gaze of the Lieuten- ant, and retired precipitately to her room, to gather her forces for a fresh encoun- ter. , There the Surgeon, wandering through the house, in attendance on his patients, found her rocking in a chair before the fire, raging inwardly, a deadly look in her eyes, and yet a cowering at the idea of another interview with the impertui-bable officer. "Sorry to trouble you, ma'am," said he in a mild, propitiatory voice, "but have you any old linen that you could give ma for dressings? It's so much better than the bandaging supplied by the Govern- ment, as it's softer and less irritating." "Bags, you beast," she had framed her lips to say, when she took a good look at the Surgeon. He seemed incomparably the gentlest, neatest, frujlost man she had ever known, and had a depr-ecatory, apologetic way about him that appealed strangely to her coarser-fibered nature and rude strength. He was not only un- der-sized, but very slight. He had a high, white forehead, hands as slender and deli- cate as the most refined woman's, a small mouth with red lips, complexion of pink- and-white, like a girl's, on which lay a slight camel's hair mustache. He spoke as diffidently and softly as if afraid of the sound of his own voice.' As she looked her gaze turned to ad- miration as she noted these details, and for the first time in many years she saw a man whom she really wanted. His feminine refinement and grace seemed a complement to her own ruggedness. "I have a lot of coffee here," said he, gently, appealing to the dominant femi- nine passion in the South, "which I'd be glad to exchange with you tor some old linen, if you care to." He touch«d a haversack, the fragrance from which filled the room. "It is freshly browned by my own men." "Are you a married man?" she asked, irrelevantly. "No." "Engaged?" "No; I entered the army as soon as I graduated." "All doctors ought to be married," sh« suggested. "Not necessary in the army — not de- sirable, in fact," he ventured, diffidently. "Patients there don't mind whether you're married or not." "Good, active young doctor'd do well to settle down here," she remarked, tenta- tively. "All the doctors around here are old and breaking down fast." "It's a fine country," he responded. "Especially," she continued, "if he could man-y into a leading family, with 174 SI KLEGG AXD SHORTY. large connections, and his wife have prop- ert>- enough to give him a good start in life." "That would certainly be a windfall for a young physician starting in practice," he remarked, non-committaily. Never had she heard such a musical voice from the lips of man. The men of his regiment usually alluded to their Assistant Surgeon as "Miss Nancy," and said that he was the leading soprano m the church choir at home; but it seemed to Miss Sophi-onia that it would be rare happiness to always hear that voice. All the emotions are strangely related in women, and the very anger that filled her breast predisposed her to much softer sentiments. "What is your name?" she asked. "Charles Augustus Brooks, M. D., As- sistant Surgeon, 1st Oshkosh Volunteer Infantry." "Brooks? Brooks? There are Brooksea over on the Oconee, and they are quality people. Own a big plantation and about 40 niggers." "Probably no relatives, ma am, he piped up, with a feminine pride of an- cestry. "We Brookses are descended from Ma j. -Gen. John Brooks, of the Revolution, Washington's intimate friend, and who was promoted for gallantly in storming the German works at Saratoga. There are a great many Brookses in the coun- try, but they are no connection of ours. My sisters call them the 'muddy Brooks.' Many of them spell their name with an e. None of them are our kin." "How do you find your patients. Sur- geon?" inquired the Lieutenant, in a dry, official tone, as he came up. "I am wait- ing for your report." "You shall have it presently, sir." re- sponded the Surgeon, quite as ofBcially aa his softer voice could assume. "I found some cases that required immediate atten- tion, and stopped in the preparation of my report to give it to them." "You will prepare your report first, sir, and attend to them afterward. I desire the infoi-mation at once." "Excuse me. Lieutenant," said the Sur- geon, as quietly as if asking a young lady for a cup of tea; "the care of these men is a professional matter, which I must perform in my own way. I'll furnish you the report in due time. If you want a list of the men. send around one of your own men to make it. I'm not your clerk." "You are under my command, sir," said the Lieutenant, doing the authoritative act up fine. . "Yes and no. You arc in command of the camp. I am in charge of the sick. We have our separate functions, and I shall discharge mine properly. I hope you'll do the same." "I'll see you later about this," said the Lieutenant," striding off. "Goodness gracious," gasped IMiss So- phronia. "I was afraid he was going to eat you up. I picked up the poker to hit him if he laid a finger on ypu." "O, he isn't going to bother me," replied the Surgeon, placidly. "I outrank him.-- ^ He's only a Second Lieuteuaut, while I ■'■■■' rank as a First Lieutenant. Lieut. Gil- ien is a very interesting man to study. He has great confidence in himself, and more of that force commonly termed mesmeric or odic, than any young man I ever met. These qualities are essential to leader- ship, and if he has judgment equal to them will make himself distinguished. I always like to study him when he is ex- erting them on other people. But when he tries them on me I simply put them under a microscope, and analyze them, same as I would examine his heart-beats with a stetheoscope." "How perfectly lovely you talk," she exclaimed, admiringly. "I never heard a man talk so well before, in my life — not e\en President Davis, or Vice-President Stephens. I could listen to you always." "I should like very much to stay here and talk with you," he replied, flattered, as a young man always is, by any prefer- ence exhibited by an older and more ex- perienced woman. "You seem a remarka- bly intelligent woman. But my patients need me. Have you any old linen you can give me? Here, take this coffee." Miss Sophronia opened a press and took out a linen sheet, which she tore into strips with a quick, strong grasp that aroused the Surgeon's admiration. "How very capable you are. Madam," he murmured with a graceful bow. "Such women are rare." "I'd go with you and help you, if you'd like," she said. "Only that horrid man ordered me to remain in my room." "Come along," he answered, delighted- ly. "Don't mind him. As I told you be- fore, I outrank him. Besides, this house is now a regular United States hospital, and everybody in it under my command. Come along." She followed him about, looking with admiring eyes on his gentle, sure touch on the aching, scurvy-contorted limbs of the poor boys, and his tender, almost sisterly sympathy with their disease aud pains. It was necessary several times to use the knife, and he did it promptly, decisively, and with sure guidance. She stood pa- tiently by. holding the candle, and hand- ing him the basin and the towels with an instant, intelligent helpfulness and lack of fussiness or blundering that de- lighted him. "I say again, you're a most wonderful woman," he remarked, as he was care- fully washing his hands after he had fin- ished, and she was standing near with a towel. "Quite a remarkable woman, Mrs. — Mrs. — I don't believe I have heard your name." "Miss Sophronia Sutton," she answered, with a strong accent on the "Miss." "That's awful long, though. Tou may THE MAKCH TO THE SEA. 175 'WITH FEVERISH EAGERNESS HE TOOK HIM IN HIS ARMS.'* call me 'Phrony when we're alone," she added, with as nmrh tender archness as she conld command in her strongly-graven features. "And I'm going to call you Augnstus. It is a very genteel name, and 60 sweet." "Brooks? Brooks?" she communed with herself, after retiring to the privacy of her room. "Brooks, without the e. Those Brookeses over there spell their name with an e. They are the 'muddy Brooks.' Their great-grandfather that they boast so much about was only a Captain and Quartermaster in the Revolution, while Augustus's (and her meager bosom swelled with pride as if he were already her'.'?) was a Major-General, and mentioned in history. I don't care if he is a Yankee. There n\" * be some yood men among the Yankees, as well as other people, and he's one of them." "I observe. Surgeon," remarked Lieut. Gillen, with official austerity, as the Doc- tor came into his room to submit his re- port, "that you are becoming quite friend- ly with that woman in there. Such things are very dangerous to the discipline of a camp." "My social and personal relations are not subject to j'our criticism, sir," re- plied the Sui'goon, tartly. "Y'ou will please direct your attention to my report, which I herewith submit to yon." "Say," commented Shorty, after wit- nessing the I^ieutenant's discomfiture of Miss Sophronia, and while he and Si were fixing down for the night, "thnt Second Lieutenant puts on frills enough fav old 176 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. Sherman himself, but he certainly took the starch out of that she-cesh gallinipper to the Queen's taste, and he has my thanks. He has front enough for a town- hall, but he's business, ail the same, from the ground up." "Klast him and his front," said Si, Bleepilv. "Let's lie down. I've arranged with the Sergeant that we be waked just before daylight. Better get what sleep we can." Even before the Sergeant came around the next morning the restless Foster Walsh had wakened them, had made his own coffee, had s.iddled a horse he found in the stables, and was impatiently wait- ing them to get ready and start. It was full daylight when Si took his place at the right of the line, and just as he put his foot in the stirrup to mount the Lieutenant strode out on the porch and demanded: "Scrg't Klegg, do you presume to leave camp without first reporting to me, and securing my approval '.''" "Why. Lieutenant," stammered Si, em- barrassed at being caught in another mil- itary blunder, "I supposed you knew all about it. We talked it all over last night and decided. I thought you heard it all, and supposed" "You are never to suppose anything in the army, sir," the Lieutenant sternly cut him off. "It is your duty, sir, to officially inform me, as commander of this posi*, of any move you contemplate making, and receive my sanction or disapproval." "Why," began Si, but Shorty, who wfts fidgeting to get off, interrupted with a loud whisper: "O. stop the chin-music. Si. Report to him oflicially, and let's get away." Si brought his heels together, took the position of a soldier, saluted stiffly, and said: "Lieut. Gillen, I desire to report that I am about to start with my detachment in the direction of Milieu, on a scout to secure information and assist prisoners who may have gotten away from the reb- els." "Amend your report. Sergeant," said the Lieutenant, returning the salute, "by adding, 'in pursuance of my orders.' " "But it wasn't your orders at all," Si started to remonstrate, but Shorty inter- fered : "Say it. Si; say anything, and let's get off." "Yes, yes; humor him," added Foster '\\'alsh, impatiently. "In pursuance of your orders," said Si. "Very good. Sergeant," responded the Lieutenant, in his dry, official tone; "you have correctly understood my wishes, and I herewith hand you a written order to that effect. You will report to me from tin'e to lime the ]irngress you make." Si restrained himself into a respectful salute as he received the order, but there was something vindictive in the way be jammed it into his blouse pocket as he turned and sprai^g into the saddle. "If that feller's o^cial dignity," snorted Shorty, as they rode away, "should be exposed to the weather, and get wet and swell up, it'd take a whole State for him to turn around in. Lucky the country's open around here. He'd never get it through the woods in the world." "Surgeon, you are not going away?" re- marked the Lieutenant, noticing that the Surgeon was bringing up the rear. "1 have carefully provided for all the sick during the day, sir," responded the Surgeon, officially saluting. "But it is not my desire that you should go, sir." "But it is mine to go, sir," said the Surgeon, saluting, and turning to follow. "O, Augustus, you are not going to leave me, are youV" wailed Miss So- phronia, rushing out on the porch. But he was already too far away to hear her appeal. Foster Walsh led the way in a rapid ride in the direction of Milieu. Willing and eager as Si and Shorty were they could not keep up with him. He was all the time a quarter of a mile ahead, and far in advance of Pete and Sandy, who, as usual, acted as advance guard. At every hill-top, after scanning the country in front, he would turn and look . back with impatience at the s-iowuess with which the column came on. k5i and Shorty were not a little anxious lost he be bush- whacked, but they could not get near enough to urge caution, and it would have been useless if they had. Shortly after they crossed the Ogeechee River they saw four horsemen come ob to the crest of the hill far ahead. The in- stant Foster Walsh caught sight of them he rushed up the hill at them, and though they hastily fired, he waited until he was close on to them, when he shot one through the heart. The rest turned and dashed back over the crest. Si and Shorty galloped forward, with Pete and Sandy, to see Foster W^alsh overtake one of the others, who was trying to escape by a side road to the left, and knock him out of his saddle by a blow With the barrel of his carbine. "Say, what did you rush into them so for?" remonstrated Si. as Walsh came back, leaving the man where he lay. "They might've been the advance guard of a whole company. I thought they were at first." "It would have been the same if there had been," Walsh answered. "The Lord inspired me. His will directs me. Though a thousand fall at my side, and ten thou- sand at my right hand, it shall not come nigh me." "JMay be the Bible, but it aint soldiering in Georgy," commented Si. "I'ou should use more strateg.v. Pete, you and Sandy had better ride over there and bring that man in. We'll do what we can for him." ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA- 177 "He don t need any help, the son of Belial," said' Foster Walsh. "The spirit of the Ijord iiorvcd my arm, and I landed on the bnelv of his neik. just as I aimed. They Avere Some of the guards who've been shooting u!H from the stockades all Sum- mer, and now've deserted, and are trying to sneak a way home. I recognized them as soon as I laid- eyes on them." "He's as dead as the fellow hack there," derided the Surgeon, after a brief e^iamination of the Iwdy which Pete brought in lying across the withers of Abedncgo. . "His neck was broken by the blow. First instance I have seen of such a thing, but the bones of these poor whites are soft, and yield readily under a blow." "Lay him beside the road there," com- manded Si. "We'll tell them at the first house we come to to go back and get the bodies and bury them." "Follow me faster," shouted Foster Walsh, as he rode off. "We must get there before sundown." From time to time during the day they saw men, sometimes singly, sometimes in squads. Foster Walsh would dash at them, and they would scurry away at the sight of the bluecoats coming up behind him. Some would fire long-distance shots, without any effect, but Foster Walsh would not fire until he was certain of deadly effect. "The Lord has not put weapons into my hands to frighten, but to slay them," he remarked to Pete and Sandy once when they came together for a minute. "They only mock at Him when they es- cape death. They think there is no judg- ment when the bullets turn aside from them. They must die to atone for their wrongdoings." Noon passed, and yet all were too eager to stop for dinner. They pressed on after the tireless Foster Walsh. "Say, Foster," said Si, coming up to him as they were working through a swamp, "I notice that all the fellers who haA'e run back lately have gone that way. They're gathering on us over there, some- where. W^e'd better go a little .slow and get our bearings." "Come on; come on," answered Foster Walsh, impatiently. "We're getting near there. The Lord tells me that if I can get there before sundown. I'll save Angus's life. If the sun goes down on him once more he'll give up all hope and die during the night. That's the way they all do. Come on." Si closed up his squad, to be ready for anything, and pressed on after. Presently they saw a squad of five mounted men whom Si divined had been sent out from n force behind to reconnoiter, but j)efor« he could plan his battle, Foster Walsh dashed at and through them, bringing down one with a shot through the head. "Let's follow, on the jump," said Si to Shorty. "It'll be the safest." Shouting to the others, "Forward! Charge! GallopI" he and Shorty put tha spurs into their horses' flanks, mixed up with the reconnnitering party, and with it dashed through the line of prison guards drawn up along a low crest a mile from the stockade. For a lurid minute there was an exciting turmoil, with the guards, afraid of hurting their own men, firing excitedly and at random, and the Union soldiers taking as good aim as they could from the excited and plunging horses. Then every guard that was still able to struck out for the neighboring woods as fast as his legs could carry him. Leaving the fight to be decided as it might, Foster Walsh had dashed ahead to a line of low shacks thatched with tufts of long-leaved pines, which constituted the prison hospital. Three or four skeleton- like figures sitting against the trunks of the pines tried to rise up and shout at the sound of the firing and the appearance of the galloping men in blue coats, but he paid no attention to them. He sprang from his horse and ran inta the corner shack. "Angus, are you still alive? It's— - Foster," he shouted. The fearful death-odor, the noisome ex- halation from men whom Death has sealed for his own, and which always filled those prison-hospitals, struck his nostrils and almost made him faint, but his eyes eag- erly searched the emaciated forms lyinjj on the litter of pine-boughs, and present* ly with a groan he sprang at one with a mop of matted fair hair, and blue eyes set in a stony glare. With feverish eagerness he took him' in his arms, and felt his pulse, and then an out and raised a shout for the Sur- geon so loud and imperative that the Doc- tor turned from the wounded man and ran toward him. "Your flask, Doctor," shouted Walsh. "Quick as you can." The Surgeon forced a few drops of brandy between the set teeth. The rigor of the boy's form departed, and his blue eyes closed. "We have saved him! He's going to live! I know it! It is the Lord's will!" said Foster Walsh, and sinking on hia knees on the disease-tainted pine-tufts, he poured forth his soul in devout thanks- giving for the boy's life thus far, and earnest supplication for his recovery. 178 SI KLEGG AND SHORTi; A DAY AT THE PEISON STOCKADE IsTEAR SULLEN. ' There was a groat similarity in rebel iniilitary prisous. Almost all ot them were simply great, open ijous, iuclosed by a high stockade of heavy pine logs. The design and execution were very crude and simple, probably borrowed from the old Indian wars. A deep ditth, with straight sides, was first dug around the site of the intended prison. This was probably two feet wide and five feet deep. Then pine logs, 25 feet long, were set on end in the trench, and the earth packed firmly about them. It made a very solid wall, which would resist even field artillery. At intervals along the top of this wall were little perches for the guards, who could overlook the entire interior of the prison. "Camp Lawton," as the prison near Millcn Avas officially tenned, was con- structed in this manner. Inside the stock- ade was merely bare ground, with, no sort of shelter or other provisions for the thousands who were turned into it. Outside the stockade rose a strong fort* nioimted with field guns, to overawe thu prisoners, and the garrison was shelter- ed in rude huts and shacks. An apology for a hospital was estab- lished in the shape of shacks of pine- boughs, which aliorded a little shelter from the cold, drenching Fall rains for those prisoners who were sinking under the exposure and hardships inside the stockade. Though the prison had been establish- ed less than two months, had held less than a fifth as many prisoners as were confined in Andersonville, and thus lack- ed many of the horrors of that terrible place, the evidence on every side of the misery of the poor captives sickened Si and Shorty as they walked about and looked. All the prisoners able to walk had been gent away. The rebels took no chances. They would spare no man who had in him the least probability of being dan- gerous to the Southern Confederacy. Men with their legs stiffened and swollen with scurvy and drawn up near to their bodies, men with their teeth dropping out, men Viloated with the dropsy, men coughing their lives away in galloping consumption, men reduced to skeletons with dysentery, were all sent off, though every car on which they rode had its ghastly burden of dead before they reached Savannah, CUeiiles away. They were sent oq open flat cars, in the midst of a pitiless, mar- row-searching November rain, which beat through their enfeebled bodies to their very hearts. Only a few wretched and hopeless invalids at the very brink of the grave, and who it did not seem possible could live more than a day or two, were left lying on the noisome pallets of pine- boughs, in the abject makeshift for a hos- pital. They and Iheir wretched surround- ings seemed like some horrible nightmare —some racking dream of the tortures of the Inquisition. Si and Shorty walked to the great gate of the stockade — that portal toward which the prisoners' eyes were always turning with deep interest, to see the rations come in, fresh batches of prisoners arrive, the dead carried out, or in expectancy of that happiest of aU events — "exchange." The two comrades looked in and their eyes traveled sorrowfully and indignant- ly over the lonely and desolate interior of the prison, every feature of which was eloquent of measureless human misery — • the hateful dead-line, with its visions of malicious young brats of guards shoot- ing prisoners on the slightest pretexts; the holes — now filled with water — that scarred the surface of the ground, show- ing where the boys, with no tools but their hands and sticks, had burrowed to get some sort of shelter from the ele- ments; the poor hovels laboriously fab- ricated by the luckier or stronger out of pine-boughs and tufts of leaves; the un- sig;htly vessels, roughly carved out of chips, in which they had mixed their coarse cornmeal. Wherever the comrades looked they sav/ some mournful reminder of the dire destitution and needs of the poor captives. In an old field a little removed from the stockade was the last dolorous chap- ter in this ineffable tragedy. Long lines of freshly-turned yellow sand showed where hundreds had been laid away where the malice of traitors could trou- ble them no longer — hunger and hardship felt and feared no more. Treason had done its worst. Its victims now had suf- fered the last pang. Forgiveness of their torturers was now as impossible as re- paration. The case was before the Judg- ment Seat of God, and they must be the accusers, "Say, Shorty," said Si, abruptly, turn- ing away, and pulling himself together with an effort. "Let's go away and do something. I can't look on this any lon- ger, or my heart would turn co stone, and ON THE MAECH TO THE SEA, 179 I'd start into killing every living thing in Georgy. I'm afraid I can never be merciful again to anything that v.'ears butternut." "I don't want to be," answered Shor- ty. " 'Twouldn't be right to the boys whom they wouldn't be merciful to." ''I wfsh them cowardly hyenas of guards had kad a little more sand," Si remarked regretfully. "I'm afraid we did not kill one of them, after all our talk what we'd do when we came up with them. Never saw men scatter and run so quick in niy life. It was like landing in a parcel of rats. I was looking for the captain, as my special meat, but before I could make cut which he was the gang was out of sight and range." "I suppose there's no way of getting them, except by running them down with dogs," said Shorty. "I'd like awfully well to lay hands on about a half a dos- en, so's to sleep easier after looking at that pen." "I expect the best thing's to go back to Foster Walsh, and see if we can help any there. There's nobody left alive in the pen, and all the rebels have struck out for tall timber for all their lives were worth." "If they couldn't run any faster than their lives were worth," Shorty answer- ed, wratbfully, "a snail would overtake them the first rod. If I had the chance, I could kill 1,000 of them this minute, 'and then not feel half-satisSed. Wasn't there a feller in the Bible, Si. that let loose a lot of wolves on his enemies, to cut their throats and suck their blood"?" "No; you're thinking of Samson, Shor- ty, and they were only foxes, that burnt up their fields." "Well, foxes wouldn't suit me. I want wolves, painters, catamounts, something that's fierce for cutting throats and suck- ing blood. Then I'd want to go in and kill the wolves and painters for having BO much rebel blood in 'em." "There's a couple o' rebels now," said Si, instinctively bringing down his gun, as he noticed some men walking out to- ward them from among the shacks. "I wonder who they can be?" "Let's shoot 'era and inquire after- ward," suggested Shorty, cocking his gun. 'I feel as if I can't live another minute without killing something rebel." "Hello, Indianny," shouted one of the men, as they came forward. "Awful glad to see you." There was no mistaking. Though the garm^ents were those of Esau, the voice was that of Jacob. It was a clear-ring- ing, bell-like Yv''estern voice, such as no rebel ever had. "Hello, Kankakee, is that you?" said Si, I'ecognizing him and lowering his gun. ■'Where in the world did you come from? What are you doing with them togs on?" "Yes, it's me," said the Illinoisan, ad- vancing. "I've often, since I was in- carcerated, tried to sophisticate that it was some one else, since I've got an ap- petite somewhat superfluous in its rapaci- ty, but now I'm mightily sublimated that it's me. Got some hardtack with you?" "Kankakee," who appeared on the hand-bills he used to distribute before the war as "The Kankakee Wizard." "The seventh son of a seventh son; bora with a caul on his head, foretells the fu- ture and reveals the past," was a tall, dark man of about 30, with a wide mouth, thin lips, and long, coal-black hair. He had, befoi-e enlistment, been a wandeiiing lecturer on phrenology, mes- merism, spiritualism, and temperance; an auctioneer, a street-corner and country- fair fakir of soaps, liniments, tooth-ache droDS, and corn salve; an Indian herb doctor, or anything else that gave him an opportunity to talk and use big words, in whose length and sound he revelled, without thought or care of their real meaning. The more syllables they had the better he liked them, and the greater his assurance in using them. He was something of a juggler, and a ventrilo- quist, and at heart generous and kindly, and made a good soldier of the happy-go- lucky kind, who simply obeyed orders and was always ready for duty without concerning himself in the least as to the why or wherefore of anything, so long as he got his regular meals and a place to sleep. He was the life of the camps, especially on pleasant evenings, when up- on the lightest call he would sing his old rough-and-ready fakir songs, or deliver a lecture upon any possible subject, full of the most astounding words, delivered with the utmost earnestness and gravity, and lasting as long as anybody would lis- ten to him, or until tattoo cut him off. "Drop that, Kankakee," said Shorty, handing him a cracker. "We're in a hur- ry. AVe haven't time for anything but plain United States, and that in words of one syllable. Where did you come from?" "Most surrepshusly, from the pile of empty meal-sacks in the commissary at headquarters, where we've bin seques- trated, waiting for the Yanks to deploy- gisticate into view, so to speik." "H»w did you get there?" "T?e Adjutant took me out to propa- gate in his intellect how to tell fortunes by cards, win any woman for your sweet- heart, and cure iu-gi-owing toe-nails with- out the use of a knife. He was suffering in his mind to know all these, and as I am the only original Jacobs of a pro- fessor in that line, I made a bargain with him for extra rations for me and my co- operator here, until I learned him these invaluable secrets. You bet I didn't en- danger brain fever by rushing knowledge into his head. I wasn't going to let him graduate until I could sfiike some other good lay for rations, or get a chance to skip to our lines. We were all banged up trying to got away from Savannah. Where did we pre-empticate these gar- ments? They're the paraphernalia i>t hell, aint they? The rebes* taraded hata 180 gl KLEOG AND gfiORTT.' with me and Salamagundy here when they dislocated us from the skirmish line in front of Jonesboro. We jumped the outtit that night, and the next day we went into a house to get some sustenance and I got this coat and britches for learn- ing the woman a verse that'd keep her baby from having fits. It'll do it every time. The next day we went mto anoth- er house, and 1 got the coat and britches for Salamagundy by pounding up some weeds and bark to cure the man's horsQ of the hot ts. We snatched the shirts from a line one night and thought we was in good shape to make our way back to our lines, but we run into a patrol one night and the next day they was about to hang us for spies, when we owned up who we was and they sent us to Savan- nah. We got through a tunnel there, got acrost the Ogeechee, and was getting along fine when we struck a bush-meet- ing, where they was waiting for their preacher, and we said we was strolling evangelists — you know Salamagundy there can sing like a cat-bird. I gave them the best sermon they'd ever heard in all their born days — nearly all of them said that — and Salamagundy, he'd sung •There is a gulf of dark despair" m a way that sent the women into hysterics. The bench was crowded with mourners, and we'd just took up a bully collection— r had a hat full of Confederate notes — when they come after us with the hounds. I'd heard the hounds coming for some time, but didn't think they'd sic 'em on k) a minister of the Gospel, in the very act of preaching the Word. But they did rhat very blasphemous thing. Abracada- fcra, high-cockalorum, you ought t've seen that meeting. Five or six old pennyroyal bulls who hadn't throwed even a shin- plaster into the hat was roaring mad about us swindling the people, and they'd 've welted the immortal souls out of us if the soldiers hadn't took pity on us and jumped inland saved our lives. As it was them pennyroyal bulls got away with the ■whoJe collection, which was worse than the larruping they gave us. They took us back to Savannah and then brung us out here. As soon as we was able to walk again, I begun to play to get out- side. I made myself solid with the Ad- jutant, and was beginning to learn the Colonel how to feel bumps and mesmer- ize, and was gifting extry rations which I was sending to the boys inside, when the stampede took place. They tried to rush us into the gangs they was sending off, but me and Salamagundy dodged them one way and another, and finally hid in empty meal-sacks right behind the Colonel's tent, where no one thought of looking for us. We intended to light out tonight for our lines.' In the meanwhile Foster Walsh and Surgeon Brooks had been laboring anx- iously with Angus McLean. Foster lift- ed the boy in his arms as tenderly as he would a baby, caiTied him carefully to tlie comfortable cabin which bad been built for the Colonel, and there laid him on the Colonel's bed of straw. Every mo- tion was made with dread anxiety lest the least roughness might jar out the fee- ble, flickering spark of life. Surgeon Brooks walked_ bj^JEosterV-^ide to give him unneeded cautions. With the scis- soi-s- ta4ien- irein rhis--s-H4:gical. case, Dr. Brooks carefully - trirnroe<:r~off- the boy's hair close to his scalp, -rmd Then washed him all over with ,a,,luckij^y-discovcred .piece of the Colon©r«-toll«t~soap and wa- ter heated to milk-vrarmnoss. He would not even triist Foster ..^piistt-to do this. Then the empty cotton ;^e?tT-sacks were used to make a soft bed," and cover the poor little invalid warmly. "What he needs now is nourishment," said the surgeon. "A few spoonfuls of chicken broth would be worth more than all the medicines in my case. But I don't suppose there's a chicken left within 10 miles of this wretched place." "If there is one," remarked" SI, who had looked in, "Uncle Ephraim can find it." "Deed, I kin, boss," said Uncle Ephraim. "Well, scout out, and find one as quick as you can. Take Pete and Sandy with you, if you want to." While the surgeon was laboring over Angus McLean, Alf Russell, with the rest to help, was imitating his proceedings with some dozen or more other miserables whom the surgeon had decided that there were some chances of saving. As to some two score others, he had said sadly: "Absolutely no use. They'll never see the sun rise again till Resurrection Morn. Don't even touch them. It'll disturb their last moments. Put all your work where there's some hope." They carried those whom the surgeon had indicated as having some hopes into the officers' cabins, cut their hair and washed them, and covered them on the straw bunks with the empty meal-sacks. Alf Russell was lucky enough to find some pieces of fresh meat and bones ia the quarters that belonged to the force which they had scattered, and from these started in to make a beef-tea. Foster Walsh was momentarily torn by contending emotions. When there would come a faint fiush of color steal- ing into Angus's wan cheeks, his hopes would soar-, and he would kneel and lift his voice in thanksgiving. When Angus would sink away again he would be swept with uncontrollable rage, and rush-' ing out fling a firebrand into the first cabin or shack he came to. Uncle Ephraim, Pete, and Sandy gal- loped out into -the! country with eyes on the eager look-out for signs of chickens. The prospects were poor. It was a coun- try given up to the poor white trash whose only poultry were the scarce wild birds of those sandy barrens. Only an occasional house was seen where it look- ■ed as if people had attempted to raise a Jlttle flock o( cbifiJECW ia spite G»£ the ON THE ilARCH TO THE SEA. 181 HELLO, INDIANNY! GOT SOME HAEDTACK WITH YOU?' owls, hawks, foxes, minks, and wildcats. Where there were signs that the poul- try had managed to survive these, it was found that they had succumbed to the host of new enemies from the hungry guards about the prison. They went a mile farther, to get out of easy range of these, and came to a house showing a little more thrift. There were no chickens running around any- where. "But dar's bin some chickens roosting in dat dar cedar," said Uncle Ephraim. "An ojouty lately, too," he continued, as he examined more closely. "Dey's got some chickens somewhar. See dem aig- shells dar." "Where can they be?" said Sandy and Pete, straining their eyes in eveiy direc- tion for a sign of feathers, without catch- ing sight of any haughty chanticleer bravely leading his clucking ti-oop afield. They looked through the grounds, pok- ed under the lilac bushes, investigated the stable and cribs, and searched the hay-mow and fodder stack, in hopes th^t they might find a hen on a nest. All in vaJU, 182 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. "Dcv sartiuly hab chickens h.vab," pei-- sisted'Unclo Ephraira. ''See dar, whar dey d'arcd doir coffee dis mornin' wid ^\hfv looked and saw where the coffee pot ha'd been emptied after breakfast of its crusts of bread, bits of parched sweet- potatnos. parched wheat, aiid other poor substitutes for the coffee-bean. In tlie midst of the "grounds' was a perfectly fresh egg-shell. , , . , "And here's a sure-enough chicken track in this damp spot by the well. said the sharp-eyed little Pete. Lets inquire in the house." "Might be as well," said Sandy, sar- donically, "seeing no chance to steal anv chickens, we might , try to get them honestly. Nice lot we're getting to be. "Madam," he addressed the woman who came to the door, "we want very much to get some chickens.' "You do," she answered scornfully. i gathered as much from watchin' you pi- routiu' round the roosts and the hen s nests. I didn't s'pose you'd come elec- tioneering, or to give a war widdow a nice surprise by gettin' in her Winter wood. Well, you kin jes' mosey on. I haint nary sign of a chicken left. You guards down thar at the bull-pen done stole every one I had afore you'd bin thar a week. Jes' mosey on, now, afore I set the dogs on you." That the woman should mistake them for some of the prison guards was not unnatural, as she had never seen any Un- ion soldiers, and the Georgia Reserves wore any clothes that they could get. "We need some chickens awfully, ma - am," pleaded Sandy, "for some poor dy- ing men down at the prison. They 11 die unless we can get a little broth for them. ' "Old story." she snapped. "Done beared it a hundred times, if I've beared it once. Never seed sich men as them down thar at the bull-pen to be dying for want of chicken gru«l. You'd think the whole army lived on chicken gruel, and died jes' as soon's the supply shet down. You'd think that I'd bin appoint- ed to raise chickens fer their greul. But I ain't. I've got enough to do to raise plain corn and yams enough to keep us alive till my ole man gits back from the army. Go off, now, I tell you agin. I haint n^ more time to waste on you. You done seen for yourself 4here haint a feather oij the place." Her determined assertion convinced Sandy, even in spite of the egg-shell in the coffee-grounds, and he was about turning away to go on further, when Pcto saw muddy remains of a chicken track on the porch. This gave him an idea. He drew nearer the door, as if in- terested in the colloquy between his part- ner and the woman, which was gro-wing hotter every minute, and peeped in. There wan a bed on the opposite side of the room, and round it a valance. Present- Iv he saw a motion against the valance which convinced him that his idea was correct. He gave a little Signal to 'Suii- dy to keep up the row with the "v\'qnt4ii and draw her out a little avu^iS froui th'e door. Another signal to UtLcjfe Ephraim brought that worthy close to" his side. , "The hard-heartedu(|Ss of you low- down sand-hillers is jiist awiul," said Sandy, and the woman's , /ace Hushed with anger at the epithet with which she had become only too wdl-accxuaiiited since the arrival of the G(,e;fngia militia from other parts of the ,St^te. . "Is just awful, I tell you. N6vei-„.4^;e' anything like it in the decent country.** ' "Who are you calling a sarid-hiller?' she retorted. "You stuck-up, goober-eat- ing, sorghum-drinking trash. Go right along, now. Git offen the porch this minute. Don't you dare try to come into the house, or I'll baste you with this poking-stick, and report you to your Col- onel, and have you tied up by the thumbs as I did them other imperdent whelps. I foUered them right into camp, and pick- ed 'em out, right afore his eyes, jes's I'll do you, if you don't mosey right oft'. Go, 1 tell you agin." "You're nothing but an old hen your- self," said Sandy, apparently flushing up into anger, "to deny your miserable chick- ens to dying men. You know you ain't telling the truth. You've got " "What's that you say, you owdashus blackguard," she shouted, rushing at him with the poking stick. "Tell me I lie. Git offen the porch, afore I break your head." As she cleared the door Pete §nd Un- cle Ephraim bolted in and threw up the valance. They might miss other . things, but when either of them reached for chickens, tfce chickens came. Each brought out three pullets in his sure grasp, and wrung off their heads as he ran down the porch, and jumped into his saddle. "There's some genuine Y^ankee coffee," said Sandy, flinging his haversack to her, as he ran after them. "That'll more than pay you for your old chickens. We're not rebels, madam. We're Yan- kees. Sherman's men! Hooray for the Union!" "To think." sobbed the woman, sur- veying the heads in tears and rage, "how much trouble I've bin to for weeks drivin' them chickens in under the bed at night and every time I seen a soljer coming down the road. The war's an awful hard thing on us poor wimmen. What'n the world did they ever begin hit for, I won- der." "What's that that little feller said when he. flung that bag at me":"' she pres- eutlj' said, recovering from her tempest of grief, and catching the odor of cofl'ee from the haversack. "Real Yankee cof- fee there? Why, I declare, so there ia. More'n a quart! My, don't hit smell bctler'n anything else in the world"? I'll go right in and make mo some. But whar in the world'll I git an aig to cl'ar hit with? And them fellers was not our ON THE MAECH TO THE SEA. 183 folks at all, hut Yankees! Laws-a-mas- sy, I'm aw't'nl glad I didn't know hit afore. I'd 'a' bin skeered to death as to what they wuz a-gwine to do to me. "Well, they're gone anyway. I'll go right in and make me some coffee. Haint had a mouthful for years." Everybody had made a very busy day of it back at the stockade. Each one had worked with the utmost zeal to do everything possible for the poor fellows they had found, and Surgeon Brooks was tireless in helping, directing and minis- tering. There was none of his feminine daintiness in the way he attacked the most noisome things, handled the ulcer- ated limbs and went boldly among the swarming vermin. The burning cabins and shacks filled the air with smoke, and diffused a strong, resinous odor everywhere. As night came on the scene was lurid and forbidding. A horse was heard coming at a shai-p pace, and as Si and Shorty picked up their guns and stood expectant, Miss So- phronia Sutton rode into the strong light of the fire by which thoy were standing, listening to Surgeon Brooks's final direc- tions for the night. His face was grim- ed with sweat mingled with the soot from the pitch-pine, and his hands were soiled and limp from much hard work. "O, Augustus," shrieked Miss Sophron- ia, springing from her saddle, and rush- ing toward him, "are you safe and well"? !Men have been running past the house all day telling of the awful fighting down here, until I just couldn't stand it any longer, and had to come and see how you were." "Phrony," he shouted in alarm, rais- ing his hand to warn her back. "Don't come nigh me. "I'm fuller of bugs than the Land of Egypt ever was, and they're a worse kind. Get back off that pile of pine needles. It's swarming with them." CHAPTER XXXII. DESTRUCTION OF AN AMMUNITION TRAIN. "Miss Sutton." said Surgeon Brooks, recovering equilibrium after the shock of Sophronia's startling appearance, and re- suming his usual grave, professional inan- ner, "if you will kindly retire to the Colonel's quarters, which is probably the least vermiuiferous spot about this pesti- lential place, I shall endeavor to make my- self a little more presentable, and then do myself the honor to visit you." "Verminiferous," murmured Kankakee. "That's a bully word, that I must' remem- ber. That's doctor Latin for graybacks, Salamander. But it don't seem a bit big- ger'n they do at night." "O, Augustus, I don't care for any- thing, so long's you're alive and well," feelingly spoke Miss Sophronia. "Those men who came past told such awful stor- ies of the fighting, and the number of Yan- kees killed. I inquired of each one if he had noticed a handsome young officer, rather smallish, but of elegant form, and each one said he had, and had shot him himself. At least a dozen dift'erent ones remembered distinctly killing him." "The cowardly rascals, they didn't stop to kill anybody. They were too anxious to escape being killed themselves. But retire to the Colonel's quarters, Miss Sut- ton, and I shall join you there as soon as I can." "Say, Doc, that old maid seems cK)n- siderably stuck on you," ventured Shorty, as they were standing by the fire, care- fully brushing the s wanning insects off themselves and each other, into the flames, preparatory to washing up and making ready for the night. "Miss Sophronia Sutton," returned the Surgeon, in his severest manner, "is a lady of most remarkable abilities and strengtii of character. She has shown an interest in my welfare which I never can forget." "Whew! He's a-goner," Shorty whis- pered to Si. "Who'd 'a' thought if? Pickle and cucumber. Whey and cream. Lion and the lamb lying down together." "Wouldn't 've dreamed it," answered Si philosophically. "But there's no telling how some pork'll bile. Let's get a bite to eat and lay down. I don't feel much like eating, after all we've seen today, but I suppose it's better to hoist in some- thing and get some sleep. Don't know what's before us tomorrow." "Can't say that I'm slumberiferous," remarked Kankakee. "Feels so good to be free that I think I'll set up all night to enjoy it. Can't bear to waste none of it." "Sergeant," said Surgeon Brooks, com- ing out of the Colonel's quarters, "I'm going to ride back home with Miss Sut- 184 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. ton. I've flone all I can here fr>r those pool- fellows for the present, and shonlcl go back and see how the others are get- ting alons at the house. I shall prob- ably come hack in the morning." "Don't you want some of us to go along with yon? It's a pretty risky ride back there. Some of those guards may be hanginir around, and bushwhack you." "No, I think I'll chance it. Miss Sut- ton is familiar with the country, and I'll trust her to pull me through." "Better take Pete and Sandy with you, at least," urged Si. "No," said the Surgeon softly. "I don't think I'll need anybody. I'd ratter be alone. I think." And his cheeks grew so red that it was visible by the light of the fire. The Colonel's quarters were given up to Angus Mcl^ean, and all kept away from it, except Foster Walsh, who lay on his blanket on the floor, sleeping little, and watchful for the least sound from tht bed. He was wild with anguish in the early morning watches, when the feeble light of life seemed flickering out, and he prayed as he never had before. But the rising sun seemed to bring animation with it. and presently the light of recog- nition shown in Angus's eyes, and his lip3 moved with Foster's name. Then Walsh's heart went out in gratitude to God for answering his prayers. While they were getting breakfast Kan- kakee came up to Si and remarked: "I've just bin fabricating wath a nig- pei" oiit here, wdio heard that the Yankees was here, and come in. He adumbrates that there's a train load of grub and am- munition out here eight or 10 miles on the Augusty Railroad, stalled or. broke dow-n. I supplicate that mebbe you'd like to know it." "What's that. Kankakee? What's that?" said Si, arresting his cup of cof- fee on its way to his mouth. "Drop your infernal highfalutin, and talk plain United Slates — First Reader words." "Nig-ger says rail-road train with grub, pow-der and shot, stalled out here a-ways," answered Kankakee, imitating a child reading "an easy lesson." "W^here? How far away?" "A-bout 10 miles. On the Au-gus-ty rail-road." "Bring the darky here at once." "Dey was a-rushin' a train froo t' Waynesboro." explained the negro, a like- ly young fellow, who had apparently been taken from the field to wait on his young master in the army. "Hit was de las' train dey expected t' git froo from Sa- yannah, an' had a lot ob t'ings dat dey wanted de cavalry at Waynesboro t' hab, an' dey wuz ies' a-crackin' on all de steam dey could bile, t' git froo. Dey wu7. jes* a-gwine up dat steep hill afo' yo' git t' Hoss Crick, along in de middle ob de night, when sumfin done bust 'bout de in- jice, an' she stopped, deader'n a nit. Dey had t' send a man on hp^sba^k on t' "de next station, t' ax fer help by de wir.e. or sumfin. I done beared de Yankees w.n?: ober hyah, an' T sneaked off,. wibile de rest was fnssin' 'round de in.iiaei.'' j.. . . "When did this happen?" ..;.., ri- "Some time jes' afore . daylight. Hit come day Jes' as I come upr-'^m de Jhill back dar." - ': ?^;-. . ..i "How. many are with ihe tarain?'^ _. "O. a hull heap." ,'od' ■:>(■■ "What do you mean lty.4ii;wrhoie heap? A dozen?" - - ::^riT .- . _ "O, yes, snh. More'n &ai: ^ A right smart passel." Si knew the negroes too" well to waste time trying to get the man down to any- thing like exact figures. Negroes and the mass of the poor whites had only the vaguest ideas as to what "."50" or "100" meant. When they tried hard they could count up to a dozen, but beyond that their minds wandered and became utterly unre- liable. "Who is in command of the train?" he asked. "Who dat in what?" "Who's the master — the boss? Who gives the orders?" " 'Most ebberyhody gib orders. But my mas'r — he jinerully had de las' say." "Your master? Who's he?" "Mas'r p.alph Sloan. He's Fus' Loo- tenant." "O. a First Lieutenant's in command," said Si, with the feeling that he had ar- rived at something. "Then it's likely there ain't a company on with the train. Probably not more than 2.5 or 30 men." "Unless he should happen to be in com- mand of the company," suggested Shorty. "Say, Sam, does your master always have the "last say?" "O, no, sab. W'en Cap'n Wilson 'round Mas'r Sloan he jes' stand an' lean on his sword, an' say nuffin. Cap'n Wilson he holler al! de time, 'cept when the Cnnnel hollers. Cap'n Wilson he usually hollers jes 'arter de Cnnnel do, an' den de men do t'ings. But Cap'n Wilson he done went on ahead on anudder train, wid part ob de men, an' leave Mas'r Sloan t' bring up de rest." "About 2.5 or 30 men, as I said before." said Si. "We can handle them. I'd go over and give them a whirl if the whole company was there. Saddle np, boys, quick as you can. We haven't any time to lose. We want to get there before the helo does." "I think I'll promulgate with you," re- marked Kankakee. "I kin captivate a ho.ss somewhere along the road. Come on. Salamagundy. We'll go on ahead, and geek for means of rapid transportation." . "I think Angus can spare me for a few hours, and the Lord moves me to go, too," said Foster Walsh. "You may stnko a bigger crowd out there than you think, and need me.'*" "All ready, there?" inquired Si. "Look ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 185 out carefully for your girths, for we're going on the jump. Pete, you and Sandy lead off, and we'll start. Hello, who's this coming?" A couple of mounted infantrymen gal- Ir.ped up. and one of them, drawing a lai'ge oflicial envelope from his belt, pre- sented it lo Si. It looked big and important enough to have come from the Headquarters of the Army, and for an instant Si palpitated with the thought that it might he a per- sonal communication from Gen. Sherman himself. Then he thought of the unlike- lihood of that. It could not be from one higher than the Commander of the Left Wing— Gen. Ploward. Somehow he dis- missed that thought, too, and began to imagine that it might be from the Gen- eral commanding the Division, then the Brigadier-General, and finally Col. Mc- Gillicuddy. But when he looked care- fully at the bearers, he saw that they were 1st Oshkosh boys. He opened the letter carefully, however, and r§ad: Headquarters 1st Oshkosh Volunteer In- fantry, Sutton's Plantation, Ga., Nov. 24, 1864. Serg't Josiah Klegg, 200th Ind. Vol. In- fantry Vols., Commanding Scouting Expedition. Sir: I have waited in vain for a re- port of your operations, of which I have heard only by hearsay, through Surgeon Brooks. This is a grave discourtesy to your commanding oflicer that boi-ders on positive insubordination. I am reluctant to report it to headquarters, and prefer charges, as is perhaps my duty. In order to avoid this disagreeable necessity you will at once send back by the bearers a full report of your operations up to date, with a plan of your further movements, with a request for approval and instnic- tions to proceed to execute them. Give full details of what you have accom- plished, with lists of killed, wounded, cap- tured, etc., and of the enemy's property captured or destroyed. Await where you are for my farther orders. Very respectfully. Aristarchus C. Gillen, Second Lieutenant, 1st Oshkosh Infantry Vols., Commanding Post. "Consarn the skeezicks," said Si, an- grily, crushing tlie mandate in his hands. "Pestering me at this time about reports. I hain't no time now to fool around writ- ing rer>orts." "Tell the popinjay to go where it's hot- ter," said Shorty. "He haint no business with us. nohow. We don't belong to his regiment. Let him go soak his head.'" "I don't know, though," Si consideii?d, his sense of military subordination assert- ing itself, "but he may have orders to take command of us. I'm awfully afraid sve'll lose all chance at that train, fooling around with a measly report, ISrft TTl try. to make one. Come and help me. Shorty. Two heads are better than one, if one is a sheep's head. Here, we'll take some of this rebel Colonel's paper." Si bon-owed a pencil from Alf RiBseO, wet it between his lips, and the sweat be- gan to start from the labor of composina; the report. "Suppose I've got to say 'in ptrrsuancei of your orders.' How do you spell 'pur- suance', Shorty?" "See him damned first," snorted Shorty. "He didn't give no ordei-s. We'd planned this job before we'd ever knowed that there was such a colt as he is foaled. 'Pui-suance' is too big a word for hdm, anyhow. Nobody but a Major-General can spell a word like that." "Well, then," continued Si, biting Bis pencil to assist his brains, "in obedience to your orders." Do you spell obedience with a d or a j, Shorty? I got turned down in school on that, once, and I've clean forgot which way it was." "I never spelled the blamed word. It's bad enough to have to do it. I ain't writ- ing things that I hate. It ain't no obed- ience to him, nohow. We ain't obeying to nobody but Col. McGillicuddy. It's all light from him, but from nobody else. As to this fly-up-the-crick" "Well." said Si de.-ircuit to the left, with the information that they bad gained a Mil- top from which they could see the road, and the train still standing there. Ap- parently no more rebels had come up, but they thought they had seen, away off in the direction of Waynesboro, the smoke and steam of an approachUig loco- motive, and heard her whistle. Si i-ode forward a little ways to the edge of the hill, and looking down saw eight or 10 rebel soldiers coming from the direction of the railroad toward a fair- looking house in the center of the valley. "That's all right," Si counseled with Shorty and the rest. '"Everything's quiet around the train, and they ain't expecting anything for awhile, and they've come away to find something to eat." "Better let 'em get into the house. We can hive 'cm easier," suggested Shorty. "Ride forward and show yourselves, Kankakee and Salamagundy. They'll think you're rebel cavalry, and get ■ in quicker, to get a head of you." "I'll go, too," said Foster Walsh, look like a rebel, too, at a distance." "Now, Foster, you must be very care- ful," warned Si. "Hold yourself in. There'll be enough fighting when we get to the train. We want to get these fel- lows without firing a shot to alarm the others." "I promise you I won't shoot," said Foster Walsh, taking his bayonet out and fixing it. It worked as Si had expected. The, infantrymen shoiited to one aholher, as Kankakee and the others shp-wed them- selves. ;. , "Get to the house before tljem, blamed cavalry, or there won't be arthing left." Kankakee and his companions rode leis- urely down, isaw the soldiers; sttand their guns up against the wall on th« porch, and bolt into the house, each afraid that the others would gobble everything be- fore he could get a chance. "Well, I never did see men excoriate themselves so completely before," re^ marked Kankakee, as with a significant wave of his hand to Si, he rode forward, and jumped from his horse a little dis- tance from the door. With shot-guns ready, he and Salamagundy tramped ou to the porch, and placed themselves be- tween the guns and the room the rebels had entered. "Turkeys going into a trap ain't nothing to it." "Don't be in too much of -a hurry,'* whispered Foster Walsh. "Let me. get around to the rear, and stand for the peo- ple, l)efore the Lord in the gap." "Git out, critter-back — thar's notfiin' for yo'uns," shouted the men inside, as ■Kankakee appeared in the door. "We'uns done got here afore yo'uns this time, you ole buttermilk ranger. Cl'ar out." "O, please save me suthin'," pleaded Kankakee, imitating the Southern tone, as he cast his eye over his shoulder, to see that Si was not quite near enough yet. "I"ni jes' powerful hongry, so 1 am." "No; cl'ar out with yo'uns. Git on yer ■critters and skeet out somewhar else. Thar's not enough hyah fer we'uns an' we'uns mus' git back t' the kyars." Si was now nearing the house. "Well, you just will give me something, you congregated imps of damnation," shouted Kankakee^ raising his gun. "It'll be your worthless carcases. Surrender, every mother's son of you! I'm a Yank. Surrender!" Each rebel dropped the bread and meat which he had snatched from the cupbou^rd, and looked around to see the front yard full of blue-coats. "This way, fellers," shouted the rebel Sergeant, starting for the back-door. Foster Walsh ran up the stone steps. At ihe sight the Sergeant snatched a revol- Ter from his belt, but befoi'e he could raise it. Foster Walsh leaped at him and drove his bayonet through his breast. The Sergeant fell and twisted the gun from Foster Walsh's hands, but the grim vet- eran put his foot on thb rebel s body, puil(>d his bayonet out, and turned to spring at tin' next rebel, but Si, who had run in, pulled him back. All the rebels were now huldiug up their hands. ON THE SIAKCH TO THE SEA, VB7 "BULLETS WEEE STKIKING AROUND HBI, AS HE DASHED THE DEMIJOHN TO PIECES ON THE ROOF." 'I haren't timp to fool with you," Si hurriedly addressed them. "I don't want to kill you, if I can get along without it. Will you swear, if I parole you, to go on lip over the hill there, and not come near the railroad?" 'Yes, indeed. All we'uns will," they an- swered in chorus, with their eyes still fixed on Foster Walsh's bloody bayonet. 'Well., consider yours-elyes sworUt"- commanded Si. "March out of that door, single file, and each man pick up his gun and smash the barrel and lock over that mounting-rock out there. Grimshaw. you and Radbone stand bj' the rock, and see that every man busts his gun for good. Be in a hurry about it. and then start up the hill. Forward, march!'' It took but a few minutes to execute this oider^ but before it was completed 188 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. Si was on his horse leading off, and listen- ing anxiously lor what he thought was the whistle of a locomotive awaj- off to the northeast. "If that was a whistle I heard it must be almost 10 miles up the road," he re- marked to Shorty. "It'll take them the best part of an hour to reach here. By that time, if we attend strictly to our knitting, we ought to clean up these fel- lers, and burn their train." "The signs are favorable for somebody being licked inside the next 15 minutes,'* said Shorty, catching sight of the stni ■ locomotive through a rift in the trees, and raising his hand to halt the boys be- hind. "If those fellers are not all asleep the curtain'll raise right off." "Yankees! Yankees! Fall in, men!" shouted a commanding voice in the woods in front of them, and a sputter of firing followed, as the train guards gathered about their officer, and he indicated the direction of the enemy. "The curtain has raised," remarked Si. "Jump down, boys, tie your horses, and form .7. skirmish line along there. Be spry, now." The injunction to celerity was needless. Every boy in that squad had long since passed the point where any suggestion or urging was necessary v\-hcn a fight opened. Every body knew precisely wlaat should be done, and proceded to do it with the swiftness gained by long practice. Led by Si and Shorty, they pushed briskly into the woods, tiring at every glimpse of the enemy, who made a noisy return, but continued to fall back before them. Si was anxious, and pressed for- ward as fast as he could prudently, for he hardly knew as yet M'hat he had to encounter. But the audacity of his attack told, and presently he came to the edge of the woods, and saw the rebels flying across the open space in front, and taking refuge behind the motionless train. The place where the engine had be- come disabled was the top of a high grade, just before beginning the descent to the creek beyond. For 100 yards or more on either side of the track the ground had been dug away to make the fills in the hol- low behind and the approach to the creek in front. The woods through which Si had driven the rebels came up to this clear space. The rebels soon found that they did not get sufficient shelter behind the cars from the Yankees in the woods, and ran across the open space to the high bank covered with woods on the opposite side. This worried Si. He watched them as they ran across, and saw that, if any- thing, tliey had more men than he, and that a dash across at th,>ra behind their shelter would be doubtless of success. It was very necessary to do something at once, for he had heard the locomotive whistle again, and this time it was unmis- takable. The rebels heard it, too, and. sent up a cheer frord ttteir'T©>y<3*t-itf the Avoods. - -- '^' '-''■-■ '-■■- The rebels were *hai'p*hdotirig" to -pre- vent any -jipproach t^ -titi^itftirn, and as they could see under- the-^ars. they -made it very risiky for afiy oiw-to try to erosi the open- si^ace- f r^im Si's posiition. - "Shorty,- we mnst' geC-to- the- train at once and «et it- atire, thoug4i Fm d^vbious about it's burniiig-, it')^ iii^--4f<'t. But" I'm going 4o- make a' ireak- fco^-that caboose, and start the fire there. You cover me. I'H try to Jvoep in line''^wlfh- the-- wheels, so's they can't shoot me ifriOer the cdiisj.''' "I'll go with you," said Shorty. "Let Harry, Monty Grimshaw, and. Radbone work up there to the left, as far as pos- sible, and begin banging away from there, as if we had some designs on tlie locomo- tive. Then me and you will rush for the caboose." This was done, and as soon as .ramd firing broke out on the extreme left Si {Tad Shorty made a rush for the caboose. ■^^'hen they got inside they were aston- ished to see Foster AValsh climb up after them. "The Lord moved me to go with you, and I think I can help," he said. Si and Shorty immediately began jerk- ing down the bunks, and piling them with the furniture in the center, where Si started a fire with some splinters. Foster "Walsh noticed a large demijohn in one corner, and his temperance instincts made him at once spring at it, to break it. He caught an odor from it as fie dragged it out, then smclled it closer, and said with, a voice of exultation, » "It's full of camphene." 1 "Throw it on here," said Si. 1 "No; I can do better with it," answered Foster, jumping out of the car. "Hand it to me." Divining something of his daring in- tention. Shorty handed him the demijohn and jumped to the ground where he was. Tlipy ran along the train until they came to the center, Avhere the carefully-locked ammunition cars were. Foster caught hold of the iron ladder at one end to climb up. "Here, Foster," called Shorty, "I in» tended to go up. Come back, and let me." "The Lord calls on me to go up," said Foster calmly, ascending to the top. "Hand me that demijohn." Shorty passed it up to him, and though ho had attracted the attention of the rebels, and the bullets were striking around him, he walked to the middle ot the car, and dashed the demijohn to pieces on the roof. "You sons of Belial," he said, turning toward the rebels, and shaking his fi.'it. as he pulled out a match-box, "prepare to meet your doom." He scratched the match on the box, and threw it and the box into the caBaph^tt, f i!om which shot up a sheet of 11 ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 189 finrae. He sprang to the ground and he and Shorty ran for the cover of the bank. As they were clambering np they saw Grimshaw land Kadbone doing the same a little further to their right. Thoy hud made a rush for the engine, and wliile Kadbone was gathering up the rags and pouring oil upon them, Grimshaw had seized the sledge and knocked a hole through the side of the car next to '.he tender. Radbone threw the blazing rags through this, and then they ran for their lives. ' , The steep. bank was slippery from the showers, and they had scarcely got fen over behind it, when the explosion of the car upon which Foster had poured the camphene came with such territic force as to knock them down. Iron and splinters rained all around, and they sprang up to Bee the fire spreading to the other cars. Everybody ran to his horse, untied him, and rode back farther. The locomotive whistle was heard sharp and near, and riding around to the left they came out upon a knoll where they could see the relief train stopped on the other side of the creek, with the soldiers pouring out of the cars. They rode down to where they would be in plain sight of the foiled rebels, took off their hats, and gave three cheers for the Union, three for Uncle Billy Sher- man, three for Abe Linr-oln, and a tiger on general principles. They then rode off in triurapla. Half-way bac^ to the stockade they met the two mounted infantry messengers, who had come in seaixh of them. Tliey handed Si another portentous-looking offi- cial envelope, which he tore open with- out much ceremony, and read: Headquarters, Detachment 1st Oshkosh Volunteer Infantry, Sutton's Plantation, Nov. 25, 1S64. Serg't Josiah Klegg, jr., 200th Ind. Vols., Commanding Scouts. Sir: Your report of even date is en- tirely irregular, lacking in details, and generally unsatisfactory. You will at once prepare another, with more attention to the proper form, and comprehending all the points upon which I required in- formation, and transmit it to me withouc delay. As to the expedition against the railroad, send me full information as to what you contemplate. If the enterprise promises results of sufficient importance to justify it, I may come forward and take command of it myself. Respectfully, Aristarchus C. Gillen, Second Lieutenant, 1st Oshkosh Inf. Vols., Commanding Post. "Go back and tell Lieut. Gillen that I'll make up my report to Col. McGilli- cuddy," said Si. "1 ain't going to have the 1st Oshkosh hog the credit for what the 200th Injianny does."- , 190 SI ICLEGli A.XD SMOKTr. CHAPTER XXXIIL A IIUXT AFTER POULTRY FOIi TilE SICK-FUSTEK WALSH ME^S, OtT VEN- GEANCE, j',^''!.' ' . ''Shorty,'' said Si Klegg, as tliey were ii!:ikii)g their .way bade to the stockade, ■■.vou'd better take half of the boys and rt:ike off there to the right, and see if .Mill can tind a house where you can pick 11'/ something for those poor' fellers back :■"•■" to eat. Fll turn ois here tc the left, 'ihe country is getting pi-^'ri^r noor, but jnchbe we can find something' delicate to build 'em up with." "If there's any chickens and turkeys in these sand-hills they'll have to have eagle's Avings if we don't get 'em," an- swered Shorty. "Come on, Pete, Sandy, Harry and Monty." "I'm moved to go this way," said Fos- ter Walsh, turning his horse's head di- rectly into the open pine woods, and leav- ing Si with the remainder to follow the left-hand road. "Look out, Foster, that the bushwhack- ers don't get you," Shorty shouted after him. ••The rebel had bettor look out that he don't get him," muttered Si, looking after bim as if doubtful about letting him go off by himself. "In the temper he's in he's likely to kill on sight everything that wears rebel clothes, and burn up property without reason. And he'll do it all in the name of the Lord. He's a mighty dan- gerous man to be running around loose in the Southern Confederacy; but, then, I don't kuow's I'm responsible for the peace and prosperity of the Southern Confed- eracy, nor of this particular part of Georgy.'' The road which Si had taken did not look very promising. It was a mere trace through the waste of column-like pines, and appeared badly weather-beaten since last used, but presently Uncle Ephraim's sharp eyes were encouraged by seeing a tolerably fresh wound on the "^bark of a young sweet gum.. "A wagou's done went dat wav," he said, pointing ahead, "an' dar's .siittinly a big house in dar somewhar, or dey wouldn't hab so good a wagon, an' sicii strong bosses. You done see dat dey tore de bark ofieii dar thicker'n yo' tiaumb. Takes good bosses t' do dat, an' de bark and wood's bit off sharp, as if dey wuz gwine right along. An' hit was in de new moon. Yo' see dat by de way de sap's a-runnin'." Half-an-hour later Si said: "Uncle Ephraim, I'm afraid you're mis- ■■'. (! (let' ' taken. That trail .se.em.s ",t€>'ye run up a tree;. We've lost it altogathei;. And we're veering away from eanip all the time. I'm afraid we've got to tack to the right, and strike in the direction of the stockade." "No, no; come on a leetle furder," pleaded Uncle Ephraim. "Sho's Judgment Day dar's a big house right ui-gh hyah." "Why, there's no fences and fields Tiuy- where in sight to show it, Uncle Ephraim," said Si, peering through the many-col- umned solitude. "We'll come to fences an' fields bimeby soon," answered Uncle Ephraim, with un- diminished confidence. "I's seed lots ob grains ob corn all along. Dey's done bin haulin' heaps ob corn outen hyah for de prison stockade. Whar dat comes from dar's heaps more, an' sumfin else besides." "Go ahead, then, for a mile or two fur- ther," said Si, with a look at the position of the sun. "But if you miss your guesa there'll be a slim chance of our getting anything for the boys today, and Shorty'U have the big In ugh ou us. He's sure to find something." "What'd I done tell you?" exclaimed Uncle Ephraim, triumphantly, a half-mile farther, as ho pointed to a piece of a mule shoe. "Dey has mewels. Only planta- tions has mewels. Whar dey has mewels, dey has bosses, an' lots ob t'ings. Dat plantation's right behine dat crick whar you see de brush growing." Sure enough, as they neared the dense thicket which indicated the course of the creek, the trail began to be moi-e distinct and finally led to an opening in the brush and a ford. Crossing this, they came out, as Uncle Ephraim had predicted, upon a plantation, with a double-pen house of hewed logs, and mud daubing between the logs v,-hitcwashed, a roof of cypress clapboards, large chimneys of sticks and clay at either end of the house, and a wide por< h in front, on which were sad- dles, bridles, rakes, hoes, etc. "Don't see any signs of chickens any- w here, though," said Si, studying the plantation, which was much inferior to an ordinary Indiana farm. "O, dey has some chickens," answered Uncle Ephraim. confidently. "Dey has dem somewhar 'round. Dey's got t' hab some t' pui-tend t' be quality, for deir Sun- day dinner an' fer company, an' when de preacher comes 'round. Dey mus' had a turkey or two for Chrissmus. Dey eats, j ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA- m ^acon au' collards mos' oh de time, jos' like de po' wliites. but dry lias t' hab some? poultry t' be gentry. Whar dey got dem, d'yo' 'siios(>V Hid away I'roni de soljcrs at de stockade, oh course; but wliarV Not under de bed, dis time. Dey've got tur- keys, an' yo' can't bide turkeys under de bed. AVhar he?" "Turkeys? What makes you so sure they have turkeys?" "Dey's "bleeged t' hab turkeys to be . 'spectable. Ebbery one-nigger planter's 'bieegpd t' hab a turkey dinner at Chriss- mus an' quarterly meetin's, to be in so- ciety. Besides, I done seed some turkey- fedders as we come along." "Where in the world can they be?" echoed Si, scanning the bare fields, the trees about the house, the stable-yards, and the outbuildings. "Bar's an ole man gwine out froo de field, wid a basket on his arm," solilo- quized Uncle Ephraim, fixing his eyes on a moving figure in the distance. "He's a white man, kase he's got a gun; he's de ow-ner ob de place, kaze all de dogs 'round de house hab gone wid him. He ain't takin' out dat basket to gedder hickory nuts, kaze' he's too ole t' care for dem vanities; he's got sumfin in dat basket, from de way hit pulls down his arm, an' he changes hit from one t' de udder. 'Taint meat dat he's totin' ober t' ins neighbor in dat basket, kaze de dogs haint jumpin' an' smellin' 'round hit. Hit's sumfin' 'most as heavy as meat, though. I'll jes' bet a side ob bacon dat he's got corn in dat basket, an' 's takin' hit out V feed de turkeys and chickens he's got hid out in de bresh, way from de soljers. Ser- geant, jes' go en t 'de house, an' ax lor turkeys. Me and Gid and Alf'll git down off en our bosses, an' ti"ail dat ole man out into do woods. If we don't bring back some drumsticks an' white meat for de boys I'll be disappinted." Si entered the house, and found an e!- derly lady sitting in a rocking-chair at the left of the fireplace, knitting on a long stocking of blue yarn, probably for her- self. She mistook them for foragers from the prison guards, and received them with acerbity. "Hyah yo' done come agin," she re- marked crossly, "trackin' mud over my clean tloors. Dinah, git the hickory broom an' sweep that mud off clean. What do yo'uns want now? We haint got nothing for yo'uns. so yo'uns may as well pick up them cowhides o' your'n an' mosey on. They've pressed all our corn for them scalawags down to the stockade, until M-e won't have near enough to winter our stock, and didn't leave us near enough meat to last till Spring. I don't see what in the world they'uns wanted to go an' git up this Avar for. anyhow. .Tcs' to tak(r everything away from them that'll work an' make something, to keep a lot o' loaf- ers that uever'd do nothin'. Three-quar- ters of them guards down thar in the camps never had sich good eatin' afore in_ their lazy lives. They'uns 've got noth- in' to do but lay 'round, an' have the vic- tuals that other folks 've raised hauled into (hem. An' sich bi\g.i;'ars. Every day cdiui's a gang of them out hy;ih to beg for scin( tiling to cat. Th^'y'vc done et US onteu liuuse and home. We've scarcely got enough left to keep i oul and body to- gether till Spring. Rut yo'uns go right a^Aay now. I dmie toll you that v.e haint got nothing for you." "Madam." said Si gravely, as soon as he could get in a word, and not caring to dis- a!)use her mind of the idea that tliey were guards from the prison, "we're very anx- ious to get some chickens or other poultry for some very sick men down at the hos- pital, and we're willing to pay you good prices for them." He produced a large roll of Confeder- ate money, which someone had given him back at Jlilledgeville. "Fay, in that stuff," she snapped. "Much account that is. We've done give all our good vittles for that truck that ■oe're a-gwine to. Why, I done sold a dozen aigs for $10, and when I went to the store at Millen they wouldn't give me even a skein of black patent thread for the whole .$10. No; I don't want yer money. Folks 's got to live by eatin' in this world, an' I'll not part with something to eat for something that you can't eat, nor do nothing else with. Go 'long, I tell you." "Well, if you won't sell them we'll take them anyhow," said Si, turning away. "It'll save those men's lives to have some delicate food that'll nourish them and we're going to have it. Let's go out back, boys, and look around." "You scalawags," she shouted; "if you don't go J-ight away I'll blow the horn "for my ole man. and he'll ride over to the camps, an' git the provo'-guard, an' they'll buck-an'-gag yo'uns all. Go, now." I'aying no attention to her furious re- monstrances, Si and the rest began ran- sacking the premises. They found evi- dences that there had been chickens and turkeys on the place — there were bones and feathers to tell of former savory pot- pies and roasts; but no biddies clucked around the barn-yard, no cock led his feathered harem through the tangle of dead weeds in the garden, no matronly hen was disturbed on her nest by the careful search of the hay-mow and the fodder- pen. While this was going on the woman snatched a horn down from the wall on the porch, and blew a signal to recall her husband. In spite of the woman's complaints of the way the rebel impressment agents, had levied ujion them. Si found plenty of corn in the crib, -which was caiefiilly locked. He smashed the large padlock on the smoke-house with the butt of his gun, and found inside a good store of meat, from 192 SI ELEGG AND SHORTY. Xvhioh he took a couple of hams, tied the bark strings by whicli they were susnend- ed togrether, threw them over his shoul- der, and i)roceo(kd to another (.nithouae, ■n-hero the lock-snia«hin;^ ^vas repeated. There he found some sacks of meal and flour, semi-cireles of dried pumpkins ou Ijok's, strings of red pepper, bunches of E!x;so, barrels of daied cow-peas, and a hickory basket of dried peaches. He turned over the food possibilities for the sick men of all these, and finally decided that their proper preparation was beyond the limited culinary skill of any of his command, and contented himself with tak- iny a partially tilled sack of flour, which he handed to Bill Grimshsw, to throw across his saddle. Bill Grimshaw, though, was fascinated by the sight of the dried pumpkins, which reminded him of the delicious pies his mother used to make. "I'm going to take one pole of them along," he said, unfastening it from its bark hangings. "I don't remember just how mother used to cook pumpkins, hut I guess you can boil them most anyway, and they'll be good. Pumpkins are always good, no matter how you cook 'em." He Avas at a loss how to carry them, but finally decided that for the short dis- tance back to camp he could just carry them as they were, with the pole laid across his shoulder. The woman raged as only Southern ■women can rage, Avhile this was going on, but it produced about as much effect as the cawing of the crows in the next field. Then her husband, answering the horn- signal, came back. He was a fierce old man, who Avas probably a terror to his poor white neighbors and the negroes. He brandished his shot-gun, and swore terribly for a minute or two. Then he or- dered them to throw doAvn those things and get out in the road, Avhen he would march them back to camp and turn them OA'or for punishment. Si merely looked at him and then at his ©wn gun, and AA-ent ahead with his prep- arations. Then the old man rushed back into the yard, seized a horse, bridled and saddled him, and galloped oft" toward the stockade to bring the pro\-ost-guard. Si marshaled his squad in the road, and waited for the return of Uncle Ephraira. Presently he came around the bushes. He wore such a AAide grin of triumph that it seemed as if it came into vieAv a little bit before Uncle Ephraim himself did. He had a turkey in each hand, and behind hira came Alf and (iid. each canying as many chickens as his hands could grasp the legs of. "I tell yo', dat ole grizly b'ar he mouty cunnm'," explained Uncle Enhraira, as he tied the legs of the turkeys Avith pawpaw bark and flung them over his horse, while Alf and Gid did the same Avith their chickens. "He done built a rail-pen out dar in the thick hrcsh, an' covered bit wid rails, an' done hit so slick dat he didn't break de bresh out 'round hit, nor leab no tracks. He 'd geddercd all his chick- ens an' turkeys dar, an' toted corn out t' feed dem, while de soljers wuz 'round hyah. He didn't see us slippin' up on him, an' AA'e avuz jes' a-gwine t' jump him AA'hen de horn blowed for him to hurry back t' de house, an' den we went froo de pen widdout no molestation." •.: "Did you leave auyV" asked Si. "Not habbin' four hands apiece we had t'," ansAvered Uncle Ephraim,, regretfully. "A passel ob chickens^ an' tAvo turkies— one ob de male and de udder of de fe- male persuasion. Dey's too ole, anyway, for sick men t' chaAV." "They'll do for him to start his flock next year. I'm glad you left them. Now, let's strike for camp. I wonder what luck Shorty's had? I expect he's got a Avagon-load. Lot's pretend Ave couldn't find anything until we see Avhat he has. Uncle Ephraim, you and the rest keep to the rear. Hello, what's that?" con- tinued Si, feeling the back of his head, and looking around to see if the old man had giA-en him the benefit of a load from his shot-gun. "Excuse me. Sergeant," said Bill Grim- shaAV, in confusion. "The pole wobbled before I knew, and hit you. I'm awful sorry." "Thats' all right. Bill," Si answered good-humoredly, as ho jumped off to pick up some of the pumpkin half-moons which had been jarred to the ground. "Here's your pumpkins. That Avas a rattler you gave me. Made me think somebody'd basted me AA^ith a brickbat. I don't be- lieve you cau carry them things on that pole." "Yes, I can," persisted Grimshaw. "I'll be careful in future." "Say, Bill, for goodness sake, look out." yelled Gid, as the other end of the pole struck him alongside the head, knocked his cap oft" and almost unseated him. "AAvfully sorry, Gid," Bill humbly apol- ogized. That Avas real careless in me. I Avas thinking about the Sergeant, and for- got that anybody was behind me. I won't do it again." Some more pumpkins had fallen, which Tom Radbone brushed off and replaced on the pole. "For de Lawd's sake, Mr. Grimshaw, do you t'ink I'm a sunfish, dat you done spear me dat-a-way?" yelled Tfncle p]ph- raim, a moment later, as Grirashaw's horse suddenly came down from a trot to a Avalk, and the end of the pole took the colored brother in the neigliborhood of the belt. " 'Uore de Lawd, I"ll hab colic for a Aveek from dat punch." "Excuse me, Uncle Ephraim. Y'ou know I Avouldn't hurt you for anything," apolo- gized Bill 'irimshaAv. and Uncle Ephraira A\as so niolliiied by the heartiness of the ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 193 regret that he jijmpod dowu, picked up the fallen pumpkius and replaced them on the pole. "Here, I'm goins to ride behind all of you," said Grimshaw, waiting for the rest to pass. "That polo's unhandier to man- age than I thought, and I'll get where I can't hurt anybody wjth it." He looked ruefully at his pumpkin rep- resentations 0$ the moon in her last quar- ter. They had suffered much in looks and shape from their falls. "A little dirt won't matter," he said. "Every man must eat a peck of dirt, any- how. I can clean most of it off before I put 'em in the pot." Si was pushing ahead pretty rapidly now, and the horses began to get warm. They came to a creek, and all stopped to drink. Grimshaw's horse smelled the water, and made a rush for it. as rear- most horses will, seeming to think that those in front will drink it all from them. In spite of himself, therefore, Grimshaw, pole in hand, charged down into the mass, halted to drink. His pole grazed his part- ner's side and lifted Alf Russell clear out of his saddle. Pole and pumpkins went into the creek, in Grimshaw's excited ef- forts to control his steed. "I don't really care much for pumpkins, nohow," he said. "I begun to have doubts as to whether I actually know how to cook the stuff." When they reached camp they found that Shorty had already come In and was waiting impatiently for them. 'Did you find any chickens?" he asked. "No, I couldn't find one," Si answered, evasively. "I got a couple of fairly good hams here, though. What'd you find?" "Hams ain't what sick men want," put in Shorty, in a lordly way. "Hams ain't no good for sick men. We started out to find chickens. I told you I'd find 'em if they were in the country. Awful poor country, this, around here, though. Soil so thin that you'd have to manure it to make good brick, and people poorer than Job's turkey. N^ver saw such a lot, even uj) in Tennessee. Hain't actually noth- ing. But I went for chickens, and I usually get what I go for." Si knew his partner was boasting to cover up a lack of success. "Where are your chickens?" he asked. "O, we turned 'em right over to the cooks, so that they could make some broth for the sick. They needed it bad." "Hope you got enough to give them plenty all around." said Si. "We got every last one in the country," said Shorty, diplomatically. "More'n that nobody could do, and it seems it's better 'n you did." Just' then Pete's shrill voice rang out at a little distance. Grimshaw had been con- fiding his trouble to his sympathetic ears, and Pete was disposed to match it with his own sorrows. "I tell you," he said, 7 SK "it was the sorriest country we've struck yvt. Couldn't see a sign of a chicken no- A\hore — guards around here had gobbled r,|) what few the poor crackers had. We JHsl'd 'a' bin clean skunked on the poul- try exhibit if I hadn't Avcnt into a cabin and found an old hen setting on a nest in the chimney corner. We wouldn't 've looked at her agin, if it hadn't been for hating to come back dead beat. So I yank('-. she looks? They ain't going to marry'-herC They may never see her. What do you care what these fellers around here may say?" "I'm particularly afraid of Shorty," continued the Surgeon. "Shorty's got a tongue sharper than a lanceL" "What need you bother about Shorty? Shorty ain't going to follow you home. He's probably got fish of his own to fry." "Serg't Klegg, what is the matter, that you don't understand me?" said the Sur- geon, irritably. "I'm going to marry Miss Sophrouia Sutton." Instinctively Si's lips puckered for a whistle,' but his natural, ready tactfulness restrained him in time, and knowing how futile it was to argU^ with a man who had made up his mind to mai-ry a woman, he hastily tried to think of something complimentary to say. This took him some seconds, and the result was;.- : ^ "Well, she is the finest looking, jwoman that we've seen ^ since , we've been i^ Georgy." - "Thank you for saying so. I was afraid my partiality had prejudiced ma in thinking so. But her real charms ar^ internal — not on the outer surface* Though, perhaps, rather plain outwardly, she has a rare inner loveliness." "I'd take the first opportunity to turi^ her inside out," Si wanted to say, but r^ strained himself. "She has simply a wonderful mind," the Surgeon continued, growing in eu' thusiasm, as men in his position are wont. "So solid, so rich in useful knowledge, so open to new facts. She will make an ini valuable adviser and helpineet to a physi* cian, and I never met anyone who under^ stood me as well as she does. But if" r "Great Scott! They all talk that way,'* Si groaned inwardly. "All that a woma^ has to do to eaten a man is to tell hira she understands him • better than any on* else does." ;j "But if I get started talking about her I'll never know when to stop," said thg Surgeon, starting up. "I must go over and superintend getting those fowls ready for the oven tomorrew. Do you know thaj; fellow Kankakee, while one of the most atrocious humbugs that ever walked th^ earth, really knows some things very well > I have discovered that he is as fine a cook as I ever knew, and I have had him at work stuffing those turkeys, making bread out of your flour, and getting the chick- ens ready for baking. It is so simply won- derful what ingenuity and readiness in the culinary art the thorough-paced fraud has. I'm going to try to keep Mm with me. I'm only afraid that Tie'll get some of his bad English mixed up int^ 198 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY, his cooking and poison somebody. You have the oven all ready to fire up first tning in the morning." "lt"s all ready." "Well, you'd better have your guard Btart the 'tire sometime before daylight, BO that the oven will be good and hot by the time we get up, and then we can sei-ve the food soon after we get the pa- tients straightened around and ready for their breakfast. By the way, I haven't informed you yet that the wedding will take place tomorrow afternoon, at Sophronia's house, and I'd like very much ra kayc^ y-'iu and the rest there. I want ^ou. particularly, to come, and bring Shorty, if you can restrain his tongue." •'We'll be there, unless something comes np to interfere. Good-night, Doctor." j.ne announcement of the proposed mar- riage created much excitement among the boys, and they waked up those who had gone to sleep, to discuss it. Foster Walsh denounced it as a wicked Justing after a daughter of the Moabites. Kankakee opposed it as "politically con- glomerate.'' The embryotic attorneyism of Monty Scruggs ■ asserted that it came under the prohibition against giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The medical-minded Alf Russell thought that a physician of Surgeon Brookes's genius would be thrown away in such a country. Always military Harry Joslyn was sure that marriage with women of the enemy was injurious to military discipline, and should be banned uy regulations. Then he made some remark about Surgeons be- ing after all not really officers, at which AJf Russell took offense and mixed up with him, and Si had to stop the fight. It struck Gid that the rebel woman must have used some trick to capture the Surgeon, and then he and Kankakee had a scrap as to the use of tricks generally, which Si had also to stop. Tom Radbone and Bill Grimshaw, who had had all they wanted of Georgia, could not comprehend how any sensible man could ever want to leave the North and live there. Pete and Sandy were entirely too young to understand why a man who had a chance to be in the army should care anything about a mere woman, or for any- thing else than soldiering. That was all they wanted in this world. Shorty ended the discussion with: "Oh, all you fellers are shooting off your mouths in the air. You don't know no more what you're talking about than a hen does as to when to cross a road. None of you are going to marry that wo- man. The Surgeon is. You mayn't want her, but you can't tell any more what he may want than you can tell when he's himgry or thirsty. I think it's all right. He needs just her hemlock-tanning for his fine-ladyness. Together, they'll aver- age up well. Anyhow, thaFs his bu.^iness. He's been all right since he's been with us, and it's our place to stand by him for all we're worth. We'll all go over there tomorrow and give him as good a send- off as we know how. You hear the soft murmur of my 'scape pipe." Si was so interested in the feast for the sick — or as they could now be more ap- propriately termed, the convalescents — • that he had himself waked an hour or two before daylight, and took personal charge of heating the oven. This, built of- clay and stones for the use of the Colonel com- manding the post, was a fairly good affair, and Si had found an abundance of dry wood in the material of the shacks and sheds which had escaped Foster Walsh's incendiarism. Kankakee, too, was up betimes, full of enthusiasm as to what his cookery was going to accomplish for his comrades. Uncle Ephraim had beeu his willing assist- ant, and learned lots as to Yankee ways, of which Aunt Minerva Ann would re- ceive the benefit in the future. With the assistance of seidlitz powders from the Surgeon's stores as baking pow- ders, Kankakee had contrived some very fair biscuits, Uncle Ephraim had gone out into the country and found some sage and onions, and with crumbled hardtack u very good stuffing for the turkeys and chickens had been elaborated. There was an abundance of fresh sweet potatoes to bake along with the fowls, and the con- valescents grew visibly better as the good things being prepared for them were fully described by the boys. In addition to the viands, each was to have the first real drink of army coffee which had been al- lowed him. By the time the Surgeon finished his rounds, in which he found everywhere a notable improvement in pulses, tonsues and general appearance, they had had their hands and faces washed, and had taken their regular prescriptions, the air about them was filled with the intoxicat- ing aroma of roast fowl, warm bread and coffee. "That smell'd be enough to raise Laz- arus," remarked Angus McLean. "Angus, it took the Lord's power to raise Lazarus," said Foster, reprovingly. "Be a little more careful in the selection of your illustrations. Say the sleepers of Ephesus." Surgeon Brookes went around with the squad carrying the victuals, and pre- scribed just how and of what kind each man should have. From his decision there was no appeal. For once, in the matter of food, the boys rigidly obeyed orders. The Surgeon was so liberal, however, that there was comparatively little left. This was carefully put away, under the charge of Foster SValsh, Kankakee, Sala- magundy and Uncle Ephraim, who were to remain behind, while the rest went to the wedding. ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA, 199 'IT'S KANKAKEE, COMING ON <¥V DEAD riUW," SAID SHORTY. "THERE'S TROUBLE AT THE STOCKADE." 200 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. "I think it'll he all right to leave so few," Si remarl "Don't know. Don t know. Tell more , ?bout that in a day or two. Bragg's up -there, with all the men he can gather. - Where's Blair? I want to find Blair." ■ "Gen. Blair's right over there, General," • S3 id Shorty, pointing him out. " -Vttention, forward march!" command- er' Si "Three cheers for Gen. Sherman." When thev rode blithely through the o-cn pine woods to the northeast they found the country full of troops closing up t ' fird the Millen & Augusta Railroad. 1 "Th^ •■ looks like a battle, sure," re- ■3 ij"'"'ked Si. , , , , a Thoy ha J to pass directly through the Twentieth Corps, formed of the , old Eleventh and Twelfth Corps of the Army of the Potomac. •. There were recognitions and salutations on al! sides, and everybody said: ; .,,; "We're up against old Bragg again. But we've licked him every time, and we'll do it again at Augusta, and that'll end the war." , . "Kilpatrick's out there with his cavalry fixing up things for a big battle. Directly the infantry '11 have to go in and settle Bragg's hash." -,, Herds of cattle and trains of wagons were being closed up to the main body, as if in anticipation of a battle. AVhenever the boys crossed a hill-top they would catch the faint, sullen boom of Kilpatrick's guns off toward Waynes- boro, where he and Jo Wheeler were set- tling the usual preliminaries to a great conflict. "From the sound it sometimes seems to me that we're driving them, and then again it appears like we're being driven," remarked Si, irritably. "That's the way with the tormented cavalry. A plaguey regiment of them'll fight all over a whole condemned, measly County, and j'ou never can tell whether they're, licking or being licked, until they run back behind the in- fantry, with their tails betwix their legs." "Never mind, Si," said Shorty, more cheerful. "The cavalry's just putting in the time, as usual, until Sherman gets good and ready. By tomorrow he'll have the army all up, and then you'll see the fur fly. We'll be in plenty of time. We're getting near the Corps. See the acorns on them wagons there?" The sight of the familiar old corps badge gave new impetus to their progress, and tlianks to it they had little trouble in making their way through the throng of teams and cattle and other impedimenta of the rear of an army, and soon came in sight of their division flag. Then it was only a short distance to the camp of the 200th Ind. where they were received with enthusiasm. Soon there pushed through the crowd of handshaking, cheering boys surround- ing them Aunt Minerva Ann. vibrating between the maintenance of her stately dignity as "de chief cook-lady ob de reji- inint" and her palpitating eagerness to see little Pete. The attention and praise which Aunt Minerva Ann had gotten from the officers — especially the Adjutant, and more es- pecially the Colonel — seemed to her far more than any other colored woman had received in the world, and lior •■'atu-al vanity grew like a mushroom. She was ceitain that Col. McGillicuddy was the greatest man in the world, and much of his greatness reflected directly upon the sable matron who was the presiding genius of his household. She remembered all the airs put on by those colored aristo- .ON- THE MARCH TQ THE SJRA. 205 crats, the housftkeepors on the plantations, and assumed (>vei;y one horself, with addi- tloufs of her own invehtion. She was always remenibeivd by the oflicera. when the fac- tories and depots were being destroyed, and any piece of linery discovered was -i>ure to- be given h«'r. She was conse- ffuently the best dressed of any of the "culled ladies" in the Corps, and her tur- ban of yellow silk, a remnant of cloth con- fiscated- at Milledm'ville, was a jiforgeous creation that excited general adniii-ation and jeal-Ous envy. It was the joy of her life, for it far outshone those which the favored -house-Servants used to wear as a 1)adge of their superiority to the field hands. She stalked down from regimental head- quarters, with her turban showing like an exaggerated sunflower, the boys made way for her, as they always did, and she addressed the youngster with the voice of awful authority: "Pete, yo' young wagabond, why don' yo' come sti-aight' I' headquarters, an' report t' yer Auntie, who's bin powerfully worried 'bout you'? Don't yo' know yer duty better'n datV What yo' loalin' down hyah wid dese high privates, when yo' ortcr come straight t' headquarters V Don't let dis happen agin." Then headquarters manner had to suc- cumb to maternal affection, and she caught Pete's head to her ample bosom, murmuring ecstatically: "O, yo' dariin' leetle honey lamb. Why fo' yo' done stay away so long f'om yer ole Auntie, when yo' mus've kuowed she wuz jes' a-dyin' fo' t' see yo'V Yo' jes' come straight away up t' headquarters, whar I gib yo' de bes' meal yo' ebber had in all yo' bo'n days. Ebbery time I cook pumfin' nice, I done lay away a leetle bite fo' yo'. Yo' done got t' eat hit all up. Come right along. Y'o' done c:ot back, too, has yo', Eph? 'Xpected dat. Can't lose yo'. Come 'long, too. Pve got enough fo' bofe ob yo'." "Sergeant," said Col. McG-illicuddy. coming up with the Adjutant, "I am very glad to see you back. I know you hava been doing good work. I have heard of it from several sources. But we need you here now. The rebels promise to give us the time of our lives before we get Augusta, and have our old friend Bragg up there in command." "Thank you. Colonel. We heard some- thing of that, and hurried back as soou's possible," answered Si. "We didn't want you to go into a fight without us. Whaf s 'old Bragg going to give us this time. Colonel? Stone River, Tullyhomy, or Chickamauga?" "Can't say just what sort of an en- tei-taiument Mr. Bragg has in store for us. AU that we can do is to be ready for any- thing that he may choose to set up." - "We'll Ite that -all right," said Shorty confidently. *'Welli from the looks of tMngs, serious business will begin about tomorrow. Turn! your horses over temporarily to th& Quar- termaster. Toil him it's only temporary, for you may n*!ed them again. Until this thing's over you'll slay with ymiE- com- pany. Get enough to eat and all tlie sleep and rest you can tonight, so's to" be ia tine shape for tomorrow." "Thank you, Colonel. We'll be with you to the end tomorrow." As they had now been fully three months without any real fighting, the imminence of the great battle solu'rcd every one. Tlie comiianies were carefully inspected, the cartndge-boxes were filled, the guns were all seem l.o be in good order, all unnecessary things were piled into the wagons, the haversacks and canteens were filled, and then the companies were dismissed and the men set th<'mselveb to writing letters hom<.', or sut aiouiid and talked of the I)r()babilities, while the otlicers gathered ia groups and discussed the operations. By ihe light of a blazing jfile of pine- knots Si wrote a short letter to bis Wife: "Dere Annabel: Though weve bLri,,wakliI up the snakes in CJeorgy . since we Ifeft Atlanty, we are all well, nobody evea wounded. Col. IMcCillicuddy sa.v-s that uie and the boys have done- mighty well, and when he's satisfied Fm proud. "We are now about to have a great bat- tle for the big city of Augusty, and we expect the rebels will make a he old fight before they give it up. P.ut we are liound to lick them. I c-xpect to come through all right as I always have, but if I doau't, I daon't — that's all. He love you all the salm. "Love to all. "^Yours till death, "SI." ; Shorty, seeking the seclusion which tha severity of the intellectual labor and his own incurable shamefacedness about any- thing connected with Maria demanded, had built a little fire behind a screen o£ bushes, and lying fiat on his blanket be- fore it with his paper on a board in front of him, strained fingers, eyes and brain over this missive to his soul's idol: Deer Miss Maria:- I fele as hungry as a bear at the end of a long Winter to hear from you, but there ain't no hopes till wo get out of this wilderness of (ieorgy, which there's no telling when it will be. AVe can only trust in God &; Billy Sher- man, who probably know where he's a- coming out, which is more than anybody else duz. We are up against old Little-More- Grape Bragg again, & this time Augusty, Georgy, is the stake. Its our move, & we'll land in the king-row, as usual. But we expect a regular snollygoster of a fight, for if the rebels lose Augusty they'll lose all their factories for making powder aud cannon, & might as well hang up tlie 20t5^ SI KLEGG AND SHORTY*, fiddle. Of course, there'll be a pile of nibbing out done in the course of the ruction, but I expect to draw my rasshuns as yousuale the day after, but if they should happen to spel my name Dennis I rite this to let U no that I think moar of U than all the world beside, & hate worst of all the thot of going off some- where whare U ain't, & won't never kun% TJ maik all the briteness of this world fG<5 me. LuT to all. Yores alwais, WM. B. ELLIOTT. Corporal. Co. Q, 200th Injianny Vol- unteer Infantry. These letters were handed to the Chap- lain to mail when opportunity should come. Pete Skidmore would not eat any of Aunt Minerva Ann's good things unless Sandy Baker were brought along to share, and while the boys were eating and en- joying, as only boys can. Aunt Minerva Ann delivered the lecture to Pete that she had been carefully preparing during his long absence: "Now dis's de las' time I's gwine t' let yo' go rampagin' 'round de country wid big men, gittin' into all sorts ob danger, jes' 'kase dey does. Yo's too leetle t' run wid big, rough men. Yo's jes' lack one ob deni leetle fices, dat wants t" run an' bark wid de mastiffs an' bloodhounds. Fus' t'ing yo' know one ob de big dogs snap yo' up, an' yo' won't be a good mouthfull fo' him. Y^o' hear dat? Yo's got no mudder wid yo' t' look out fo' yo,' an' I's done got t' be yer mudder. Yo's gwine t' stay right hyah at home, wid de rijimint, whar yo' won't be in no danger, arter dis. Me an' de Cunnell's fixed dat. Yo's t' be de Cunnell's orderly, an' yo' kin had yo' yer white mewel t' ride all de same. Dat's what I'se done fo' yo', kase yo's my own boy, an' I's yer mammy." "But what's Sandy going to do?" pro- tested Pete. "I ain't going to leave Sandy." "But yo' mus'," said Aunt Minerva 'Ann, with determination. She had the common womanly belief that Pete's com- panion was the one who led him into all sorts of troubles, and wan resolved to break up the companionship. "Sandy he go back t' de company an' stay dar, 'mong de common folks. Yo' stay hyah at head- quarters wid de quality. Dat's de Cun- nell's orders." "Yes, Skidmore," said the Adjutant, coming up in time to hear the last. "Y'ou've been detailed as the Colonel's Orderly. Go down and get your mule and bring him up. Aunt ^Minerva Ann will fix a place for you to sleep." "But I won't leave Sandy," protested Pete. "Sandy 's my partner." *'Wellj I guess I can fix that," an- swered the Adjutant good-humoredly. "I need an Orderly, too. I'll detail Baker for mine. Go down and get your horse, Baker, and report to me." "Dar's all my pains fo' noffln," grum- bled Aunt Minerva Ann. "I wanted t' git rid ob dat Baker boy, who's bin leau'.ui' leetle Pete into all sorts ob debbilmeat. But I'll had him hyah, whar I kin keep my eye on him. Eph, I wants yo' t' go into battle termorrow" — "I's a-gwine t', 'Nerv," answered Uncle Ephraim, Nvith his mouthfull. "An' I wants yo' t' stan' right up t' de rack, fodder or no fodder, jes' lack a white man, an' not go t' giggin' back lack yo' allers does, when I ain't wid yo'. Y'o' hear dat.' I wants yo' t' kill a rebel, sho', or nebber come back to me." "i^ook hyah, 'Nerve," said Uncle Eph- raim, angrily. "Y'o' jes' stop a-bossin* me. Yo' haint my boss no mo' since wc's free. I's yo' boss. Sarjint Klegg's my boss now. I don't mind no one else. Yo' go ax him if ebber I gig back. Yo' jes' shet yer mouf." Stunned for an instant at this mutiny. Aunt Minerva Ann soon rallied enough, to look around for a stick to enforce her authority, but Uncle Ephraim thought it was time to go out aud take a look at the way the Colonel's horses had been cared for during his absence, and then find his way back to Co. Q. The bugles roused them all before day- light, for the coming fray, and soon the whole country roundabout was resounding with the notes of busy preparation. Camp- fires blazed up everywhere, as far as the eyes could reach, to get the men's break- fasts. Orderly-Sergeants were calling the rolls in sharp, nervous rhythm; officers were shouting pre-cmptory orders for quick action in getting things ready to move, while back among the trains there was a turmoil with teamsters shouting and cursing, and mules braying, in the usual morning storm of hitching up and pulling out into line in readiness tor any contingency. With daylight came sounds from the front indicating that the whole line of cav- alry, miles long, had begun the action. Kolling volleys and storms of cheerr- in- dicated that one regiment after another of the horsemen going into action, and these were answered by other volleys and rebel yells, ■j.hen tlie cannon began mak- ing the Winter air shudder with their thunders. The regiments of the Fourteenth Corps formed up promptly and then consolidated into brigades, which in turn united into divisions, and mpved forward to ih^- po- sitions assigned to them. It was a thrilling and imposing sight to see the horde of men scattered around their campfires, extending over many square miles, quickly, and without mis- lakes and fonlusiou, come together in a THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 207 'AUNT MINERVA HAD FOLLOWED THE REGIMENT DOWN THE HILL AND WAS SITTING ON HER MULE BEHIND THEM." long, well-ordered line of battle, reaching through the open fields and woods, over the hilltops and across the ravines, as far as the eye could reach. Batteries galloped up to the commanding positions, unlimbered at a run, and the gunners spi-ang to their pieces ready to launch out a volcano of destruction. Trees were hastily chopped down in front to give them better range. The uproar of the cavalry battle mo- mentarily grew louder and steadily drift- ed back toward the infantry line. Presently came an order for the brig- ade to which the 200th Ind. belonged to advance through the woods and support the cavalry. "The old story," remarked Si. ''Now trouble begins in earnest. Keep cool, boys. Wait for orders, and fire low." "Uncle Ephraim," remonstrated Harry Joslj'n, "you must try to keep stop better, 208 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. or youll have .to go to the left of the line. . You're tramping my heels clear off me." The brigade moved forward to the brow of a hill which commanded a good view of the exciting scene' of the cavalry bat- tle. For miles to the right and left the country was tilled with men and horses in all the wild excitement and manifold diversity of incidents of a great cavalry combat. Some regiments were dismounted r.nd tiring from behind the cover of fences, some were charging on foot, some were mounted and charging and counter-charg- ing by regiments, while many others were lighting in squads or as single individuals. Batteries of flying artillery, Union and rebel, were galloping hither and yon, has- tily unlimbering from time to time to get in their shots where they thought they were most needed, either on one another, or to assist their side at a critical mo- ment. It was a bewildering storm of noise and intense action. "Good Lawd A'mighty. Angel Gabriel, is de Judgment Day gwine t' be lack dat?" they heard Aunt Minerva Ann ejaculate, and looking around, saw her seated on a mule in the rear. "For heaven's sake. Aunty, what are you doing hei-e?" exclaimed Si. "Go away. This is no place for you. "Fs come t' look fo' Leetle Pete, an' I's gwine t' stay hyah as long as he does," she replied determinedly. "Pete, yo' keep away from down dar. D'yo' min'? Yo' stay right by de Gunnel, whar you'll be safe." The idea of nearness to the Colonel be- ing a place of safety brought a guffaw from the whole regiment. As the brigade took its position a regi- ment of cavalry directly in front made a gallant charge upon the rebel line, and drove a portion back over the meadow in- to the woods, and. the brigade cheered it lustily. In a minute the regiment was seen coming back with a whole rebel brig- ade after it. yelling and shooting. "Col. McGillicuddy," commanded the Brigadier-General, "advance with your regiment and help that cavalry out." "Attention, 200th Ind.!" commanded Col. McGillicuddy. "Forward, double- quick! March!" The regiment rushed down the hill to a high fence at the foot. The Union cavalry bugles sounded, and the regiment whirled to the right, and passed by the 200th Ind.'s left, uncovering its front. "Lire!" commanded Col. McGillicuddy,' and the rebel rush stopped, whirled around and rode back toward the cover of the woods, leaving the meadow dotted with dead and wounded. Scores of riderless' horses galloped with it. "I'm slio', Eph., you' didn't hit a man dat time," said Aunt Minerva Ann's voice. "I watched de man yo' aimed at, an' he rid right off. Dar he is now, waving his sword, and yelling at his men t' git togedder." As the boys reloaded they looked around to see that Aunt Minerva had fol- lowed the regiment down the hill, and was sitting on her mule directly behind them. "Yo' t'ink I can't shoot! Yo' t'ink I can't hit a man, 'Nerve," said Uncle Eph- raim, angrily. "Yo' jes' wach me now bring dat feller down." He sprang over the fence, ran forward to the little creek, waded it, and lay down behind a log on the opposite bank. In an instant his gun cracked, and the rebel offi- cer was seen to go down. "Hello! What yo' t'ink ob dat,- 'Nerve?" shouted Uncle Ephraim, throwing up his bauds and his- gun in exultation. "I believe- yo' only done hit his boss," said Aunt Minerva Ann, with determined disparagement. "See dar, dey's helpin' him up. I tole yo' so." Before they could determine this the view was cut off by a battery of artillery galloping out in front of the rebels, and unlimbering on a slight rise. "Grab a root! Grab a root!" yelled ev- erybody, "i^ay low! It's coming!" "Jump down off that mule. Aunt Min- erva," ordered Si, as he crouched behind the fence. She slid to the ground, and just in time, for the volley from the battery sent the rails flying in every direction. That was that battery's last effort, for before its guns could be reloaded it rece;ived such, a crushing volley from a couple of Union batteries that its survivors began lamely pulling their guns back by hand. Everybody's blood was now up, and the rest of the brigade advanced, followed by the rest of the division, and the rebel cavnlry abandoned the field. The Union line advanced to the top of the hill, and there saw across the val- ley the rebel army busily engaged in cut- ting down trees, making abatis, and pre- paring for a desperate resistance to the assault. The artillery began a noisy cannonade and the cavalry, clearing the infantry's front, resumed its stormy combat far up the valley to the left. The 200th Ind. was pushed" forward to reconnoiter the rebel position, and as night came on halted on a spur of hill-top run- ning toward the rebel works, and built big camp-fires, which brought iheni. occasional long-range shells from the rebel lines. . "I wonder what ,that order to build big fires means; Shorty'?" inquired Si. "We never did that . before, before a big fight. See, they're building them everywhere. It. must be to show the, rest of the army where we are. Well, let's get, something to eat and lay dovrn. We're likely to have a big day tomorrow." ON -THE MARCH TO THE SEA. They were waked early the next morn- ing, to go through the tiresome ordeal of standing to arms until after daybreak. The\' saw the long line of camp-fires still glinunering, but they neard none of the noises of preparation for the coming battle, which they had expected. As the day dawned they could see no troops to the light or left of their brigade. There was only a little crackling of cavalry tgliting off in the distant. "Whafs up uowV" asked Si, wondering- ly. "It means." said the Adjutant, yawn- ing, "that the much-talked-of battle for Augusta is off. Postponed indefinitely, on account of pressing engagements else- where. Sherman don"t want Augusta, and never did. The whole thing was a grand bluff to make old Bragg hive all his troops up here at Augusta, and. leave Sherman free for other jobs. The whole army 'is now marching toward the sea, and we are to bring up in the rear. Sher- man's played it very fine on Bragg, and manuvered him clear out of his way. Only I wish some other corps than the Four- teenth had been used to make the bluff and bring up in the rear. I was mad as a hornet last night about midnight, when 1 was told how we were all fooled, as Avell as old Bragg; but that's war, and we've got to take our share of it, as well as other people." "Hooray for Billy Sherman," said Si. "I had hoped that we'd end the war today; but it's all right, if Sherman's outwitted Bragg so bauly." . "Just think of the strain upon my feel- ings," remarked Shorty, angrily. _ "I d© hate to make up my mind for a big fight, and then be disappointed. I'd give any- thing," he ac^^ed to himself, "if I could only get that letter bacK, from the Chap- lain that I -wi-ote to Maria. How she'll have the laugh on me when she gets it." , "Let your men get. breakfast. Captain," said Col. McGillicuddy. "1 don't think the rebels have found out yet that the army- is gone, and they'll stick close to their works. We are to bring up the. rear to- day." CHAPTEE XXXVI. Fir.ST DAYS OF THE .GREAT FLANK MARCH ON SAVANTs^\H— KEEPING UP THE ILLUSION OF THE ATTACK ON AVGUSTA— THE BOYS GET FOOLED IN TURN. Though' it was -a little to its liking that the Whip-I'oor-Will Brigade became the rear guard of the whole army in it.s new and momentous movement, and that the 20Uth Ind. became the tail-end of the brig- ade, yet it was compensated for by the fun of the huge joke perpetrated upon their old ■ eneuiy— Gen. Bragg — and the army which had been hastily assembled to deleiid Augusta. At the first streaks of light the rebels had resumed their vigorous and noisy chopping along their whole line to cover their front v.ith infernally-entangling abatis. As the light grew the boys looked with a glee they had never felt before in con- templating such woiks. the long embank- ments of freshly-turned earth, which mo- mentarily grew stronger from the inces- sant stream of shovelfuls of earth coming up from the ditches; the obstructions ev- erywhere, the artillerymen working like beavers to get their guns placed, the fever- ish effort in every direction to get ready for the impending attack. "Go it, you condemned whangdoodles," chuckled Si, as he munched his bread aad meat and sipped his coffee. "Work the daylights out o' your tormented hides, you seeds o' perdition. It's the first time I ever enjoyed seeing you build them things, and I like to see you racking your plaguey bones, and wearing out your rotten car- kisses in building traps that we've no mind to go into." , ■ "Never did see such cussed fools as rebels, anj'how." Shorty remarked sar- donically. "The oftener Uncle Billy flanks 'em the easier it seems to be, and the more certain they are that he aint a-going to do it again. Most everybody else in this neck of woods has long since found out that the thing that Billy Sherman makes the most show of going to do is the thing that he has no idee of doing. But a punkiu' headed rebel never drops on to that."' ' ■ ■ ■ "They haint no more sense than Pete Bohannon's old sow," said Si. "You know Pete Bohannon's farm joins pap's on the north, and he's got a field of splendid bot- tom corn land. Pete had an old sow that was too cunning to live, and she'd rather steal tha:n have her feed given her. Ske kept getting into his com field ia a 210 SI KLEGG AND SHORTY. way that puzzled him, until one day he tracked her u|i, and found that there was a big; crooked, hollow log, that he'd ysed for part of his fence, that she went through. He got at it and turned the log over so that both ends was outside the field, and then he got off a little way aud watched her. Up she come, and crawled through the log, and Pete nearly bust with laughing when he saw the look she gave at finding herself on the same side of the fence that she was when she went in. But she was a determined old beast, and she knowed that she had got into the corn- field by crawling through that log, and she turned around and went in again, and kept it up until she wore herself down to skin and bone. She'd rather starve try- ing to steal corn than go with the rest of the hogs to the trough and get it in a re- spectable way. That's the same way with these rebels." "Good morning. Col. McGillicuddy," said the Brigadier-General, coming up, with a look of amusement on his face. "Our friends over there on the hill are wonder- fully industrious this morning, aren't they? I always like to encourage industry, es- pecially when people are so harmlessly employed. They might be doing so much worse. We've an hour or two to spare, while the trains are getting well out of the way, and I propose to put in the time entertaining these * industrious gen- tlemen. The battery has some shells that they're doubtful about, and I'm going to let them try them on those works. I've sent the 1st Osh- kosh about a mile over there to the right, to make a noisy reconnoissance, and I want you to do the same with your regi- ment out there in front. Make all the noise and bluster that you can, but don't get anybody hurt." "That salient out there," answered the Colonel, pointing to a projection in the rebel lines toward the left, "is where I had supposed the main assault would be de- livered. The rebels seem to think so, too, from the way they're working to cover it with abatis. I think I'll go through some of the motions I'd thought out in case I had the honor to lead the assault." "Very good," said the General. "I'll tell the battery to pitch a few shells over there as a guaranty of good faith. Don't push your men too far; keep them well under cover. We don't want to lose any of them in this fooling." "Serg't Klegg," said the Colonel, "do you see where that tongue of brush runs down the hill, away over there to the left?" "Yes, sir," "Well, take your squad over there, and get as near those abatis-builders as you safely can, and raise all the particular thunder that your tempestuous disposition incliaes to, so long as you don't get any of your men hurt. I'll amuse t'B.eni from . this flank." The 200th Ind. had run up against so many abatis, and particularly that in front of Kenesaw, that there was vengefulness in Si's heart against the .builders of the infernal contrivance. He got all his boys well under cover behind logs, trees and piled-up chunks, at the edge of the brush, within good, though long range: of the choppers and pilers, and then tlipy, all be- gan murderous sharpshooting on the abatis builders. The rebels stopped dropping and ran back to the cover of the, works. A man near the lower edge of the abatis, who had been struck down by Shorty's bullet, arose and tried to hobble after them, and then fell again. Si ordered the rest to stop firing, and going to the front shouted: "Say, you fellers! Come out and get that man. We won't shoot. But get him in quick. We're going to salivate you condemned galoots, for the Lord's sake." A couple of rebels sprang over the works, and hastily carried the man back and as soon as they gained cover the whole squad fired again, and were an- swered by a crashing volley from the 200th Ind. on the other flank. The rebels manned the works and -began replying. A rebel cannon sent a shell over into the woods where Si was, and then the Union battery crashed a volley into the salient. "AVhy, there's nothin' the matter with those shells," said Si, watching the dirt and logs fly. "AVhat was the General talking about? Nothing doubtful about them." The other regiments were now at work with tearing volleys, and the rebels were swarming into their works, to repulse the threatened assault. An idea occurred to Si. From the foot of the hill, from their coverts. Si and his squad kept up a steady fire, aiming delib-. erately, and producing visible commotions in the gathering mass which led them to believe that their shots were taking effect. But presently Si noticed something ■which alarmed him. An officer, with his glasses lying on the bank, and only show- ing the top of his head, was clearly study- ing their position, and the movements in- side the works seemed to indicate the possibility that he had discovered the weakness of the detachment, and was med- itating a sally, Avhich would expose the bluff the brigade was making. This would mean no end of trouble. A plan at once presented itself to Si, and he proceeded to put it into execution. Calling Shorty's at- tention to the field-glasses, he asked him to put in his closest shooting at them, to get rid of their owner, or at least shake his nerves and confuse his vision. Si then crawled down through the brush and Aveeds to the little creek at the bottom of the hill. On the other side of the creek a fence of dry pine rails, pieced out with ON THE MARCH TO THE SEA. 211 plumps and bruKh, ran up to the abatis. The wind was blowing quite a strong breeze in that direction, and Si conceived that a lire might run up that way, and burn the abatis, and cover the scene with smolve. He crossed the creek, and gained the corner of the' fence, which was tilled with dry brush and weeds. He furtively gathered some more together, from as far as he could rdaCh, struck a match and at once the whole was in a blaze, when he ran back to Ms place. The strong wind sent the fire a'Ipng the fence and weeds, . and it caughttitt the "trash" of the abatis. '•Hold on, boys! Cease firing," shouted Si. "Now all load up," he continued, "take a good aim at the top of the works, and then we'll yell at the top of our voices. They'll think the charge is coming, and jump up to meet it. Then pour it in to them. Every man bring down his meat." "All ready'?" he inquired. "Hooray for Injiannyl Hooray for the 200th Injianny .Volunteers! Hooray for Abe Lincoln!" The rebels swarmed on the works. Ev- ery shot from Si and his companions brought down a man. The rebel front blazed with a volley, but at the same in- stant the flames rushed through the fallen timber of the abatis, and raised a vail of fire and smoke all around the rebel front. The rebels seemed to think that the Yan- kee charge was coming straight on through this. They could see nothing beyond the fire, but Si could hear the shouts of the rebel otliccrs as they rushed their men to the threatened point, and lined them up on the works. Thi' sweeping volleys were directed dov.n the face of the hill, to meet an enemy supposed to be advancing up it, and only the stray shots of excited men came over as far as where the boys were, but Si said: "I guess we'd better get back into the ravine, where we'll be entirely out of range. I hear them bringing up a battery, and it'll Le sifting canister through that abatis to beat the band. Get back into the gulch, boys." They gathered there, and listened amusedly to the roar of the cannon and the fearful hurtling of the canister through the limbs of the abatis. They would break out into cheers at times to convey the idea of reinforcements coming in. Oc- casionally they would catch glimpses through the smoke and flames of the can- noneers working like demons. Where they were they were as safe as if at home, ex- cept that an occasional wild shot, strik- ing on a tree, would bound back. "I'm much obliged to those gentlemen for all these fireworks, I'm sure," re- marked Si. "I've often wanted to look at a battle when I'd have nothing on m.y mind to disturb me, and now I'm satisfied, I'd like to stay longer, and see this to the end, but I guess v\-e've had the best of the show, now, and have kicked up iniQiis.;i Kjlllabaloo to satisfy the Colonel. Let's get back to the regiment. Forward, march!" On the way tliey met Aunt Minerva Ann on her mule, tearing through the woods in search of them. The low-hang- ing limbs had torn off her gaudy turban, and the brush had whipped into tatters the gay calico skirt of which she was so proud — the first calico she had ever worn. The spuds of wool on her head had lost their trim plaiting, the strings binding them were loose, and they were frazzled like wisps of black tow. Tears stood in her big eyes and coursed down her cheeks. At the sight of Pete marching along, safe and unharmed, she burst out with a min- gled croon of joy, thanksgiving, wrath, and reproach: "O, yo' worrisome leetle brat, I'se jes' gwine t' skin yo' alibe, so I is. Au's yo's not hurt eben a leetle mite, when I t'ink, ebbery time dat one of dem big cannons go off dat time, sho's preachin' yo's blowed allt' pieces. I jes' died my own self, whenebber one ob dem awful can- nons bow-wowed, lack de crack ob doom. I nebber 'spected ,t' see yo' alibe agin, yo' darlin' leetle honey-boy, an' now yo" come straight up t' de Gunnel, an' I'll see he'll hab ebbery bit ob hide took offen yo' for runnin' away, so he will. If he don't I'll done kill yo' my own-self." "Well, Sergeant," said Col. McGilli- cuddy, when they reached the regiment, "you certainly have stirred up a bobbery over there, that'll give our vis-a-vis some- thing to think on for some hours. They are clearly expecting the main attack from that side, and as we have no objection to their thinking that way, the liattery's moved over to throw a few shells in to the force they've massed there. That youns* Lieutenant who is in command of the battery takes a deep professional pride in the number of rebels that he can knock out, and he thinks it a finer chance than he's had since he came into command. After he works off all the shots that the General's allowed — and I think the Gen- eral entirely too stingy in his limit — he vrill fall back by that road running down there, and we'll bring up the rear. You'd better go over there to the Quartermaster and get your horses, and act as rear-guard to the regiment." The march to rejoin the Corps was very deliberate, as a number of trains, coming in from various directions, had to be covered by the brigade, and the 2(J0th Ind. must keep a proper dis- tance in the rear to make sure of this. After the excitement of the morning this was very stupid work, and presently became irritating. There was just enough movement to keep the boy.-" from gettii,ig any re-ji, wnich they needed after, tuo early morning routing out ss.nd the subse- quent excitement, and not euotigh progress i to secure them the stimulus of a march. 212 BI KLEGG 'AND SHORTY. Si was onloi-fd to habitually Icecp on the next range of hills behind the regiment, BO as to give timely notice of any pursuit, or the approach of the rebel cavalry. But the long hours passed without a sign of a rebel of any kind, to break the nionotonv of watching for the regiment to move forward off the next hill, and start- ing to follow it, finding that it had re- considered, and come back to its hill, till the trains could be gotten across a ford, or some other obstruction overcome. It was the first time that they had had to bring up the rear for so long a time that they had forgotten nil about the annoyances of that position on the march, and it was such a contrast to the exciting rushes they had lately beon making as to be very exasperating. Everybotly grew sleepy, tired, and savagely irritable. Harry and Monty had their usual mill over noth- ing in particular; Alf and Gid came to blows as to whether the army was start- ed for Savannah or Charleston; Radbone and Grimshaw quarreled over the merits of wood-burning and coal-burning loco- motives, and Si spoke crossly to Shorty about moving off before he was certain the regiment was going. Uncle Ephraim had returned to the headquarters, to look after the Colonel's horses, and he and Aunt Minerva Ann had a bitter wordy strife over whether he, as hostler had any right to "boss de chief cook-lady ob de rijimint." There was some friction at headquarters between Pete and Sandy over Abednegd having kicked Sandy's horse. "It'd put us all in better humor. Shorty," suggested Si, "if we had some- thing good to eat. You might ride over to some of those houses there, and see if you can't pick up something." "'Bout as much sense as your suggesta- tions usually have," snorted Shorty. "What do you suppose is left after Kil- patrick's Cavalry and the Fourteenth Corp's both been .over the ground? And the 1st Oshkosh's right ahead of us, too. Why, a crow couldn't smell out enough ia a Township to make an Irish stew." To add to their discomfort, a search- ing, drenching rain set in, which soon made them all wet as drowned rats. This did not facilitate progress at all, but rather made it more aggravatingly slow. The mules, as was their wont, be- came discouraged, and the drivers more profane, blundering, and helpless. The roads at once became muddy ditches, the creeks rushing torrents, and the crossings blind and confusing. "There's always shades and differences in mi.sery," remarked Si, philosophically, as from the top of the hill he watched the whole brigade struggling to get the trains across an overflowed swamp. At that distance the men. plodding aroimd in the mud, looked like a great flock of disconsolate turkeys and chickens, in a dreai-y, steaming barnyaxd, on a sad» rainy day. Faint echoes of yells and curses came back through the drizzled mist. "I guess I'd rather' be here "fll'Sii'mucI park- ing down there with the boys and mxiles. But we'll, stand it till we get into camp, boys. It can't last <^uch longer. , To- morrow it'll be the -'1st Oshkosh's turn to bring up th« rear." "Hello, there's some rebel cavalry, at last," exclaimed Shorty, pointing tq the hill in the rear. "Now we'll have some- thing to keep off the blues. Come on, gents; we're out here tojvs-elcome you with bloody hands to hosi'^vfj^lble graves." - There seemed to be '20 or 30 o^ the rebels, -btit they showed no desire for a closer asquaintance. They remained on the hill out of range of musketry, and seemed to be simply watching the progress of the column. "Torment the plaguey guerrillas," grumbled Si; "they'll just hang around now. and watch for a chance to rush us, or cut out a wagon. They'll be there and everywhere, and we can't get rid of 'em, because they won't stand for a fight, and they'll scatter all over the country if wo attempt to charge 'em. But tomorrow the 1st Oshkosh '11 have to look out for 'em." • Pete came back with a doleful account of the trouble the brigade was having in getting the trains across the swamp, and the probability that they would not make camp by midnight, at which they all ex- pressed savage discontent, in their various methods, ranging from Shorty's fluent pro- fanity to Si's more decent, but none-the- less bitter "Condemn the luck," and "Tor- ment it." Si sent Pete back to the Colonel with the report of the appearance of the rebel cavalry, and tried to relieve his feelings by starting on a charge across the valley at the rebels. But at the first sign of a movement against them these broke and disappeared, leaving Si angrier than ever. The trains were finally worried across the swamp, and Si followed at a distance, only to find when he reached the hill be- yond that the rebels were coming down from the hill behind, and making their way through the swamp by paths which they alone knew. Darkness now closed down, making it all the more necessary for Si to be watch- ful. So the wearisome hours dragged on till past midnight, with Si and his men standing in the rain, beside their shiv- ering, hungry horses, and waiting till they nearly dropped from fatigue for Pete to bring the news that the trains had at length been gotten over another swamp, and they could move back to the next hill. At last, when it seemed that flesh and blood could stand it no longer. Pete report- ed that the trains had at last been closed up near the column, and they would go into camp, but Si must remain where he was in observation of the rebel cavalry. "Torment , it," said Si, "that means standing guard the rest of the night, with ox THE MAECH TO THE SEA.. 21' HE STRUCK A MATCH AND AT ONCE THE WHOLE WAS IN A BLAZE. no fires. But it can't last always," he added, cheerfully, for the benefit o*f the rest. "It'll be only a few hours now till daybreak, and then we'll go to the head of the column, and the Wisconsin Badgers '11 have this fun all to themselves. Plague take them, they deserve just such a job as this." There was nothing for the hungry horses to eat, not even soft green branches, for they were in one of those lonely pitch- pine forests, which are destitute of all small growth. Nor was there anything for the boys. They had got so used to living on the country that they had forgotten their old care about full haversacks. Si divided his squad into two watches, one under arvv- self and the other under Shorty, a'-^^ while the relief that was off gained a i->» tie sleep lying at the roots of the tall pine.!; ihc: other' kept a sharp lookout for t«-i luriving rerjpi cavairy. At length the welcome daylight ap- peared, but the chill, drenching rain showed no signs of abatement. They all- stoo4 to horse to wait the onset of reb/1 214 BI KLEGG AND SHORTY. cavalry, whioh would be made then if ever. None came, however, but as tlu; light grew f